Happy little farmer

Chapter 453 Those Secrets

Chapter 453 Those Secrets
Xiao Yuan couldn't get through the phone either.

So Lin Luo breathed out directly.

One's own breath is enough to attract the strong in the base to come out.

Finally, someone came out of the base.

There are three in total, all seven-level grandmasters.

One of them was an acquaintance of Lin Luo, who once fought alongside him against Shan Qingqing.

"Lin Luo?"

Seeing Lin Luo, Shan Qingqing was also a little surprised.

After finally being promoted to the seventh-level grandmaster, I thought I could finally overwhelm Lin Luo, but I didn't expect Lin Luo to become more and more unfathomable.

Even let yourself have a feeling of powerlessness.

"Captain Shan! It's just right that you are here. I want to ask you something."

Shan Qingqing's expression changed, and she also guessed what Lin Luo was going to ask, and immediately dismissed the other two masters.

"Lin Luo, do you want to ask the general team leader about it?"

Lin Luo nodded.

Shan Qingqing pulled Lin Luo far away until there was no one around, then whispered: "If you come to him recently, let me tell you, don't act rashly, wait for him to come out."

"Teacher, what happened to him?"

Lin Luo's heart skipped a beat. It seemed that the fact that he was going to find the teacher was already in the teacher's expectation.

Hearing this sentence, Lin Luo has completely confirmed the conjecture in his mind.

A bolt from the blue exploded in Lin Luo's heart.

"Lin Luo, you must calm down." Seeing Lin Luo's expression was wrong, Shan Qingqing reminded her again.

"Okay! Thank you for the information, I will calm down."

Lin Luo nodded and left without looking back.

Since Xiao Yuan told him to wait, he could only wait now.

But you can't wait, you still need to do something.

And the chief culprit who framed Lu Yirou, I have to find out with my own hands.

What Lu Yirou promised, he will definitely do it.

Lin Luo immediately found a relatively large store and bought a product from the Emperor Group.

Based on my own understanding of the first generation of Shennong products, I can definitely see something.

The powerful mental power instantly enveloped the two products.

He found little difference between the two dishes.

The most important thing is not the taste or the texture, but the charm that the Diwang Group has imitated the original product of Shennong.

"how is this possible?"

This discovery had a great impact on Lin Luo.

The unique charm of Shennong's first-generation products cannot be copied.

The Emperor Group could not even completely imitate the second-generation products before, and the first-generation products had no clue, and even withdrew from the market competition.

But it's only been a year, and they have imitated the first-generation product?

There may be a shocking mystery among them.

However, I found that it is impossible to go to the theory of the emperor group.

If it was just that, everyone would be equally divided, and Lorraine would not lose so badly.

He uncovered the whole process of the case.

In addition to food poisoning cases, there are also cases where various branches have been closed down.

Soon, he found a common ground.

"Why exactly?"

Everything has to be checked slowly.

He took a look at the list of people who died of food poisoning.

It was found that these guys are some poor local residents, the kind who can't stop.

If you want to find some clues, you have to start with these people.

It was naturally easy for Lin Luo to find out the family information of these people.

After those people died, their families received a generous pension.

How rich is it? It’s the kind of richness that’s not normal.

Lin Luo wanted to make these ordinary people tell the truth, it couldn't be easier, just mental hypnosis is enough to do it.

He quickly collected the information he wanted.

Before they died, several of the deceased revealed signs of dying to their families vaguely, saying something like 'everything will be fine', 'the family will be able to live a good life soon' and so on.

In a modern society, no one can leave no clues.

He adjusted all the surveillance cameras around him to directly monitor the movements of the deceased.

Soon, a suspect was found.

This person appeared very suddenly, had secret contact with all the dead, and moved strangely in various places.

(End of this chapter)

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