The story of a cook

Chapter 88 Lin Yan Returns

Chapter 88 Lin Yan Returns
There was a fight between a woman and two men in the restaurant, Manager Liu fired the waiter.

Zhanze's problem is not serious, the food delivery staff are all responsible, and they continue to work in the restaurant.

Zhanze has a cousin who works as a food passer in another restaurant. He seems to have worked with Manager Liu before. Manager Liu called Zhan Ze's younger brother to be the passer.

Zhan Ze's younger brother is called Zhan Gang. He is big, handsome, and quick at work. After he came, everyone liked him very much, especially Manager Liu, who said that he had found a capable man.

I was working in the kitchen that day. Master Huang came and called me when he came in. When I turned around to see him, I was very happy and said, "Master Huang, you are so free today."

Master Huang said, "Come here to see you, how are you doing?"

I said, "Very good."

He said: "It's fine, you go and get me some alcohol bars, and I'll go fishing."

I was a little puzzled and asked, "Alcohol blocks are still used for fishing?"

Master Huang said: "I went fishing in the reservoir. I went there for three days. I even brought a tent with me. I slept in the reservoir at night and cooked instant noodles in pots for meals. Isn't that inconvenient, so I have to use alcohol cubes."

I understood, and said to Master Huang: "Master Huang, wait, I'll take it for you right away."

He went to the storeroom and filled twenty pieces of alcohol for Master Huang. Master Huang said, "I don't need so many."

I said: Take it, in case it is not enough.

Master Huang took the alcohol cube and said to me, "I'll bring you a big fish when I come back."

I said, "OK, wait for your big fish."

Master Huang got into the car parked at the door and went fishing.Did I just think fishing was so fun?It took only three days to fish, and I even took the tent with me. Did I go fishing or camping?It wasn't until I learned how to fish that I realized that fishing is really fun and addictive.

After Master Huang left, Zhan Ze called me when he got off work at noon: "Brother Tan, do you see who is outside?"

I looked outside, and Lin Yan was standing outside looking at me with a smile.

It is most appropriate to describe the mood at that time as ecstatic, and ran out to Lin Yan in a hurry.

She was a little tanned, and a bicycle was parked beside her.

I asked, "When did you come back?"

She said, "It's been three days since I came back."

I said, "It's been three days since I came back, why did you come today, have you eaten yet?"

She said, "It's still late today, I'm hungry."

I said, "Then let's go eat."

She asked, "Where can I eat?"

I said, "Just follow me, I'll go in and change first."

He went into the kitchen and changed his clothes, then led Lin Yan out for dinner.

During the meal, I asked Lin Yan if she drank, and she said, "I don't drink, it's best for you not to drink either. You're still at work in the afternoon, what are you drinking?"

I said: "Okay, I will not drink according to your order." Then I asked her: "You have been back for three days, why did you come today?"

She said: "I was exhausted helping my mother with the field work at home. When I came back, it was three o'clock in the afternoon, so I took a nap and slept until eight o'clock in the evening. When I woke up, it was dark. All my classmates came back, the three of us ate some food and went to bed again."

I asked, "What about the next day, what did you do the next day?"

She said: "The next day I started looking for a job, but I couldn't find a suitable one all morning. I wanted to come to you in the afternoon. When I walked to the main entrance of the Teachers College and saw that Turtle City was recruiting waiters, I went in and talked to them. The boss talked for a while, and the talk was very good, and the boss hired me."

I asked, "Is that the Turtle City that our hotel turned around?"

She said, "Yes, that's the one, close to you."

I said, "nearly, one or two minutes, that's pretty good."

She said, "I also went in to ask because I was close to you."

I said, "His house is quite big, bigger than mine, and the class is higher than mine."

She said, "Yes, it's quite big, and there are quite a lot of waiters."

I asked, "Then why didn't you come over yesterday? It's so close."

She said, "Didn't you look at my bike? I went out from there yesterday to buy a bike."

I asked: "Why buy a bicycle? Doesn't his house have a bedroom?"

She said: "I don't want to live in a dormitory. Besides, I still rent a house with my classmates. It's so convenient to buy a bicycle to commute to get off work. My classmates have already bought bicycles." Then she asked me: "Do you know how much the bicycle I bought is worth?" ?"

I asked, "How much?"

She stretched out four fingers at me and said, "Forty, second-hand, and it's pretty brisk to ride."

I said, "It's pretty cheap."

She said, "No, I won't buy it if it's more than fifty. I don't have that much money."

I said, "It's okay, I'll buy you a new one when I start investing."

She said: "No, what are you spending that money for? Besides, it's a pity to lose a new one after two days of riding it. If you have a second-hand one, you can just ride it. It's better than walking."

There were indeed many people who stole bicycles. At that time, there were no electric vehicles, and bicycles were the main means of transportation for people.It can be seen that spending 40 yuan to buy a bicycle is still very distressing to Lin Yan.

I asked her, "Did you tell your mother about us when you got home?"

She said, "I did."

I was a little nervous and asked, "Then what did your mother say?"

She said directly: "My mother didn't quite agree, she said she didn't want me to look for it so far away, and asked me to look for it near home."

My heart was a little cold, and I asked her: "Your mother just disagrees."

She said: "Yes, my mother disagrees. After I finished talking to my mother, I saw that my mother disagreed, so I stopped talking. Then I helped my mother work in the fields every day, and also helped her feed the pigs. My mother raised ten pigs. The pigs are not small anymore, but the feed is scarce, and there is no money to buy them. If there is feed, they would have been fattened up and sold. When I came back, a pig collector went to my house to see, and said that it would be harvested in two days if it grew fatter. It will be sold in two days."

I didn't pay attention to what she said about raising pigs, and I just thought about the fact that my mother disagreed with us.

Lin Yan saw that I wasn't listening to her seriously, and asked, "What are you thinking? Are you listening to me?"

I asked, "Then you sell your pigs and keep them?"

She said: "Raise, my mother said to keep it. After selling the pigs, my mother will pay back the feed money owed to others, and see how much money is left. I have to save my little brother's medicine money, and then catch the pigs. I can’t catch a few—my mother is good at raising pigs, if she has the money to raise more pigs at a time, she can make money, and if she raises less, she can’t make much money.”

I said, "My family doesn't need any money now. If your family needs money, you can use mine."

She said, "No, we're not engaged yet, and besides, it's not like your partner is using your money."

I said: "Hey, I think too much, even if it is a friend who should help."

She looked at me and said, "Do you know what my mother said at the end?"

I asked, "What did your mother say?"

She said: "My mother saw that I was working at home every day and didn't talk. In the end, my mother said that I don't care about you. If you want to, you can do it first, so I came back."

To be honest, when Lin Yan finished speaking, I felt that it was the sound of nature, pleasant to the ear.

Lin Yan works in Turtle City, which is close to the Rose Hotel, just around the corner.

It is said that the soft-shelled turtle city she built was invested by a professor of the Normal University. It mainly deals in soft-shelled turtle hotpot. Guests can also boil mutton and vegetables while eating soft-shelled turtles.The consumption is quite high, because soft-shelled turtles are not cheap. When you buy a soft-shelled turtle, it costs more than 40 a catty. Restaurants usually sell it for 98 catties. A soft-shelled turtle is usually about one and a half to two catties. If it is too small, it is still a turtle fry, which is not nutritious, but if it is too big, it is good, but the price is also expensive, and it cannot be sold.

At that time, most soft-shelled turtles were farmed, and there were also wild ones, but they were very expensive, costing more than 100 catties.Soft-shelled turtle is very nutritious. It has the effects of clearing heat and nourishing yin, calming the liver and quenching wind, softening and resolving stagnation, and has an effect on liver cirrhosis and hepatosplenomegaly. Therefore, it is good for people to eat soft-shelled turtle regularly.The best way to cook soft-shelled turtles is to make soup, which does not lose nutrients and is delicious at the same time.At that time, guests would mix turtle blood and turtle gall with wine when they ate turtles. They said it was a great tonic. I haven’t studied this in depth, but you should pay attention when drinking it. Some people can’t drink it and will be allergic.

Lin Yan would come to my place for a while after get off work. Sometimes I would take her home after get off work. If I didn’t get off work, I would chat with her, and then she would go back by bicycle.

I have established a relationship with Lin Yan, and I feel very good about myself.Tell yourself to get along well with her no matter what, even though her mother doesn't agree now, but things take time, and as things develop slowly, she will definitely agree in the future.

I am a person who is easy to be satisfied. Now that I have established a relationship with Lin Yan, I no longer think about other things and start working with all my heart.

Huang Ping objected to Lin Yan and I getting married. She said that Lin Yan's family was in trouble, and my family was also in trouble. After we got married, we both would be tired.I know this even if she doesn't say it, but I have chosen Lin Yan, and I will keep going, unless one day she says it doesn't get along, otherwise I won't say the word breakup.Knowing that Huang Ping is doing it for my own good, she wants me to find a family with better conditions, so that life will be easier in the future.She said that this is also a good thing for Lin Yan. Lin Yan is the boss of the family, and there are two younger brothers under him. The older sister will take care of her younger brother. If Lin Yan finds a family with good conditions, it will be easier and she can help her family

Huang Ping was right.At that time, I thought so. I can’t be like this for the rest of my life. As long as I learn the craft with my heart, sooner or later I will be a chef, earn money to support my family, and live a good life. It is impossible to be poor for a lifetime.

People are not afraid of being poor, but of being heartless.

I am working part-time now, but I will not work part-time all my life. One day I will stand at the top of the catering industry and stand out from the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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