The story of a cook

Chapter 57 Huang Ping Confinement

Chapter 57 Huang Ping Confinement

Those who work outside live an ordinary life, doing their own work every day and earning their own hard-earned money.There is nothing vigorous, and some are plain.

Migrant workers live at the bottom of society, running around for their own livelihood, all to support their families.

It is my greatest wish to have a stable job.

Everyone hopes to gain the appreciation and trust of the boss, but that has to be paid.It can only be obtained by paying your own hard work and loyalty.This is the same as being a human being, how you treat others, others will treat you.

We teach others all the ways others treat us.

Huang Ping started confinement at home.

Boss Zou didn't come to the restaurant for the first three days. The restaurant is still busy these days, and the side of Hanglubing is also very busy.

My sister-in-law started to learn small vegetables, and when she came over at night, she asked me, "Tanzi, what do you think of Yaru?"

I said, "Very good."

"Yaju is quiet and sensible, and can work. I like this child very much." The sister-in-law said.

"Yes, everyone likes her very much."

"Tanzi, you took Yaru home as your wife. It's hard to find such a good girl. There is no such shop after this village." The sister-in-law said.

"I would like to, that also has to be willing." I said with a smile.

The sister-in-law said: "I'll ask you someday, I think that girl is pretty good."

It is estimated that my sister-in-law has heard that Yaju and I are doing well. She is a warm-hearted person and is going to match me and Yaru.

I smiled and said, "Thank you sister-in-law first." Then I asked, "Who will take care of my second sister-in-law at home now?"

The elder sister-in-law said: "My old lady is taking care of her. In the past two days, her elder sister has come to take care of her together."

"Is the child fat?" I asked.

"Fat, you're fat." The sister-in-law said: "You didn't see your second sister-in-law's physique. Can a child born with a large frame be fat? Like me, it's over, with a small frame, haha."

"Sister-in-law, isn't your Xiaona quite tall?"

The sister-in-law said proudly: "It's up to your elder brother, your elder brother is taller, if you follow me, you will be a fool, but fortunately, you will be your elder brother." Then she became angry, "As good as it is, as bad as it is, and as your elder brother The same thing, careless all day long, doesn’t study hard at school, spends all day with a bunch of cronies, I see what I can do after graduation, and it’s hard to find a job.”

I said, "Then you don't have to worry about it. I can support myself after graduating from art school."

The sister-in-law said: "Just wait, I don't know what it is like yet."

Boss Zou's elder brother is just a girl named Zou Nana, who looks like a tomboy.I always come to the restaurant, and when I come, I just have a meal with a group of classmates, and leave after eating.The only child is also spoiled and spoiled at home, with a bit of a big lady temper.

Boss Zou's daughter is called Zou Tingting. She is only ten years old and has inherited the excellent genes of her second sister-in-law. The ten-year-old child is only 1.4 meters tall and tall.Every day I look like a tomboy, I am not very good at studies, but I am good at sports, I can run, jump, and play volleyball. It seems that I have to develop in sports in the future.

When Tingting was doing her homework, she would hear Huang Ping's roar, sometimes accompanied by the little girl's cry.Boss Zou hardly cared about the child, and he couldn't. Before he cared about the little girl, he just called daddy, daddy, nothing happened, just laughed.

Boss Zou's eldest sister's girl is more well-behaved. She is in high school. Although her academic performance is not very good, but fortunately she is sensible and doesn't talk too much. She is a good girl and the whole family likes it.

Huang Ping is confinement at home, and I have another job at four o'clock every afternoon-to pick up her girl Tingting from school.

Tingting goes to Ningshan Road Primary School, picks her up at school at four every day, cooks for her at the restaurant, and asks her to do her homework.Tingting is not disobedient, but she doesn't like studying and likes sports, so her grades are not very good.Fortunately, I can still help her with elementary school knowledge, and she can learn some.If she doesn't do her homework well, treat her well and just stop cooking for her.So Tingting is very clingy to me and always calls "Uncle, Uncle". Today I want a pot of meat, and tomorrow I want a candied sweet potato.As long as she can finish her homework, I will do it for her. If she can't finish it, I will have a working meal with everyone in the evening, and go home with Boss Zou after eating.

As for whether she can file a complaint when she goes home?

She didn't dare, if she dared to sue, she would have nothing to eat.

During the time I came to Rose Restaurant, my dishes didn’t improve much. First, I didn’t have the opportunity to cook on the stove, and second, I didn’t have time. The time in the day was full, and I couldn’t cook a few dishes.

But through buying vegetables every morning, mixing vegetables at night, and handling some things in the kitchen, I feel that my ability to handle things has increased, and at the same time, my overall understanding of the restaurant has become clearer.

I used to think that a restaurant is just cooking in the kitchen and serving guests at the front desk, but now I find that it is not that simple. In addition to cooking and reception, there are also cost accounting and how to operate it.At that time, I didn’t know the word operation, but I felt in a trance that if a restaurant wants to operate well and make money, it’s only one aspect to cook delicious dishes, and it also needs to work hard on service, cost accounting, and overall operation to reach customers. Work hard on satisfaction.

For example, how to make customers like our restaurant, how to let customers come into the store, and how to let customers know how the dishes they eat are prepared.Also, is it possible to give guests some free things, or think of a way to hand over the guests’ money to the hotel in advance, and then come to the restaurant when they want to eat, because the money has already been paid in advance, and it will be wasted if they don’t eat.

I sometimes think about this in my head, but it's just an idea, and I don't know how to implement it.

When I had these ideas in my head, I found that although I didn't cook, my understanding of dishes has improved a lot.I understand a truth, while the dishes are delicious, you also need to make money. This is what a chef needs to do.

During this period of time, I met several chef friends, all of whom were introduced by Master Chen.

Master Chen returned to the provincial capital after completing the household registration. When he knew I was working here, he came to see me and brought three chef friends with him.

One is Wang Heping, a well-known chef who owns a restaurant in the Dadong District and also runs a cooking school.

One, surnamed Zheng, is also a chef. His family belongs to Lingyuan.

The other, surnamed Li, was a fat man. He looked unattractive, and later found out that he was very famous for cooking in the provincial capital. As long as "Fatty Li" was mentioned, most restaurant owners would know him.

Invited Master Chen and the others to have a meal at the restaurant.Chefs can drink, and as long as they drink, they will get closer and communicate with them very well. When they leave, they start to call each other brothers.

There is no harm in being a chef and getting to know a few more friends, and you may not be begged by anyone in the future.

Many friends have many paths, and many enemies have many walls.

In the words of my mother, when my conscience is settled outside, I would rather pay one more than offend one more.

After coming to Rose, I never went back to Sandaizi.I also wanted to go back, but after all, I proposed to leave by myself, we don't pay attention to it, and I didn't go back because I couldn't get rid of a knot in my heart.I contacted the fourth child, and the fourth child said that the business of the restaurant is not very good, and Sun Mei doesn't go to the restaurant very much now, and she doesn't know what to do outside all day.Business is not good, Brother Feng is a little anxious to get angry.

The main reason for the poor business is that there are no good chefs, and the dishes are not good.The fourth child's cooking has not yet reached the level of being able to operate a restaurant, and he is qualified as a sous chef, but not a head chef.I introduced Master Zheng who had a drink with me last time. After Master Zheng went, he adjusted the menu, and the restaurant business returned to the way it was before.

Hearing the meaning behind the old four's words, Brother Feng wanted me and the boss to go back. I said it was impossible for me, and I would not go back after I came out. If the boss wanted to go back, he would go back by himself, and I would not go back.

"A good horse never turns back".Since I left Shengmei, and I made the decision myself, I don't regret it, and I will never go back.After the boss and I came to Rose, there was already a gap between Boss Zou and Brother Feng, and we no longer communicated.Another point is that the eldest brother and the four of us cannot always be together, and one day they will be separated due to their own growth and development. I will be the head chef, the second child will be the head chef, and the fourth child will also be the head chef.At that time, it is impossible to be together, and no restaurant will use four head chefs at the same time, unless the boss is crazy.

Huang Ping is confinement at home, and Boss Zou doesn't care much about the restaurant. He is busy with other things outside, so I do many things in the restaurant.For example, go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau for license inspection, go to the Patriotic Committee to apply for the "Patriotic Health Responsibility Certificate", go to the urban management to handle the "Three Guarantees in front of the door" and other daily things. As soon as I said: "Brother, I'm doing it—" After a while, the supervisor who handled the matter for me would say, "Come on, I'll do it for you."

Thinking about it, it really is "someone in the court is easy to handle."

Every time the eldest brother and the second brother help me solve the problem, I will say: "Brother, let's have a drink tonight."

Most of the time, the eldest brother and the second brother will come at night. After coming, I, the eldest brother, the eldest brother, and sister Wang will drink together.

The eldest brother and the second brother are forthright and straightforward, and they are very popular both in the officialdom and in the circle of friends.It can be seen from my work in various departments that many department heads have a good impression of him and are willing to help him with affairs.In the circle of friends, the eldest brother is the eldest brother Renyi, with an excellent reputation.

When it comes to drinking, he is willing to drink with me, and we have a temper tantrum.

Xiao Lizi learns things very quickly and is very serious about learning. After coming to Rose for a month, he can already serve dishes.Sometimes I ask him to cook other dishes, and when he can't, ask me, and I will teach him.

Besides cooking, the boss just sits in the front hall smoking and drinking water every day. Those who don't know think he is the boss.

I can take care of the kitchen, and he is relieved, and it saves a lot of worry.Sometimes Boss Zou came over and chatted with the boss for a while and then left.I don't know what Boss Zou is busy with. Every now and then, he will bring some friends back to have a meal at the restaurant. Those friends he met later seem to be very rich, and everyone drives a car with a mobile phone.

Boss Zou has a friend named Xiaoyou who drives a Desert Storm, which is very capable.Every time I come, I eat fried rice with soy sauce and add two eggs.As long as he comes, the boss will not do it for him, and I will do it.The boss said that when he was messing around, the little friend was nothing but a follower, but now that he is up, he is awesome.

When the little friend met the boss, he called him "Brother Xing" very politely, but it was obvious that he was only superficially polite, not from the bottom of his heart.

It's really the emperor's turn to do it. Come to my house next year, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi.

Boss Zou said that Xiaoyou got up by relying on "poker machines" for the first two years, and at the worst time, he earned more than [-] yuan a day.Xiaoyou was very smart, and he quit before the crackdown, so he was not caught.Now I run a hotel and the business is doing well.To be honest, none of this has anything to do with me. I, a person who learns cooking, have nothing to do with them.But when Boss Zou's friends come, they will treat them well and do their job well.

After Boss Zou's friends came, they first ate and drank, and then played mahjong.As long as they play mahjong, the door of the private room will be tightly closed, and no one else will go in if they don't come out.They usually don't play for a long time, only two hours, but the wins and losses are quite big, and they are all more than [-] to [-].After gambling, continue to drink and eat. At this time, I will not eat at the Rose Hotel, but go to a higher-end restaurant, that is the kind of place where you can find a lady.

Boss Zou doesn't gamble, and he doesn't hang out with them very much, which is good.

He is responsible for lending money to people who have no money when gambling, and he is responsible for sending money to those who have no money to eat out, so he is very popular among his circle of friends.He is also accumulating network resources.Sometimes his friend loses a bet and has no money. If he is too busy to leave, he asks me to send the money. I remember the most time I gave it was 5 yuan. The money received, in the hands of others, is the winning or losing of a game of mahjong.

Looking at the money in my hand, I feel very unbalanced.

(End of this chapter)

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