Chapter 36
Addan admits that Addan’s testimonials are more exciting than the content of the novel, and even, to some extent, more practical than the content of the novel.

Adding Egg Lectures has been around for several years.

In the old days, when I first came to the starting point, Jiadan was a cute newcomer who didn’t even understand No.1 pronoun and third person pronoun. Uh... I don’t use the word Mengxin well. A spicy chicken who can write off topic when he speaks.

I wrote an article and uploaded it. It was serialized with 17 words. I only found out after adding an egg. Wow, it turns out that lectures can be signed and profitable. As long as you can sign a contract, you can get recommendations and let more readers see it. own work.

17 words, the signing is far away, the so-called short website is just the appearance in a dream, and I have never seen what it is like when I wake up.

When I was looking for a way to sign a contract, I read a book told by others, and I realized that I was really hot, and then I realized that Chapter 1 was No.1, but in Chapter 2, it became the third person.

At the same time, the paper could not contain the fire, and the story of the book was found out by the parents...

"You haven't graduated from the third grade of elementary school, so you write a book?" This sentence came from the back room, whether it was said by the father or the mother, Jiadan can't remember exactly.

Jiadan is a college student, not a primary school graduate, but Jiadan admits the fact that he has not graduated from elementary school. I don’t know if the textbooks of the third grade of elementary school have mentioned the difference between No.1 pronoun and third person pronoun. Some people, like Jiadan, can write off-topic even when they look at a picture and talk.

Although the parents' cynicism is exaggerated, it has to be admitted that it makes sense.

Jiadan was not convinced. After realizing the reality, he went to a small website to hang out. The first work was signed. Jiadan was still researching why his work was not read, and then realized that his work wanted others to see it. It is necessary to go to the channel, and I am just a spicy chicken filling the library.

The monthly manuscript fee was 217 yuan. Jiadan took the money and wept with joy. It was not because of anything else.

At least, Jiadan understands what is No.1 and what is the third person; he knows how to write his name on the contract handsomely...

To describe that feeling specifically, it was as if a young man with disabled legs had been given a new life: he could finally walk!

(It’s exaggerated, it may be a bit funny, but it’s true. If an adult doesn’t know the difference between No.1 pronoun and third person pronoun, is it different from a disabled person?)

Then, Jiadan started to code words non-stop, keep learning, and kept changing websites...

Time flies, a few years have passed, and when I look up again, I find that the classmates around me are already married, and some of the children are already ready to play soy sauce.

On the other hand, adding eggs is penniless.

"Penniless" is not an exaggeration. There are many people who have not made any money from lectures for several years.

Most of the readers only have two thoughts, read it if it is good-looking;

Cruel, right?

At this time, the mother tongue of the family asked Jia Dan earnestly: "Baby, if it doesn't work, let's change to another industry."

When it was time, Jiadan remained silent for several days...

Occasionally, when I went out to buy cigarettes, I met a neighbor in the neighborhood. Jiadan didn't remember him, but he remembered Jiadan and called out Jiadan's real name.

At that time, Jiadan really didn't realize it. The years of work had already reached the point where brothers and friends around him forgot Jiadan's real name, and even their parents got used to Jiadan.

When he realized it, Jiadan blushed, thinking that it was impolite for him to realize it after being called for so long.

It was at this moment that Jiadan suddenly realized that the pseudonym Jiadan had merged with himself, and it had become a part of my body.

I can't live without it.

On this day, Jiadan made a poisonous oath that he will only be a lecturer in this life, and he has studied for several years. If he just gives up like this, then his previous efforts will really be wasted, even though Jiadan is not sure if he continues to persevere. There will be no result.

However, Jiadan thought about it for a while. Many years later, Jiadan brother asked me: "Jiadan, do you still write books now?"

And Jiadan shouldn't say "I've given up a long time ago". I'm sorry, and it will make my brother feel disappointed, right?
Add egg head and iron, and persist for a long, long time...

Dear readers, I would like to ask you, do you know how powerful the appearance of persistence is? (Note the wording for the egg, 'the look of persistence'.)
Before Jiadan became famous, my brothers believed it, and my parents also believed it. They all believed that Jiadan could do it, and even every time they called me "Jiadan", Jiadan could feel the power of Strong power of trust.

It was this force that forced Jiadan not to retreat, and also blocked the way for Jiadan to turn back...

They said this sentence outside: I have a brother, a writer, named Jiadan!

There are still a small number of people who support it, and there are still many doubts. Even some relatives don't like adding eggs. This is the most heartbreaking.

What Jiadan needs to do is to bring the few people around him to defeat the doubts of the majority.

During that time, I made the second poisonous oath: Brother, I will run to the dark on the road of teaching books; if one day I am exhausted, I will give you the inheritance and help me take care of my parents.

They laughed and thought this sentence was very interesting.

But dear readers, I would like to ask you, only one person can say such a thing, do you really think he is joking?To put it another way, if a person speaks in a joking manner, would he say such a thing?

This is really a poisonous oath, the truth!
So far, smoking less, staying up late, paying attention to rest, everything is gone, as long as you don’t get sleepy, you can study writing, you can study the market, and you can study how to write so that everyone likes it...

After another period of time, Addan changed. After being familiar with the basic routines of writing, I came up with my own ideas. I obviously felt that I had something different from others, and this thing needs to be developed by Addan to show it to readers. Great look.

Looking back at the one who looked at pictures and talked off topic, didn’t understand No.1 pronoun and third person pronoun, and filled the library, looking at myself today, it’s really hard to believe that I can teach books with my language skills. This is simply a miracle !

Taking a step back, if you want to become a storyteller in the future, you will probably go crazy, right?
Today, Jiadan has come to the starting point again.

This time, I came with something!

Adding eggs will tell everyone with practical actions: I have been born out of nowhere!

good!The story is over!The next step is the international practice, the stage of selling miserable products on the shelves.

Adding eggs is not the case, adding eggs will not sell badly.

I just want to make money for my brother, my parents, my cousin, and if I have a girlfriend in the future... I'll make some money for her too.

In this way, it is ensured that those who trust Jiadan will live comfortably and have money to see a doctor.

As for adding eggs... as long as you don’t starve to death, as long as you can teach books, if you have extra money, change yourself to a more comfortable writing environment; if you have more money, do something for young people, that’s the best of.

So, readers, if you can subscribe, please subscribe. It’s not easy to add eggs.

Above, the content of selling miserables, since selling miserables must have content, otherwise it is moaning without illness, is this considered emotional?

One more thing to say is that the starting point for this addition is not just preparing a novel from reality to pure love, but also an urban fantasy novel, and the two will be serialized at the same time.

Why mention urban fantasy novels here?

Hehe, it is no exaggeration to say that writing romance is not what Jiadan is good at, because the reality limits my writing space, which seems to have sealed Jiadan's strength.

Urban fantasy is the place where Jiadan's pen shines.

Of course, this does not mean that my essays on realistic subjects are not good. This work contains a lot of delicate and indescribable spiritual substances in it, such as laughter, sadness, bitterness, melancholy, tears, etc., which almost cover all readers. Spiritual needs, and even philosophical concepts will meet everyone's needs, and many social phenomena are worth pondering. (Philosophy is a bit too big. I would like to add the word "more or less" here. I can't say no. Let's be a little bit, be conservative.)
In short, in one sentence, this is a good book!
The above can be regarded as reasonable, right?

Adding eggs is a butterfly (note the pronunciation: húdéi)

Two thousand and one nineteen years, July, seven days.

(End of this chapter)

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