20 years of spring breeze

Chapter 89 Xinhua Bookstore

Chapter 89 Xinhua Bookstore
Xinhua Bookstore is on Taiyuan Street, opposite Zhongxing Building.

A group of nine people huddled together, talking and laughing, stepping on the thin snow and walking towards Zhonghua Road. At this moment, there are some ice cream sellers with small boxes on their backs. There are many ice cream sellers in the Northeast winter, because ice cream will not melt.A few years ago, ice cream was only available in winter, and it was not as good as popsicles.

Yang Tiebin bought an ice cream, but Xia Maosheng, Xiaowei and Li Guangzhao didn't eat it. They didn't even eat food this early in the morning. Old Yang must be crazy.

After walking a few steps, there is another seller of candied haws. On the new straw poles, there are bunches of candied haws wrapped in red and brown sugar, as well as strings of black dates and oranges. The morning light is reflected against the white snow, which is beautiful and eye-catching. want to eat.

This is only sold in winter at the moment, not available in summer.

This one is more popular. There are nine people in a bunch, one piece for a big bunch, and eight hairs for a small bunch, sweet and sour. Opening early in the morning, what a beautiful day.

Candied haws in Northeast China are seedless, so you can eat them with a big bite at ease. The mouthful is sweet and sour. After passing through Suizhong and then going south, the candied haws will not be cored. People in the Northeast who don’t go out often have suffered, and their teeth will move after one bite. .

Yang Tiebin bit a hawthorn, chewed it in his mouth, chewed it again, and said, "Huh? No pits, this one is good, this one is good, the ones sold at my house don't have pits removed."

"You don't pit them over there? Then buy it haha?" Everyone here expressed their incomprehension. How can there be candied haws that are not pitted? Isn't that a lie?

Yang Tiebin nodded and said: "The ones sold at my house don't remove the pits." He finished one candied haws in two mouthfuls, then ran back and bought two more bunches, eating one in each hand comfortably.

Xia Maosheng threw the clean wicker sticks in his hand into the roadside trash can, pointed to the roadside alley and said, "I'm going to eat that wonton, what do you eat?" As long as you have wontons for breakfast, you must eat this.

Xiaowei shook his head, looked around, and said, "I eat cakes, but you can't get enough of that thing, and it'll be gone in a piss."

Yang Tiebin bit the hawthorn and chased after him. He pointed at the alley with a wicker stick and said, "There's a baker's candy cake in there, do you want to go?"

"Sugar cake? Go. Is there any soup?" Xiaowei nodded, followed Yang Tiebin to walk in, but suddenly they all came in, and Xia Maosheng was the only one eating wontons. He looked at everyone and said, "Forget it." Now, let me eat sugar cakes too, it’s boring to eat alone.”

Sugar cakes, dried tofu shredded egg soup, and tofu nao, home-made pickles are free, nine people each have three sugar cakes and a big bowl of soup, sit down and eat, one sugar cake is only a little bigger than a palm , the inside is mixed with brown sugar and white sugar, and it is golden and golden, crisp on the outside and tender on the inside.

It is very troublesome to bake, and later generations can hardly eat it outside. They can only make it at home, but there are fewer and fewer people who can do it.

After eating, everyone paid their own bills, three cakes and a bowl of soup, three yuan per person, which is considered a relatively expensive breakfast these days.

It will be 08:30 when we come out of the alley. Everyone is chatting and going to Xinhua Bookstore.

At that time, the working hours in Northeast China were completely different from those in Guanzhong. There was no nine-to-five, whether it was a government unit, a store or a factory.

Usually from 07:30 to 08:30 in the morning, and 11:30 at the latest, all units will start to open for business as usual, and usually take an hour to an hour and a half at noon, from 04:30 to [-], or from [-]:[-] to [-], The time to get off work in the evening is different in winter and summer. In summer, it is usually five o'clock, and in winter it is [-]:[-].

Of course, business nights such as shopping malls are not so early, usually at 06:30 in the evening, and sometimes at 05:30.Later, with the development, the mall closed later and later.

Xinhua Bookstore is already open now, but there are very few people in the early morning. Some of the sales staff are having breakfast, and some are sitting and chatting together. A group of middle-aged women are laughing and laughing. in hand.

Seeing nine people coming in, the salesperson who was closer took a look and said, "Don't rummage around, put what you got, you can't stand here and watch, you will be fined." Then he ignored them and continued to joke great cause.

The nine people ignored her and looked inside.There is no Internet in this era, and books are the only way for people to learn and acquire knowledge, as well as for entertainment. There are quite a lot of people who go to Xinhua Bookstore to stand and read books. Find a corner where no one pays attention, squat on the ground, and see that there are many people there all day long. The folds of the new book are damaged or dirty before they are put on the shelves, so there will be a saying that you will be fined, but in fact, as long as it is not too much, no one really cares.

In 90, Xinhua Bookstore sold martial arts novels. Jin Dada’s books, Huang Yiwen Rui’an’s, Gu Long’s, and other famous martial arts novels were completely incomplete. Occasionally there was one, but not many people actually bought it. Time rental bookstores are everywhere, [-] cents a book, and all kinds of pirated editions are flying around.

Books, tapes, video tapes, including video discs, all emerged in the late 80s and reached their peak in the early 90s. I am talking about domestic piracy.Even textbooks and tutorials were taken over by pirated copies, and many schools used pirated copies, including teaching materials, during this period.

The school buys a new textbook, and then finds a printing factory. The cost is so low that you can’t imagine. In the 90s, the largest professional pirated book production factory in Northeast China was in Fengtian. There were two, one was Xinhua Printing Factory, and the other was Wicker The Red Star Printing Factory in the Lake Barracks.

One is the largest state-run printing factory in the country, and the other is the largest violent organization in the country.

These days, there are still quite few professional books, and the writing is not rigorous. This is a side effect of the domestic technical vocational master-apprentice tradition.

Luo Qinghe has visited the Xinhua Bookstore several times by himself, and the familiar guide led everyone to the chef's book.

"Recipes", "Encyclopedia of Shandong Cuisine", "Appreciation of Famous Chefs", "Knives and Tools", "Art on the Table", "Chef Skills Guidance Series".

Xiaowei searched for a long time, chose six books, and stood aside, waiting for Xia Maosheng and the others.

Xia Maosheng flipped through a few books, turned his head and said to Xiaowei: "It's not very useful. There are no theorists in the kitchen. Whoever writes detailed technical things for you is just to make a name for you. It's nothing to us. usefulness."

Yang Tiebin nodded in agreement, pointing to the "Art on the Table" and said: "You can read this, you will learn to sculpt right away."

Xia Maosheng glanced at it, shook his head and said: "It's all photos, there are no specific technical steps, just take a look when you go back, see how awesome they are, what's the use, you can carve them out just by looking at the photos? Besides, I will go to the cafeteria, and when the dishes are ready, I will be awarded, who shall I carve for?"

 At that time, we were all very excited when we went to Xinhua Bookstore, and we didn’t dare to speak loudly inside because of reverence.The eyes are full of books, which represents a kind of solemnity.

(End of this chapter)

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