20 years of spring breeze

Chapter 81 One Pot Out

Chapter 81
Lao Bian Dumplings is really famous. Before noon, the store is already overcrowded. Foreign tourists usually go to the Forbidden City. When they arrive at the Forbidden City, they must come to Zhongjie. Why don’t they come to Zhongjie?So it exploded.

In fact, like many centuries-old brands, the current brand is just one brand, such as Tianjing’s steamed buns, Fengtian’s dumplings, Beijing’s ducks, Nanjing’s ducks, Henan’s soup dumplings, and many others. These are actually not the same anymore. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the public-private partnerships basically destroyed all these things. After ten years or so, what has been restored after the reform is just a brand.

Still, for someone in the early 90s, it was delicious.

"It's delicious, it's delicious, why don't you say it's not good?" Xiaohong asked Chen Xiao while eating.

A few people ordered several kinds of dumplings, steamed dumplings, fried dumplings and pot stickers. They ordered a few side dishes and drank the dumpling soup (egg soup), which was full of oil.

Chen Xiao said: "Dumplings are delicious. I didn't say that dumplings are not delicious, but this is not the only place that can make good dumplings. Daqinghua and Hongji are all good. I think Hongji makes them. It’s better than this, Daqinghua’s dishes are good, but they’re not as famous.”

As soon as you talk about Northeast cuisine, people will immediately respond to the big bone with shallot dipped in sauce, sauerkraut, blood sausage, and big bone. In fact, this is not true. These are just home-cooked dishes in Northeast China. It's not fair.

There is a serious polarization between high and low food in the Northeast. Everyone who is the most famous in Northeast cuisine actually knows that Man Han Quan Feast is tall, right?Whole deer banquet, have you heard of it?Whole cow feast, what about whole sheep?Have you heard of the whole fish feast?It's too expensive, so all you can see are home-cooked dishes.

The court cuisine of my Qing Dynasty is actually nothing more than a variant of Northeast cuisine.A group of savages in the mountains of Northeast China, if you give him a dish full of pepper or chili, try it, it will kill you.

"Where are we going after dinner?" Chen Xiao asked, wiping her mouth. No wonder this girl is so small, she ate too little.

Xiaohong was still eating, and said, "Aren't you talking about shopping? Where do you want to go?"

Xia Maosheng was gnawing his bones, his hands full of oil, and said: "There is a mansion of the Marshal here, why don't you go and see it?"

Xiaohong asked: "Zhang Liuzi's residence? Or his father's?"

Xia Maosheng reluctantly put the gnawed bones on the table and said, "His father's, but he also lived there. It's only one building, and behind it is the stadium."

Xiaohong thought for a while and said, "I want to visit the Peking University Camp. Back then, Little Japan suddenly occupied the Peking University Camp and started fighting, right?"

Chen Xiao said, "That's on the side of Liutiao Lake, but you won't be able to see it if you go there. It's still a barracks right now, so you can't get in."

Xiaohong turned her head and asked Xiaowei: "Then what else is there?"

Xiaowei looked out the window and said, "There's still a movie theater." Everyone laughed, and Xiaohong stretched out her leg and kicked Xiaowei.

Xia Maosheng stopped his movements, thought for a while and said, "Oh, really, we also hit a movie. I haven't seen a movie for many years."

Chen Hui said: "Watching a movie is so exciting, it's better to sing. I can't stop loving you~~, I'm always year after month." Xia Maosheng interrupted him with his elbow He whispered in a self-absorbed singing voice: "Are you stupid? Are you stupid?" He glanced at Chen Xiao as he spoke.

Chen Hui belatedly said, "Yes, yes, let's watch the movie. I haven't watched it for a long time. I really want to watch it." Everyone laughed again, hahahaha, Chen Xiao blushed Gouging out Chen Hui's eyes, he also laughed.

After several people had eaten and drank enough, Chen Hui went to pay the bill, and a group of people left the restaurant and stood on Zhongjie Street.The biggest advantage of the pedestrian street is that there are no cars, and you can walk on the wide streets wherever you want. This is the main reason why the pedestrian street can quickly become popular and popular.

"Hey, look at that, that, doesn't it look good?" Chen Xiao pointed to the window of a shopping mall not far away and called out, dragged Xiao Hong and ran over, and a bunch of old men could only keep up.

"It's pretty, it suits you." Xiao Hong stood in front of the window and looked at it for a long time, then turned her face to look at Chen Xiao and said.

Chen Xiao trotted on the spot with both feet, pushed Xiaohong and said, "Go in, go in, go in and have a look."

So there were no more activities, just shopping.For women, shopping has nothing to do with time, money and time. As long as there is a street, they can go shopping forever, even if they don’t even buy a needle in the end, they just don’t understand where they are satisfied.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, Xiaohong and Chen Xiao walked out of the shopping mall arm in arm, Xiaohong was still holding a bunch of oden.Xiaowei followed behind with a camera bag on his back with a numb face, Chen Hui and Xia Maosheng were obviously out of spirit, Yang Tiebin didn't go in at all, and just sat on a chair by the street in a daze.

Chen Xiao looked around and said to Xiaohong: "Don't go shopping, let's eat, go back after eating, I'm tired from walking."

Xiaohong glanced at Chen Xiao's feet, nodded and said, "Okay, I'm already hungry, what should I eat? Is there anything delicious about this slice? My family treats you."

Chen Xiao said: "Then how do you spend your time at school? I see you are hungry every now and then. What do you eat at school?"

The little red face blushed slightly, and said: "Isn't this out to play? I've walked too much, and I didn't do that at school. What do you mean?"

Chen Xiao covered her mouth and said happily, "I see that you never seem to have enough to eat. What you eat in a day is enough for me to eat for several days."

Xiaohong took a bite of the fish balls and said, "Eat something delicious, anyway, my stomach can hold it. When I was at school, I bought a few buns in the cafeteria, and I ate one when I was hungry. Indeed, I seem to be very willing to be hungry. Do you think there is something wrong with me?"

Xiaowei said: "Aren't you tired and idle? How can anyone say that they are sick? Eat when you are hungry."

Xiaohong stuck out her tongue and asked, "What do you want to eat? I don't want to eat dumplings anymore, so I should eat something else. Tell me, Chen Xiao."

Chen Xiao thought for a while and said, "Why don't you go back to our place to eat? Go to that Guangdong restaurant, I invite you."

Xiaohong threw the finished sticks into the trash can next to her, touched her stomach and said, "I'm hungry, I don't want to run so far, it's rare to come here, just eat here, you have a good time." Think about the delicious food here."

Chen Xiao looked back and forth, frowning and thinking, Yang Tiebin came over to answer the question: "I can't eat anything, just find a restaurant, a big pot of stew is over, stewed beans with big bones, stewed fish, what can't be done."

Chen Xiao's eyes lit up, he glanced at Yang Tiebin, and said to Xiaohong: "Hey, don't tell me, I know there is a family that makes a pot, it's delicious, authentic farmhouse taste, there is no table, it's just an earthen stove with a Big iron pot, everyone sits around the earthen stove and eats directly in the pot, shall we go?"

(End of this chapter)

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