Chapter 8
Lao Xia threw down the clean bones, wiped his hands with a rag, took a sip from the wine cup, and said, "Look at her, take the test if she wants to, and go to work if she wants to work. You can't control it? That's an idea." Right."

Aunt Xia rolled her eyes and said, "You're not used to it."

Old Xia laughed happily and said, "Who is not used to me if I am not used to it? Besides, is Xiaoxiu not good at work or housekeeping? She just loves to play. Which child doesn't play? Her father can earn money, eat well and wear well." Who's in the way?"

Stationmaster Wang picked up the wine cup and touched Lao Xia and said, "That's the reason."

Xiaowei gnawed his bones silently on the side, listening to the pair of daughters chanting sutras.

After Lao Xia and Station Master Wang had had enough to drink and eat, Aunt Xia took a nap in the next room, and Xiaowei also took a few naps on the sofa.

Lao Xia shaved his teeth and sent stationmaster Wang and Xiaowei out, walking all the way to the gate.

"You don't need to come over tomorrow morning, I'll go directly to your bureau to pick him up." Lao Xia spat and said to stationmaster Wang.

Stationmaster Wang washed his face on the faucet at the entrance of the courtyard, and said, "Okay. You go back and lie down for a while, we're going back. Go drink at my place someday."

The three broke up. Stationmaster Wang drove Xiaowei through the county town until they came to the south of the county town. The cement road came to an abrupt end here, and there was an endless rice field in front of them. It was almost autumn, and the rice fields had begun to turn yellow. , The wind blew, and the rice swayed gently in the wind, forming waves after waves.

After getting off the bus, stationmaster Wang stretched his waist towards the rice field, pointed to the side and said, "Look at that, do you see it? That's where you'll be going to work right away. There are six buildings in total. Over there, that's the winery , I also want to build a building, I have finished scraping, and I want to build a new county party committee compound. This work is all your Uncle Xia's work. Follow others and work hard, don't expect you to be famous, learn something down-to-earth, and you can support your family in the future."

Xiaowei nodded while looking at the construction site in the distance, and said, "Don't worry uncle, I understand."


Early the next morning, Xiaowei followed Stationmaster Wang to the Agricultural Machinery Bureau. Stationmaster Wang went to work, and Xiaowei was sitting in the guard room, chatting with the gatekeeper.

Old Liu Tou retired from the Agricultural Machinery Bureau. Before retiring, he was the person in charge of the agricultural machinery station stationed in the commune below, and he could barely be called a cadre internally.

The two of them are considered to be familiar with each other, and Uncle Liu also became kind and friendly in the internal relationship, smiling.

"Boy, it's okay if you can't study. You see, veterans are not very useful now, and they have to be high school students. Then they will be cadres, with ranks, and they will be promoted quickly. Can you dig in the dirt? What did you dig out? How old are you? Sixteen? Let the station master Wang find a place to go to school, take a test, and build a building to be a fart. If you don’t have money, it’s hard to marry a wife.”

Xiaowei just laughed and said: "I can't pass the exam. After throwing it away for many years, I can only recognize a few words. I have to take a lot of courses in high school and university. I haven't seen any books on mathematics, politics, physics and chemistry. I have to learn a foreign language, so I won’t be in a hurry. Building a building can do it, so I’ll work hard, don’t look at me thin, I’m strong.”

Uncle Liu patted his body with a fan, sighed, and said, "We still have to be in the city, we can't do it in the countryside. Just look at this school and you can see the gap. It's not easy for rural children. Go and look a little longer. Listen more, do more and talk less, don’t do what you are told not to do, and pay attention to safety, understand? The height is more than ten to twenty meters, and one sloppy will be finished.”

Xiaowei nodded and agreed: "Well, my uncle told me, I remember."

A Duke drove over and stopped at the gate, Lao Xia's head poked out of the car window, looked at both sides, and shouted: "Xiaowei."

Xiaowei jumped up and ran out to agree: "Hey, Uncle Xia, I'm here."

Lao Xia nodded at Xiaowei and said, "Come on, get in the car, and I'll take you there."

Old Liu came out with a cattail fan and said, "Xiao Xia, please make arrangements, so don't be tired."

Lao Xia said: "I can't care about my nephew, don't worry, old Liu, is your son back yet?" He took a pack of cigarettes from the car, stuck it out the window, and threw it to the old man.The old man took the cigarette and held it in his hand to look at it, and said: "No, there is still one year left, I will find you when I come back."

Lao Xia said: "It's useless to find me, you can directly contact your director, this matter has to be discussed and prepared in advance."

Old Liu shook his head, stuffed his cigarette into his trouser pocket and said, "It's not like you don't know that this new young man is different from before. He came down from the top, and it's useless to look for him if he doesn't have a relationship. I almost went home at the gate. I need you guys to help me when the time comes."

Lao Xia said: "Okay, your old head Liu doesn't mind coaxing us, so you'll talk about it when the time comes, the worst thing is to do it with me, if you don't say anything else, it will be no problem to support the family. Okay, then I'll go, let's have a drink someday A cup." Waving his hand, the Duke slid silently and drove towards the south of the county seat.

Old Liu Tou watched the car go away, sighed, and went back to the guard room.

In the car, Lao Xia said to the driver: "A lot of people in the county came down from the top this time, right? Agricultural machinery, courts, and traffic all came down from the top. It will not be so easy to do things after this. After spending most of my life, look now, even the child's job has to find me, an outsider, and love is getting thinner and thinner."

The driver nodded and said, "It's different now. It's about money now. You can't do anything without money. Society has changed long ago."

Lao Xia nodded, lit a cigarette and said, "Lao Li is going to the city next year, and where he will go has not been decided yet. He must either join the organization department or get a deputy mayor. We have to keep up, get ready, step on the road ahead of time. Step on it, next year we will go to the city to build buildings, isn't it just to make money, we men don't boo about this."

The driver said: "Success, I will arrange for people to go there. There is nothing in the city. I told you to go and you didn't nod. There are too many people going out in the city, the deputy mayor and the bureau chief. Have you suffered a loss?"

Lao Xia thought for a while, and said: "This kind of favor, the more you use it, the thinner it becomes. Forget it, don't think about it, let's take a step at a time."

After a few words, the car arrived at the construction site, and the three got out of the car and walked in through the gate welded by iron pipes.

As soon as you enter the gate, there is a row of simple houses, and you can’t see anything inside. The driver shouted: "Xiao Wu." With a promise, a person came out from inside and said hello: "Brother Jianjun, ouch , Boss, you are here too, come in and sit down?"

Lao Xia said: "I won't go in. How can you get in if your room is so smelly? Take some hats, and Jianjun and I will go in and have a look. Is there anything going on during this time?"

Xiao Wu turned his head and walked to another room, took out the key and said: "It's nothing, the brick factory came to ask for the bill once, and I blocked it back, we can still send them three melons and two dates. I don’t know why he’s in such a hurry.” He opened the door and went in, came out with three hard hats, and locked the door again.

 There is no YY in this book, and it is a real development struggle. I hope it can bring some help in entrepreneurship to book friends in reality.It will not be too long, and it is expected to be around 200 million words.

(End of this chapter)

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