Chapter 54
It was the time when guests were served at noon, and the kitchen was a little busy.

This is the main entrance of the kitchen, and there is a ramp leading directly to the ground in the kitchen, which is for goods, but at noon, the sun can barely shine in, and this little sunshine makes the kitchen no longer so dark .

The kitchen is very large, about a hundred square meters. There is a stove opening against the wall on the side facing the street. At this time, flames are whistling. Wearing a white chef uniform, with a blackened white towel draped over his shoulders, he was picked up from time to time to wipe the sweat off his face.

Two meters away from the stove, there is a row of steel tables with six or seven wooden blocks on it. Three or four girls are standing on the edge of the wooden blocks, holding knives and cutting non-stop. The plate, the girl stacked the cut things on the plate, and a handyman immediately sent it to the stove.The chef shakes the fried dishes and pours them neatly onto the empty plate on the other side of the steel table. The handyman takes them up and trots to the innermost part of the kitchen, where there is a small elevator. Put the dishes in and press the bell to serve The staff lift the dishes up and deliver them to the table.

Five or six chefs, three or four side dishes, the most handymen, seven or eight, and the busiest, washing vegetables, chopping garlic, chopping minced ginger, cutting green onions, washing pots, washing dishes, serving dishes, moving goods, collecting garbage, cleaning up on-site sanitation , trotting all the way by the chef and side dishes from time to time.

There was a screen next to the kitchen. Xiaowei wanted to find Li Na and asked a handyman. The handyman pointed to the screen and ran away.

While watching the busy chef, Xiaowei and Xia Maosheng carefully avoided the sundries, walked inside along the slippery ground, bypassed the screen, and saw that the inside was quite clean, and there was a marching folding table against the wall. The bed, next to the screen was an old desk, a white and chubby man in a neat chef uniform was sitting there, he seemed to be in his early thirties, with a dick expression on his face.

Li Na was standing by the desk, leaning her crotch on the desk, holding a notebook in her hand, and was talking to this man.

Xiaowei and Xia Maosheng walked over, Li Na turned to see Xiaowei, and said, "Why did you two come down? This is our chef, brother Liu. Chef Liu, this is a student from the cooking class above, this is a local His name is Zhang Wei, this one is from Beipiao and his name is Xia Maosheng, what's the matter with you two?"

Xiaowei and Xia Maosheng called out to Brother Liu, and Xiaowei said to Li Na: "I want you to ask for brooms, garbage, mops, and ashtrays. That house is like a pigsty now. The sky is getting worse." It's getting colder, and once the doors and windows are closed, I'm afraid that something will happen, and it will be bad if someone gets sick."

Li Na said: "Did you two beat someone last night? I went up to see in the morning, and there was blood all over the place. You two were too ruthless. What's the big deal?"

Xiaowei was a little embarrassed, scratched his head and said: "He scolded people first, so I said don't smoke in the house and don't throw cigarette butts on the ground, he opened his mouth to scold, and even came to beat me, don't cut him and keep it." Gaha? There are so many people watching, so what if you don’t get overwhelmed this time?”

Brother Liu stood up and said, "You guys chat, I'll go over and have a look."

Li Na said: "I told you, don't lose the chain at night." Brother Liu waved his hands indifferently (pretentiously), then walked towards the stove with his hands behind his back, wearing water boots, stepping on the pile There was a creaking sound on the water surface.

The kitchen is bigger, so it's much quieter inside.

Li Na closed the notebook in her hand, stood up straight and turned to sit on the chair and asked Xiaowei, "Is that all you need?"

Xiaowei nodded, ahed, and looked at Li Na.

Li Na said: "I have everything, I will get it for you later. By the way, you just came down, and you will start your internship next week. Where do you two want to go?"

Xiaowei looked at Xia Maosheng, and said to Li Na: "I don't understand either, where should I go? What are you practicing for?"

Xia Maosheng said: "Let's just stay here, it's close, that's chopping vegetables, the course is far away from the stove."

Li Na nodded and said, "Well, chop vegetables and meat, but I think Zhang Wei, you have to chop the green onions first, hahaha." Xia Maosheng also laughed, the only one in the chef class who had never cut vegetables, Fame is not ordinary big ah.

Xiaowei turned his head to look at the handyman over there who was busy kicking the back of his head, took a few glances, sighed, and said, "Cut it, what is it not? I don't believe it. Just watch."

Xia Maosheng stretched out his hand to make a gesture, and then said, "Two months, right? I'm waiting. Accept the bet."

Li Na asked, "What two months?"

Xia Maosheng told about the bet, and Li Na covered the notebook with a smile and leaned forward and back, and laughed for a long time and said, "Come on, Zhang Wei, I also bet, I'll bet a meal of boiled mutton, do you want to accept it? "

Xiaowei licked his lips and said, "Pick it up, why don't you pick it up, I haven't eaten it myself, let's see it."

Li Na tilted her head and looked at Xiao Wei mischievously and asked, "Where are you from? Why do I think you are not from Fengtian?"

Xiaowei said: "It wasn't originally, I am from the small city of Beixi, a rural person, and I used to be a farmer."

Li Na put down her notebook, her black eyes lit up, and she leaned over the table and asked, "Is the countryside fun? I haven't been there yet. Is the scenery good? What do you grow at home?"

Xiaowei glanced at Xia Maosheng, and said to Li Na: "I have a wife. Besides, you are too small, you can't do any work. Do you want to fuck?"

Xia Maosheng laughed so hard that he squatted on the ground, Li Na blushed, gritted her teeth and took a notebook to slap Xiaowei a few times, and then laughed too.

"You guys are gaha? Why are you laughing in my room?" A crisp voice sounded beside the three. It was the side dish who had been busy on the pier just now. He was not tall, about 1.5 meters, and a bit long. She is thin, her hair is permed and tied up again, and the curtain of her head is raised high. It looks like she has used hairspray.Red lips and white teeth, and a small mole tattooed on the center of the eyebrows. This is a very popular dress in recent years, and many girls have tattoos on the center of the eyebrows.

Li Na held the notebook with one hand and rubbed her belly with the other, and said to the girl, "Sister Jin, are you done?"

Sister Jin hummed, and said, "What are you talking about? You can listen to those who laugh."

Li Na took a few breaths, calmed down her emotions, and said to Xiaowei and Xia Maosheng: "This is Sister Jin, the side dish, you can follow Sister Jin after two days of internship, she is very nice. By the way, Jin Sister lives here, this is Sister Jin's house, and we are in Sister Jin's room right now."

Xiaowei and Xia Maosheng called sister again. Sister Jin is 25 this year, a bit older than both of them.

Xiaowei looked at the folding bed on the side, looked at the wet ground, smelled the musty air, and asked, "Sister Jin? You live here? Can your body take it?"

Sister Jin combed her hair, untied it, shook her head and said, "It's nothing, I'm used to it, you don't have to spend money to live outside, we come from the countryside, can you be willing to spend that money?"

Xia Maosheng asked: "Sister Jin, where is your home?"

 Sister Jin is a real character, a girl from Xiasanglinzi Village, Shenyang. When I knew she lived in that dark, damp, musty basement kitchen, I was so shocked that you can’t imagine, and at that time she was alone in that Has lived in the empty kitchen for over a year.She is a very optimistic and ingenious woman. More than 20 years have passed. Presumably, Sister Jin is already married and has children. Hello, Sister Jin, I wish you well.

(End of this chapter)

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