20 years of spring breeze

Chapter 52 5 Loves

Chapter 52 Five Loves (add another chapter to book friend Yihou)
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Xiaowei said: "Okay, just a few of us don't have to pretend. If you put him in and squat for 100 years, wouldn't you be beaten? Doesn't it hurt? What if you meet a tiger and screw you out? It's too late, it's not worth it."

Chen Hui nodded and said: "Xiaowei is right. If he hit him back then, he would hit him. Now it's not ashamed to stay away. It would be a shame if they really blocked him. The station is full of hooligans. After the fight, where do you go to find it? There are quite a lot of Liaoyang people over there, what if there is someone like him? Listen to Xiaowei, I found that this guy's head is very fast, and his hands are unambiguous, awesome ah."

Xia Maosheng nodded and said with a smile: "I finally understand why Xiaohong always calls him Brother Guizi in the past two days, it's a ghost."

Chen Hui raised his voice and said to Xiaohong who was heating up the meal in the kitchen: "Xiaohong, why are you calling Xiaowei devil?"

In the kitchen, Xiaohong giggled happily, filled the pot with water, came out and leaned against the kitchen door and said, "When he was young, he always coaxed other children to go home and steal delicious food, or he led them to steal their food." He always eats the most of the things in his own field, runs the fastest, and has never been beaten. , and then call it a devil. But now it seems that few people call it that way."

Holding the water glass in his hands, Xiaowei said, "Talk about those gahas, let's get some hot food."

Xiaohong went into the kitchen with a smile, and Chen Hui said with a smile: "Let me just say it, it really is like this, I guess the children who grew up with you will have psychological shadows, haha."

Xiaowei said: "When I was young, I was shopping, but I couldn't get enough to eat. My family had many children, and my dad had a bad waist and didn't grow enough land. I was hungry all day long, so I couldn't figure out how to get something to eat? It was all forced. It's like fighting, yes, who wants to fight? If you don't fight, you will be bullied, so fight, anyway, one person only has one head, who doesn't hurt?"

Xia Maosheng said: "It's still your courage. I didn't dare to fight when I was young, so I was bullied all day long, and I often went home crying, and I had to be cut by my dad. I was small when I was young, but I don't have the same head as I do now. .Once I scolded me angrily, you don’t know how to beat him? You don’t have long hands? You’re the only one who can have haha ​​in the future? Even a fight won’t do. For your part, look at your bear."

"These words irritated me. In my father's generation, there were only my father and my aunt. I was a boy who was quite used to me since I was a child. At that time, my aunt's words were serious. Besides, When I was young, what was the new clothes that were delicious? That was the whole world. When I heard it, it was because the world was gone, so it was okay? I went out to find my two boys, Mr. Xiong.”

"When I get to their place, I will negotiate with them. I said I won't bully me in the future, will I win? New clothes can't be shared, and I will bring delicious food to share with you. At that time, everyone was poor, and my family's conditions were poor. Pretty good."

"In the end, those two bastards probably didn't eat anything delicious. They thought it was similar to theirs. They didn't agree, and they pushed me into the coal washing pool. You haven't seen that one. It's black and black. People go in and come out to wash it. They couldn't be washed clean, and all the clothes must be thrown away. I did it with them. It was the first time I had the courage to fight against them. To be honest, eating is really motivating for children It was too big. In the end, I ran away, and the two of them asked me to put one in the coal washing pool, haha."

"After I ran home, I thought, fuck it, it's not difficult. I can beat them, so what are they doing? I dared to fight since then, and it turned out that it was not right to be able to fight, and it was even worse. Scolding, saying that I caused trouble. It’s not easy for children, everything is wrong, and adults are right. I thought, when I grow up, I must beat my dad. But now that I grow up, he still Dad, if you want to hit me, I still have to run."

The three of them laughed together. Which child didn't think about it when they were young?
Chen Hui said: "Last summer, my dad scolded me at work. Many people watched me. ? In the end, I was chased by the old man for about an hour, trying to beat me with the sole of my shoe. In the end, I carried the old man home, tired from running.”

The three laughed again, and Xiaowei said, "It's not easy being a father. You have to support us and protect us. My dad couldn't turn over at night when his back hurts. Why don't we get up at five o'clock in the morning and go out to work? Why? My brother left as a soldier, and my younger brother was young, so I stopped studying at that time and went home to farm. I really couldn't bear to see my father like that, and thought I should do more and let him lie down for a while. As a result, now that I can earn money, they don’t even want to give them the money. They say they want me to buy a house in the city. When I have a house in the city, they can take care of me if I don’t give it to them. If I If we really have a house in the city, I guess they don’t want to give it to them, parents. Work hard, buddies, when they are old, we can let them enjoy the blessing even if they didn’t raise us for nothing.”

Chen Hui and Xia Maosheng didn't say anything, they just nodded together, looking thoughtful.

Xiao Hong came out with the hot meal and said, "What's wrong? Are you stupid? Put it on the table." At present, the dining tables used by ordinary people are usually standing on the side, folded up and placed against the wall when not in use. take up space.

Xiaowei got up and put the table away, and helped Xiaohong put the things in her hand on the table. Xiaohong went back and took the bowls and chopsticks out, and the four of them ate.

After eating a few mouthfuls, Xiaohong said: "The sweater my classmate is wearing today is really nice. I want to buy one too. She said she bought it at some night market. It's quite cheap. I thought I don't have time to knit yet. How about we both buy and wear it, okay?"

Xiaowei took a sip of the hot porridge and said, "Buy it, I'm tired of knitting. Where did you buy it? I'll check it out tomorrow."

Xiaohong bit her chopsticks and thought for a while and said, "I don't remember, anyway, what kind of night market is it, what is it called a night market?"

Chen Hui's lips were full of greasy food, and he swallowed a mouthful of food and said, "Night market, there are night markets everywhere. There is Taiyuan Street, not far from the Cultural Palace, and it takes 2 minutes to walk there. The food is not bad, it's not too bad." It's cheap, but it's not too expensive either. I'll accompany you tomorrow night, you three country bumpkins, Lao Xia smells like the sun when you open your mouth, you'll be blamed if you don't get slaughtered."

Xiaohong asked: "Then, why are they cheap? Clothes."

Chen Hui said: "Wuai Market is the cheapest in Northeast China, but you have to get up early to go there. It opens at 03:30 in the morning and closes at ten o'clock in the morning."

Xiaohong blinked her eyes and asked, "What's so strange? The market isn't for selling things? It's opened before people go to bed, and it's closed when people go out. Who are they selling to?"

 The supporting role A chapter will be added tomorrow.For the new book period, look at the collection and recommendation, and watch the subscription and reward when it is on the shelf.

(End of this chapter)

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