Chapter 38

The next day, Teacher Lan talked about the distribution of pigs in the morning.

Pork is the most common material used in all cuisines, and it is also the focus of learning.

"Have you ever eaten pork?" Teacher Lan waxed the covered part of the head today, shining under the light.Yesterday, because he kept shaking, this piece of hair combed from the side to cover the top of the head always fell down, and I had to keep pulling it up with my hands, but today I don't need it, it's stuck properly.

Generally, Muslim cooks are private and would not come to this kind of chef class, but Teacher Lan still asked.

"Okay, then let's start today's lesson, the grading and picking of pork. Are you thinking, isn't it just pork, after buying it, cut it, cut it, fry it, there is nothing to talk about, right? No, we It is a chef, not a home cook. Pigs are all meat, but which piece of meat is suitable for what, how to cut, and how to process, all of which must be mastered, so that good dishes can be made. Meat from different places can be cooked in the same dish, and the taste will be different. is completely different."

"The whole body of a pig can be eaten, and there is nothing to waste except the hair. Bones? You can also eat bones, it depends on whether you know how to cook them."

"How many parts does the book say the pig is divided into? 15? Right? Oh, yes, I edited the book. This is also the general division method in all cooking textbooks. But in fact, the pig can be divided into 18 parts. In addition to the 15 in the book, there are ribs and spine, which are all places that can be cooked separately, you must count them, right? Then there is another 18, where is it? Beside the tenderloin On the top, above the spine, there is a whole piece of meat, commonly known as cucumber meat, also called small tenderloin, this piece of meat can be eaten raw, and it is the tenderest part of the pig, this is 18."

"And the internal organs? Well, then divide it yourself, your pig can divide about forty parts."

"Let's not talk about the pig's head, shall we? The meat of the pig's head, the upper jaw, the tongue, the ears, the pig's brain, and the eyes are all made into separate dishes, but relatively speaking, the processing methods on the pig's head are just the same, so there's nothing to talk about." Yes, you'll know if you've eaten it. Haven't you eaten it? Your life is really pathetic."

"I won't talk about pig's claws, offal? I'll talk about offal after that, so I have to talk about it when cooking. It's useless to talk about it, you can't remember."

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about. Once I talk about it, I will cook. This is the content behind. Now I talk about the teacher who is behind? Gaha? You can't work hard with me?"

"Let's talk about the division of pork. Have you ever cut meat? Zhang Wei, you haven't cut meat before? Then you come to Gaha? The boy is very courageous, very courageous."

"When the pigs are in our hands, they are half and half. In fact, the two sides are exactly the same."

"Every piece of meat is covered by fascia. Use a sharp knife or a knife to separate the meat along the fascia so that each part of the meat is kept intact. You will pass this level. The division is actually that simple."

"After dividing, shave off the fascia covering each piece of meat. Huh? This is also edible, but it has to be processed separately. You can't chew it together with the meat. If you make a vegetable meat, you still have it." Fascia, your restaurant is going to be smashed."

"Pork belly can be used as braised pork, stir-fried vegetables, and Sichuan-style twice-cooked pork. Tenderloin is a separate dish. Twice-cooked pork? Twice-cooked pork is best without tenderloin, which is hard to chew. Twice-cooked pork should use the back mound, which is the tip of the buttocks. Of course, As long as you don’t use fat, there’s nothing wrong with it, and ordinary people can’t eat it, but if you want to compete or become a chef, the choice of ingredients is very important. You don’t want to be a chef? You cook for your wife? Then you You can pretend that I didn't say anything. You really learned how to cook for your daughter-in-law? Don't talk to me, I'm afraid I'll be fooled by you."

"Suddenly I was very confused, and I didn't have the enthusiasm to tell you any more. In fact, chefs have to do it by hand, keep practicing, trying, and then explain it again, and you will understand immediately. I'm exhausting you all here. I don’t understand, at most I just roll my eyes, I think my hard work is meaningless.”

"What are you laughing at? You are a kitchen idiot who has never cut vegetables or touched a knife. You are still sitting in the first row under my eyes. Who gave you such a boldness? I feel nothing when I look down and see you. Unconfident, do you know where the pig's tail grows?"

Zhang Wei sat there with a blushing face, and Xia Maosheng next to him was already lying on the table laughing and smoking, and the classroom was full of laughter.

"Forget it, let's talk about it. There is a catchphrase for cutting meat. You must remember it. What do you mean? Cut the beef horizontally, cut the chicken straight, and cut the pig obliquely. What do you mean? When cutting beef, the knife should be cut horizontally." Meat grains, chicken should be cut along the meat grains, pigs don’t really matter, you can cut them any way, but the standard cutting method is to cut obliquely, so that there is an angle between the knife and the meat grains, and the dishes produced in this way are good-looking and taste good. good."

"Why? Beef has thick fibers. Humans don't have enough bite force, that is, you can't bite it. Cut it horizontally, cutting off the meat lines. It's easy to bite, and it will rot after chewing. Chicken is just the opposite, the muscle fiber is too thin , If you cut it horizontally, it will fall apart and crumble when you put it in the pot. Pork is better, you can cut it however you want, the hardness of the meat is just suitable for our bite force, and it tastes delicious no matter how you eat it.”

"Sheep? What kind of sheep? Are you sent by another training class to make trouble? Now you admit that I am the one to refund your tuition."

"There are too many meat ingredients, and it is impossible to introduce them all in detail. Cows, pigs, and chickens are typical representatives. Medium-sized animals such as sheep and dogs are similar to pigs, and large animals such as deer and horses are similar to cattle. Poultry and chickens are similar to pigs. It’s like a chicken, you can figure it out for yourself, if you really can’t, go buy something to eat, it’s easier to understand than what I said.”

"Actually, it's not just meat, vegetables are also divided in this way. Can you chew celery along the way? Get out, I'm talking about normal people."

"Cabbage is the most common and eaten dish in our lives. In fact, cabbage is not suitable for cross-cutting, and it will break when fried."

"Potatoes? Potatoes are the pigs in the dishes. You can make them any way you want, and it tastes good. If they don't taste good? That's because you don't know how to do them."


Xiaowei was riding a bicycle, Xia Maosheng was sitting on the back seat, and the two walked towards Sanhao Street.

Fengtian Sanhao Street is next to Wulihe Stadium. It is a national-level high-tech development park built in the same year as Zhongguancun in Beijing. It is a distribution center for IT software, hardware, and electronic industrial products in five northeastern provinces. Nearly three kilometers long.

In 90, Sanhao Street was already very prosperous. To be honest, the development of Shanghai and Guangdong in this period was not far behind Fengtian. The Oriental Ruhr is definitely not in vain.

If it weren't for the strict regulation of the country, if the provinces could be given the opportunity and power to develop themselves, Fengtian would definitely be the number one city in the country other than the capital city.It's a pity that there is no such opportunity, only blood is drawn continuously, but even so, Fengtian is developing unstoppably and rapidly.

This is a city with ambition.

As soon as we approach Sanhao Street, the road seems to narrow suddenly. This is an illusion brought about by crowds of people and vehicles.It is only here that we know what is bustling, what is crowded, what is called ocean of people, and only then can we intuitively know how many Chinese people there are.

Even the temperature felt several degrees higher than other places. Xiaowei unbuttoned his clothes and felt sweaty after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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