You can't provoke my baby

Chapter 191 Found!

Chapter 191 Found!

"Let's go!" Zhou Xiaohan waved his hand, but he wanted to see if the masked man next to him was his younger brother, and if so, hum!Don't blame yourself and others for being ruthless, your ass will beat him to pieces.

Then everyone opened the door of the private room and came to the door of the private room of Zhou Xiaofeng and others. Everyone hesitated. If that person was not his younger brother, wouldn't it be embarrassing to wait for someone to go in?Then you have to explain something.

"I'll take the lead." Then Zhou Xiaolin stood up and knocked on the door. She wasn't afraid. Zhou Xiaolin really wanted to know if the masked man Zhou Xiaoxue was talking about was her younger brother. If so, she would definitely beat him to death. His ass is actually looking for girls behind his back.

Inside the private room at this time!

Zhou Xiaofeng and the others heard the knock on the door, and everyone looked at the door, only to see Luoxue standing up and saying, "I'll go and open the door!"

Then Luoxue walked towards the door under the eyes of everyone, and Zhou Xiaofeng also turned around, enjoying Ye Jinxuan and Lu Yao's sandwiches, and feeding them to himself.

Zhou Xiaofeng didn't pay attention to the door either. If he did, he would be shocked. His sisters were standing outside the door, oh my god!

"Brother Feng, ah..." Lu Yao picked up a piece of chicken and handed it to Zhou Xiaofeng's mouth.

Seeing this, Ye Jinxuan, like Lu Yao, picked up a dish and put it next to Zhou Xiaofeng's mouth.

Just when Zhou Xiaofeng wanted to eat, Luoxue came to the door, didn't think about anything, and directly opened the door of the private room, because everyone knew that there were no bad people here who could threaten him and others, so no one cared Outside the door, she just wanted to know who the person was. When Luoxue opened the door, she was stunned, only to see five top-quality beauties standing outside and looking at her.

Seeing these familiar people, Luoxue screamed, "Oh my god!"Why are these people here? The boss is out of luck.

Hearing Luoxue scream, everyone in the private room said suspiciously: "Luoxue, who is here?"

Zhou Xiaofeng and the others also looked at the surprised Luoxue with puzzled faces, because Luoxue didn't open too many doors, everyone didn't see who was coming, and the four daughters of Zhou Xiaohan outside didn't see the people inside either. It was Comrade Luo Xue who opened the door.

Hearing the woman's voice from inside, Zhou Xiaolin directly pushed open the door of the private room. Suddenly, everyone's appearance was exposed in front of Zhou Xiaolin's five daughters. The first thing Zhou Xiaolin and others noticed was of course our protagonist. Zhou Xiaofeng!

At this time, Zhou Xiaofeng also looked confused, what the hell!sisters!Why are they here?

Zhou Xiaofeng was completely stupefied, and at the same time, his heart began to beat faster unconsciously. That's right, Zhou Xiaofeng was scared at this time. You have to take a look. This scene at this time is like the original partner catching the mistress, especially the six Zhou Xiaofeng's eyes met, which frightened Zhou Xiaofeng, and his five sisters were all staring at him, with surprise on their faces.

Zhou Xiaofeng is not wearing a mask now, he took it off when he entered the private room, so ah!The matter of Zhou Xiaofeng being next door has been completely exposed, and Zhou Xiaohan and the others suddenly felt depressed for some reason.

I didn't expect that the man in the mask Zhou Xiaoxue was talking about was really the younger brother of himself and others, and now he was sandwiched between two beauties. It's the same, I started to be interested in girls, and took care of others.

The most unbelievable person, of course, is Zhou Xiaolin. At this time, Zhou Xiaolin was about to collapse. What did she see? Two women sandwiched her brother with a happy face, and there was a smile on her brother's mouth. Two pairs of chopsticks, two hands, it looks like they are really a couple!And there is still a man and two women.

Has the younger brother turned bad, or is it because of these people present?
Lu Yao and Ye Jinxuan were also stunned, especially Ye Jinxuan, she had met Zhou Xiaohan and Zhou Xiaofeng before, when Zhou Xiaofeng went to the singer competition, they were the two who accompanied her, and she was sitting with Zhou Xiaofeng at that time However, now they actually appeared in front of him and others, and they were exposed in front of the five of them with such an embarrassing behavior. These five people are the future sisters of the two of them. Suddenly, Lu Yao and the two girls felt a little scared Yes, at this moment, it was as if Zhou Xiaofeng's family had caught her and fucked her. It was really scary!The three people who are not afraid of anything are starting to get scared now. Zhou Xiaofeng is scared because he came out without saying anything in the morning and is now being caught, while Lu Yao and the two girls are scared because they saw their parents.

The most worrying thing is Zhou Xiaofeng, because these five women are the sisters of his boss Zhou Xiaofeng.

Ding Fan was about to spit out the food he ate just now. He never thought that his five idols would appear in front of his eyes. He was so excited, but the situation seemed a little bad!I didn't expect that my mouth was quite clever, and the boss was really caught by his sisters and,

Then it's time for my boss Zhou Xiaofeng to explain, I don't know how the boss will explain, I'm really looking forward to it!But I am still very worried. Although I want Zhou Xiaofeng to be beaten in my heart, I am still very worried about Zhou Xiaofeng. Maybe people are like this!Sometimes it hurts others, and sometimes it comforts and worries others.

Han Chen couldn't help covering his eyes. Everyone knows who these five people are. After all, they often appear on TV. There are not many people in the world who don't know that their five beauties are all international figures. It is the eldest sister Zhou Xiaohan and the second sister Zhou Xiaofeng, both of whom are powerful figures, one in the entertainment industry and the other in the international arena.

Jin and the others were similar to Han Chen and the others. They all began to worry about their boss Zhou Xiaofeng, and didn't know what to say, so they could only look at Zhou Xiaofeng and Zhou Xiaohan's five daughters like this, waiting for who would speak first.

The girls really didn't expect it. They thought that maybe the man in the mask was just like their younger brother, and they left after waiting for someone to see it, but they didn't expect that it was really their younger brother, and it seemed that they were still the same. Very happy.

"Zhou Xiaofeng, give me an explanation!" I saw Zhou Xiaolin's voice was crying, as if she would cry after a while.

 There are typos, remember to tell the author that I have been a little bit stuck recently, the update speed has dropped, and the jam is more serious.

(End of this chapter)

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