gossip dad

Chapter 780 Loyal Friend Robert

Chapter 780 Loyal Friend Robert (for Subscription)
Within 10 minutes, Zemeckis arrived.

"Xu, what's the matter?" Zemeckis had just opened his mouth, and Daniel below was talking again.

A few minutes later, Zemeckis' face was liver-colored.

To be honest, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Daniel's statement, because Zemeckis thought so too.But...you can't say this in front of Xu.

This is your current boss, I will send you money, bro!
"Xu, here, I..." Zemeckis was about to drip from sweat.

He and Robert Fox have been acting together for so long, and even put Fox in front of Paramount to fight against Universal and Lionsgate.With great difficulty, the favorability level reached [-], but now such a thing suddenly appeared.

"Needless to say, I understand, Robert." Xu Yuan looked a little sad, "I am not from here, but I thought that I paid taxes here and provided job opportunities for friends here, so that they can Raising a family so they can use their talent and I gain their friendship."

"But now it seems that this is not the case."

"Robert, to be honest, I'm even beginning to doubt our friendship."

Zemeckis broke out in a cold sweat.

You can't doubt it, big brother!

"Of course, this is just whining. The person I trust the most in the crew must be yours, Robert. I have always regarded you as my friend. You helped me pull a crew together. I can't just because of the existence of this crew Some questions, just have a bad opinion of you, this is too ruthless, I absolutely can't think like this."

"It's okay, Robert. I heard that Daniel is your good friend. If that's the case, I can forget everything that happened today, and I can pretend that I didn't hear anything."


Xu Yuan took a sip of wine "painfully".

The actor's acting skills exploded, and even Jessica almost cried.

Zemeckis was no fool, he knew that if he didn't do something now, he and Xu would be screwed.

It doesn't matter what he said, but he has seen too many things where the backhand is just a knife.

There is only one way to restore her position in Xu Yuan's heart!
"Damn Daniel, I'm going to kick him out of the crew! He's such a jerk!" Zemeckis went downstairs angrily.

However, Xu Yuan grabbed him.

Xu Yuan's eyes were even a little rosy. He shook his head and said, "Promise me, Robert, don't do anything to him! No matter how you beat him up, I will help you pay for the medical expenses..."

Zemeckis almost cried too.

Dude, Daniel is a seven-footer!He even participated in the NCAA in his early years. If it weren't for his excessive body fat, he would even have a chance to play in the NBA!
It is not an exaggeration to say that his physical fitness is like a bird or a beast.

"I know what to do, give me 10 minutes, Xu, Daniel can only go out sideways today!" Zemeckis made a call, and a few minutes later, he went downstairs.

He and Daniel then had a violent argument.

Daniel was angry because he drank more: "Robert, what the hell happened to you? We are the same kind of people, why are you now that Xu's licking dog? What about your self-esteem?"

"We are the most honorable rice-grained people on this planet, and he is just..."

Daniel's words were very unpleasant.

To keep him from saying it, Zemeckis threw him a combo.

Then, what awaits Zemeckis is the wrath of a drunk seven-footer!
If the person Zemeckis called hadn't come early enough, Zemeckis might have died heroically.

Daniel did lie down and go out at the end.

But so was Zemeckis.

After the two left and the farce ended, Xu Yuan walked down from the second floor and walked onto the stage.

"Hey, everyone, please stay, especially my staff." Xu Yuan took the microphone and looked at the customers in the bar and said, "Today, because of the problems of my crew members, everyone is affected, so, to apologize, tonight All the consumption of alcohol and water will be counted on my head, everyone drink to your heart's content!"

The audience cheered, and no one cared about the unhappiness that just happened.

As for why Xu Yuan only includes drinks, it's because on these occasions, besides drinks, there are many other consumptions, Xu Yuan will feel distressed if he also includes drinks.

He does not support illegal entertainment.

"In addition, with today's incident, I want to say something to all my crew members." Xu Yuan continued, "I hope that in my crew, those who hold my money and shine on my light, To be able to respect me, even if only superficially."

"There are too many people who want to work with me and want to join my crew, but the reason I choose you is because you have supported me from the beginning, not because of your talent. After all, if you are really talented, You wouldn't have come to my set in the first place."

"You deserve all the honors and salaries now, and you can enjoy all of them. But if you no longer support me, you should also give up all of this."

"I'm open-minded and fair, and I don't mind getting a few resignation letters tomorrow, but I don't want what happened today to repeat itself."

"Daniel let Miss Jessica and I listen to his various insults to me for an hour. If Robert hadn't helped me solve him, I would have let him know what kongfu is!"

The atmosphere at the scene was a little silent.

If it was Chen Kewen and his like, they might feel that what Xu Yuan said was too much.

How can you be so straightforward?
Friendship and interests seem to be the same, but in Eastern culture, the two cannot be directly replaced.It's a shame to replace it directly.

But here is the tip of rice grains, and here are the rules here.

If you have money, what is your face?
On the contrary, Xu Yuan's arrogant attitude fits the image of the boss in their hearts.

There is an inner taste in an instant!
"Fuck him! Go to Daniel!" Jessica raised her glass on the second floor.

"Go to Daniel!" The audience toasted.

The atmosphere exploded instantly!
After that, there are endless high songs, alcohol, and beautiful women.

This is the rice grain tip.

Poor Daniel wakes up not only to find himself in a hospital bed, but also to find that he's been fired from the show.It will be discovered that his original friends began to alienate him.

Because those people depend on Xu Yuan for food, not him, Daniel.

In the world of capital, it is so direct.

The so-called freedom they advocate is nothing more than self-willedness when they are not threatened by capital.When capital becomes a mountain on them, they are nothing.

This is a bit similar to the reason why domestic companies can exploit middle-aged people unscrupulously, but they must love young employees.

The former has a lot of consumption such as car loans, mortgages, wives, children, and parents, and has to run around for money.As for the latter, they can quit in minutes.

In Hollywood, there is no friendship to bind you in normal times, and there is no friendship to pull you in a crisis.

Some only add insult to injury.

People without thought, he must worry about.

In Eastern culture, there are many human relationships that are prepared for some future variables.

It's just that under the impact of capital, friendship has lost its return function, so gradually everyone is unwilling to invest in friendship.

But in the early days, it was a very advanced way of saving.

(End of this chapter)

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