Excellent hand and heart doctor

Chapter 734 An Kexin's Awakening

Chapter 734 An Kexin's Awakening (Subscribe)

"Do you feel it?"

While saying this, Lin Jie lightly stroked the sole of Adam Thieren's left foot with the cap of his pen.

Adam Thieren immediately shrank his left foot and said, "Yes, it's still very strong."

Lin Jie put away his pen, smiled and said, "From the test results, there is no problem with the brain centers that control your five senses and your limbs."

"Now I say five words, you repeat them in order!"

Seeing that Adam Thieren was ready, Lin Jie said, "Dalmatians, Purple, Hard Disk, Umbrella, Satellite."

Adam Thieren opened his mouth and said: "Dalmatians, purple, hard drives, umbrellas, satellites."

There were no mistakes, and there were no excessive pauses, which indicated that his brain's short-term memory and logical thinking center were normal.

Lin Jie asked again: "A simple calculation problem, what is three times seven times four?"

"Three times seven... times... four times four..."

Seeing Adam Thieren's expression of embarrassment, his brows furrowed, and his murmurs still unable to give an answer, Lin Jie's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that the operation affected the calculation ability of his left brain?

At this moment, Jenny said, "Doctor Lin Jie, it's a bit difficult for you to ask this question."

"Even before the operation, Adam couldn't figure out this topic."

"You can do a few additions and subtractions within ten to verify Adam's calculation ability!"

Fearing that Lin Jie would not believe it, Slofer immediately explained: "Doctor Lin, many of us Americans are relatively poor in mathematics, and we use calculation software to calculate this."

"Unlike you Chinese, everyone is a master of mental arithmetic, and you just open your mouth to get change when you buy things."

Adam Thielen also hurriedly said: "Doctor Lin, it's not that I don't know how to count, but I rarely use it, really."

After hearing the three people's explanations, Lin Jie held back his smile and stopped checking his calculation ability.

He can only add and subtract mentally within ten, so there is not much loss if he loses this level of calculation ability.

Lin Jie then tested Adam Thielen's physical response ability, control ability, balance ability, etc...

After more than an hour, Lin Jie nodded his head and said, "Mr. Thieren, according to the current tests, the operation was successful, and there was no obvious postoperative damage."

"However, this is just a static test. You still need to wait for a few days after you recover to conduct a test under exercise."

"Thank you, Doctor Lin!"

Adam Thieren pointed to his head, which was covered with a hood, and said seriously: "Although my head hurts, I feel an unprecedented sense of relaxation and my mind is very clear."

"From my feeling, your operation was very successful, and it must be very successful."

Lin Jie chuckled lightly, "I hope so too."

"Mr. Thieren, take a good rest! After five or six days, I will give you another exercise test. If there is no problem, you can return to your country in about ten days..."

On the way back to the city by car, An Kexin saw Lin Jie's face was gloomy, and asked worriedly: "Ajie, is it because Adam Thielen's postoperative results are not satisfactory, and there are major hidden problems?"

Lin Jie shook his head and said, "I'm not worried about Adam Thieren's problem. From the current point of view, the operation is quite successful."

"For the exercise test in a few days, my confidence is also very high."

He let out a breath, and said in a deep voice: "Kexin, this Yuerong Plastic Surgery Hospital, if you can avoid contact with it in the future, don't contact it."

An Kexin asked suspiciously: "Ajie, is this because?"

Lin Jie held her hand, and said softly, "Boss Zhao that I met on the green field going to the hospital restaurant, if I remember correctly..."

"He should have suffered from acute renal failure due to allergies, causing severe damage to both kidneys."

"What Boss Zhao did at Yuerong Hospital should not be a cosmetic liposuction operation, but a kidney transplant operation."

An Kexin snorted, and asked in surprise: "That is to say, what Chen Qiuhua told us before is all true?"

"Is Yuerong Hospital doing black market organ transplants?"

Lin Jie said slowly: "Although there is no evidence, it's just speculation, but it should be ninety-eight out of ten."

"Our approach, although there is suspicion of killing donkeys, but in order to avoid future troubles, let's stay away from this hospital as much as possible!"

An Kexin hummed softly...

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening when I returned to Xiangtai's apartment.

Feeling tired, Lin Jie took a shower and fell asleep.

After he fell asleep, An Kexin got up gently, went to the bathroom, and called An Weize...

"Ke Xin, your guess is right."

An Weize said with some excitement: "Your uncle wants to cooperate with a medical research center led by Academician Zou Tianxing to carry out the research and development of that generic drug."

"It seems that your uncle is going to spend a lot of money."

"With the support of such a well-known pharmaceutical research center, coupled with the complete raw material ratio and production process, the domestic production of that generic drug can be expected to succeed."

An Kexin let out a sigh, and asked, "Dad, have you found out why Academician Zou wants to see Ajie?"

"Academician Zou's main achievements are in biopharmaceuticals. There are very few intersections with Ajie's specialty in clinical medicine!"

An Weize laughed and said, "Girl, your understanding is a bit narrow."

"Pharmaceutical research requires a lot of clinical trials, and top clinical experts like Ajie can provide very constructive and valuable opinions."

"Moreover, the higher the level of experts, the more they need exchanges in similar fields, so that they can inspire and promote each other."

"Your uncle invited Ajie to meet Academician Zou. The starting point should be for Ajie's good."

An Weize sighed: "Only at Ajie's level, perhaps at the level of an academician, can we really talk to him."

An Kexin snorted, "I'm just worried that uncle and cousin will sell Lin Jie for their own benefit!"

"How long has it been? You've started to doubt your uncle, and you've been wholeheartedly protecting Ajie's interests."

With a bit of sourness, An Weize jokingly said, "In a little while, do you even filter out what Dad said first?"

"How is that possible? I trust my father unconditionally."

An Kexin said coquettishly: "I will always be Dad's good daughter. Dad, you are not someone else, you are sincere, and you are unconditionally good to me and Kemeng."

"It's not necessarily the case for other people, especially when faced with huge benefits."

"As for Ajie..."

A distressed look appeared on her face, and she said: "To put it simply, Ajie still has a heart of innocence, always treats others with sincerity, and will not fight back until he is hurt."

An Weize agreed: "That's true. Ajie treats people with sincerity. If others treat him well, he treats others better!"

"Based on the whole, the help that our family and your uncle's family have given to Ajie is far inferior to the tangible and intangible benefits from him."

He smiled complacently: "I now think that forcing you to establish a relationship with Ajie at that time was the wisest decision I have made in my life."

"Father, you are not allowed to mention this matter again!"

After An Kexin said this domineeringly, she said sternly: "Ajie suffered too much in his early years, and his experience and hobbies were limited. Healing diseases and saving lives and researching medicine are his greatest interests and interests."

"I'm Ajie's lover. I have the responsibility to protect him and prevent others from bullying and using him."

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(End of this chapter)

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