Excellent hand and heart doctor

Chapter 573 Video Recording

Chapter 573 Video Recording (For Subscription)

Because Lin Jie was going to perform an operation on Xiao Ganghao's mother tomorrow morning, he needed to gather his energy and make some preparations, so after the afternoon class, he moved the routine one-on-one conversation to next Monday.

After class, other students filed out, and Lin Jie's fourteen students, including Xiao Ganghao, stayed behind.

"Teacher, that Xu Feng who doesn't want to save his life, in my opinion, he is another form of a potter!"

Tian Xiangyu, who usually regarded himself as a big brother, took the lead and said angrily: "Perhaps he sees that you are successful, teacher, but you are young, and feels that you can be deceived, so he openly blackmails you like this."

"Such people must not be tolerated."

Tian Xiangyu said sincerely: "My uncle has a lawyer who has cooperated with him all the year round in the capital. He has a good success rate in civil litigation. I will contact my uncle now..."

"No, thank you for your kindness!"

Lin Jie said, "Actually, I also have a private lawyer, and I'm a partner of a well-known law firm. I've been employed for several months, and I haven't had any lawsuits yet."

"Maybe we can use this lawsuit to see how good this lawyer is."

Lin Jie looked at the many students who looked upset, and said, "There are many people like Xu Feng in society."

He said sarcastically: "There are always some people who, because of greed for profit, can't see their own weight clearly, and think that by turning black and white, they can get away with a fortune."

"However, this guy has offended me this time, so it's his bad luck."

Lin Jie who said this revealed an extremely powerful self-confidence.

His confidence did not come out of thin air.

Now that Lin Jie and Xu Feng are holding their own opinions, everyone knows that one of them must be lying.

But in terms of the credibility of the testimony, with Lin Jie's current reputation and status, as well as his past actions, especially his performance in treating the wounded in this earthquake, Lin Jie undoubtedly has an absolute advantage.

At will, Lin Jie can pull out 20 people who are willing to be his character witnesses.

Moreover, the environment Xu Feng was in that day, with stones pressing down on his legs, boulders overturning, and unfathomable aftershocks, after a little on-the-spot investigation, many people would be inclined to believe Lin Jie's words.

Lin Jie guessed that what Lai Huahui sent this time was just a lawyer's letter instead of a lawsuit document.

Perhaps, Xu Feng or his family members just wanted to use this more moderate method, and then use public opinion to hold them back, so that Lin Jie would be better at doing more than doing less, and spend some money to save trouble.

After all, Lin Jie's current net worth is not cheap.

Xu Feng and his family could get a general idea after a little investigation. In their thinking, spending hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars to save one trouble, might be something Lin Jie would be happy to do.

Only this time, they obviously miscalculated.

Lin Jie hated this kind of ungrateful and back-biting behavior very much, and he didn't want to use the so-called spending money to avoid trouble, so that he would bear an inexplicable stain on his back.

Apart from being confident that he will defeat the blackmail, Lin Jie also made some preparations.

On the day he returned to Binhai, he asked Qin Gang to take people to Zhuhai in western Sichuan to find something.

That thing was Xu Feng's cell phone.

Lin Jie remembered it clearly.

After the aftershock came, Lin Miao, who was taking a video message for Xu Feng, fell down, and she didn't know where she threw the phone.

Then, they hurried away by helicopter, and the mobile phone should still be left there.

Lin Jie also remembered that Xu Feng told his parents to make his two friends pay the price in the message.

These few words can more or less reflect Xu Feng's character from one aspect.

Yesterday evening, Lin Jie received a call from Qin Gang, saying that he had found his mobile phone.

However, the phone was soaked in rain and completely damaged.

This needs to be taken back to Binhai, to see if we can use technical means to restore the video information in the phone...

After Fang Hanrui, Song Licheng and others expressed their anger and condemnation together with the enemy, and expressed their willingness to drive Lin Jie at will, a dozen people looked at each other and began to exchange information.

At this moment, Gao Yanhong, Huo Guangheng, Guo Peng, and He Yimin stood at attention, saluted Lin Jie in unison, and shouted together: "Sir, good!"

Lin Jie just laughed and said, "Don't expect it, I will give you a military salute. To be honest, I still prefer to hear you call me 'teacher' compared to the title 'chief'."

Everyone just laughed.

On behalf of everyone, Fang Hanrui asked, "Teacher, why did you suddenly join the army?"

"This morning, we received a call from Assistant Zhang, inviting us to attend your awarding ceremony tomorrow, Teacher, which really surprised us."

Lin Jie said depressedly: "Joining the army was not my original intention. I was conscripted into the army, and there are some inside stories that I can't tell."

"However, you don't have to worry, I'm still the old me, everything is the same, it's just that I have an extra military status."

When Tian Xiangyu, Fang Hanrui and others saw that Lin Jie said that everything was business as usual, some worries in their hearts dissipated, and they did not continue to ask the question of joining the army.

Huo Guangheng, Gao Yanhong, Guo Peng, and He Yimin, who were soldiers themselves, envied Lin Jie's military rank very much.

Guo Peng said a little sourly: "When we enter the workplace in the future, we will only be officially awarded the title of second lieutenant. I don't know how many years we can survive until we reach colonel."

"Teacher, your starting military rank is a senior colonel. This is really comparing people to others. It's so maddening!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Guo Peng was unanimously stared at and ridiculed by everyone.

Tian Xiangyu even attacked: "Guo Peng, using medical skills as a reference, the teacher was awarded a senior colonel, and you were awarded a second lieutenant, all of which are not worthy of the name."

"I think it's a senior non-commissioned officer!" Song Licheng said solemnly.

Ma Hongmin giggled and said, "A mid-level non-commissioned officer is about the same!"

Looking at the many students joking around, only Xiao Ganghao remained quiet, Lin Jie waved his hand and said, "Okay, stop making trouble, what should you do!"

He threatened again: "If the conversation on Monday is not satisfactory to me, you will feel better."

The students dispersed, and Xiao Ganghao stayed behind.

"You already know?"

Lin Jie asked lightly, and continued to ask: "Don't the students know?"

Xiao Ganghao nodded slightly, and said: "Last night, my uncle told me about my mother's condition in detail, but I haven't had time to tell my classmates."

"Teacher, thank you for taking over my mother's operation."

After saying this, he bowed deeply to Lin Jie.

After Xiao Ganghao got up, Lin Jie said softly: "I will definitely do my best. As for the others, you are also a doctor, so you know everything you need to know, and I won't comfort you much."

"In the worst case of your mother, if the stomach is completely removed, her life is safe, but the quality of life will be worse. Don't worry too much."

Regarding Xiao Ganghao's mother's illness, Lin Jie could only do his best, and could not give the guarantee of rejuvenation.

Lin Jie hesitated for a moment before asking, "What's the relationship between you and Zou Manqing? If there is a long-term plan, it's hard to hide your mother's illness from her."

"I told her this morning!"

Xiao Ganghao said bitterly: "To tell you the truth, my mother is actually not very satisfied with Zou Manqing."

"Just yesterday morning, my mother's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees, and she urged us to get engaged and get married earlier."

Lin Jie naturally understood the reason for this change of attitude, and said: "No matter what your mother's attitude is, it still depends on your and Zou Manqing's thoughts, as well as your plans for the future."

Xiao Ganghao sighed: "Of course I am sincere to Zou Manqing, and she is also very good to me."

"Since my mother has such a disease, the follow-up chemotherapy, or examination, etc., all need good medical conditions."

"Teacher, I have decided not to fulfill the work agreement with my original unit. I want to stay in Binhai and work in Anlin Hospital..."

Lin Jie returned home and found that besides Zhang Xiaoxiao, Lin Miao, An Kemeng, and An Kexin, An Weize was also there, as well as Qin Gang who had rushed back from Zhuhai in Western Sichuan Province.

An Weize said cheerfully: "Ajie, your awarding ceremony tomorrow afternoon is a big event. After the news spread, there will be quite a few friends who will come to watch the ceremony, at least six to seventy people."

"We discussed some arrangements, Ajie, can you see if there is anything that needs to be added and improved?"

Lin Jie's awarding ceremony was held at the Binhai Military Region.

These organizational arrangements, such as car pick-up and drop-off, dinner venue, banquet standards, etc., are relatively simple.

The most important thing is the arrangement of personnel, such as who can go to the city military region to watch the awarding ceremony, and who can just attend the dinner directly.

Lin Jie mainly looked at the list of people attending the ceremony, and saw that they were all people he knew well, so he approved of this arrangement.

After confirming the matter, Lin Jie looked at Qin Gang and asked, "Is it possible to restore the phone data?"

Qin Gang didn't answer, but just took out a tablet computer, called up a video file and started playing it.

In the shaking picture, Xu Feng's voice came out one after another.

"...You guys take this recording and video, go to Ji Yangcheng and Peng Yutang, and ask them to pay some money, no, a lot of money, for your retirement..."

"...Dad, Mom, you must make them both pay the price..."

At this moment, the screen suddenly vibrated and tumbled, followed by darkness...

Lin Jie knew that this was the aftershock, and Lin Miao threw the phone out.

Suddenly, there was another shout in the dark video: "Miaomiao!"

Then came Lin Jie's voice!
Then there was a scream of "ah!"

Lin Jie held back the excitement in his heart and continued to listen!
Finally, he heard the voice he most wanted to hear, "Save me...save me..."

"Xu Feng, there is only one way to save you now! It is to amputate your legs, stop the bleeding, and then pull you out!"

"Okay, okay, as long as it keeps me alive, you can do whatever you want!"

 I wish my dear book friends a happy weekend! !Ask for support such as rewards, subscriptions, monthly tickets, and recommendations! !

(End of this chapter)

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