Excellent hand and heart doctor

Chapter 283 I Dropped It On Purpose

Chapter 283 I Dropped It On Purpose (Please Subscribe)
"Lin Jie, I'm so sorry!"

As soon as Lin Jie entered the clinic, Luo Shanshan came up to him and apologized: "I didn't expect my father to do that either. I thought he was simply going to congratulate you."

Lin Jie smiled lightly and said, "Sister Shanshan, I don't care, really!"

He further explained, "Uncle Luo's move yesterday can be regarded as an advance greeting to us and the major hospitals in Binhai City. It is better than a quiet and private action, which will catch you off guard."

Luo Shanshan smiled wryly, "Perhaps it's because the development has been smoother in the past few years, but now my father is acting more domineering and likes to overwhelm others! Sigh..."

Considering that Luo Wantong directly increased the price by [-] million for the purchase of Phoenix Mountain Hospital, and even came up with a time-limited price reduction, Lin Jie felt that this rich and powerful person really had a personality.

"This is also a manifestation of absolute strength. If Anlin Hospital wants to do this, it can't afford it!"

Lin Jie and Luo Shanshan walked up the stairs step by step!

"Sister Shanshan, Binhai University has given me special arrangements to enroll in the spring. In this case, after the Spring Festival, I won't be able to take care of the clinic. At most, come over on weekends or when you have something to do!"

This news was specially told to him by Ren Maoshi yesterday, with the intention of easing the relationship between the two!

Lin Jie stopped, turned to look at Luo Shanshan, and said, "After all, the number of people irradiated here in the clinic is small, and there are few patients. Some special cases are even more difficult to see. In addition, the conditions are limited, and at most it is an appendix operation, a caesarean section, etc. Minor surgery!"

"This is not good for you to expand your experience and improve your skills! Sister Shanshan, do you have any plans for your future?"

Luo Shanshan didn't respond directly, but instead said, "You must have heard about my father's past."

"He started out by smuggling. When he saw that the situation was not good, he went abroad."

"He thought that he would never come back in this life. I built a clinic here, which is not only my wish, but also my father's expectation. I hope that I can take care of the neighbors in the village."

She showed a relieved smile, and said: "A few months ago, someone suddenly sent a message to my father, saying that it is okay to forget the past. Just like that, my father came back."

After being silent for a while, Luo Shanshan continued: "As for my future, my father wants me to get in touch with and learn more about hospital management during this period of time. When Dr. Lierer becomes the dean, I will be his assistant. .”

"After all, the national conditions are complicated, and there are still many differences between domestic management and international management. I will coordinate and lubricate it in the middle to prevent Dr. Lierer from becoming unaccustomed."

Lin Jie understood that Luo Shanshan was developing into management.

He somewhat understood Luo Shanshan's choice. With such a good family background, it would be a waste to be a pure doctor in the eyes of outsiders.

Today, there are relatively more patients in the clinic, mainly because the weather has suddenly turned cold and there are more colds and fevers.

The weather outside is slowly turning gloomy, and there are signs of snow.

Lin Jie's work was even more leisurely, he just did a routine check on a few people.

All of Xu Ling's skin grafts survived, and there were no necrotic spots. In two days, the stitches were removed, and she could go home.

Actually, Xu Ling can go home now.

It was just a minor operation, and after a few days of recovery, it no longer affected her daily activities.

It's just that the environment of the clinic is relatively better, with air-conditioning, internet, and Zhu Qiang coming over from time to time to show his hospitality, which made Xu Ling a little bit reluctant to leave.

Lin Jie called Zhu Ziwen again to check the recovery of little finger.

After several months of recovery, the little finger he attached can already flex and stretch freely, but there is still numbness in the perception of the end of the finger.

This numbness is due to the fact that the connected nerves have not fully recovered.The recovery of the nervous system is the slowest, and it will take at least half a year for obvious improvement.

As far as the degree of recovery of Zhu Ziwen's little finger is concerned, it can be said to be close to perfection.

Lin Jie also checked Su Xiaohui's recovery from a broken bone.

Through the X-ray examination, it was found that Su Xiaohui's bone healing was in line with expectations, and there was no obvious hyperplasia or dislocation of the broken bone junction.

When I got off work in the evening, there were finally flakes of snow floating in the gloomy sky!This is Binhai City's first snow this year, and it came a little later than usual!
Under the light snow, Lin Jie drove back to the city.

On the way, he received a call from Zhang Xiaoxiao and learned that Uncle Zhang's test results had come out.

The situation is not good. In addition to the atrophy and necrosis of the dorsal nerve, some muscles and spongy tissue have not been connected well. To completely cure it, in addition to transplanting a section of nerve, it needs to be disconnected again, and then some muscles need to be implanted. and spongy tissue.

"Ajie, tell me, can we sue Tongren Hospital? After all, it's because they didn't do the surgery well?"

Lin Jie pondered for a while, and said, "This is not considered an accident of surgery. After all, the hospital replanted and survived. It is considered a successful operation, but the prognosis is not ideal."

"You can try to communicate with Tongren Hospital, but the most important thing is not to have too high expectations!"

Zhang Xiaoxiao said in a depressed tone: "I see, I will communicate with them first, and hope that they can afford some of the cost of another operation for my father."

"Ajie, I finally understand now. When people go to the hospital for surgery, why do they always try their best to hire experts and famous doctors to do the surgery. The doctors who perform the surgery are different, and the recovery results after the surgery are very different!"

After Lin Jie drove into the urban area, the snowflakes suddenly became bigger.

It's just that the snowflakes melted as soon as they fell on the ground, without the slightest sense of beauty.

When he got home, he found that Lin Miao had already arrived home, standing in front of the French window in the living room, admiring the falling snowflakes outside!

"Brother, you're back! It's snowing, is the road easy?"

Lin Jie suddenly noticed that Lin Miao, who was walking towards him with a smile, was a little limping, and asked with concern, "Miaomiao, what happened to your left leg?"

"Ah, the left leg?"

Lin Miao glanced down at her left leg, looked up at Lin Jie, smiled, and said with some guilt: "Today, when I was shopping with Li Ting, I suddenly fell down, it's okay!"

"Brother, we bought swimsuits and beach pants, and I bought them for you..."

Lin Jie didn't have the time to listen to her talk about shopping, so he hurried past her and asked with great concern, "What do you mean by suddenly falling down?"

"Did someone push you, or did you slip, or did you trip over something? Or did you fall for no reason?"

Seeing the seriousness of Lin Jie's question, Lin Miao said hesitantly, "Brother, let me... think about it!"

"At that time, no one pushed me, and I didn't trip over anything. It must have fallen to the ground suddenly, for no reason!"

These words made Lin Jie even more nervous.

Lin Miao had undergone craniocerebral surgery. This sudden fall was a sign that the brain suddenly lost control of the body. This is not a good sign!

Lin Jie stabilized his mind, not wanting to scare Lin Miao, and said with a smile, "Miaomiao, brother, check your balance now. Do as I tell you!"

"Extend your hands, bend your left leg, and use your right leg to support your body. Very good, well done!"

Lin Jie raised another finger, put it [-] centimeters in front of Lin Miao's eyes, and said, "Keep this posture and follow my finger!"

Lin Jie moved his fingers left and right, and Lin Miao's eyeballs followed suit.

During this process, Lin Miao, who kept standing on one leg with his arms outstretched, did not shake significantly.

The result of the inspection made Lin Jie feel a little relieved.

But to make sure there were no accidents, he smiled and said, "Miaomiao, I suddenly remembered that you haven't gone for a physical examination for a while. I'll take you to the hospital for a checkup right now!"

At this time, Lin Miao also realized that something was wrong, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, did you take me for a checkup because I fell? No, I just broke a little skin on my knee, and it has been disinfected. Medicine."

Lin Jie foolishly said, "It's not because of the fall...it's just a routine physical examination"

Lin Miao puffed up her cheeks, pursed her lips, and said, "Brother, you are lying. You draw your voice again. You took me to the hospital for an examination because I fell, didn't you?"

Seeing that his lie was seen through, Lin Jie said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll tell you, don't be afraid! There are many possibilities for you to fall for no reason, such as being distracted, or not paying attention to the slippery road. etc."

"There is a possibility that the brain temporarily loses the ability to control the body! This possibility is very small, but you have undergone brain surgery, I will take you to check it, just in case."

In order to strengthen his persuasion, Lin Jie repeated again: "It's really just in case, don't be afraid!"

"I'm not afraid!"

Lin Miao bit her lip, and said timidly, "Brother, don't be angry! My fall didn't happen for no reason, it was me...I did it on purpose!"

 New year and new atmosphere, I wish my dear book friends, in the new year, all wishes come true, and there will be new gains every day! !

  Thanks to the book friend "MNB198288 Hua Tsai" for the tip of 1000, "Under the Shade Tree" for the tip of 200, and "Take an extra bucket" for the tip of 100, thank you for your support! !
(End of this chapter)

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