Chapter 273 Influence (for subscription)
The brothers and sisters of the Lin family and Li Ting finished their travel arrangements, had lunch outside, watched a movie, went shopping, bought a lot of clothing, food and supplies, and returned to the apartment building. It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon up.

After parking their cars in the underground parking lot of the apartment building, each of them carried two or three packing bags and walked towards the elevator happily, just in time to meet Ye Hongqing who was going out!

Ye Hongqing showed a friendly smile like a Maitreya Buddha, and said enthusiastically: "Brother Lin, you have set a date for the celebration banquet, and you must remember to tell me, I will definitely be there when the time comes, and I will give you a big congratulatory red envelope!"

"Boss Ye is being polite, I will definitely not forget you!"

When Ye Hongqing got into his cool Mercedes-Benz G6 and left the underground parking lot, Lin Jie said in a daze, "Miaomiao, Tingting, should we plan a celebration banquet?"

Lin Miao was also a little confused: "Well, brother, I don't know either. Didn't we all have a big meal at Yipintang last night?"

Li Ting said with some uncertainty: "It should be held. When I was admitted to Binhai University, my parents booked a hotel, invited several tables of guests, and received a lot of red envelopes!"

This is the shortcoming of not having an elderly person in the family, and no one mentioned anything about human relationships and social interactions.

In addition, the two brothers and sisters Lin Jie and Lin Miao had been able to take care of themselves a few months ago. They were neither in the mood nor energy to take care of other things.This caused the two of them to be quite dull in this respect!

Lin Jie vaguely felt that this celebration banquet should be held!
He thought for a while and decided: "Miaomiao, we were incapable before, so we could only accept help from others."

"Now that our conditions are better, why not take this opportunity to thank the neighbors who have helped us and invite all our friends to dinner!"

Lin Miao nodded and said, "Very good idea, brother, I support you!"

"Come on, let's make a guest list first when we get home!"

Back at the apartment, the three sat on the sofa in the living room, eating snacks and discussing the guest list.

Lin Jie turned on the laptop, created a document, and said while typing: "First, the neighbors, Miaomiao, you and I think together, don't miss it!"

"Sister Xiaoxiao, Kong Mingqing and his wife, Officer Qin, Brother Xiaoyu, Uncle Qian..."

The work of entering the name was taken over by Li Ting in a short while.
Lin Jie and Lin Miao are only responsible for remembering the loving neighbors who helped them.

This list is getting longer and longer, and soon exceeded the number of fifty, and finally settled on the 76ers!
Next came Lin Jie's friends, mainly people he met in Zhujiagang, as well as An's father and daughter, Chen Shi, Yang Jinglong, Chen Lan, Ling Mengjiao, Ye Hongqing, Li Haoxiang, Xu Xingye and others from Xiangtai Apartment.

As for Lu Kaicheng, he is going to the United States the day after tomorrow, and he probably won't be able to make it in time for this celebration and appreciation banquet.

Lin Miao's friends are mainly masters and buddies from the blind massage shop, as well as a few new friends from Li Hong's studio.

Li Ting's friends, she proposed to invite only three, roommates Chen Lili, Niu Yilan, and cousin Zhou Ke.

Slowly, the list reached 130 five people!
"Brother, do you want to invite the expert judges who assessed you and Principal Pan?" Lin Miao asked suddenly.

Lin Jie pondered for a moment, shook his head slowly, and said, "I'm not familiar with them at all, and they are considered elders, and they are busy with work, so let's forget it!"

Facing the list of 130 five people, the three of them racked their brains and thought about it. After adding up, the final number was 140 six people.

After finishing the list, Lin Jie said with a smile: "The next step is to determine the time of the banquet, then book the hotel, write the invitation, and send the invitation!"

"The time, it's next Saturday at noon. If it's at night, it won't be convenient for people from Zhujiagang to go back!"

"The hotel... is of a higher grade, so let's find a five-star hotel!"

Lin Miao and Li Ting had no objection to Lin Jie's two decisions!
At that moment, the three of them searched the Internet for the contact numbers of seven five-star hotels with more suitable locations, and called directly to inquire about the banquet hall for 150 people.

However, the seven hotels were contacted one by one, and the result was frustrating.

At the end of the year and the end of the year, it is the time for various companies and units to hold annual meetings and celebrations. In addition to wedding banquets, birthday banquets, etc., the banquet halls suitable for these hotels have long been booked.

Lin Miao suggested: "Brother, why don't we directly contact some famous and large-scale restaurants and restaurants?"

Lin Jie could only do the best thing possible and said, "That's the only way. Let's search online and contact each other!"

Two hours passed, and the three of them still found nothing.

This made Lin Jie's head a little bigger!

It was the busiest time for restaurants and hotels, and the number of people he was entertaining was quite large. It was really hard to find a suitable place.

Lin Miao suggested again: "Why don't you ask Sister Kexin for help? She knows a lot of people, so it may be related to book a suitable restaurant!"

Regarding this suggestion, Lin Jie fell silent!
He believes that since it is a thank-you banquet, it is necessary to show sincerity and arrange everything by himself.

Besides, An Kexin has already helped him a lot, if she still handles this matter, she will lose her original intention of thanking her, should she thank her alone afterward?
Li Ting, out of a woman's sixth sense, was not too happy about Lin Jie's contact with An Kexin too much.

But now that Lin Jie has a close relationship with An's family, and they are jointly planning to build a hospital, she can't stop it even if she wants to, and she has no good solution to the matter of finding a suitable restaurant!
Seeing that Lin Jie was hesitant, Li Ting also tried to persuade her, "Lin Jie, you have a lot of contacts, and being connected everywhere is Sister Kexin's strength, just like medical skills are your strength."

"Maybe she can solve the things we can't solve with a phone call?"

Lin Jie thought about it again, but couldn't think of any good solution.He also thought that if he asks others for help, he might as well ask An Kexin again, and it is better to owe all favors to one person than to owe favors everywhere!

In this way, he accepted Lin Miao and Li Ting's persuasion, no longer hesitated, and called An Kexin.

The call was quickly connected, and Lin Jie briefly explained his thoughts on the thank you and celebration banquet, as well as the problems he encountered.

An Kexin's soft laughter came from the phone, "Lin Jie, I'm really surprised to receive your call so early. I planned to wait two or three days, but you haven't thought about it yet, so I remind you How about you!"

Lin Jie smiled embarrassingly, and said, "To be honest, if I hadn't met Ye Hongqing by chance and he mentioned this, I really wouldn't have remembered it. Sister Kexin, Miaomiao, Tingting and I had two fights. After three hours of phone calls, I couldn't find a suitable place, do you have any connections or solutions?"

An Kexin's confident voice came, "This matter is on my shoulders. I will definitely help you contact a high-end banquet venue. No, Lin Jie, the 150 guests you booked are too few, at least Also need 200 people."

"two hundred?"

Lin Jie hastily explained: "Sister Kexin, we have made the guest list of nearly 150 people wide. It is estimated that there will be a lot of people on that day, and they will not come because they have something to worry about."

"Two hundred, it must be too much. When the time comes, the table is empty, what a waste!"

An Kexin chuckled and said, "Lin Jie, you may not have a definite idea of ​​how much influence you have now. Let's put it this way, if my uncle treats guests, he can easily attract three to four hundred people. .”

"You are a world-class medical expert. Although for others who don't know the inside story, you have to add the word 'future', but this does not prevent many people from wanting to establish a good relationship with you in advance."

"Lin Jie, should we make a bet?"

An Kexin said in a brisk tone: "Your celebration and appreciation banquet, there will definitely be many people coming uninvited! The 200 people I mentioned are all conservative."

"I really have such a big influence now?" Lin Jie couldn't believe it.

"Don't underestimate yourself!"

"With the mentality of the Chinese people, although they are somewhat dissatisfied with many of the doctors' actions, no one will miss it if they are given a chance to make friends with famous doctors."

 Gagen tonight! !Ask for rewards, subscriptions and ticket support! !

(End of this chapter)

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