Excellent hand and heart doctor

Chapter 259: One To One

Chapter 259 (Subscription)
"Hidden trap?"

Lin Jie was a little confused, and asked, "Professor Chen, please explain clearly!"

He almost blurted out the word "Old Man Chen".Such disrespect for the teacher, in such a sacred place as the school, if an outsider hears it, they will have to be labeled as arrogant and impolite.

Chen Shi took a deep breath and asked, "Let me ask you, which one is more difficult, the first two questions or the last three questions?"

Lin Jie replied casually: "For me, there is no difficulty at all!"

"However, the first two questions require long speeches, which are quite tiring. It is more difficult for me!"

Hearing what Lin Jie said, Chen Shi had the urge to slap him.

He endured it, and said anxiously: "What I want to ask is, which questions are more difficult for young doctors and medical students?"

Lin Jie pondered for a while, and said, "The first two questions only need to be memorized by rote. For students and young doctors, as long as they put in a lot of hard work, they can still do it."

"As for the last few questions, they need to persevere and strictly demand themselves in the process of practice. This requires not only self-discipline, but also a certain awareness, so that they can answer correctly!"

"Well, relatively speaking, the last few questions are more difficult for them, and the required grades are qualitatively different!"

Chen Shi nodded lightly, and said in relief, "You are right!"

"On the last few questions, only people at our level who return to the basics can truly realize the true importance of these small details and foundations."

"However, for students and most young doctors who have worked for less than ten years, these few questions are too simple. Because they can answer most of the content by themselves!"

Chen Shi sneered, "Lin Jie, believe it or not? The vast majority of people watching in the small auditorium must be wondering why these few experts would ask such a simple question."

"However, if you ask them these questions again now, I guarantee that there will not be more than ten people like you who can answer them completely and without mistakes."

"It's useless to rely on the teacher's reminder for these basic and detailed things. It requires some understanding. Among my students, only..."

"Hey, let's not talk about this, it's a bit off topic."

After a few words of emotion, Chen Shi immediately returned to the topic, saying: "In their eyes, the first and second questions can really show your ability, but in fact, the latter few questions are more important. The assessment experts are suspected of deliberately releasing water."

"So, when you answer the first two questions, you get a thunderous applause."

"But when you go through the last few questions, you get just their doubts and disbelief."

Chen Shi pondered for a while, and said, "I guess, this may be a trap set by Hu Yitong, Ren Maoshi and others to fool the entire assessment team."

"After all, the vast majority of those who watched the assessment live and online were young doctors and students. People at our level are busy with their affairs. How can we have so much free time to watch this?"

He said solemnly: "Lin Jie, in the previous publicity, we called him an unrivaled medical genius."

"The first two questions can be regarded as showing your strength. However, the latter few questions, in the eyes of most people, belong to the assessment experts who are letting the water go."

"In this case, your title of peerless genius, in the eyes of these people, is something that has been boasted and promoted through relationships."

The worry on Chen Shi's face became more serious, and he said, "As long as you pass the assessment, it doesn't really matter whether you have these silly things or not. But I'm worried that Hu Yitong and the others will ask questions in the next stage of free questioning." , Sudden heavy hand."

"Heavy hands? For example?" Lin Jie asked!

Chen Shi exhaled, and said, "For us, the most difficult question is the case question."

"You also understand that due to the huge differences between individuals, the same disease can even show completely different symptoms in different people."

"For example, for the same disease, some people are hyperactive, while others are depressed..."

Lin Jie became a little impatient, and said directly: "I understand what you said, so just get to the point!"

Chen Shi also understood that the time was a bit tight, and continued: "If Hu Yitong and the others deliberately find a strange case, or deliberately omit one or several important symptoms among the many symptoms given by the patient, what else can they do? Or worse, misrepresent or modify some of the symptoms!"

He said helplessly and distressed: "In this case, let alone you and me, even a god can't answer it right!"

Lin Jie frowned, and asked in disbelief, "As a famous expert and scholar, he would be so shameless?"

Chen Shi nodded with a wry smile, and said, "Lin Jie, don't underestimate the lower limit of a person's shamelessness."

"As long as you answer two or three case questions incorrectly in a row, they can justly let you fail the examination."

"At the same time, in view of the fact that the vast majority of the audience thinks that you, a medical genius, are just bragging, the wise decision of the assessment team must be unanimously flattered and approved."

Chen Shi sighed, and said: "As for the few people who really see the tricks in it, or are intimidated by their power and status, they dare not speak out. Even if some dare to speak out, how big a wave can they cause?"

His words made Lin Jie also silent!

Lin Jie always thought that absolute strength could crush all obstacles!
The medical knowledge he acquired through Shen Lanruo can be said to put him at the pinnacle of the world's medical field, what else can stop him!

I didn't expect it, but there really is!

Shameless and some small calculations can block him from the gate of the university!

With this slap, the face was slapped, and there was really no one left!
Lin Jie took a deep breath and said, "I can't go through this special recruitment channel. I can still take the college entrance examination! Maybe go to a small country abroad and get a medical diploma! At worst, I can still be a black market doctor for the rest of my life."

"Professor Chen, there is always a way out for me!"

Chen Shi squeezed out some forced smiles, and said, "This is just my worst guess, maybe things are not so bad!"

It is estimated that even he himself will not believe what he said!

At this time, Ren Maoshi's voice came: "Professor Chen, Lin Jie, the rest time is coming to an end, please come in and get ready!"

Lin Jie and Chen Shi looked at each other, walked into the small auditorium again with heavy steps!
Lin Jie once again stood on the podium and became the focus of everyone's attention!
After the small auditorium became quiet again, Hu Yitong moved the microphone closer and said, "This stage is free for asking questions. I am the oldest, so I will be the first to ask questions!"

Lin Jie knew in his heart that the big move that this guy held back was finally about to make a move!
He kept staring, with small sunken eyes.

"Just like what I said just now, the memorized knowledge must be applied flexibly."

"Our doctors face all kinds of patients, and each person's symptoms will show more or less certain differences. If you just study hard and diagnose patients according to the book, you will have big problems."

Hu Yitong smiled lightly and said, "So, I came up with a case question to test your flexible application of the knowledge you have acquired. Lin Jie, turn around and look behind!"

Lin Jie turned around, and found a slide on the projection cloth behind him, with only a few lines of words on it.

"Female, 68 years old, nocturia increased for 2 years, fatigue for 3 months, long-term use of "Qutong Tablets" for more than 10 years due to headaches, no history of hypertension and diabetes. Physical examination: BP125/80mmHg, no symptoms of edema in both lower limbs ..."

At this time, Hu Yitong's voice sounded again.

"You have 15 minutes to think, and you have three more chances! As long as you accurately state the patient's symptoms in the three chances, you will pass this question!"

Lin Jie just glanced at the illness, and his heart sank to the bottom!
Chen Shi's guess was right!

The medical record given by this old man should have been processed a bit, and what was given was all specious, with no absolute identification of symptoms, and no key information.

The old bastard who deserves to go to hell!
Lin Jie, who was cursing in his heart, couldn't help looking at Chen Shi, and seeing the deep worry on his face, he suddenly thought in his heart: "Anyone who knows the old fox must be an old fox, and this old man Chen is not simple."

"Compared with these people, I'm still too immature! This time, I'm going to learn a lot of wisdom!"

At this moment, out of the corner of Lin Jie's eye, he noticed that Fang Lianggong, Tao Taiqing, Gu Hongkuang and others were all frowning.

There was a sudden movement in his heart, and he smiled!

Lin Jie twitched the wireless microphone on his ear, and asked, "Dean Hu, I want to ask, do the other experts already know the answer to this case question?"

Hu Yitong didn't understand Lin Jie's intentions, but he still said: "We prepared the questions individually, and no one knows other people's questions. Only I know the answer to this case question!"

Lin Jie smiled and said, "This is the best."

"The vast majority of people present here have certain medical knowledge. They must know that the case questions are the most difficult, and the case questions presented by President Hu are even more difficult!"

"In order to prove what I said is true, I propose to invite six assessment experts to do this case topic with me!"

Suddenly, Chen Shi's eyes burst into unconcealable brilliance, and he shouted loudly: "Okay! This proposal is very good!"

"Without comparison, everyone can't see the gap! We can use this topic to see the real gap between the unborn medical genius Lin Jie and several experts and scholars!"

Under Chen Shi's eyes and gestures, An Weize, An Kexin, Lin Miao, and people from the group of relatives and friends started clamoring one after another!

"Yes, let's compare!"

"Let's see how big the gap is between medical experts and medical geniuses!"

Lu Kaicheng, who was sitting in another position, also realized that something was wrong. He stood up, waved his hands, and shouted loudly, "Compare! Compete!"

Following the clamor of these people, an incomparably orderly voice sounded in the small auditorium: "Compare!"

Ren Maoshi yelled a few times, but he didn't suppress the shouting!
As a last resort, the principal Pan Xinli stepped forward to restore the small auditorium to quietness.

Holding the microphone, Pan Xinli glanced at Lin Jie, then at Hu Yitong who had an ugly face, and suddenly said with a smile: "I think Biyibi's proposal is not bad, it should be treated as a small game."

"Several experts, what do you think?"

In this case, the six experts had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree.

Together with Lin Jie, everyone was given a piece of paper and a pen to write the answer to this case question!
However, as soon as Lin Jie took the paper and pen, he immediately wrote a few words on the paper, and then put down the pen with a relaxed expression!

This action immediately shocked everyone in the small auditorium!

There is really no comparison, and there is no gap, because they found that the six experts have not written for a long time!
Could it be that Lin Jie's talent is really not something to brag about, he is better than these six top medical experts?

 Gagen tonight!Thanks to the book friend "Fraud Corpse" for the reward of 100, thank you for your support! !
  Three more words are close to [-] characters, which is a very hard work for the author.Book friends, show your enthusiasm, rewards, subscriptions and tickets are always available! !
(End of this chapter)

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