Excellent hand and heart doctor

Chapter 257 Not a Good Bird

Chapter 257 Not a Good Bird (Please Subscribe)
The small auditorium of the medical school is a fan-shaped lecture hall, but the slope is much steeper than the general lecture hall. It is generally used by medical schools for academic lectures or surgical demonstrations!
Now there are nearly [-] seats, and there are no empty seats, and even a lot of people are sitting on the floor in the aisle.

Standing at the forefront, Lin Jie, who was on the podium, was watched by thousands of eyes, and he could even see everyone's faces clearly.

Before standing here, looking at the dark crowd in the small auditorium, with heads everywhere, Lin Jie still felt uneasy, playing drums from time to time, even thinking that he would have stage fright!

However, standing here, Lin Jie felt a long-lost feeling.

A faint excitement stirred the whole body with the flow of blood, and there was an urge to show myself impatiently.

Chen Shi, who was sitting on the left front side of the small auditorium, had a faint smile on his face, and whispered to An Kexin beside him: "Kexin, did you see that kid's eyes shine? He was a little nervous at first, but now Excited."

"This brat, he looks like an on-the-spot contestant! This kind of person, the more pressure he has, the better he will perform. Let's see how he conquers the expert judges and audience!"

"Uncle, there are also audiences on the Internet!"

An Kexin pointed to the screen of the ultra-thin notebook, and said: "The online live broadcast has started, and the number of people watching the live broadcast is currently 100, and it is still increasing!"

Lin Jie's eyes swept over the group of relatives and friends who supported him one by one, and then fixed on the seven judges.

They were sitting about three or four meters in front of Lin Jie, behind a separate desk that had been arranged.

Each desk is covered with maroon velvet cloth, on which are placed a microphone, a laptop, two bottles of water, and a nameplate with a name on it.

Ren Maoshi sat in the middle, with Hu Yitong, Tian Zhiyuan and Sun Yuze on his left; Fang Lianggong, Tao Taiqing and Gu Hongkuang on his right.

Lin Jie noticed for a moment that Sun Yuze, Fang Lianggong, Tao Taiqing and Gu Hongkuang had met for the first time.

These four people are all in their 50s, and their bodies are well maintained. They are thin and dignified, with solemn faces.

It's just that Fang Lianggong and Gu Hongkuang have Mediterranean hairstyles; Sun Yuze is even more straightforward, with a bald head.

Tao Taiqing, who has bushy short hair, has a short beard on his upper lip. If he puts on a long robe and holds a cigarette in his hand, he will have the three-pointed look of Lu Xun.

Behind the judges, sitting in the first row, are obviously the leaders of the school and the medical school!

Lin Jie also saw an acquaintance, the principal Pan Xinli!
When the two looked at each other, Pan Xinli gave Lin Jie an encouraging smile!

At this time, Ren Mao gently tapped the microphone with his fingers, and the sound of popping rang throughout the small auditorium. In an instant, all the buzzing noises in the entire small auditorium disappeared.

He leaned his upper body forward, moved a little closer to the microphone, and said, "It's almost time, let's start!"

Ren Maoshi glanced over Lin Jie and the other six judges. Seeing that no one raised any objections, he continued, "Lin Jie, we will each ask a question at the beginning."

"After this round, it's time for free questions."

"You need to answer all the questions on the spot. At the end of each question answer, you need to end with 'end of answer'. If you can't answer the question, you need to clearly point it out."

"If you don't give any answer within 15 seconds, we will automatically judge that you have given up on this question."

"Lin Jie, do you understand what I said?"

Lin Jie slightly adjusted the wireless microphone hanging on the right ear, and said softly: "I understand, and I'm ready, you can start asking questions!"

Ren Maoshi smiled faintly, looked to his left, and said, "Professor Sun, let's start with you first!"

Sun Yuze stretched out his hand to pull the microphone, looked at Lin Jie, and said without any emotion: "This season is the high incidence of pneumonia. My question is very simple, Lin Jie, tell me what you know about pneumonia in detail. Explain it!"

Lin Jie frowned, and asked in confirmation, "Professor Sun, are you sure you want me to explain pneumonia in detail?"

He was still afraid that his expression was not very clear, so he heavily emphasized the word "detailed".

Sun Yuze nodded and said: "Yes, it's a detailed description. You can tell as much as you know! This also allows all of us to understand exactly how deep your understanding of medical knowledge is."

"Okay, as you wish!"

Lin Jie showed a helpless expression, cleared his throat, and said, "Pneumonia refers to the inflammation of the terminal airways, alveoli and interstitium of the lungs. It can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and other pathogenic microorganisms, as well as radiation, inhalation, etc. Sexual foreign bodies and other physical and chemical factors. The main clinical symptoms are fever, cough, sputum, bloody sputum, which may be accompanied by chest pain or dyspnea..."

Hearing Lin Jie's eloquent talk, Chen Shi leaned back in his chair, smiled, turned his head and whispered to An Kexin: "This Baldy Sun thinks he can use such general questions, so he can find out about Lin Jie. Jay's details!"

"Secondly, he wants to come. No matter how much Lin Jie knows about this kind of problem, there will always be some omissions."

"His last two comments, pointing out Lin Jie's shortcomings, can let everyone know that Lin Jie, the so-called medical genius, is nothing more than that."

He looked at Sun Yuze's bald head and said disdainfully, "However, his little thought must have been miscalculated this time."

"Based on my understanding of Lin Jie's knowledge, let him describe the pneumonia in detail, and it is completely enough to teach undergraduates a course for one academic year."

As expected, Lin Jie didn't stop once he opened his mouth!

After talking for more than 30 minutes, he paused, looked in the direction of his relatives and friends, and said, "I'm a little dry after talking, give me a bottle of water!"

Lin Miao stood up from her seat, trotted over and handed him a bottle of water, and said in a low voice, "Brother, come on!"

Lin Jie smiled at her, unscrewed the cap of the bottle, took a small sip to moisten his throat, and prepared to continue speaking!
At this time, Sun Yuze also realized that his question was a bit inappropriate. Before Lin Jie could speak, he hurriedly asked, "Lin Jie, how long can you talk about this pneumonia?"

Lin Jie thought for a while and said, "Professor Sun, let me explain in as much detail as possible. I am going to give a general introduction to pneumonia in terms of overview, etiology, clinical manifestations, examination, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, and treatment. "

"This part is at least thirty or forty class hours. After that, I will classify all the details of pneumonia and explain them in detail according to these aspects!"

"In that case..."

Lin Jie pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "Everyone can celebrate the New Year here, I am confident that I will last until New Year's Eve!"

As soon as these words came out, the small auditorium immediately buzzed!

Sun Yuze's face was a bit ugly, and he said in a heavy tone: "In this case, let me simplify the problem a bit, and you can list the subcategories of pneumonia!"

"As you wish!"

Lin Jie put the bottle of water on the floor and said, "There are many classification criteria for pneumonia. According to anatomical classification, it can be divided into lobar pneumonia, lobular pneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia."

"According to the classification of etiology, it can be divided into bacterial pneumonia; pneumonia caused by atypical pathogens; viral pneumonia; fungal pneumonia; pneumonia caused by other pathogens, such as Rickettsia, Toxoplasma, Pneumocystis carinii, parasites ..."

Seeing that Lin Jie was about to go on with a long speech, Sun Yuze couldn't let Lin Jie spend too long on his own problems, so he could only interrupt him again with a dark face!
"Okay, okay, you can stop. I already know that your grasp of pneumonia is very deep! This question..."

Sun Yuze said reluctantly: "You have passed."

Pass?Should be a perfect pass, stingy guy!Lin Jie cursed in his heart, and moved his eyes to Tian Zhiyuan!

At this time, Tian Zhiyuan picked up the microphone and praised: "Very good, Lin Jie, your basic knowledge is very solid. I found that your system memory is very good, but I don't know how your lateral memory is!"

"My question is also very simple, listen carefully!"

Tian Zhiyuan said indifferently: "If a person faints inexplicably, what could be the cause?"

Seeing that Lin Jie was about to open his mouth, he continued: "Lin Jie, don't rush to answer, I will add a few more words."

"First, our assessment time is actually unlimited, so you don't have to hurry."

"Secondly, I'll give this question [-] points! If you miss a reason for fainting after answering the question, I will deduct one point for you. If you deduct less than six points, don't I need to say it?"

Tian Zhiyuan raised his voice again, and said, "Many of you here are medical students or medical workers. Please listen to Lin Jie carefully!"

"If anyone can find out a cause of fainting that Lin Jie didn't list, I can grant you a small request!"

As soon as these words were said, the whole small auditorium became noisy with a bang!

Who is Tian Zhiyuan?

The doctoral supervisor of the medical school of Jingcheng University, the expert brain surgeon of the affiliated medical school of Jingcheng University, has a certain reputation abroad!
Although, what he said was just a small request!

But this promise under the eyes of everyone, this small request, may be an opportunity to consult face-to-face, a recommendation from a foreign country to apply for a scholarship or job, or an opportunity to be his surgical assistant, or even ask him to perform an operation Yes!

All of a sudden, the somewhat dull atmosphere caused by Lin Jie's lengthy presentation on pneumonia earlier became active.

Almost everyone in the small auditorium stared at Lin Jie intently, hoping that he would miss a few more causes of fainting.

"This Tian Zhiyuan is so fucking cunning, he's not a good bird!" Chen Shi cursed bitterly in his heart!

 Thanks to the book friend "Changle 1511" for the reward of 500, and the book friend "Ditian Wuhen Tianji" for the reward of 100, thank you for your support! !
  Wish you all a happy weekend! !By the way, please ask for rewards, subscriptions and ticket support! !

(End of this chapter)

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