Chapter 138

Lin Jie, who was sleepy, looked at the time in a daze, only to realize that it was a quarter past six in the morning, and he had only slept for three hours.

He even noticed that Lin Miao was sitting on the hospital bed sipping porridge, and asked very dissatisfied: "Li Ting, Miaomiao was also woken up by you?"

"That's right, this is fish porridge, it won't taste good when it's cold!" Li Ting replied with a smile.

Now, Lin Jie couldn't hold back his anger anymore, and shouted: "Li Ting, do you know that Miaomiao couldn't fall asleep until three o'clock in the morning because of a headache last night?"

"What's so delicious about this broken porridge? Do you know that if Miaomiao sleeps for an extra hour, she will suffer from an hour less headache!"

"This... this... I don't know!" Li Ting was a little at a loss, her eyes immediately turned red,
"elder brother……"

At this time, Lin Miao yelled and blamed: "Don't be cruel to Tingting, she has good intentions, but also unintentional, and I'm about to wake up."

"Miaomiao, I'm sorry!"

Li Ting finished this sentence with a crying sound, then walked up to Lin Jie, tears began to fall, and said choked up, "Lin Jie, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have woken you up either!"

After saying this, she wiped her eyes vigorously and ran out of the ward.

Lin Miao was a little anxious, and shouted: "Brother, why don't you hurry up and chase after him!"

Lin Jie lay on the bed again, snorted, and said, "The wound on my buttocks hasn't healed yet, how can I chase after it? I'm trapped to death, I have to sleep a little longer."

Lin Miao puffed up her cheeks angrily.

But she also knew that Lin Jie was really exhausted and exhausted in the past two or three days, and she couldn't bear to blame him anymore. None left for you!"

Lin Jie's great cause of sleeping didn't last long, and was destroyed by Zhu Qiang who broke in.

"Doctor Lin, some college students came downstairs to seek treatment! They were all stung by jellyfish. Two of them had severe reactions, please take a look!"

Jellyfish is a kind of marine coelenterate that is relatively common in the sea. The body of the sting is umbrella-shaped, and the whole body is translucent, white or slightly yellow. It is generally difficult to find in seawater.

It has many rod-shaped and filamentous tentacles, and there are a large number of cnidocytes on the tentacles. The cnidocytes contain venom. The cnidocytes can penetrate the skin and release the venom, causing damage to the body.

Once a person is stung, the injured will experience a stinging sensation immediately.

If it is not treated properly, cord-like erythema and papules will appear in the affected area after a few hours, and some patients will have local erythema, edema, ecchymosis, and even epidermal necrosis.

Some people with allergies or weak bodies may have a strong reaction after being stung, and may experience anaphylactic shock or acute pulmonary edema. If the rescue is not timely, such injured people are in danger of death!

Of course, the probability of such a death event is relatively small.

Even so, Lin Jie did not dare to be careless after hearing what Zhu Qiang said.

He hurried to the diagnosis and treatment hall on the first floor, and saw seven young men who looked like college students, four men and three women, screaming in pain from time to time, and these people were all wet.

July to September is the peak season for jellyfish stings.

The clinic has also been prepared for a long time, and has stored a lot of solutions such as alum and sodium hydroxide.Use these alkaline solutions to wash the sting site, which can effectively neutralize the acidic venom and relieve pain.

Lin Jie hurriedly checked the two wounded who reacted violently!
These were two boys, and their bodies were fairly strong. Lin Jie found that they only had rapid heartbeats and shortness of breath, and did not have any allergic reactions such as laryngeal edema!
After checking again, it was found that the reason for the violent reaction of the two was that the stings on their bodies were relatively large.

Lin Jie let go of his worries, and asked the reason while washing the sting area on the two of them with alkaline solution.

Asking the reason, Lin Jie couldn't help shaking his head, feeling in his heart, this is really a group of guys who have played too much and don't know how to live or die.

These college students are all from Binhai University, and they are still freshmen this year. Taking advantage of the end of the military training, they came to the beach early on the weekend to catch the sea and play, and they were going to have a big meal of seafood.

They picked up two dead jellyfish by the sea, and they had heard that jellyfish can sting people, so they sting each other as a prank.

The instigator was also the boy with the worst sting, Zhou Yuda!
He said to Lin Jie with regret and regret: "I sting myself first, and it felt similar to a kind of green caterpillar that can sting people in my hometown. I just didn't expect the poison of jellyfish to be so powerful."

With a straight face, Lin Jie warned solemnly: "You are not children anymore, you must be careful when joking and pranking. Being stung by a jellyfish can sometimes lead to death."

The stings of the other five people were not large. After washing with alkaline liquid, most of the pain had been relieved, and they all leaned over with concern.

One of them, Tong Yan, a girl with a good figure, asked inquiringly: "I heard that human urine can relieve jellyfish stings. Why didn't the effect be obvious after we tried it?"

Another boy approached the Tongyan girl, and echoed, "That's right, I've heard the rumors too. We saw that Zhou Yuda's condition was the worst, and he didn't care about himself, and tried his help him!"

When the two said this, Lin Jie immediately knew where the faint smell of urine on Zhou Yuda's body came from, and immediately took a big step away from him.

Lin Jie said with some amusement: "The rumor that urine can effectively relieve the pain of jellyfish stings is not very accurate."

"The solution used to clean your stings is an alkaline solution, which can neutralize the acidic toxins of jellyfish. The acidity and alkalinity of human fresh urine changes from time to time, which is related to the food people often eat."

"Generally speaking, if you often eat a high-protein, high-fat diet, it will cause acidic urine, and if you eat a lot of vegetable foods, you will have alkaline urine."

"Even alkaline urine, which is weakly alkaline, has little effect."

With Lin Jie's explanation, several people looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that Zhou Yuda's condition had eased, his face flushed with embarrassment, and their laughter was undisguised, turning into a loud laugh.

Zhou Yuda became a little anxious, pointed at the girl with a childlike face, and shouted, "Tang Xinling, how dare you laugh again? I know you're wearing pink! And you..."

He pointed to the other two female voices, "Both of you are black!"

"Ah..." Tang Xinling hurriedly covered her face with her hands, and shouted in embarrassment, "How can you do this! We agreed to close our eyes."

Several other people communicated with each other with their eyes, and got closer tacitly!

"beat him!"

Seeing them playing together, Lin Jie was a little envious of their vigor.

At this moment, Lin Jie saw Dahei's Hummer driving into the yard.

After the car was parked, Dahei and Houzi got out of the car, and Lin Jie walked out of the small building of the clinic and went up to meet him.

Dahei said softly: "Doctor Lin, the monkey has taken care of what you told me. This is the hair of those two people."

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(End of this chapter)

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