Excellent hand and heart doctor

Chapter 101 Risky Heart Surgery

Chapter 101 Risky Heart Surgery

"Dahei told me that two cars collided in the karting competition held at the racing track. The two drivers involved in the accident were fine, but Xiaoqi was stuck in the heart by the splashed iron piece!"

Lin Jie's heart sank immediately, and he asked, "Are you sure it's the heart?"

The strength of the human heart is astonishing. In a quiet state, the human body pumps about 1 milliliters of blood in one minute, and the blood pumped out in a day and night can reach 4500 kilograms.

If there is a blood hole the size of a peanut in the left ventricle, the powerful force of the heart muscle can make all the blood in the whole body spray out in less than 1 minute.

But in fact, as long as the acute blood loss of the human body exceeds 30% of the total, the human body will fall into shock and then die.

If Xiaoqi was really inserted into the heart by an iron piece, the heart wound would probably rupture, causing acute massive blood loss and death, or causing cardiac convulsions and sudden arrest leading to death.

This is basically a death sentence for Xiao Qi.

Luo Shanshan's voice on the phone was very urgent, "I'm rushing there in an ambulance! Dahei told me that the part where the iron plate is inserted is exactly Xiaoqi's heart!"

"Dahei also said that there is no bleeding symptom yet, and Xiao Qi is still awake! They put Xiao Qi flat on the ground, not daring to move, just waiting for me to pass by."

These words made Lin Jie feel relieved, maybe the iron bar was just stuck in the ribs, not inserted into the heart.

He said in a deep voice: "Then I'll go back to the clinic first and prepare for the operation, just in case!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Jie said to Lin Miao and Li Ting, who looked concerned, "Accidents always come unexpectedly. Patients don't know when to come. This is basically the normal life of a doctor."

"I have to go back to the clinic, you can enjoy the seafood here. Don't wait for me, I don't know when I will be done!"

Lin Miao nodded and said, "Brother, work hard and don't worry about us! Tingting and I will try our best to eat more, and your share will be taken care of."

Lin Jie touched Lin Miao's head, smiled apologetically at Li Ting, and strode away from the restaurant.

As soon as he returned to the clinic, Lin Jie received a call from Luo Shanshan again, receiving extremely bad news.

"Lin Jie, I checked with a portable X-ray machine. This iron piece has been inserted into Xiaoqi's right ventricle. It's just because of some kind of miracle or accident, the wound in the heart has not ruptured!"

Luo Shanshan asked in a flustered tone: "Lin Jie, think of a way, what can we do?"

Damn, this is really not good news, it shows that Xiao Qi's heart may burst at any time!

Repairing such a heart wound requires stopping the heart, otherwise it is like doing repairs to the engine cylinders in a moving vehicle, which is almost impossible.

But Lin Jie knew that there was no extracorporeal circulation blood supply equipment needed for cardiac arrest in the clinic.

What if Xiaoqi is sent to a big hospital in the city for treatment?
This risk is also very huge, a small bump on the road may trigger the outbreak of the heart wound.

Bring the equipment to the clinic?
It will take at least one or two hours, can Xiao Qi's heart last for such a long time miraculously?

Lin Jie pondered for a while, and immediately made a decision, and said calmly into the phone: "Send Xiao Qi to the clinic, and I will perform heart repair surgery on Xiao Qi while her heart is in a state of arrest!"

He warned again: "You must be careful on the road, and don't cause any bumps and accidents!"

"We used human power to carry Xiao Qi to the clinic. There won't be any jolts or bumps. There will be no accidents, no accidents!" During the phone call, Luo Shanshan spoke louder and louder, as if the louder her voice, the more confident she would be !

Just as Lin Jie hung up the phone, Shen Lanruo's voice rang in his mind!
She said in a serious tone: "Lin Jie, you know that if the heart stops beating for more than 3 minutes, it will cause irreversible damage to the body."

"It is theoretically feasible to complete the debridement, repair and suture of the heart within 3 minutes, but I have never done such an emergency operation before. Are you sure you want to take the risk?"

Lin Jie shook his hands vigorously, and said softly, "Sister Lan Ruo, under the current conditions, this is the only feasible solution. Although it's a risk, it's better than doing nothing."

"In comparison, this is the best and most promising rescue method for Xiaoqi."

"I can only pray to God to bless you and let you turn this theoretical possibility into reality!"

After Shen Lanruo finished speaking, she fell into silence.

Lin Jie summoned Zhu Heping and Zhang Daya, and solemnly ordered: "Doctor Zhu, Xiao Qi's operation may require a large amount of blood transfusion. I need you to immediately call the young and strong people in Zhujiagang to compare the blood types and collect blood. Fresh blood, prepare for blood transfusion!"

"Doctor Lin, you don't need to be so troublesome!"

Zhu Heping also knew that the situation was urgent, so he said hastily: "Dr. Luo gave them a physical examination a long time ago, and they all tested their blood types. Xiaoqi's blood type should be recorded in the clinic. "

It seems that Luo Shanshan also knows that racing will be risky, and she has already prepared for it.

Lin Jie nodded and said: "This way we can save a lot of time, Doctor Zhu, I will leave the blood to you, be prepared, the more you collect, the better!"

Zhu Heping nodded vigorously, and immediately went to prepare.

Lin Jie and Zhang Daya came to the operating room on the fourth floor to prepare for the upcoming surgery!

After more than half an hour, he finally waited for Xiaoqi at the special elevator on the fourth floor.

The pale Xiaoqi was lying on the emergency stretcher, and under the supervision of Luo Shanshan, he was carried by Dahei, Houzi, Zhu Qiang and others
Xiao Qi was still awake and smiled at Lin Jie!
Although Lin Jie had already known Xiaoqi's injury on the phone, seeing it with his own eyes, he still couldn't help frowning.

A long and narrow piece of iron about two centimeters wide was inserted into Xiaoqi's heart, and the blood that soaked out had already stained her tight T-shirt red.

She was carefully lifted out of the elevator, carried into the operating room, and gently moved by several people onto the operating table.

Fortunately, there were no accidents in this process!
After connecting to the monitoring equipment, Lin Jie opened two blood transfusion channels on Xiaoqi's body, connected to the blood bag, and is ready for a quick blood transfusion at any time!

Lin Jie took the scissors and began to cut the clothes on her upper body. Zhang Daya took off the mask and prepared to inhale Xiao Qi for anesthesia.

"Wait a moment!"

Xiao Qi suddenly spoke, looked at Lin Jie and said, "Judging from Sister Shanshan and the expression on your face, I should be in danger this time!"

"I promised to stay with you for a night, but I made a mistake. I want to apologize to you, so that I won't wake up again."

"Lin Jie, I'm sorry, please forgive me!"

Lin Jie didn't expect Xiao Qi to say this, and said softly, "You didn't make a mistake! Did you forget that the night Zhu Dajiu had an accident, you stayed with me all night and even cooked me a lot of food!"

"Don't worry, with me here, you can't die even if you want to, this is my guarantee!"

A smile appeared on Xiao Qi's face, and he said: "Thank you, I believe in your promise! Well... In order to give you some more motivation, I promise you again this time, if I come back to life, I will really accompany you for a lifetime!" Night!"

"This night, it's the kind that sleeps with you!"

Lin Jie shook his head speechlessly, deliberately put on a stern face, and said with disgust, "I'm not very interested in girls with two-dimensional alternative dress styles like you."

"Big ya, start the anesthesia!"

Before Xiaoqi could speak again, Zhang Daya put on the mask.

After inhaling the anesthetic, Xiao Qi fell into a coma soon, and with the injection of the intravenous anesthetic, Xiao Qi fell into a deep anesthesia coma.

At this time, Luo Shanshan also finished scrubbing and disinfecting her hands, entered the operating room, and stood by Lin Jie's side!
With Luo Shanshan's assistance, Lin Jie began to perform thoracotomy on Xiaoqi!
After more than half an hour of careful efforts, Xiao Qi's heart was revealed in front of several people.

The pink heart was still beating vigorously. The fly in the ointment was that the piece of iron was inserted into the right ventricle, and it was swinging regularly with the beating of the heart!

"What a beautiful heart!" Shen Lanruo couldn't help praising Lin Jie in his mind!
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(End of this chapter)

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