Daddy's God Restaurant

Chapter 377: National Idol? !

Chapter 377: National Idol? ! (Mid-Autumn plus more)
"Heavenly Dao..."

Ling Tian was extremely excited. If such an organization really existed in the world, then the pressure on China in the new era would be greatly reduced!


It has only been half a year since the blue-gold radiation appeared, and a monster of the level of the sea beast king has already been born. If the monster is allowed to grow, I really don't know what kind of existence will appear later.

If there is no Heavenly Dao Realm, a sea beast king can force the whole of China to be helpless, and if there is such an institution as the Heavenly Dao Institute, then the pressure can be greatly reduced!
Lin Yi smiled and nodded.

Before the earth focused entirely on the development of science and technology, martial arts stagnated.

Now, it's time to put the two roads on the bright side to develop together!

In the past [-] years, there has been no explosive progress in the earth's science and technology. It is because the brain speed and comprehension ability of ordinary people have reached the current limit. Learn to understand the accumulated knowledge.

Not to mention innovation and going one step further.

And if the IQ and physical fitness of human beings are improved many times through martial arts, technology will naturally improve accordingly.

"Maybe, the earth can become the first harmoniously developed civilization."

Lin Yi suddenly became very interested in the evolution of earth civilization.

In the universe, the vast majority of civilizations only develop martial arts, or only develop technology.

The representatives of the former are the major divine courts that exist in the universe today.

And the latter is a group of technological races such as the machine race.

After the earth experienced the catastrophe tens of thousands of years ago, it has embarked on the development path of independent technology, but the physical fitness of human beings, that is, the evolution of life, cannot keep up.

It makes it difficult for the earth to evolve into a second-level civilization!

"The future is promising."

Lin Yi is also looking forward to it.

"I don't know what Lord Lin's plan is next?"

Ling Tian asked suspiciously.

Lin Yi smiled lightly and shook his head: "I planned to go back after visiting Pusongkou today, but since I met you, let me introduce someone to you by the way."

"Introduce someone?" Ling Tian blushed: "I have no plans to marry another wife..."

Lin Yi was stunned, and then smiled: "What are you thinking? I mean to introduce you to someone."


Ling Tian knew that he misunderstood Lin Yi, scratched his head, and smiled embarrassedly.

Since the death of his wife, countless people wanted to introduce him to girlfriends because of his identity, and now they have developed a conditioned reflex when they heard about introducing someone.

"Tell me carefully?!"

As soon as he heard that he was a genius that even Lin Yi admired, Ling Tian immediately became energetic and asked.

Lin Yi nodded slightly: "This person has a lot of research on blue-gold radiation and has great potential. If he uses it properly, it will have a great effect."

"What's his name? I'm going to invite him personally!"

Ling Tian said repeatedly.

Nowadays, there is no shortage of talents, what is lacking is geniuses!

Even Boss Lin said that he can influence the times, that's absolutely true!
"Please don't have to, go to my hotel suite if you have time."

Lin Yi smiled lightly. He had left a level [-] civilization potion at the beginning. It is estimated that the other party could not help but come to him, and it was only these two days.

"Definitely!" Ling Tian's eyes sparkled.

Lin Yi nodded slightly: "I guess you are busy today, so I will leave first."

"Okay!" Ling Tian saluted Lin Yi, and respectfully sent his own car to take Lin Yi and Ye Shishi back to the presidential suite.

Wei Qiqi and Da Laohei have already returned first.

"Boss, we were wrong..."

When Wei Qiqi met Da Laohei, he immediately admitted his mistake.

"Didn't find a franchisee?"

Seeing them like this, Lin Yi asked with a smile.


Wei Qiqi smiled wryly: "It's not that, that little sea monster just now bothered you to suppress it, we're pleading guilty for this..."

Lin Yi smiled lightly and shook his head: "It's enough for you to negotiate the business honestly. It just so happens that I haven't exercised for a long time."

Both Wei Qiqi and Da Laohei breathed a sigh of relief.

Ordinary residents regard the sea monster as a world-destroying monster, but they know it all too well in their hearts that it is just a piece of garbage in the Heavenly Dao Realm.

Even the boss killed more than one of them in the World Realm. This kind of small miscellaneous fish still let the boss take action. It is true that they have neglected their duties, but seeing that the boss has no intention of pursuing it, they are also relieved.

"Big stupid dragon, I just said that the boss will not blame us for this matter, just talk nonsense!"

Wei Qiqi threw the pot away again and again.

Da Laohei's face was full of black question marks: "You didn't say it first..."

"Hey? Boss, what are we having for dinner?" Wei Qiqi changed the subject repeatedly, not wanting Big Old Hei to continue talking.

Lin Yi shook his head with a smile. Hearing these two guys bickering was used to it, and he actually found it quite interesting.

Just when Da Laohei and the others were chatting and laughing.

The entire China, from top to bottom, is undergoing a great change.

All walks of life, from reality to the Internet, from gossip to the streets.

Today's Pusongkou battle is discussed everywhere.

A strange beast like a sea tide, a huge beast king like a skyscraper, a terrifying ability to bend the sky and move the sea with a single slap...

Nothing but dreamlike...

After the Battle of Pusongkou, a new plan began to be formulated...

Martial arts, which had been hidden from the public's perspective before, were completely exposed.

Martial artist, martial artist, master, divine realm, heaven realm...

The Xiuwu family, the four hermit sects, the Heavenly Dao...

Unfamiliar words became extremely popular overnight, filling all platforms and public discussions.

At the same time, one of the most exciting news instantly overshadowed all other news, making the whole of China very excited.

No matter which app you log in to, the first message that pops up must be:
The official officially announced the true identity of the person who walked the waves in Pusongkou!
To everyone's surprise, they had already known the identity of that person.

It was Lin Yi, Lin Shenhao!

"I'm so envious... Martial art is superb, and he is rich, he is an idol of the whole people!"

"Nonsense, if you have the power to overwhelm the world, you will naturally have money!"

"Haha...that's's thanks to Lin Shenhao this time, otherwise the Demon City will fall this time."


After the news broke out, Lin Yi's prestige reached an unprecedented peak in China! ! !
Although what happened to Lin Yi before shocked them and made them envious, they only admired Lin Yi.

But today, with his own strength, Lin Yi broke through the despair of everyone, crossed the sky and crossed the sea, and killed the sea beast king. In their eyes, he was a hero!

(End of this chapter)

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