Daddy's God Restaurant

Chapter 150 Famous World Shock

Chapter 150 Famous World Shock
As an international first-class gourmet, the perception of taste is naturally extremely sensitive.

After he drank the black chicken soup, he savored it carefully.

"How is it, teacher!?" Andre and Mary both asked in confusion.

Adolf did not answer, but his eyes lit up,
He hastily picked up the chopsticks again and couldn't wait to taste other dishes.

Seeing the teacher's hungry appearance, the shock in Andre and Mary's hearts is indescribable!

Adolf is a world-class gourmet!Having traveled all over the five continents and four oceans, he is used to eating all kinds of delicacies in the world. It stands to reason that no matter how delicious the food is, it will be difficult to impress him!

They have followed the teacher for several years, and they have never seen such a strong reaction from Adolf after eating.

After eating every delicacy, Adolf fell into a long silence.

Both Andre and Mary looked at him nervously.

If the instructor doesn't speak, they, as the next-level members of the jury, cannot move their chopsticks.

"Simply...beyond imagination..."

Adolf sighed for a long time: "Can I meet this chef? He must not be human!"

Lin Yi was shocked, let me go, can this gourmet judge the chef's race from the food?

"Because it is impossible for human beings to achieve such a strong control, the flavors in these dishes are subtle, and the flavors are blended to the extreme."

"My sense of taste is naturally dozens of times stronger than that of ordinary people!"

Adolf shook his head: "After special training, it can reach hundreds of times that of ordinary people!"

"Even so, I still can't explore the deepest layer of the taste at all! It's incredible! If it is compared to reality, its difficulty is no less than that of a person who accurately blends every drop of water in the sea into a grain of salt !"

Adolf was extremely excited. His sense of taste had already reached the limit of ordinary human beings. At first, he thought that it would be impossible for him to encounter such a dish in his life that could make him so sensitive.

He even once felt that it was a kind of sadness that the sense of taste is so developed.

Because no matter what he ate, he felt that it was so tasteless and shallow.

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded slightly, looked at Andre and Mary who were stunned beside him, and smiled slightly: "You guys, don't you want to try it?"

It was only then that Andre and Mary came to their senses, and tasted it quickly. They also wanted to see what kind of peerless delicacy it was, which could shock Adolf, who is known as the world's number one gourmet, to such a state.

Lin Yi looked at Adolf with tears streaming down his face.

Real food will be appreciated only when you meet someone who understands it.

The sense of taste is the same as vision. Ordinary human beings can only see the extremely narrow light from ultraviolet to infrared in the broad light domain.

And as a god, if he wants to, he can capture countless colors that humans can't even see, so the world in his eyes is far more colorful than the world in the eyes of ordinary people.

Similarly, only when you meet someone like Adolf can you experience the most shocking delicacy of the delicacies made by Taotie.

Ordinary people may think that this is the best food they have ever eaten in their life, but because of their limited cognition, they don't know what makes them feel this way, so there is no way to talk about shock.

"This is a natural dish, a miracle!"

Adolf really cried: "I really don't know whether to be happy or sad..."

With his little salary, he couldn't afford to eat at Daddy's restaurant at all, that is to say, he would only eat this meal in his whole life.

"However, it is not in vain to see this peerless dish!"

Adolf's eyes were bright.

"Thank you!"

Lin Yi smiled, he could see through Adolf's thoughts at a glance: "If you like it, come often, I'm free for you."

" can this be..."

In Adolf's heart, this kind of dish is priceless even if a few zeros are added at the end.

Being eaten by those vulgar people outside is a kind of defilement to these delicacies!
"There's nothing wrong with it. Scholars die for their confidants. In this world, there are not many people who know how to appreciate gluttonous dishes."

Lin Yi threw a card to Adolf: "Lifetime free card, keep it."

Adolf struggled with it for a long time, and finally put the most precious thing in his pocket.

According to the price of the dishes here, the value of this lifetime free card is simply inestimable!
Both Andre and Mary were stunned.

My own teacher actually accepted a gift?

Isn't the teacher very principled!

"Now it seems that my restaurant is eligible for rating?" Lin Yi smiled and looked at Adolf.

"Of course! If none of your restaurants are eligible, then no other restaurants are eligible!" Adolf repeated.

"No, it's more than that..."

Adolf stood up and kept pacing: "I'm sure, boss, your restaurant is absolutely unparalleled in the world! Your restaurant should be rated accordingly!"

"Oh?" Lin Yi smiled, this old man is quite sensible, he brought it up before he said it.

"I want to rewrite the Michelin evaluation system!"

Adolf's words shocked both Andre and Mary.

However, it was just a shock. They may not have visited as many places as the teachers, but one thing is for sure, that is, all the Michelin three-star restaurants they have been to are far inferior to this Daddy's restaurant in terms of dishes. !
Lin Yi nodded with a smile. Foreigners are indeed very flexible in changing the system.

This point is worth learning for traditional Chinese people. If Michelin was owned by China, the person in charge would definitely think about it due to scruples such as the ancestral system.

And Adolf proposed to change the system on the spot!
"Then, just wait for the good news." Lin Yi smiled and sent the driver to take Adolf and the others to the nearest hotel to rest.

After intense ocean-going video conference discussions, Michelin Samsung sent several rounds of inspection teams one after another, and after repeatedly confirming what Adolf said, the idea of ​​restructuring was unanimously approved.

Seven days after Adolf came to the restaurant, a gold-edged reward voucher was mailed to Jiangnan City from overseas.

Lin Yi looked at the five golden stars hanging on the certificate of honor, and put it away in his own space with a smile.

What he had in his hand was only the certificate, the real honor plate, which had already been hung by the Michelin staff at the entrance of the restaurant.

At the same time, this news, like a depth bomb, quickly spread throughout the catering industry, and even directly broke through the barriers of the industry, becoming a new wave of international public opinion hot spots...

The fame of Daddy's restaurant has officially spread all over the world!
The world's first and unique Michelin five-star restaurant was born!

 Thank you Guoge Jixiang 999 for your reward! ! !
  Thanks to One Autumn Leaf abc and Humble Xiaojie for their rewards!

  Thanks to "" for the 588 reading rewards!

  It is estimated that it will be put on the shelves recently, let's do two updates first, I will look at the manuscript and see if it can be released on the shelves.

(End of this chapter)

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