Shennong's little medical fairy

Chapter 736 The bald head is strong

Chapter 736 The bald head is strong

"Cao Nima's stinky bitch, I treat you to a glass of wine because I think highly of you. How dare you not drink it, it's like toasting and refusing to drink." A ferocious voice came from NO. 16 Passed out in the private room.

"You stinky rascal, let me go! Otherwise, I'll call the police." This sentence was uttered by Ning Jiuwei.

The sound from the NO.16 box shocked all the diners in the hotel.Everyone cast their gazes into the box one by one.However, the box door was closed, and no one knew what happened inside.

As soon as the hotel owner heard the conflict in the private room, his face turned pale.Those who eat and drink like them are most afraid of someone getting drunk and making trouble.

Especially those gangsters on the road, if they really make trouble, it will be endless.He is a serious businessman and has no backing behind him, so he is even more afraid of such things.So as soon as he heard that there was a change in the box, he hurriedly entered the box with extreme caution and bit the bullet.

At this time, Liang Fei was even more like an angry beast, rushing into the box after the boss.

How could this be reasonable, which hooligan would have the guts to bully Liang Fei's woman?Are you tired of living?
When Liang Fei strode into the box, inside the box, a black-faced man with a shiny shaved head and a green dragon tattooed on his arm was holding Ning Jiuwei's body firmly with his eyes wide open. Arm, stared at her ferociously, and shouted at the same time: "Call the police? Damn girl, I think you are impatient to live, do you know who these old men sitting in front of you are? You dare to call the police, Believe it or not, I will fuck you first and then kill you right now?"

It turned out that Ning Jiuwei had just come to this box to serve food, but unexpectedly, the people who came to eat at this table were all gangsters from this street. Seeing that she was beautiful, the bald man forced her to accompany her for a drink.

Of course Ning Jiuwei didn't follow, these guys actually used force, immediately lifted the table and smashed the bowl, with extreme arrogance.

Although Ning Jiuwei is quite courageous, she is a girl after all.Immediately frightened by the bald man's harsh words, he remained silent and dared not speak any more.

"Little sister, as long as you obediently listen to what my brothers say. It's enough to make my brothers happy, and we will naturally not treat you badly."

The bald man's face was filled with an extremely sexy smile.And the seven or eight gangsters who were at the same table also took the opportunity to boo and say some unsavory things.

Ning Jiuwei seemed to be in a wolf's den, angry and anxious, her delicate body trembled under the pale face.

At this time, the owner of the hotel had already walked in. Seeing the situation, he immediately asked the bald man to accompany him: "It turns out that Brother Qiang is here. The kid is ignorant and offended Brother Qiang. Please, Brother Qiang, just look at my brother." To save face, let her go this time!"

As soon as the boss finished speaking, he was slapped heavily on the face by the bald man.

"Who the hell are you? How dare you save face in front of my bald head? Bah, don't even look in the mirror to see your virtue."

"Boss, are you alright?"

Seeing the boss being beaten for her own sake, Ning Jiuwei was extremely anxious, and she didn't know where a burst of strength came out, broke free from Bald Qiang's arm, and helped the hotel boss up.

Then he glared at the group of gangsters who were getting carried away, and said angrily: "How can you beat people casually, if you don't leave, I will really call the police."

These hooligans looked at Ning Jiuwei with disdain. In their view, entering the police station was like entering a public toilet.Didn't they have dinner here just to celebrate the one who was just released from the chants?

Seeing these hooligans look so confident, Ning Jiuwei took out her phone and was about to call 110, but was stopped by the hotel owner.

The hotel owner stood up and begged Bald Qiang with a bitter face: "Brother Qiang, I beg you to hold your hand high, children are ignorant, please hold your hand high, and don't get to know him. This... this meal, I will count it as my meal." Please!"

"you please?"

Bald Qiang let out a cold snort from his nostrils, glanced at the table that had been overturned by them, and said, "Damn it, I was spoiled by this stinky girl just after I took the table. You have lost face in front of the brothers. Old Zhou, we are old friends, you should know what to do, right?"

"This one……"

The hotel owner immediately showed embarrassment, he is not a fool, how could he fail to understand what this guy said!
While he was hesitating, the bald-headed Qiang glared at him again unexpectedly.The hotel owner immediately felt terrified, with a face as painful as a concubine's exam, and said sadly: "Okay, Brother Qiang, I... will pay double for this month's protection fee!"

"Damn, you're really out of touch!"

Bald Qiang slapped the hotel owner again, pointing his index finger at his nose viciously and said, "Zhou Yun, you can hear me clearly, it's not just that the protection fee for this month will be doubled.

After that, the monthly protection fee will be doubled.If you dare to have half a penny in arrears.Hey, don't even think about opening this hotel! "

It seemed that this bald-headed strong man had already become a refined old fritter in the Tao, and every word he said smacked of extreme arrogance and threat.

"Guys, this place is a fucking mess. Let's get another one!"

Bald Qiang kicked over the hotel owner who was still standing there in a daze, and cursed a few words.When he got close to Ning Jiuwei, he cast an unpredictable sinister smile at her and said: "Little girl, the uncle has remembered you."

These hooligans pushed open the door of the box and were about to go out when they suddenly saw a person standing outside the door like a javelin.

A young man with ordinary clothes and even more ordinary appearance.

Although the young man seemed to stand there casually, there seemed to be an unapproachable aura from all over his body.

As soon as Bald Qiang raised his head and touched the sharp light in the opponent's eyes, he already felt a heart-pounding coercion, pressing down like a heavy mountain.

"You, who are you?" The momentum of Bald Qiang and the seven or eight gangsters was immediately taken away, and they couldn't help taking a few steps back.

But the young man only gave them a very contemptuous smile, but said slowly: "It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that none of you can leave now, that's enough! "

The young man standing outside the door was none other than Liang Fei.

In fact, Liang Fei had already stood outside the door.He had long wanted to rush in and beat up the gangsters, but when he saw Bald Qiang open the door and wanted to leave, he directly blocked them back.

The seemingly weak Liang Fei actually used his majestic and outgoing aura to force the gangsters back. In the box, even the onlookers who were far away couldn't help but feel an indescribably cold aura. Forced out from Liang Fei's body.

(End of this chapter)

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