Chapter 725
"Sir, please pay five thousand and two hundred yuan. Thank you!"

What!Did you hear me right?Five thousand two hundred yuan for two catties of tea?This girl has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and she doesn't look like a person with evil intentions.This time I only bought two catties, if I bought more, even ten thousand yuan would be unstoppable!
The price of tea can be so expensive, and the price of goods has grown too fast.

It's not that Liang Fei is reluctant to part with the money, it's just that the hard-earned money has flesh and blood, so he can't spend it, and he doesn't know what it means.So he asked, "Miss, is your premium Longjing so expensive?"

The clerk thought that the other party had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "Sir, the West Lake Longjing in our store is definitely genuine, and the premium Longjing is indeed at this price. Do you... need to think about it?"

Well, it's not a black shop, it's just that this tea is born to be domineering!Since the price is so high, it really deserves to be a gift to Mr. Qiao.

Liang Fei replied "don't think about it", and immediately paid for it, but at the same time, an idea flashed in his mind.

Thinking about it, if I also plant these teas and build a tea garden in the farm, it will be another hot business?

At this time, he naturally did not expect that in addition to planting, there is also the process of frying tea in making tea. From planting to people's teacups, this tea is a profound knowledge.

"Beauty, may I ask, your boss...can you help me purchase tea saplings?"

Liang Fei showed embarrassment. He knew that his behavior was like asking to buy hens in an egg shop, but his knowledge was limited, and he really didn't know the way to buy tea saplings.

The boss of this shop selling tea should know a thing or two about purchasing tea seedlings, so he came to ask about it.

When the waiter heard this, he immediately felt that Liang Fei was not authentic. It was unheard of for him to come to a tea shop to test tea saplings.

"Sir, we don't sell tea saplings here, why don't you ask elsewhere?"

"Ha, it's all right. I've heard for a long time that your tea shop is old and the quality of the tea is low. The boss must be a tea lover, so I took the liberty to visit. Since there is no one, let's forget about it. It's a pity, I still want to do it with your boss It's a big deal..."

To avoid embarrassment, Liang Fei deliberately said this to attract the attention of the shop assistant. The wording of "Business" and "Boss" has been moved out, which will surely scare the little shop assistant in front of him.

If you don't pretend to be a distinguished guest, how can the other party take care of yourself and greet you attentively.Now do a little trick, just wait for the clerk to contact your boss.

"Sir, wait a minute. My boss does have a lot of research on tea. If I contact him, maybe there are saplings for sale."

The clerk was really intimidated by the other party. It is not appropriate to offend a distinguished customer. If there is a big deal, you should credit yourself first, right?It's just a phone call away.

Liang Fei was secretly happy at once, this little cleverness played more and more smoothly.Thinking about it, regardless of whether the other party's boss cares about this project or not, he made a phone call, and then made another plan to clamp down on the other party's words, move his lips, and talk to the other party after meeting.Even if you don't sell saplings, you must know how to purchase them.

After hearing this, when the phone was connected, Liang Fei hurriedly said: "Beauty, let me talk to your boss."

The customer asked, dare not refuse, not afraid that he will rush out the door after holding the phone, but afraid that the business will fail, and all his efforts will be wasted.

Liang Fei took the phone, straightened his tone, and said, "Boss, I have a business and want to meet and talk with you, is it convenient?"

When the shop owner heard this, he couldn't help but be surprised. This small teahouse is just his hobby, not his main business. In fact, he just wants to enjoy tea and discuss tea with some tea lovers in an elegant place.It's really strange that a facade business came unexpectedly.

"Want to meet and talk? This guest, is he dissatisfied with our tea? Tell me what you want."

"Misunderstanding, I really have a business talk, is it convenient to meet up? It's in your imperial tea garden."

At this time, the shop owner felt more and more awkward. He guessed that the other party came to the tea shop to find fault. What he said was just to lure himself to come forward in person, so as to seek reason and explanation.Cursing inwardly: Alas, that little girl in the store must have offended the customer, and she won't even be able to send her away, she raised her for nothing!

In desperation, he drove to his store with a worried look on his face.The owner's name is Wen Zhong, and he is over sixty years old. He originally wanted to open a teahouse to enjoy the happiness of life, just to make it elegant.The store has no disputes all year round, and the customers who come here are all refined and elegant, so why are you in trouble today?

Just met, Liang Fei hurriedly said hello to the shop owner, reported his name, and asked the other party's name.The two were respectful to each other without breaking the etiquette.

Wen Zhong asked the clerk to make fragrant tea to greet the guests, and asked leisurely: "Young man, is it because the little girl in our shop is not good at treating customers, that's why you..."

Liang Fei quickly explained: "No, I didn't make it clear on the phone, which made you misunderstand. Actually, I wanted to ask about the tea tree seedlings."

When Wen Zhong heard this, he laughed, sighed that it was interesting, and said, "Oh, what do you buy tea tree seedlings for? Take it back and use it as a potted plant? It's elegant enough! Tell me, what kind of tea tree is it?"

"Longjing tea saplings."

At first, I thought the other party was joking, but once the name of the tea tree was announced, the young guy in front of me must have become more serious.

However, within a hundred miles of Binyang City, I have never heard of anyone who grows tea, and the tea in the shop is all shipped from other provinces, how did the other party think of growing tea?

"Little brother, you don't seem to be joking, but I don't have tea saplings here, you..."

"Old man, actually, I just want to take this opportunity to ask you where you can buy Longjing tea saplings. Money is not a problem, as long as the quality is good."

Wen Zhong paused, seeing that the other party was so persistent, and didn't know what he loved tea for, he thought for a long time before he said: "Young man, if you want to keep it as a potted plant, what's wrong with that, don't Toss this thing."

"It can't be for fun. I plan to plant an acre or two of tea gardens in the farm. But now, I will buy a few plants and go back to try it out. Old man, although we have never met, you should help others and help me." Let me introduce you."

The old man Wen Zhong couldn't help thinking that the other party was extremely interesting, and he even boasted about building a tea garden.Moreover, there is no place in Binyang City where the water and soil are suitable for planting tea trees. If they are planted and alive, how can their quality be imported.This kind of tea is not even a defective product, it is simply a waste product.

"Young man, I advise you to stop thinking about it. Our land is not suitable for growing tea trees, and we can't grow good tea. By the way, which farm are you talking about?"

"Xianhu Farm, old man, do you know him? I'm the boss there."

"Oh, it's you? Boss Liang? Hey, it's better to meet people than to be famous. It is indeed as others said, young and promising!"

"Old man, just tell me where to buy it. Whether the tea leaves are good or not, we will know when the time comes."

Liang Fei was used to hearing compliments, so he was not erratic, he just wanted to find a way to buy tea saplings quickly, but Wen Zhong shied away and was concerned about the quality of the tea, so there was really nothing he could do for a while.Secretly complaining that the old man loves to chatter when he gets old.

(End of this chapter)

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