industrial overlord

Chapter 583 Big Plane

Chapter 583 Big Plane

In this meeting, Lin Zhenhua had already surprised Hong Yuan and Yao Niangui enough, but when he mentioned the name Nandu Machinery Factory, the two officials were shocked again.

The name of Nandu Machinery Factory sounds ordinary and inconspicuous, but it is actually the most famous equipment manufacturing enterprise in Jiangnan Province.This factory was built in the 50s and is one of the three major fighter jet manufacturers in the country. The attack aircraft it produced were once the main equipment of the naval aviation.In the past ten years, due to the shift of national strategic focus to economic construction and the sharp drop in defense orders, Nandu Machinery Factory has gradually shown a decline. Now the main product is only a trainer aircraft and some aviation accessories, which are barely enough to maintain more than 1 Workers' wages are no longer what they used to be.

As the governor of the province, Hong Yu'an visited Nandu Machinery Factory more than once to understand the factory's operating conditions.He knew that Nandu Machinery Factory had a very strong technical strength, and the current difficulties were mainly due to the decrease in demand for military products, and this problem could not be solved by the province.The factory also thought about using military technology to develop some civilian products, but after trying a few civilian products, it was found that the interlacing was like a mountain, and it really couldn't meet the needs of the market.

Now, from Lin Zhenhua's mouth, he actually heard the name of Nandu Machinery Factory, and from what Lin Zhenhua said, he seemed to be full of confidence in this company. How could Hong Yu'an not be surprised by this.

"Xiao Lin, what do you mean?" Hong Yu'an asked.

Lin Zhenhua said: "In the advanced manufacturing industry, the largest and most profitable industry is the aviation manufacturing industry. At present, my country is already one of the largest civil aircraft markets in the world. The large passenger aircraft we use all come from Boeing and Airbus and I believe that the country will absolutely not tolerate this status quo."

Hong Yu'an said: "You mean, our country may develop its own large passenger plane?"

Lin Zhenhua said: "The intelligence department of our group has studied this issue, and they have demonstrated from three aspects that the country will definitely launch a large passenger aircraft project within 10 years.

First of all, large passenger aircraft is a big market with hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Although my country currently spends only more than 20 billion dollars a year on imported aircraft, it is entirely possible that it will grow to tens of billions of dollars in the next few years. It is impossible for the country not to pay attention to such a large market. "

"Well, it makes sense." Hong Yu'an said.

Lin Zhenhua continued: "Secondly, the research and development of large passenger aircraft can drive the development of science and technology in several fields such as new materials, new processes, and large machine tools. The manufacture of large passenger aircraft can also drive a very large industrial chain. China will become a It is impossible for a truly industrial country to give up the industry of large aircraft."

Yao Niangui said: "I know this. I visited the headquarters of Boeing Aircraft in Seattle. It is like an aircraft city. There are countless companies that rely on Boeing. This is what you call the industrial chain, right?"

"There is also a third." Lin Zhenhua raised three fingers and said, "Large passenger aircraft can be transformed into early warning aircraft, aerial refueling aircraft, large military transport aircraft, etc. This is also of great significance to the national defense security of our country. Based on these three Combined with factors such as my country's economic strength and industrial accumulation, we believe that within 10 years, the country will definitely start the large passenger aircraft project."

"Xiao Lin, your Hanhua eyes are really poisonous." Hong Yu'an said with emotion, "About two years ago, I heard that you were cooperating with Nandu Machinery Factory, is it related to this matter? "

Lin Zhenhua said with a smile: "Governor Hong doesn't know something. We, Hanhua, planned this matter much earlier than two years ago. As early as the end of the 80s, we incorporated the scientific research team that worked on the tenth aircraft. Zhang Yihua, the chief engineer of our Hanhua Steam Turbine Company, was originally engaged in aero-engines, and the gas turbine project he is working on now has a deep relationship with aero-engines.

The cooperation you just mentioned between us and Nandu Machinery Factory is that the two of us are jointly conducting pre-research on high bypass ratio turbofan engines. This project is led by Chief Engineer Zhang Yihua, and some results have been achieved so far. Airline approval.In the future, if the country wants to launch a large aircraft in Malaysia, the engine project will definitely fall on us. "

"When you say it this way, I seem to understand a little bit. If the country wants to build a large aircraft, it is indeed the most appropriate to put it in the Nandu Machinery Factory." Hong Yu'an connected Lin Zhenhua's words before and after, and really figured out something. Here comes the taste.

There are four or five large-scale aircraft manufacturers in China, and Nandu Machinery Factory is one of them.Among all these aircraft manufacturing factories, Nandu Machinery Factory is the only one that is close to the big river, which makes Nandu Machinery Factory have an advantage that other factories do not have, that is, the convenience of water transportation.

An important feature of a large airliner is that it has many large parts, such as the fuselage, wings, engines, etc. These parts are often produced separately by different cooperative factories, and finally shipped to the final assembly plant for final assembly.The best way to transport these large parts is by water, because water transportation is basically not affected by the size of the parts, and there are strict restrictions on the size of the parts, regardless of road transportation or rail transportation.

The current site of Nandu Machinery Factory is in Nandu, which is still some distance away from the golden waterway.Lin Zhenhua proposed to move the Nandu Machinery Factory to the shore of Yunmeng Lake, so that large freighters can directly rely on the company's own wharf to transport parts produced in various places.With such a geographical advantage, if the province provides some other support, the country will not worry about putting the large aircraft project in Xunyang.

Of course, Lin Zhenhua's confidence also depends on Xunyang's existing industrial base.Following the completion of the 1.5-ton large open die forging machine, two years ago, Hanhua made another effort to build the first 8-ton die forging machine in China, which is also the largest die forging machine in the world.In order to ensure the strength, many structural parts of large aircraft need to be forged and formed on large die forging machines. With this large die forging machine of Hanhua Company, it is equivalent to adding another important weight to the large aircraft's settlement in Xunyang code.

In addition, the team led by Zhang Yihua has been overcoming the difficulties of gas turbines in the past few years and breaking through many key technologies.According to Zhang Yihua, these technologies can also be used in the development of large aero-engines.Lin Zhenhua didn't intend to let Hanhua participate in the manufacture of the complete aircraft, but if he could win the aero engine, it would be extremely profitable.

"This is really great! If our country's large passenger aircraft production base can be located in Xunyang, then Xunyang will attract the attention of the world." Hong Yu'an was so happy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut, "Xiaolin, do you think this matter is How sure can you be?"

Lin Zhenhua said with a smile: "The certainty of this matter depends on the determination of our Jiangnan Province. Now the country is probably planning this matter. Our Jiangnan Province should actively apply to the country and do some work. To practice. For example, Nandu Machinery Factory can take the initiative to update equipment and create conditions, so that the country can see our determination and enthusiasm, and when considering the layout, it will naturally lean towards us."

"Okay!" Hong Yu'an said firmly, "This matter is settled. After I return to Nandu, I will immediately arrange for the provincial government to set up a large passenger aircraft project working group, which will be responsible for launching public relations activities with various ministries and commissions of the country. Xiao Lin, You, Hanhua, have to maintain a high degree of consistency with the province on this matter. I heard that you have a very close relationship with the Science and Industry Committee. When the time comes, you must go and let the Science and Industry Committee pay more attention to our Jiangnan Province. .”

"That's for sure." Lin Zhenhua replied straightforwardly.

Hong Yu'an's previous depression caused by Xunyang's poor investment promotion effect finally dissipated. The blueprint outlined by Lin Zhenhua gave him a new idea for Xunyang's development.The development model relying solely on quantitative expansion has come to an end, and the future development of Xunyang must come from qualitative changes.Automobiles, electronics, complete sets of equipment, and even large aircraft, these are the industries that a modern industrial belt should have.

Hong Yu'an also knew that in order to do all of this, no matter it is in Jiangnan Province or Xunyang City, the efforts to be made must be huge. At the very least, a large number of backward enterprises that are still paying taxes must be eliminated. It takes the courage of a strong man to break his wrist.In addition, if outdated industries are eliminated and emerging industries cannot be put in place for a while, local finances will be seriously affected. This is something that has to be considered.

However, Hong Yu'an is an open-minded official after all, and he also knows the truth of seeking wealth in danger.If according to Lin Zhenhua's suggestion, Jiangnan Province has achieved industrial upgrading, then as the governor of a province, he will have an enviable political achievement.Conversely, if the upgrade fails and the economy of Jiangnan Province is affected, his official career will also become bleak.Between conservative and progressive, he chose the latter.

"Comrade Niangui, your Xunyang City Government must seize the time to formulate a development plan for Xunyang City for the next 10 years based on the vision put forward by Comrade Zhenhua, and implement it as soon as possible." Hong Yuan said to Yao Niangui, "You must This industrial adjustment should be treated as a second venture in Xunyang City. Don’t be reluctant to smash the pots and pans at home. All traditional and polluting enterprises that do not conform to the development direction of Xunyang City must be relocated. Clean the house, Ready to welcome new businesses.”

"Governor Hong, please rest assured that our Xunyang City has the determination and ability to complete the second venture, making Xunyang City one of the modern cities." Yao Niangui tried his best to stand upright and loudly expressed his determination to Hong Yu'an.Although his huge belly slightly affected the image, the determination still sounded quite real.

(End of this chapter)

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