industrial overlord

Chapter 581 Advanced Manufacturing

Chapter 581 Advanced Manufacturing
The policy of vacating cages and changing birds is very popular in the coastal areas of later generations. The reason is the same as the current situation in Xunyang, that is, there is insufficient development space, and inefficient old enterprises occupy precious resources, and emerging industries cannot enter.In order to promote the upgrading of local industries, various localities have introduced differentiated industrial development policies, imposing various obstacles on the industries to be eliminated, and giving various preferential policies to the industries to be developed.In this way, backward industries cannot continue to operate, so they can only leave obediently and vacate the cage.

"Mr. Lin, where do you let these eliminated companies develop?" Yao Niangui still couldn't bear to ask Lin Zhenhua.

Lin Zhenhua pointed to the west with his finger, and said: "Go west, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Sichuan, Shaanxi and Guizhou. These inland provinces are all eagerly looking forward to the relocation of manufacturing industries in the east. They have a large labor force and a large amount of industrial land. , is suitable for the development of these enterprises. Birds that we despise, are regarded as golden phoenixes when they come to others."

Hong Yu'an smiled and said to Yao Niangui: "Niangui, when you were in the party school, didn't you make friends with a large number of mayors from inland provinces? Just in time, you can find an opportunity to contact them and share some of the labor-intensive work in Xunyang. In this way, you will free up space, the inland cities will gain industries, and the relocated enterprises will also have a place to go. Isn’t this a good thing that has the best of all worlds?”

"Haha, I will definitely do such a good thing." Yao Niangui smiled, "When the time comes, I will tell them that after drinking a glass of wine, I will introduce a company to them, and I am not afraid that they will bleed if they don't drink."

"It's black!" Lin Zhenhua gave Yao Niangui a thumbs up and praised, "I always thought that only businessmen like us are black. I never thought that Mayor Yao, as a government official, would be so black."

He knew that what Yao Niangui said was naturally a joke.But if Yao Niangui really wanted to do this, the mayors in the mainland would definitely not be able to refuse this kind of bet.Just like Yue Jianhua in Jingxi, in order to attract local investment, the officials definitely have the spirit of going through fire and water.Of course you can say that their purpose of doing this is for personal political achievements, but the result is that the local economy has achieved considerable development, and in the end the people can benefit from economic development.

"Then, if we move these simple processing industries to the interior, what kind of industries should we develop in Xunyang? Do you have any considerations?" Hong Yu'an is worthy of being the governor, and he has more long-term considerations.Lin Zhenhua proposed to vacate the cage and change the bird, and Hong Yu'an immediately began to ponder the characteristics of the new bird.

Regarding this question, Lin Zhenhua has a well-thought-out plan, and he answered bluntly: "Of course it is an advanced manufacturing industry. Our Xunnan Industrial Belt should develop into an advanced manufacturing center in the whole country and even in the world."

"Advanced manufacturing industry?" Hong Yu'an murmured the word in his mouth, and asked Lin Zhenhua: "This name sounds quite interesting, Xiao Lin, can you tell me, what exactly does this advanced manufacturing industry include?"

Lin Zhenhua said with a smile: "Governor Hong, in fact, this advanced manufacturing industry is just a name, mainly to distinguish it from the traditional manufacturing industry. It must be defined. It can be said that it refers to the manufacturing industry in the manufacturing industry. A general term for the manufacturing industry that adopts a large number of high-tech achievements in electronic information, computers, automation, and new materials to achieve high-quality, high-efficiency, low-consumption, and clean production. The categories generally include large-scale complete sets of equipment, electronics, biopharmaceuticals, new Materials, new energy, etc., in short, are very different from the traditional industries that we can see everywhere in Xunyang."

"Okay!" Hong Yu'an clapped his hands and said, "Xiao Lin, your idea coincides with the ideas put forward by some comrades in the Provincial Political Research Office. To be honest, I came to Xunyang this time to investigate this Is the idea feasible, but I can't bear to see those booming companies. Now it seems that we are still too small-scale farmers, the old ones will not go, and the new ones will not come. If we do not implement this leap The policy of exchanging cages for birds, when the brother provinces and cities start to engage in this advanced manufacturing industry, we will only have to watch others make a lot of money."

"Actually, if we want to develop advanced manufacturing, we don't necessarily have to drive away those traditional industries, do we?" Yao Niangui hesitated, "We can open up another industrial park to accommodate the advanced manufacturing that Mr. Lin mentioned. .Those traditional industries, at least so far, are our important tax sources.”

Hong Yu'an said: "Niangui, it's time for you to update your thinking. Among other things, the planned industrial land quotas have all been used up. Where do you plan to open up new industrial parks?"

Yao Niangui said: "We can make a report to the central government. Of course, I want the province to make a report to the central government, and another ten thousand to twenty thousand mu of land will be approved. There should be hope."

"No." Lin Zhenhua waved his hand and said, "Mayor Yao, I don't know if the central government will grant us additional land. However, Xunyang's industrial scale can no longer be expanded. Further expansion of the industrial scale means that With the further agglomeration of the population, transportation, environmental protection, etc. will become difficult. The development of advanced manufacturing industry requires high-end talents. If the environment is too harsh, high-end talents cannot be retained. We must not only develop in Xunyang, but also maintain green mountains and green mountains. Water, cities are livable. At least I personally don’t want to live in a noisy metropolis.”

"Haha, Xiao Lin is sending you an ultimatum." Hong Yu'an said to Yao Niangui with a smile, "Have you heard his subtext? If you turn Xunyang into a smoky industrial city, he will leave gone."

"No, no." Yao Niangui said repeatedly, "I understand, this is what Mr. Lin meant by vacating the cage and changing the bird. There is only one cage, and if you put too many birds, everyone will die in the end. Okay. Well, I will immediately entrust several competent committees and bureaus to start arranging this matter and persuade the traditional manufacturing industry to gradually move inward. However, Mr. Lin, I have moved these large taxpayers away, and you will be responsible for helping me find new tax sources. "

Lin Zhenhua pretended to be depressed and said: "Mayor Yao, you really don't know good people. I kindly planned the future development direction for us in Xunyang, but you were wronged by me. I am an enterprise myself, how can I Can it replace the government to do this kind of investment attraction?"

"Boss Lin, Xiao Lin, Brother Lin!" Yao Niangui changed the three names in one breath, "Since I haven't treated you Hanhua Heavy Industries badly for so many years, can't you just help my brother? Of course we will also go to attract business. Investment, but who can compare to your influence in the domestic manufacturing industry? If you can shout for us, it will be better than our comrades in the China Merchants Bureau. "

"Xiao Lin, it's time to test you. You can go to the irrelevant Jingxi City to stay for a few months and help others develop the economy. You can't sit idly by when it happens to your own family. No matter what How should I put it, Xunyang is your natal family, back then..." Hong Yu'an began to talk about his family history painfully.

"That's all, I surrender, I admit defeat." Lin Zhenhua raised his hands high and said, "I know I owe Xunyang, who told me to ask the Xunyang government for help when I started my family back then. This man-eating Short-mouthed, soft-handed, I just listen to Mayor Yao's words."

"It's more or less the same." Hong Yu'an smiled, but he also knew in his heart that this verbal battle was nothing but an expression of closeness between the two sides.Lin Zhenhua has always been very enthusiastic about issues related to the development of Xunyang and even the entire Jiangnan Province. Since he proposed to develop advanced manufacturing in Xunyang, he will naturally not stand idly by in terms of attracting investment.

"Let me talk about one thing first." Lin Zhenhua said seriously, "Governor Hong, Mayor Yao, I plan to introduce a car factory to Xunyang, with an annual output of 30 cars in the first phase. What do you think?"

"Car!" Hong Yu'an and Yao Niangui exclaimed at the same time, "Who is the joint venture with?"

"Uh..." Lin Zhenhua scratched his scalp and said with a wry smile, "You two leaders, why do we have to have a joint venture? Can't we develop our own brand?"

"Self-owned brand?" Yao Niangui frowned and said, "Mr. Lin, to tell you the truth, we also had the idea of ​​making cars, and we also went to other provinces and cities for inspection. Now we are looking for a well-known international brand to make cars. With a joint venture, you can not only use other people's technology, but also borrow their brand, and consumers will recognize imported brands more. Now there are a few self-owned brand cars, but they can't sell the price."

Lin Zhenhua said: "Mayor Yao, you don't know something. First, making cars is no longer a high-tech thing. The Haoqing cars in East Zhejiang Province are produced by workers hammering them with hammers. They are also on the market. Is it necessary for us to use foreign technology? Second, Hanhua Heavy Industry has started to get involved in the production of automobile equipment in recent years. The automobile stamping production line manufactured by Hunbei Forging Machinery Factory under our group has now entered the international market. Market. Even foreigners use our equipment to make cars, so do we need to ask foreigners for help?"

Yao Niangui said: "Well, from what you said, it's true. However, I'm afraid this countryman's concept of domestic cars cannot be changed for a while, right?"

Lin Zhenhua smiled and said, "Mayor Yao, have you paid attention to the speeches of the central leaders recently? They repeatedly put forward the concept of independent innovation. This is actually a signal. I estimate that within a few years, the country will definitely introduce More vigorous policies to protect state-owned brands, for example, stipulate that 50% of government vehicles must be self-owned brands, think about it, what will this mean?"

"Are you sure?" Yao Niangui stared at Lin Zhenhua with wide eyes, which were already full of admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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