Chapter 578

Jingxi's urban development level is low, and the land is not expensive, so a city leader like Yue Jianhua lives in a small courtyard house.When Lin Zhenhua arrived at Yue Jianhua's home under the guidance of the mayor's secretary Hu Peiquan, Yue Jianhua was sitting alone on a bamboo chair in the yard, with a small coffee table in front of him, on which were small purple sand pots made in Shaoxing, and several A small cup, drinking tea by himself.In the past few months, he really hasn't had such a leisurely time.

"Oh, Mr. Lin came to my humble house, what really made me..." Yue Jianhua stood up enthusiastically and shook hands with Lin Zhenhua to greet him. Can't remember the specific statement.

"It's the succulent radiance." Hu Peiquan added in a low voice for the leader.

"That's right, it's the succulent radiance! Hahaha." Yue Jianhua said with a smile.

Lin Zhenhua said: "I have been staying in Jingxi for two or three months, and I have been saying that I want to visit Mayor Yue's house, but there is no suitable time. Today I finally got a chance. Mayor Yue will not Blame me for taking the liberty?"

"What's the presumptuousness, I'm here to do whatever I want, whatever I want!" Yue Jianhua said.

After the host and guest exchanged a few words, Hu Peiquan helped Lin Zhenhua move a small bamboo chair and asked Lin Zhenhua to sit down.Yue Jianhua also sat back in his seat, pointed to the tea set on the small coffee table, and asked Lin Zhenhua, "How about it, Mr. Lin, would you like to drink some of our high mountain tea from Jingxi?"

"It's up to the owner." Lin Zhenhua said, "However, the high mountain tea in Jingxi tastes really good, and the tea from Mayor Yue's must be the best."

Yue Jianhua lifted the teapot and poured Lin Zhenhua a cup of tea.Seeing Hu Peiquan standing aside and waiting, he waved his hands and said, "Little Hu, you go back, I'll chat with Mr. Lin casually, and it's nothing to do with you."

"Okay." Hu Peiquan knew that Yue Jianhua and Lin Zhenhua had some private topics to talk about, and it was not appropriate for him to be there, so he quietly left the courtyard.However, he did not go home as Yue Jianhua said, but stayed in the car outside the courtyard and waited, ready to be called by Yue Jianhua at any time.

Lin Zhenhua picked up the cup, took a sip of tea, and praised: "The taste is really good. Even a person like me, who doesn't know how to drink tea, can taste something different."

Yue Jianhua said: "I don't have too many hobbies. I can't quit smoking, drinking, and tea. Being the mayor of Jingxi here doesn't bring me any other benefits. I drink good tea." It’s a lot, and it’s worth it.”

Speaking of this, his voice was a little low.Lin Zhenhua heard the meaning of loneliness, and asked tentatively: "Why, Mayor Yue, is this troublesome thing?"

Hearing Lin Zhenhua bluntly asking about his own affairs, Yue Jianhua's feigned ease disappeared, and he slowly sipped his teacup while saying, "This matter is troublesome even if it is troublesome. , It’s not troublesome, it’s not troublesome. All in all, what happened in the city has been caught by the newspapers, and now the province feels that it’s a bit difficult to step down, so we in Jingxi City have to express something.”

"How to express it specifically, will it involve you?" Lin Zhenhua asked.

Yue Jianhua said: "Someone has to come forward to take responsibility. I thought about it, and I think it is most appropriate for me to take the blame and resign."

"Take the blame and resign!" Lin Zhenhua was startled, "No way, Mayor Yue, how can this matter become such a big deal?"

Yue Jianhua said: "This is also the result that the province hopes to see most. Now the demolition work in various places has received a lot of criticism, and the province also needs to catch a model to explain to public opinion. I was originally a marginalized People, asking me to sacrifice is the least loss for the province. I also figured it out. I am going to retire soon. It can also win a good impression for Jingxi in the province."

Lin Zhenhua was a little speechless, he was silent for a while, and said: "Mayor Yue, it seems that you really hit the mark on this matter. I remember when you were in Jinling, you told me that when it comes to economic matters, If you do it well, you will have no grades, and if you mess it up, you will lose your life at the end of the year. Now, it has all come true."

Yue Jianhua nodded and said: "That's right, I have thought of this a long time ago. If Jingxi wants to develop its economy, it must overcome all kinds of difficulties. If anything is not done well, it may leave a political stain on me. There is only one way to keep oneself clean and clean, and that is to not do things, and those who do not do things will never make mistakes.”

Lin Zhenhua smiled slightly: "That's right, those reporters who stood by and gesticulated will never make mistakes."

"Those reporters?" Yue Jianhua snorted contemptuously, did not continue to comment, but continued to talk about his own affairs: "Actually, I don't care about the stains or not. Chairman, I am already very satisfied. Since I became the mayor, I have to do some practical things. I want people in Jingxi to be able to say that in 10 years, I have achieved a little when Lao Yue was in office. In order to This sentence, I have some stains on it, and it is worth it."

Regarding these matters in the officialdom, Lin Zhenhua had no right to speak. He made a special trip to see Yue Jianhua, but it was only out of an obligation as a friend, and he couldn't help if he wanted to.He asked with concern: "Mayor Yue, if you take the blame and resign, will your treatment be affected?"

"No." Yue Jianhua said, "The province has already hinted that if I resign, after the limelight passes, the province can arrange a position for me at a corresponding level, and my retirement benefits will not be affected. In this way Come on, I don't have any worries, just come down, make room for others, let their young comrades come up, it will be more aggressive."

"It's good that the salary remains the same." Lin Zhenhua replied.

Having said that, Lin Zhenhua also knew that if Yue Jianhua took the blame and resigned, and the province would arrange another position for him, the loss would be very great.There is a very obvious difference in benefits between retiring as a mayor and retiring as a leader of a powerless ordinary unit.It should be said that Yue Jianhua made a great sacrifice in this matter.

Lin Zhenhua thought again that this matter was actually all caused by himself. If Hanhua had not come to invest, Jingxi City would not be so anxious to complete the land acquisition and demolition of the development zone, and Yue Jianhua might be able to complete his project safely. Served, retired with honors.

Yue Jianhua can completely ignore this matter and spend two years in the past to protect his own interests.However, he chose another path, which was to attract investment and promote urban transformation, and ended up getting himself involved.

Seeing Yue Jianhua, Lin Zhenhua couldn't help thinking of Zhu Tiejun, the old factory director. The old man was also a little bit like this. Obviously, there are many things he can ignore. This will not affect the benefits and treatment he enjoys in the slightest, but the old man He just wanted to take care of it, even if he offended the leaders of the provincial department for this, he would not hesitate to do so.

In this world, there are many people like this. They are not good at making bold words, and they have never thought about being a great person, but they can do their jobs conscientiously. Be worthy of the wages you get.Yue Jianhua was such a person. He did what a mayor should do. As for the current result, it can only be said to be his fate.

"Mr. Lin,... well, forget it, I'll call you Xiaolin." Yue Jianhua said, "Xiaolin, whether I become mayor or not, I hope you Hanhua Heavy Industry can continue to help us in Jingxi. You I have also seen these days that we in Jingxi are really poor and need everyone's help."

Lin Zhenhua nodded solemnly and said: "Mayor Yue, you don't have to worry, the investment promised by our Hanhua will not be short of a penny. In the future, I plan to open a branch of Hanhua Technical School in Jingxi to serve Jingxi. Cultivate senior skilled workers. In addition, we will arrange our overseas sales department to find overseas sales for Jingxi’s native products and handicrafts. I am very confident in this.”

Yue Jianhua said in a gratified tone: "This is great, Xiao Lin, Jingxi's development is all up to you capable people."

When Lin Zhenhua walked out of Yue Jianhua's house, it was already very late at night.The sky is full of stars, the city is quiet, and the cool wind blows from the surrounding mountains, carrying the fragrance of grass and trees.Lin Zhenhua couldn't help standing on a high place, looking at the city carefully, feeling a strange emotion in his heart.He suddenly understood Yue Jianhua's feelings very well, and it was a worthwhile life to be able to do something for such a beautiful city.

"Boss Lin, what are you looking at?" Hu Peiquan leaned forward and asked, he had been waiting here to send Lin Zhenhua back to the hotel.

Lin Zhenhua said: "Secretary Hu, look how beautiful the night in Jingxi is, as beautiful as a sleeping girl."

Hu Peiquan said with a smile: "Boss Lin's words are really poetic. People who don't know may think that Lin is always engaged in art."

Lin Zhenhua said: "Actually, engaging in industry and engaging in art are essentially the same. What we are doing now is to wake up the naturally beautiful girl Jingxi from her sleep, and then groom her and dress her beautifully. dress, wear beautiful jewelry, and shock the world with her beauty."

Hu Peiquan said: "Mr. Lin, you are very good. I think this day will come soon."

Lin Zhenhua remembered something and said to Hu Peiquan: "Secretary Hu, please do something for me. In my own name, I will donate 100 million yuan to Jingxi City to establish a scholarship to reward the whole Jingxi City for studying hard. children. As for the name, let’s call it the Jianhua Scholarship after the old mayor.”

 PS: Regarding these two chapters, I just want to write about the sacrifices made by some people for local industrialization, which itself is also a part of industrialization.This book is not a political book, and has no intention of entangled in who is right in the demolition, so the cause of the conflict designed here is just a misunderstanding.I saw a friend in the book review area said that after reading this chapter, he didn’t want to subscribe anymore—although his fan value is only 40—I’m really speechless, everyone loves green vegetables and radishes, and it’s impossible to write books with realistic themes If everyone is happy, it doesn't matter.

(End of this chapter)

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