industrial overlord

Chapter 467 Two Difficulties

Chapter 467 Two Difficulties
He Haifeng and Lin Zhenhua looked at each other and smiled when they heard Huang Gang's words. It seemed that everyone felt the same. It was useless to invest money in the local business without solving the problems of the leadership of the local enterprise.

He Haifeng asked: "Huang Gang, what do you think about this?"

Huang Gang said: "Teacher He, I think it is necessary to start the process of bankruptcy and reorganization of enterprises, let those enterprises that have been suspended for a long time go bankrupt, and then merge and reorganize them with social funds. After the reorganization, the enterprise should become an independent market entity. Break away from the affiliation relationship with governments at all levels, so as to ensure that they have operational autonomy and avoid repeating the same mistakes because of the separation of government and enterprises.”

"You are so loud, there are so many large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, and you just throw them away when you say they are bankrupt?" He Haifeng said deliberately.

Huang Gang naturally knew that He Haifeng was thinking about him. He smiled slightly and said, "It is of course best for so many state-owned enterprises to remain in the hands of the state. After all, they are an important part of the public economy. But like the current In such a situation, the enterprise lacks vitality, and the country has no effective measures to bring the enterprise back to life. Instead of dragging it half-dead and consuming the country's financial resources, it is better to cut the mess quickly and push them to the market. Perhaps, they are in the market And you can get a new life.”

"I agree with Xiao Huang's point of view." A female director named Yu Juying from the Economic and Trade Commission said, "We have deeply felt this in the process of research these days. The state-owned enterprises that these old enterprises carry The stigma is too heavy, wherever we go, whether it is cadres or employees, they are all looking forward to the state to help them, but few people realize that they need to do something to change the status quo.”

Wu Deming, a director of the Machinery Committee, also said: "I also have a deep understanding of the situation that Director Yu said. For example, in some enterprises, the phenomenon of corruption among leading cadres is very serious. During our investigation, many enterprise employees They all mentioned this to us. But when we asked them why they didn’t report or stand up to fight, everyone’s answer was that enterprises belong to the state, and since the state doesn’t care about it, why should they care about it. "

"Huh, for so many years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, we have always said that the cadres and workers are the masters of the factory, but when things come to an end, how many people can realize that they are the masters?" He Haifeng said softly. He has worked in the local area for many years. Experience is also well aware of what everyone said.

Huang Gang said: "This is the result of unclear property rights. In the past, no matter how much value a company created, it was eventually taken away by the state for free. Conversely, if the company suffered losses, the state would also come forward to compensate. In this way Come on, for the workers and cadres in the enterprise, the rise and fall of the enterprise has nothing to do with their own welfare, so they naturally don’t care about the quality of the enterprise.”

"It seems that everyone's opinions are very unified." He Haifeng said, "Then how do you think these companies should be merged and reorganized? Or, Huanggang, you should talk about it first."

"Okay, then I'll throw a brick to attract jade and talk about some immature ideas. Please correct me, leaders and teachers." Huang Gang said, "I suggest that 20 enterprises be selected for bankruptcy reorganization pilot in Hunbei City. If the pilot can be successful, Then it will be extended to other enterprises in Hunbei City, and even all enterprises in the entire northeast old industrial base.

The steps of bankruptcy reorganization are, first, to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the existing assets and liabilities of the enterprise, taking its net value as the shares held by the state.Then, raise no less than this level of funds from the society as social shares.In this way, the enterprise becomes a joint-stock enterprise, and the state only obtains income based on the shares it owns, and its management right is controlled by the major shareholders, that is, the holders of social capital. "

He Haifeng said: "Your way of thinking is not new. Hunbei City has also raised it in the past, but the problem is that no social capital is willing to take over these enterprises."

Huang Gang said: "I have learned about this issue. There are two reasons why social capital is unwilling to take over. One is that the burden on the enterprise is too heavy. The wages of retired workers alone are enough to drag social capital to death. The second is that these The relationship between the enterprise and the government is too close, and social capital is worried that after taking over, it will be difficult to distinguish the relationship between responsibilities and rights with the government, which will eventually lead to the enterprise having to bear a large amount of social responsibility and overwhelmed.”

He Haifeng nodded with satisfaction: "Huang Gang, you did a good job and learned a lot about the situation. Since these problems exist, how do you think your plan can solve them?"

Huang Gang said: "My idea is that if the old state-owned enterprises want to get a new life, they must completely get rid of the social burden and let them stand on the same starting line as those foreign-funded enterprises, township enterprises, etc. Therefore, the retirees of these old state-owned enterprises , must be completely decoupled from enterprises, and their pensions should be borne by the government.”

"Huang Gang, have you noticed that your mentor's face has turned pale from your fright?" Lin Zhenhua asked jokingly from the side.

"Why?" Huang Gang asked puzzledly, he really turned his head to look at He Haifeng, as if he didn't notice anything unusual about He Haifeng.

Lin Zhenhua said: "In the entire Hunbei City, there are more than 100 million retired workers. Based on the retirement salary of 1 yuan per person, it is more than 100 million yuan a month, and 1 billion yuan a year. If this model is extended to the whole country, one The year is hundreds of billions, it's no wonder Director He is not afraid."

Huang Gang said disapprovingly: "This is an expenditure that the state has to bear. The value created by these retired workers in the past has been handed over to the state. Now that they are old, the pension problem naturally needs to be borne by the state. We This pension fund was not established in the past, and now it is time to make up for it.”

He Haifeng said: "The situation Huanggang mentioned is indeed the problem we are facing now. In 91, the State Council issued the "Decision on the Reform of the Pension Insurance System for Enterprise Employees", stipulating that both state-owned enterprises and non-state-owned enterprises must An employee pension insurance system has been established one after another. However, for employees who retired before this regulation, the enterprise will still be responsible for the employee’s pension according to the traditional method. According to Huanggang’s idea just now, the retired employees in the past should also be included in this system gone."

"Old people have old ways, new people have new ways. This is the main spirit of the decision of the State Council. According to Xiao Huang's thinking, it means that the old people have to use new ways. It is very difficult to connect the policies in the middle." Yu Juying interjected, she Having worked on the reform of employee pensions for a period of time, I have a deep understanding of this issue.

Huang Gang said: "Teacher He, Director Yu, what I proposed is a pragmatic approach. In fact, most enterprises in Hunbei City are currently in a state of loss, and 80% of the enterprises that have ceased production account for these losses. Enterprises use bank loans to solve the wages of laid-off workers and retired workers. Isn’t this also the state paying the money? I think that how to determine the national policy can be discussed in the long run, but in Hunbei City, a socialization can be carried out first. The pilot project of pensions will throw out all the retirees of the enterprise, so that the enterprise can go into battle with ease."

"It's not impossible to do this in Hunbei City alone. But, Director He has to make a decision on this matter." Yu Juying said.

He Haifeng smiled bitterly and said: "It's not difficult to implement such a policy. I'll discuss it with the leaders of Liaoning Province and Hunbei City. The problem should not be too big. But let the Hunbei City Government bear the wages of the retired workers in the city. How to solve the problem of funds? Kobayashi also mentioned this point just now."

Huang Gang said: "The problem of funds will be borne by the state at the beginning. Didn't we bring a sum of money to reduce losses and get rid of difficulties when we came to the Northeast this time? These funds can be used for this first. In addition, banks can also provide part of the loan , in fact, this is just transferring the original loan to the enterprise to the government, and the burden on the bank will not increase. During this period of time, we will complete the restructuring of the enterprise as soon as possible. Once the enterprise comes back to life, it will be able to provide tax revenue for the government. By then, the wages of these retirees will have a stable guarantee.”

"Well, this is a good idea." He Haifeng nodded in affirmation.In fact, the idea that Huang Gang mentioned was also considered in He Haifeng's mind, but he didn't sort out this idea systematically.Now that he heard Huang Gang's explanation, he felt that his thinking was much clearer.

"Huanggang, you can form a document of your idea later, and I will discuss it with comrades in Liaoning Province. I think it should be possible to choose Hunbei City as a pilot first." He Haifeng said.

"If the problem of retirees can be solved, then the first obstacle to corporate restructuring will not exist. Now let me talk about the second point." Huang Gang continued, "The second point is the excessive interference of the local government in enterprises. In my opinion, the key to solving this problem lies in the awareness of local government officials. Let them step out of the role of mother-in-law of enterprises, ignore the things they should not manage, and focus on managing the things they should manage .”

"From my point of view, this point is much more difficult than the previous point." Lin Zhenhua said, "We have a lot of dealings with local officials these days, and their ideas are really too difficult to change."

Huang Gang looked at He Haifeng and said, "I'm afraid only Teacher He can solve this problem."

He Haifeng said: "I'm afraid I can't do anything. Local officials have their own ideas, which cannot be changed with an order. We can only discuss with them and try to persuade them to accept our point of view. This kind of thing cannot be forced.”

Lin Zhenhua said: "Director He, you are the deputy director of the State Planning Commission, can't you still not deal with the officials in the city? Their level is quite different from yours, right?"

He Haifeng said: "Government officials can't oppress people casually. Our central ministries and commissions also rely on the cooperation of local governments. If we use high-pressure policies indiscriminately, it doesn't matter whether the local governments listen or not. If we are forced to provide cooperation, the effect will be greatly reduced.”

Because of this, the officials of the central ministries and commissions did not dare to be too domineering at the local level. They really offended the local officials.Officials also have to follow the rules. If the fault lies with the central ministries and commissions, the provincial leaders will naturally support their subordinates.He Haifeng is the deputy director of the State Planning Commission, but when he comes down to the province to do business, he also has to abide by the same rules.

"If your government officials are so protective of each other and friendly, then what can we grassroots do?" Lin Zhenhua said, "Forget it, Huang Gang, are you tired? If you are not tired, I will take you to Hunbei University to find Sister paper to play."

"President Lin..." Huang Gang's forehead was full of black lines. Although he was a young man, he was not as crazy as Lin Zhenhua, especially in front of a room full of officials, even if he made such a mistake.

He Haifeng was so angry at Lin Zhenhua's rogue face that he couldn't laugh or cry: "Xiao Lin, what nonsense are you talking about? What do you mean by mutual protection between officials and officials? This is the most basic problem of working methods. Do you think government work can be as simple and rude as your enterprise? Grassroots Our comrades also have difficulties at the grassroots level, so we can't play big cards casually, right?"

Lin Zhenhua said: "Comrade He, what I said is the truth. You have seen Zhou Daming's face today. With you present, they can still give me a little face. If you leave, I will be there Hunbei set up a business, and don’t let them toss to death? Then what can ordinary companies like us do?”

"Xiao Lin, you can't say that. Director He didn't say you won't solve the problem. Don't misunderstand." Yu Juying and others quickly tried to persuade them. They didn't know the relationship between Lin Zhenhua and He Haifeng very well. This is what he said to He Haifeng.

He Haifeng waved his hand to tell others not to interrupt. He pondered for a moment, nodded, and said, "Xiao Lin is right. To solve the Northeast issue, we really need some extraordinary means. If we don't solve the problem of the concept of government officials , investors dare not come to invest, so it is completely impossible to change the appearance of the Northeast with the power of our government alone. Well, I will make an appointment with the provincial leaders tomorrow and have a serious discussion with them on this issue. "

(End of this chapter)

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