industrial overlord

Chapter 430 Disintegration of the Soviet Union

Chapter 430 Disintegration of the Soviet Union
The plan proposed by Yang Wenjun is indeed a good way to emulate the past.The personnel sent by the Japanese government to inspect the equipment are unlikely to be too professional, so it is unlikely to find that the equipment has been transferred.In addition, the Japanese government actually turned a blind eye to the Batumi embargo, otherwise the so-called Toshiba incident of exporting five-axis processing machine tools to the Soviet Union would not have occurred before.As long as Hanhua does a good job of keeping secrets, and the counterfeit machine tools can be similar in appearance and spirit, I believe things will not go wrong.

Yang Wenjun responded very quickly to this matter, which also made Lin Zhenhua look at him with admiration.In fact, other people can think of this kind of subcontracting scheme, but there are not many people like Yang Wenjun who can think of it almost without thinking.While lamenting the young man's agility, Lin Zhenhua had two thoughts in his heart: first, Yang Wenjun's positioning should not be limited to a senior technician, but he could be considered to undertake some management or marketing work; The second is to be more or less vigilant towards Yang Wenjun. This kid has too many evil eyes, so don't let him hurt the company's interests.

According to Yang Wenjun's plan, Lin Zhenhua immediately adjusted the relocation schedule of Kyushu Nihong factory.According to the original plan, the two factories should be dismantled in the shortest possible time, and then shipped back to China to be rebuilt.Now, he has to slow down the process to allow time to copy and replace those embargoed machines.At the same time, the replaced machine tool parts must also be mixed with other equipment in order to exit the country smoothly.

"Boss Lin, in this case, you will have to bear a lot of losses." Chang Qingbo said apologetically when he heard Lin Zhenhua's arrangement.Everyone is a sensible person, and can see at a glance how much waste it will cause to leave these devices in Japan.The process of imitating machine tools is very long, at least half a year, which means that other equipment will be delayed for more than half a year before they can be put into production.

Lin Zhenhua waved his hand: "Director Chang, we don't talk about each other as a family. In fact, the development of our Hanhua has also received a lot of help from your navy. Our earliest five-leaf fan and waterfall washing machine, not all Did you help us design it? These two products have always been the main force of our export earnings."

"Military-civilian cooperation, that's what it should be." Chang Qingbo said proudly, the design of the waterfall washing machine was completed in his laboratory, and it is also one of his proudest works.

After arranging these things, Lin Zhenhua then went to the two Nihong factories in Fukui and Tsuruoka.

These two factories were not included in the relocation, but the original workers still made some adjustments, and those workers with poor quality were unceremoniously dismissed.What Lin Zhenhua can do is to be a little more generous in terms of compensation, so that these Japanese laid-off workers will not be too embarrassed in a short period of time. As for whether they can find new jobs in the future, that is not what Lin Zhenhua wants to consider problem.

Hanhua Heavy Industry sent a group of management personnel to serve as the directors of the two factories and the heads of various key departments.The original Japanese managers in the factory served as deputy positions in various departments.Among them, Koizumi Jiro, who had a lot of grievances with Hanhua, was also reused as the deputy director of one of the factories.

When announcing the appointment, Lin Zhenhua told Koizumi Jiro earnestly that this was the entrustment of Chairman Ishikawa before his death, and he hoped that he would not disappoint the trust of Chairman Ishikawa.This bowl of ecstasy soup really confused Koizumi Jiro. In the subsequent labor conflicts between Japanese employees and Chinese bosses, Koizumi Jiro firmly stood by the factory and served as an honorable employee. Japanese traitors, of course, this is another story.

Objectively speaking, the process of Hanhua Heavy Industries' acquisition of Nihong Heavy Industries was relatively smooth among all overseas mergers and acquisitions.As the whole of Japan is in a period of financial crisis, the government is very supportive of foreign companies willing to take over domestic companies that are on the verge of bankruptcy, and has given green light in many aspects, reducing the friction between Hanhua Heavy Industry and the government.In terms of workers, many workers also chose a cooperative attitude because they were worried about losing their jobs after the factory went bankrupt. There was no strong resistance from the factory like in other mergers and acquisitions.

Even so, the entire process of digesting Nihong Heavy Industry also took more than half a year.During this period of time, Lin Zhenhua, Xiang Zhe, Fang Yanwu and others frequently shuttled between China and Japan, spending millions on air tickets alone.Compared with the investment in the acquisition of Nihong Heavy Industry, this money is not a big money, but the energy of these executives is much greater than the economic cost.

In order to make the old leaders open their mouths, Lin Zhenhua also specially organized retired Xie Chunyan, Zhu Tiejun, Chen Weiguo, Liang Guangping, etc., organized an advisory group, and went to Japan to inspect it. It's a benefit they seek.

Entering the summer of 92, the reorganization of Nihong Heavy Industry was basically over.The factories in Fukui and Tsuruoka have reopened, and the Nihong Research Institute has also come up with many new designs, which have extended the product line of Hanhua Chemical Equipment Company to the fields of pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals, and the "money scene" is infinitely broad. .

Zuo Zhiyixiong, Chu Hongyang, Schumann and others changed from enemies to teammates and continued to sweep the global market.He can be regarded as the teacher of Chu Hongyang and others in terms of professional knowledge of chemical equipment and international trade rules.After Chu Hongyang's marketing team was joined by Zuozhi Yoshio and other Japanese marketing personnel, its marketing ability has leapt to a new level.

It was during this time that a major event took place.

At the end of 1991, when the 69th anniversary of the founding of the Soviet Union was approaching, the Soviet flag with a sickle and hammer pattern painted on the top of the Kremlin was lowered, and a red, blue and white Russian flag was raised on the flagpole.This marks the complete disintegration of the world's first socialist country, and the once mighty Soviet Union has become a historical term.

The disintegration of the Soviet Union had a serious impact on the global political, economic and military structure.Europe, which had been under the military threat of the Soviet Union for a long time, finally breathed a sigh of relief. After drinking the champagne to celebrate the victory, the politicians of various countries thought of a question in unison: Since the Soviet Union is gone, does Europe still need the asylum of the United States?With such an idea in mind, Europe accelerated the integration process that had already begun.Two years later, a European Union was formed to rival the United States on the international stage.

The disintegration of the Soviet Union ended the US-Soviet struggle for hegemony after World War II. After the disintegration, Russia, which inherited the mantle of the former Soviet Union, was unable to compete with the United States and had to give up its sphere of influence around the world.For a time, many slave countries of the former Soviet Union became motherless children. The forces of European and American powers and the opposition forces in their own countries launched attacks one after another, causing a lot of political turmoil.

The United States benefited the most from the collapse of the Soviet Union.The disintegration of the Soviet Union turned the world from a two-power structure into one dominated by the United States. The United States has firmly established its position as the world's leader. It can clean up whoever it wants to clean up, and dictates to whomever it wants. Others can only be obedient listening.Such a state of solitude and defeat led the United States to start a period of arrogance and domineering for more than ten years, offending all interest groups around the world, and at the same time accumulating a huge foreign debt of 10,000 billion+ US dollars.If someone wants to write today's world history 100 years later, I am afraid that the disintegration of the Soviet Union will be regarded as the starting point of the decline of the United States.

Naturally, the impact of the disintegration of the Soviet Union on China cannot be ignored.On the one hand, the collapse of the Soviet Union reduced a potential threat to China, freeing up its hands to engage in economic construction.But on the other hand, due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, China has become the only major socialist country in the world. The main battlefield of the confrontation between the East and the West has shifted from between the United States and the Soviet Union to between China and the United States. China has become the main imaginary enemy of the United States.

The sudden disintegration of the Soviet Union not only caught its neighbors by surprise, but also caused chaos within the Soviet Union.In real history, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia's national economy suffered a 10-year recession. By 2000, the total GDP was only half of that before the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

The social order was completely broken, and without supervision, the original bureaucratic group transformed into a capitalist group, and began to crazily occupy the former state-owned assets.The government that used to care about everything from the cradle to the grave has turned into a decoration overnight, and can no longer undertake the functions of social security and social welfare. Many cities have faced harsh societies such as water cuts, power cuts, and heating in winter. question.

In troubled times, the most painful people are naturally the common people.Many factories stopped working, and the society was filled with unemployed workers who had nothing to live on.The ruble began to depreciate on a large scale, and prices soared more than 5000 times!In the 10 years after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the average life expectancy in Russia dropped by 4 years, from 69 to 65 years.Due to serious problems such as alcoholism, the life expectancy of Russian men has dropped to only 60 years old, almost equivalent to the level of some poor countries.

The disintegration of the Soviet Union undoubtedly became the most serious political disaster in human society in the 20th century.

The drastic changes in the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries have greatly shocked China's political and military circles. Various government departments and academic institutions have held seminars to discuss the enlightenment, lessons and countermeasures of the disintegration of the Soviet Union.Almost every day there are long and stinky analysis articles by experts, some gloating, some heartbroken, or worried, in short, it gives everyone another opportunity to rant.

Lin Zhenhua didn't take these arguments seriously. As a time traveler, what he could see was far more profound than those of the experts.What he thinks most about now is how to use the vacuum period after the disintegration of the Soviet Union to gain some benefits from the Soviet Union.You know, he had already planned this matter six or seven years ago, and now it's time to close the net.

 In the afternoon, go to the unit for a meeting, and in the evening... continue the meeting.If it ends early, try to add another chapter, otherwise I can only apologize.The comments on some international issues involved in the novel are just the opinions of Chengzi's family. If there are any errors, please don't mind.

(End of this chapter)

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