industrial overlord

Chapter 426 Digesting Nihon Heavy Industry

Chapter 426 Digesting Nihon Heavy Industry
Akira Ishikawa died, like many other Japanese entrepreneurs during the financial crisis era, taking his own life in desperation.

This old man has experienced the hardest post-war years in Japan. In those years, Japan was almost in ruins. Together with his predecessors, he ate dry and cold rice balls and built a world-famous city with his bare hands. industrial empire.Today, Japan is already the second largest country in the world in terms of economic output, with a wealthy life and prosperous cities. Even if he goes bankrupt, he can still live a life without worrying about food and clothing.But he chose to end his life.

For their generation, fighting with hope is the greatest happiness in life. In despair, even a life of rich clothes and good food is not enough to make them have a little nostalgia.

"Mr. Zuo Zhi, I am very sorry about this incident." Lin Zhenhua said sadly to Zuo Zhiyixiong.

Yoshio Saji didn't seem to have any expression on his face, and he said in a low voice: "This result may be the best for Mr. Ishikawa. If I guess correctly, when he left home today, I have said goodbye to my family."

"After Mr. Shi Chuan left, will his family have difficulties in life?" Lin Zhenhua asked.

"Probably not."

Lin Zhenhua said: "Okay, Mr. Zuo Zhi, please visit Mr. Shi Chuan's family often. If they have difficulties in life, please tell me. I will give them some help in my own name."

Yoshio Zuozhi bowed to Lin Zhenhua and said, "Then I will thank Chairman Lin on behalf of Mrs. Ishikawa and his children."

"Also, please ask Mrs. Ishikawa for me. I want to build a bust of Mr. Ishikawa in front of the former Nihong headquarters in Tokyo, so that the latecomers will always remember the founder of Nihong Heavy Industry. You ask her , Is it allowed?" Lin Zhenhua said again.

Zuo Zhiyixiong looked at Lin Zhenhua in astonishment, what he saw was a pair of sincere eyes.He lowered his head and said, "Thank you Chairman Lin, I admire Chairman Lin's mind."

Lin Zhenhua had this idea, but it was actually just a momentary impulse.Akira Ishikawa's act of committing suicide made him feel extremely shocked, and at the same time, he also felt some self-blame.Although the rules in the business world are like this, either you die or I die, but seeing one's competitors end their lives with one's own eyes is still very unacceptable for a person in a peaceful age.Lin Zhenhua tried to use this method to dispel the guilt in his heart.

What surprised Lin Zhenhua was that when he heard the news, the employees of Nihong Heavy Industry had indifferent expressions on their faces. It seemed that it was not their former boss who died, but an insignificant passer-by. First.Because of this, Lin Zhenhua also wondered whether Akira Ishikawa was too harsh on his employees, but after asking some employees, Lin Zhenhua got an opposite answer. Everyone said that Akira Ishikawa was a very good boss.

That being the case, why don't the employees feel some sadness?Perhaps, this problem can only be explained from the national character of the Japanese.

After finishing this family love show that the rabbit died and the fox was sad, Lin Zhenhua led his receiving team to start intense work.Feelings belong to feelings, and interests belong to interests. The large enterprise founded by Ishikawa and his son has now changed its surname to Lin. Lin Zhenhua must eat up this enterprise in its entirety, not even a single bone will be left.

The acquisition of Nihong Heavy Industry cost 3 million U.S. dollars, which Hanhua Heavy Industry could not afford. Lin Zhenhua had to go around to raise money.

The first beggars are the various companies in the chemical equipment alliance. These large state-owned factories can still squeeze out some cash.Part of the money was loaned to Hanhua, and the other part belonged to co-payers. After Hanhua Heavy Industries acquired Nihong, it was repaid with equipment dismantled from Nihong's factory.

The second source of funds is the bank.Hanhua Heavy Industry is an experimental field planted by the chief designer himself. Who dares to neglect Jiangnan Province and Xunyang City?As soon as Lin Zhenhua opened his mouth, the province and the city went full steam ahead, contacting various banks to raise funds for Hanhua.

The State Planning Commission also gave active support to Hanhua Heavy Industry's acquisition of Nihong Heavy Industry. He Haifeng made a special report and applied for 5000 million US dollars of financial support funds for Lin Zhenhua.Of course, this money will still have to be repaid in the future, but the repayment period and interest are very favorable.This kind of example of Chinese companies going abroad for cross-border mergers and acquisitions was very rare at the time, and the country also hoped to use Hanhua as a pilot to explore this brand new business model.

The rest is just some friendly sponsorship in twos and threes.For example, Feng Maoqiao almost donated his gear company back then, but now that the policy has become clear, he no longer worries about it.When Lin Zhenhua returned his enterprise donation application to him, he immediately expressed his willingness to lend 500 million US dollars to Hanhua to help Hanhua acquire Nihong Heavy Industry.

An Yan and Xiong Lijun also helped. The two pooled more than 1000 million US dollars, and threatened to raise more if it was not enough.One advantage of opening a shopping mall is that you often have some liquidity on hand.Lin Zhenhua knew that the two of them were currently planning to expand the coverage of the chain store, including going to Africa to open more than a dozen branches. When funds were tight, he did not borrow more money from them.

After pooling all kinds of money together, Lin Zhenhua finally managed to gather up 3 million US dollars to complete the acquisition of Nihong Heavy Industry.To put it bluntly, this can be regarded as an acquisition activity with snakes swallowing elephants.If it wasn't for the financial crisis in Japan, and the overseas market of Nihong Heavy Industry was squeezed to pieces by Hanhua and other companies, I am afraid that Lin Zhenhua may not be able to eat such a big company after waiting for another five years. At its most glorious time, the market value was close to 5 billion.

The company has already been acquired, and what Lin Zhenhua thinks now is to quickly make this company profitable and earn money to repay the loans everywhere.

According to the original plan, the two factories of Nihong Heavy Industry in Kyushu will be completely dismantled, and all the equipment will be shipped back to China, reassembled, and a new factory will be established.One of the fundamental reasons for the failure of Nihong Heavy Industry is that the production cost is too high. This problem cannot be solved in Japan. Only by moving the factory back to China and using China's cheap labor to reduce costs can these advanced production equipment of Nihong Heavy Industry work.

In Fukui and Tsuruoka, there are two other Nihong factories. Lin Zhenhua decided to keep these two factories and continue production.Nihong Heavy Industry has a group of very good workers, and some precision machining work needs to be completed by these workers. It is difficult for Lin Zhenhua to find enough equally good workers in China to replace them.After careful research, Lin Zhenhua decided to keep two factories in Japan, dismiss those low-quality ordinary workers, and retain those highly skilled senior technicians to specialize in the manufacture of some high-end equipment.As for the production that can be completed in China, then take it back without any hesitation and do it yourself.

Another purpose of retaining these senior technicians is to acquire the skills and experience in their hands.Lin Zhenhua will transfer hundreds of young students from Hanhua Technical School, let them apprentice with Japanese masters, and spend ten years learning all the skills of these senior Japanese technicians.

Nihong Heavy Industry also has a key department, which is the Nihong Research Institute in Tokyo, which has hundreds of experienced and knowledgeable chemical equipment engineers, as well as a large number of experimental equipment that is not available in China.Wei Dongqi, He Chengshan and others rushed over from China on a special trip. As soon as they entered the experimental workshop of the Nihong Research Institute, they were all unable to walk, and they were all so excited that tears filled their eyes.

These are the things engineers dream of.When some Chinese technicians go abroad as visiting scholars, they want to borrow other people's equipment to do a few experiments, and they also have to look at the other person's face. With slightly more sophisticated equipment, they won't even let you take a second look.

But now, these things belong to themselves, and they can use them however they want, for as long as they want.

Wei Dongqi caressed a piece of experimental equipment, laughed unabashedly at Lin Zhenhua, and said, "Mr. Lin, this deal is worth it. The value of the equipment in this research institute alone is more than 3 million U.S. dollars. ah!"

Lin Zhenhua smiled and said: "Old Wei, you haven't counted the intangible assets here. I have already gone to their archives to see, there are experimental materials accumulated by Nihong Heavy Industry over the past few decades, and there are many good things in it ah."

"The intellectual property rights of these materials also belong to us, right?" Wei Dongqi asked.

Lin Zhenhua said: "Of course, it is clearly stipulated in the acquisition agreement that the content of the acquisition includes all patented technologies owned by Nihon Heavy Industry. These patents are worth several hundred million at least."

"Great!" Wei Dongqi's eyes lit up with excitement, "Nihong has very solid technical reserves in the fields of pharmaceutical equipment and fine chemical industry. Our chemical equipment company used to only have fertilizer equipment and petrochemical equipment. With two flagship products, we will be able to enter wider fields in the future.”

"Hehe, Lao Wei, I've already got the things for you. It's up to you and Fang Yanwu when we can turn these equipment and technologies into products. I don't know anything about technology. I only care about whether I can make money." Money." Lin Zhenhua joked.

Wei Dongqi said sincerely: "Mr. Lin is really too humble. In terms of technology, Mr. Lin's attainments are also very admirable. The most rare thing is that Mr. Lin's knowledge is very broad, unlike us people, If you only understand your own field, you will not understand it if you cross another field.”

Lin Zhenhua smiled and said: "I know everything, but I am not proficient in everything. However, this is also a joke. Since I don't know anything, I have no choice but to be a leader."

Wei Dongqi flattered and said, "It's our luck at Hanhua Heavy Industries to have such a visionary leader as Mr. Lin."

(End of this chapter)

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