industrial overlord

Chapter 404 Lin Zhenhua Phenomenon

Chapter 404 Lin Zhenhua Phenomenon

Lin Zhenhua took the newspaper from Bi Min, looked at the masthead, and frowned.Southern Economic Guide, Lin Zhenhua has some impressions of this newspaper, knowing that it was restructured from a supplement of a major newspaper.

In the past few years, a lot of supplement newspapers appeared in China, but most of them published some pornographic articles in the name of legal supplement and life supplement to attract attention.Southern Economic Tribune is different from other supplements. It mainly focuses on news in the economic and social fields. It is unique in its sharp language and soon becomes the leader among all supplement newspapers.

For people like Lin Zhenhua who do practical work, they are very disdainful of newspapers like Nandao.Because one of the characteristics of this type of newspaper is that it does not hurt your back when you stand and talk, there is nothing in this world that they will not scold.If you build roads, they will accuse you of disturbing the people for the sake of political achievements; if you don't build roads, they will accuse you of not caring about the lives of the masses.If you want to ask a question: According to you, what should we do.They will answer like this: This is not our responsibility, we are just the media.

Can the media be unreasonable?Lin Zhenhua really wanted to rush to these newspaper offices and shout.

Lin Zhenhua remembered that two years ago, when he acquired Jiangshi Electric, a female reporter who claimed to be the Southern Economic Guide interviewed him.At that time, the female reporter was very flamboyant, she kept saying that she was the uncrowned king, and she always asked Lin Zhenhua to explain this and that.Afterwards, Lin Zhenhua asked people to pay attention to see how the South Director would vilify him, but after waiting for a long time, no relevant reports were published, so Lin Zhenhua forgot about it.

In the past two years, Lin Zhenhua has never dealt with the Southern Economic Guide again. He is a little puzzled, what kind of demon moth is this newspaper trying to create?

"Assistant Xiang asked you to read the third edition." Bi Min reminded Lin Zhenhua in a low voice.

Lin Zhenhua opened the third page of the newspaper, only to see a large banner headline at the top: "The surname Zi or the surname She, what does the Lin Zhenhua phenomenon explain".

Lin Zhenhua only felt a chill in his heart.It was not once or twice that he appeared in the newspaper, but it was the first time that he was called a "phenomenon".Judging from the wording of the title, Lin Zhenhua can fully guess that this is an article that is not good for him, and this is by no means casually exposing some information, but to crush him to death with a big political hat.

He has experienced something like this in the past, when Jiang Tiemei, a worker at the Hanhua Machinery Factory, wrote an anonymous letter to the media to sue him, and Xu Haihao, a reporter from the Jiangnan Branch of Xinhua News Agency, went to the Hanhua Machinery Factory to interview him.

But this time, things might not be so simple.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Lin Fanghua had been paying attention to Lin Zhenhua's face, and seeing a look of surprise passing across his face, he knew that something difficult must have happened.

Lin Zhenhua looked up at everyone, and everyone was looking at him, but they didn't ask directly like Lin Fanghua did.Lin Zhenhua is a junior in front of everyone, but he is also the leader of the project. If the leader doesn't want to tell his subordinates clearly, it is not appropriate for his subordinates to ask.

Lin Zhenhua knew that this matter must not be hidden from others. The circulation of the Southern Economic Guide is not small. As long as one person reads this newspaper, it will inevitably spread the news.Since everyone will know sooner or later, he might as well tell everyone the truth now.

"It's nothing serious, it's just that someone was worried that I would catch the cold, so they got me a hat to wear." Lin Zhenhua said to the crowd with a slight smile, and said, he handed the newspaper in his hand to Zhang Yihua directly.

"The Lin Zhenhua Phenomenon!" Zhang Yihua was shocked when he saw the title.A person's name is associated with a certain phenomenon, most of the time it is not a good thing.

"What? There is still Lin Zhenhua phenomenon, let me see?" Lin Fanghua leaned over curiously. After seeing the title, he couldn't taste anything for a while, and turned around and joked to Lin Zhenhua: "Brother, you are famous again. "

"The surname is Zi, the surname is Society! Manager Lin, this hat is a bit big." An Zixuan also glanced at the newspaper, and then said to Lin Zhenhua worriedly.

"The surname is Zi, the surname is She..." The technicians in the room felt a chill rising from the soles of their feet, and their expressions changed.

In this room, apart from the brothers and sisters Lin Zhenhua and Bi Min, the youngest of the other technicians was in his early forties, and immediately realized that Lin Zhenhua was in great danger.

"The wording is very extreme, and the intention is very vicious!" Zhang Yihua read the report at a glance, slapped the newspaper on the table, and said angrily.

"Brother, is this article very unfavorable to you?" Lin Fanghua just came to his senses and began to tremble with fear.

Lin Zhenhua turned to Bi Min and asked, "Bi Min, did Lao Xiang say anything else?"

Seeing that Lin Zhenhua had shown the newspaper to everyone, Bi Min had nothing to hide.She nodded and said, "Assistant Xiang said, let you go back to Xunyang immediately. The province has sent an investigation team, which has already arrived at our company, and asks you to report back immediately."

"So fast!" Zhang Yihua said in surprise.

An Zixuan pointed to the date on the newspaper and said, "This is the newspaper from the day before yesterday. We haven't paid attention to it. It is estimated that Jiangnan Province has noticed it. Now is a sensitive period, and the directionality of this article is so obvious. I think , the leaders of Jiangnan Province must be worried about taking any political responsibility, so they quickly sent an investigation team to investigate."

"Mr. An, do you think something will happen to my brother?" Lin Fanghua asked An Zixuan anxiously. In her opinion, An Zixuan should be very experienced.

It's a pity that An Zixuan is just a nerd. His knowledge of politics is limited to the movements he has experienced.Hearing Lin Fanghua's question, he shook his head and said, "I can't tell. It stands to reason that Manager Lin is upright and has nothing to do. But who can explain political matters clearly?"

Lin Zhenhua regained his composure, took the newspaper back, and read the report from beginning to end, with a contemptuous smile on his lips.

In this report, the reporter listed what Lin Zhenhua has done since contracting the labor service company of Hanhua Machinery Factory, and specifically pointed out Lin Zhenhua’s equity in Hanhua Heavy Industry, and the appointment of Lin Zhenhua as a director of Hanlu Machine Tool Company by the American H&H Company Waiting for things.After describing these facts, the reporter questioned: Isn't Lin Zhenhua digging into the corner of socialism in a disguised form by doing this?The future of Hanhua Heavy Industry, is it surnamed Zi or surnamed She?

The surname Zi and the surname She were indeed a terrible big hat at the time.If the final conclusion is that Hanhua Heavy Industries is a capitalist, then Lin Zhenhua's future is in jeopardy.

However, as a time-traveler, Lin Zhenhua knew that being surnamed Zi and surnamed She was the last crime worth worrying about.Because two years later, Comrade Deng Xiaoping will deliver his famous Southern Tour Speech, the core sentence of which is "Don't ask the surname of capital and surname society".Political issues that seem very serious to everyone today will become insignificant by that time.In other words, the hat Nan Dao gave him was definitely a near miss.

"You don't have to worry, the newspapers are just one-sided remarks, and I can't do anything about it." Lin Zhenhua said to everyone, "The investigation team sent by the province is also to deal with the doubts of the newspapers. I have done well in Hanhua Heavy Industry and walked well. Yes, all the cadres and the masses can testify to me, and I will have no problems."

"If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing wrong with it." An Zixuan said, "Manager Lin, you'd better be careful."

"TMD! This makes people not work!" Zhang Yihua raged, "If what Manager Lin is doing is not socialism, then what is socialism? Is working hard is capitalism? I think these reporters' asses are completely Just sitting on the crooked stool."

"It's okay." Lin Zhenhua said, "China is no longer what it was in the past. Tricks like beating sticks and hats won't work. Everyone, I have to go back to Xunyang first, and you don't want to be affected." The impact of this incident, we must seize the time to get out the industrial steam turbine."

"Manager Lin, don't worry." Both An Zixuan and Zhang Yihua replied solemnly.

Lin Zhenhua took Bi Min out of the steam turbine research team's office, An Zixuan and Zhang Yihua sent them to the door, turned around and saw Lin Fanghua standing there in a daze, with red eyes and tears rolling in their sockets.

"Xiao Lin, don't worry too much, Manager Lin will be fine." An Zixuan comforted, "You should work with peace of mind."

"I... I don't want to work anymore! My brother has been investigated by his superiors, what's the point of me doing this?" Lin Fanghua said in tears.

"Xiao Lin, how can you think like this?" Zhang Yihua reprimanded, "Manager Lin is the one who caught the big ethylene. Do things well. As long as Big Ethylene succeeds in tackling key problems, Manager Lin will be a hero on the petrochemical front, and no one will dare to do anything to him."

"Mr. An, is that so?" Lin Fanghua asked An Zixuan.

An Zixuan said: "Yes, what Mr. Zhang said is right. The more this is the case, the more we must unite and do the job assigned by Manager Lin well. This is the best support for him."

"Okay, I'll go back to work now." Lin Fanghua bit her lip hard, then turned her head and said to Zhang Yihua: "Mr. Zhang, hurry up and do the shape design of the blade. I promise you, three months, at most In three months, I will definitely get out the blade materials that meet the requirements!"

(End of this chapter)

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