industrial overlord

Chapter 334 Faith

Chapter 334 Faith
Hearing Lin Fanghua's questioning, Du Xiangyang became even more flustered.He was afraid of both brothers and sisters of the Lin family.The fear of Lin Zhenhua is because he has been supported by Lin Zhenhua's study abroad fund. In the end, he did not choose to go back to work for Hanhua, which is a bit inhumane.As for the fear of Lin Fanghua, it is naturally born of love, it can be said to be a kind of habitual obedience.

"I haven't promised him yet." Du Xiangyang replied like this again.He wasn't lying. In fact, he had been hesitating all along. The main reason for his hesitation was that he didn't know Lin Zhenhua's opinion.Du Xiangyang felt that he was a loyal person. He took Lin Zhenhua's funding to study in the United States. If Lin Zhenhua asked him to go back, he could not refuse.But from his heart, he really wanted to stay in the United States.

"You don't have to say that, I can tell what you're thinking just by looking at your eyes." Lin Fanghua said angrily.

Lin Zhenhua patted his younger sister's hand and said with a smile, "Xiaofang, calm down and let Xiangyang finish."

Seeing that Lin Zhenhua didn't scold him, Du Xiangyang became a little more courageous.He said: "Brother Lin, I know it's inappropriate for me to do this. If you hadn't been for Brother Lin to help me contact the school and provide me with funding, I wouldn't have been able to go to the United States..."

Lin Zhenhua shook his head and said, "Xiang Yang, don't think so. I set up this fund without any strings attached. You don't have to feel that you owe anything."

Du Xiangyang said: "Brother Lin, it's not that I don't want to return to my country to work. It's just that the domestic conditions are far from those abroad. I'm not talking about living conditions. I'm not a person who pursues material comforts. I'm talking about scientific research conditions." , and the social environment. Brother Lin, you know the domestic situation best. I admit that Hanhua Heavy Industry is indeed full of vitality under your leadership, but other social phenomena are really disappointing. Some things , I don't think I need to say more?"

Lin Zhenhua looked at Du Xiangyang, feeling very emotional.In fact, Du Xiangyang is only one year younger than Lin Zhenhua, so they should be regarded as the same age.However, as a time traveler, Lin Zhenhua has two lifetimes of life experience. In addition, he has served as a corporate leader for these years and has richer social experience, so he is much more mature than Du Xiangyang psychologically.

Lin Zhenhua remembered that when he first met Du Xiangyang, he was still a sophomore, and he was very pure in his heart.At that time, Lin Zhenhua and Yao Heliang discussed the issue of cooperation, and Du Xiangyang also questioned whether Lin Zhenhua wanted to use money to lure Huaqing's teacher.In a blink of an eye, six years have passed, and Du Xiangyang is no longer the mentality of the past.

"Xiangyang, you are right. There are indeed many unsatisfactory places in the country." Lin Zhenhua said calmly, "However, I believe that everything will gradually improve. To improve the domestic technological level, to change the domestic atmosphere, Everyone needs to work together, especially those of us who are capable and educated. If we all leave because the domestic situation is not good, those who cannot leave will only be poor and backward forever.”

Du Xiangyang lowered his head and said, "Brother Lin, this is what I admire most about you. Over the years, you have always been so optimistic. No matter what the social atmosphere is, you have always acted according to your own ideas. Moreover, you have been able to Be successful. But I can't do it like you."

"Du Xiangyang, you really let me down!" Lin Fanghua said, "I really don't see that you are such a person, do you know what your behavior is called? It's called traitorous!"

"I'm not betraying my country, I just feel that my profession cannot be used in China." Du Xiangyang argued.

"You are a traitor, you hate the poor and love the rich!" Lin Fanghua buckled Du Xiangyang one by one.

"Xiaofang!" Lin Zhenhua raised his voice slightly, and stopped Lin Fanghua's criticism of Du Xiangyang.He is not a person who likes to overpower others, and he has long been mentally prepared for Du Xiangyang's choice.

In fact, in this era, among those who study abroad, those who do not want to return to China account for the majority.Compared with the living conditions in foreign countries, the living conditions in China are completely different. Few people who have stayed abroad for several years are willing to return to China, which is dirty and backward.Those students who study abroad at public expense are constrained by the policy and have to go back.But many of these people who study abroad at their own expense would rather stay in the United States to wash dishes than return to China.

"Xiangyang, everyone has their own aspirations, and I respect your choice." Lin Zhenhua said, "However, as a friend, I would like to give you some advice."

"Brother Lin, tell me." Du Xiangyang said.

Lin Zhenhua said: "As for whether to stay in the United States or return to China, I suggest you think twice. It is true that China is very backward now, but backwardness is also an opportunity. Because China is backward, foreign students like you, after returning Only then can there be more room for display. In the United States, everything is very mature, and it is not easy for young people to stand out. Besides, as a Chinese, your development in the United States will inevitably encounter a glass ceiling. Americans It is impossible to hand over the most important work to the Chinese.

In the next few decades, China's economy will definitely develop at a high speed. Maybe within 20 years, China's environment will undergo earth-shaking changes. By then, you will have achieved success and your social status should be much higher than that of yours in the United States. development of. "

Du Xiangyang said: "Brother Lin, the prospect you described is very good, but I can't believe it. Although I am in the United States, I have always been concerned about domestic affairs. In recent years, domestic inflation has been very serious, and the state-owned The reform of the enterprise has entered a dead end. Corruption is rampant in the society, especially the phenomenon of government corruption is very serious. I do not believe that these can be resolved in a short period of time. I am a technical person, and I have neither the ability nor the interest to change the society , So, I chose to escape."

"I understand. When it comes to life choices, everyone should decide for themselves. Xiangyang, I won't force you." Lin Zhenhua said, Du Xiangyang's views on the domestic environment are very representative, Lin Zhenhua believes that, It is impossible to convince Du Xiangyang with his own words.He turned to look at Lin Fanghua and asked, "Xiaofang, what do you think? Should I stay in the United States or return to China after graduation?"

"Of course I'm going back to China!" Lin Fanghua replied without thinking.

"Why?" Lin Zhenhua felt a little surprised by his sister's straightforward answer, "Don't you think what Xiang Yang said makes sense?"

"He..." Lin Fanghua gave Du Xiangyang a blank look, and Du Xiangyang shrank quickly, as if he was afraid that Lin Fanghua would hit him.

"Our classmates usually discuss domestic affairs, but I don't think the situation in China is so bad. Actually, didn't you and Uncle He talk about what Du Xiangyang said? I remember you said that Yes, this is just a pain in the process of reform, and it will be resolved sooner or later." Lin Fanghua said to her brother.

"Maybe." Du Xiangyang said, "However, this pain may last for decades, and we don't have so many decades to wait in our lifetime. Xiaofang, I still hope you can stay."

"Why?" Lin Fanghua asked.

"I...I hope we can be together." Du Xiangyang hesitated for a while, but finally he didn't dare to speak too bluntly.

"Bah!" Lin Fanghua blushed a little, of course she understood what Du Xiangyang was thinking, but she was actually struggling all the time whether to lean towards Du Xiangyang or Ma Jie.Du Xiangyang's performance today made her a little disappointed, and the balance in her heart began to tilt.

"Du Xiangyang, if you really want to be with me, you should go back to China with me." Lin Fanghua said.

Du Xiangyang hesitated for a moment, shook his head, and said, "No, Xiaofang, I don't think your choice is rational. After you return to China, you will regret your choice. I know, Brother Lin will You provide various conditions, but if you want to become an excellent scientist, the platform provided by Brother Lin is not enough. The scientific research environment in China is too harsh, and I can't bear to see you waste your talents in vain after you go back."

"Hmph, what my brother said is good, everyone has his own aspirations. I won't force you, and you shouldn't force me either." Lin Fanghua replied.

"I will wait for you in the United States." Du Xiangyang said with his head down.

"I..." Lin Fanghua wanted to say something, but finally didn't say it.She knew that Du Xiangyang had always loved her. This kind of love itself was not wrong and should not be blamed.For what Du Xiangyang said, Lin Fanghua even felt a little moved, but the differences between them were irreconcilable. Du Xiangyang blindly hoped to stay in the United States, while she, Lin Fanghua, firmly wanted to return to China.

Lin Fanghua herself couldn't explain how her idea of ​​wanting to return to China came into being. From the day she went to study in the United States, she never had the idea of ​​staying.Around her, there are many Chinese students who are studying how to apply for a job in an American company and how to get a green card, but Lin Fanghua has no such thoughts at all.

She thought that her own concept might be too deeply influenced by her brother.When it comes to settling abroad, no one has more opportunities than Lin Zhenhua.As early as the early 80s, he had obtained 20 US dollars from an American company with his own ability. If he wanted to go abroad and get a green card abroad at that time, it should be very easy.But Lin Zhenhua did not do this. He spent all his money and wisdom on the revitalization of Hanhua Machinery Factory. Lin Fanghua remembered that his brother told her countless times: His ideal is to make China rich and strong, and make China rich and strong. China became an industrial hegemon.

In Lin Fanghua's heart, he always had this idea that he was able to be admitted to Huaqing University, and thus became a student studying in the United States, all thanks to the help of his brother.She is willing to abandon all her honor and status, just to be able to go back and help her brother.As long as her brother is still in China, she will definitely return to China.

"Xiangyang... If possible, I hope to see you in China." Lin Fanghua also lowered her head and said.She had a premonition that her relationship with Du Xiangyang might end here. Thinking of this, her eyes were slightly moist.

Both young people are choosing their own lives, while Lin Zhenhua is a detached bystander.He has more than 20 years of historical perspective than Xiaofang and Du Xiangyang, and he knows what the choices of these two young people today will mean in the future.He didn't want to say anything more. In fact, Du Xiangyang's choice was understandable based on the concept at the time, and Lin Fanghua's choice would not be regrettable in the future.Life is full of choices, and everyone has the right to choose.The blisters on the feet came out by themselves.

"Okay, Xiangyang and Xiaofang, one choice is nothing, and there may be other opportunities in the future. Let's stop today's topic." Lin Zhenhua said to the two with a smile.

Du Xiangyang said: "Brother Lin, I think, after I find a job, I will return the funding I have received over the years to the foundation one after another, but it may take a few years."

Lin Zhenhua said: "Xiangyang, I'm going to get angry when you say that. As I said, there are no strings attached to the foundation's funding for you. If you are willing to pay, you can help other Chinese students, but not in return. In the form of a foundation. No matter whether you return to your country or not, no matter which country you will be from in the future, we are all friends, isn’t it?”

"Yes, Brother Lin's help to me, I will never forget." Du Xiangyang said sincerely.

"Xiangyang, we will always be friends, right?" Lin Fanghua raised his head, looked at Du Xiangyang, and asked.

Du Xiangyang nodded: "Xiaofang, you are the first confidante in my life. I don't know if we will have another chance in the future, but no matter what, I will regard you as my closest person."

"Thank you, Xiangyang." Lin Fanghua said softly.

After dinner, the three of them walked slowly on the streets of New York. Du Xiangyang gave a detailed introduction to Lin Zhenhua about the operation of the foundation in the United States in recent years. Lin Zhenhua told him that if he wanted, he could Continue to serve as the director of the foundation, after all, he has done a good job in this matter.

"Brother Lin, thank you for your trust in me. Although I may not return to China, don't worry, my heart is still Chinese. I will encourage those students who intend to return to China to work in Hanhua." Du Xiangyang said.

Lin Zhenhua said: "It's best for you to think this way. In fact, even if you are an American citizen, if you are willing to do things for China, you still have opportunities. I hope we will have more opportunities to cooperate in the future."

"I will." Du Xiangyang replied.

Du Xiangyang had other things to do in New York, so after talking about the business, he said goodbye to the Lin family brothers and sisters.Lin Fanghua looked at Du Xiangyang's receding back, feeling an inexplicable sadness in her heart.

"Why, are you really planning to give up on Du Xiangyang?" Lin Zhenhua knew what his sister was thinking, so he couldn't help asking.

Lin Fanghua nodded lightly and said: "If China and I can't match the status of the United States in his heart, I think we should not be able to get together."

"Let's separate if we can't get together. If we don't agree with each other, it's no fun to get together." Lin Zhenhua said.

Lin Fanghua asked: "Brother, since Du Xiangyang has clearly stated that he does not want to return to China, why do you still entrust the management of the foundation to him?"

Lin Zhenhua said: "Du Xiangyang is not a bad person by nature. He doesn't want to go back to China, just because he is greedy for the conditions abroad, but in terms of his attitude towards me, he hasn't changed much. The foundation is entrusted to him to manage. It is more appropriate than letting other people manage it. What's more, he can't go back to the country himself, and he feels a little guilty towards me, so he will work harder to persuade other international students to go back to the country in order to make up for what he owes me."

"Lin Zhenhua, how can you be so insidious!" Lin Fanghua said to her brother with a smile.

Lin Zhenhua also laughed, and said, "By the way, Xiaofang, Ma Jie is the only suitor left for you now. Is he the most likely to become my brother-in-law? I think Ma Jie will know the news. Jumping for joy."

Lin Fanghua said angrily: "That's not true. Just because I rejected Du Xiangyang, it doesn't mean I will choose Ma Jie. If it doesn't work, I'll just be a leftover woman. Didn't you say that I would be a leftover woman?"

"Don't." Lin Zhenhua said, "I still hope that you can marry a good man. You really think that Ma Jie is not good. There are a large number of young talents in our company. I will let them gather someday and let you choose whatever you want. "

"What have I become? I'm a princess!" Lin Fanghua smiled and pushed her brother.

The siblings walked forward talking and laughing, and a small gift shop appeared in front of them. Lin Zhenhua thought about it and said, "Xiaofang, accompany me to this shop."

Lin Fanghua glanced at the window and said, "Why, do you want to buy me a toy? Comrade Lin Zhenhua, do you know how old your sister is now?"

Lin Zhenhua said: "Of course I know, but I didn't want to buy something for you, but before going abroad, Lan Lan told me to buy her a doll. I don't know how to buy it either, so you just help me choose it."

"He Lan?" Lin Fanghua said, "Didn't she go to college? Why do you still need a doll?"

Lin Zhenhua smiled and said, "She is different from you. You are the son of a worker. She is the second-generation official and matured late. I went to see her at Renmin University this time, and she specifically asked me to bring her a doll."

Lin Fanghua turned her head to look at Lin Zhenhua, and said seriously, "Brother, why do I feel that your relationship with Lanlan is a little too close?"

"Will it be?" Lin Zhenhua was taken aback, "Do you think our relationship is very close?"

Lin Fanghua thought for a while, and said: "I don't think so, but I was a little worried when I said it just now. Do you know that every time Lan Lan writes to me for more than a year, it is more important to talk about you than talking about you?" I still have a lot of time, you have to be careful, don't seduce other little girls."

Lin Zhenhua shook his head and said, "How is this possible? It's not that she doesn't know Yang Xin. In fact, I just regard her as another younger sister. According to her seniority, she still has to call me uncle."

"Hmph, you don't understand girls' thoughts!" Lin Fanghua said, "Brother, I can warn you, if you dare to mess with your thoughts, I won't go back and tell Yang Xin."

 ... 5000 words per chapter, 3000 is used to repay what was owed yesterday, 2000 is counted as today’s, and theoretically there will be an update at night.

(End of this chapter)

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