industrial overlord

Chapter 292 Jealousy

Chapter 292 Jealousy
"Come, come, Director Jin, let's drink this cup."

In a karaoke bar in the Xunyang Economic Development Zone, Jin Jianbo and several township enterprise owners were clinking glasses and drinking.The bosses all had sweet smiles on their faces, but Jin Jianbo's complexion was very gloomy, as if he was exhausted.Today, these young bosses insisted on inviting him to Xunyang to experience the rare karaoke in China. They drove more than 100 kilometers from Nandu.

Over the past year, Jin Jianbo had more and more entertainments. Customers, suppliers, and inexplicable colleagues all appeared beside him one after another.Friends often introduce new friends to him, and these introducers themselves are often just friends Jin Jianbo has known for a long time.

For every dinner party, those so-called friends have sufficient reasons to make Jin Jianbo feel unable to refuse. They will tell Jin Jianbo that the person they are going to meet today is a very important person who has a certain relationship. The development of electricity, as well as Jin Jianbo's personal development, has great benefits.

As a result, Jin Jianbo fell into such a complicated network of relationships. People often provided him with some convenience, and then he asked for some convenience.But he is not human, so he has to do some small favors for others within the scope of his authority, such as giving a few refrigerators at the ex-factory price, distributing some excess materials from the factory, and letting the car that pulls materials in the factory deliver some things for others, etc.

At first, Jin Jianbo felt that it was inappropriate to do so, and it was a bit like using power for personal gain.But many people whispered in his ears that he has the right to use it, and it will become invalid after the expiration date.At the same time, some people gave him various examples to let him know that in this world, the self-interest he obtained by using power is nothing but a trivial matter in the eyes of others.Slowly, Jin Jianbo also looked away, the social atmosphere is like this, even if I do well alone, so what?
When Jin Jianbo was doing all these things, he remembered how Niu Beisheng evenly distributed the 15 compressors he had acquired through hard work to Zhang Hongfu, a small boss in Guangdong.In that transaction, Niu Beisheng gave Jin Jianbo [-] yuan afterwards. This money, which made Jin Jianbo feel that he would never earn it in his life, is still in his passbook and has not been used.Jin Jianbo often woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, and then remembered the money, and it was difficult to fall asleep again.

With Niu Beisheng as an example, all the cadres of Jiangshi Electric are trying their best to make profits for themselves: the supply and marketing department takes kickbacks from customers; the production department falsely reports consumption and secretly sells the excess materials; the administrative department buys a large number Inferior work clothes are issued to workers; the labor and management department recruits temporary workers almost at a clearly marked price to collect money. It’s okay for the recruits not to work, but once they work, it will cause a lot of defective products...

How did it become like this?Jin Jianbo thought painfully.

Jin Jianbo often thinks of the scene when he promoted the transformation of petrochemical machines into refrigerators a few years ago. At that time, all he wanted was to make contributions. He wanted to adapt to the needs of the market and turn a company that was on the verge of loss into a provincial, national, and even The world's first-class home appliance giant.He wants people to know that he, Jin Jianbo, is the real waver in the reform era, and other people can only look up to him.

However, once he did it, he realized that his strength was so weak. It was only a problem with the indicator of the compressor, which made his dream run aground on the beach.In order to ask Lin Zhenhua to help with the compressor, he did not hesitate to ask Shen Jiale to go to Xunyang to intercede with Lin Zhenhua.It's not that he hasn't heard of the rumors about the affair between Lin Zhenhua and Shen Jiale. Of course, he doesn't believe it at all, because he knows Shen Jiale's character very well.However, which man would want his wife to meet such a rumored actor?
For Jiang Shidian, for his career, he endured it.Seeing Shen Jiale's joyful expression when he came back from Xunyang, and Shen Jiale's repeated actions of running to Xunyang afterwards, his heart was full of sadness.When Niu Beisheng sold the 1 compressor indicators privately, he was angry. After the anger, he was in a kind of despair and madness.

The money should belong to me, this is the indicator of the compressor that I got with a cuckold, why can't I take this money!Jin Jianbo said to himself again and again.

In the end, he still didn't have the courage to use the 15 yuan, but he began to let himself use other methods for personal gain.Due to the lack of compressors, other materials in the factory were in surplus. Today, these small bosses came to discuss this matter with him. As long as he is willing to find a name to sell these surplus materials to the small bosses, he will You can get a kickback of 2 yuan.

"Director Jin, the transaction between us is completely legal. The materials in your factory are already in surplus. I will pay you 2000 yuan per ton for the materials you bought, and I will help you revitalize your working capital. Who can say What?" Qian Rongguan, the little boss, said.

"These materials are planned, and the market price has already reached 4000 yuan per ton." Jin Jianbo said drunkenly.

In the mid-to-late 80s, there was a new vocabulary in China's economic field called "dual price system".The so-called dual-track means that the same product has two different prices, the planned price and the market price.For a certain type of steel, the planned price is 1000 yuan per ton, but the market price can reach 5000 yuan per ton.

The reason why the country adopts a dual-track system is also very simple. The prices of means of production have been following the planned price for a long time. With the successive price increases of agricultural and light industrial products, the planned price of means of production has seriously deviated from the market.Light industry enterprises use cheap raw materials to produce various consumer goods, and then sell them at market prices, earning a lot of money.However, heavy industry enterprises have been losing money year after year because of the low planned price of their products.

The consequences of heavy industry losses are also very serious, that is, heavy industry cannot receive capital supplements, cannot expand reproduction, and thus cannot guarantee the supply of raw materials on the market.Due to the low price of steel, steel factories have no enthusiasm for production, and steel production continues to slump. The country has to spend a lot of foreign exchange to import steel from abroad every year.Someone once calculated that the country's annual foreign exchange expenditure for importing steel is equivalent to the country's annual foreign exchange income from oil exports, which is equivalent to the country's exchange of precious oil for steel that it could have produced itself.

Under such circumstances, economists have put forward proposals to reform the price system so that the prices of heavy industrial products can return to market levels.In order to alleviate the huge impact of this price reform, smart scholars have proposed a dual-track idea, allowing some raw materials to follow the market, while the other part of the raw materials remains at the planned price.In this way, national key projects, important production projects, etc. can still be maintained under the protection of the original planned price.

Such a dual-track price system has created conditions for the reselling of various goods in short supply.Part of Jiang Shidian’s raw materials are purchased at the planned price, but if the factory leader resells it to the market, he can get the difference between the market price and the planned price. This is a profitable business.

Hearing Jin Jianbo's words, Qian Rongguan laughed: "The director of the factory is really smart, alas, it's a pity that he lives in a state-owned factory. If a talent like you goes out to work on his own, it won't be a year or two. millionaire?"

"Hmph, so what about being a millionaire?" Jin Jianbo said sadly, "Is my ambition to be a millionaire?"

"That is, that is, Director Jin's ambition is lofty, and that is beyond the understanding of small self-employed people like us." Qian Rongguan said self-deprecatingly. In fact, he is not a self-employed person, but a private business owner with a net worth of several million. .

"I can't give you these materials." Jin Jianbo shook his head and said, "We are short of compressors now, and I will try to find a way to get them. These materials can be used. Since this year, our factory has Losses have started to appear, and if production is not resumed, it will be troublesome.”

Qian Rongguan said: "In this day and age, there are very few people who love the factory as much as the factory director like Jin. But what's the use of loving the factory by yourself? To be honest, these materials, you Jin The factory manager refused to give it to us, so I went to the factory manager Niu for help, and he would give it to us. It’s just that factory manager Jin and I are old friends, and I can’t do this kind of thing that bypasses old friends.”

"No, he can do this, but I can't." Jin Jianbo insisted, "If you only need a few tons of materials, I will give them to you in terms of friendship. If such a large amount is given to you , the production of our factory will be shut down in the next few months, and the impact will be too great."

Speaking of this, he stumbled to his feet, opened the door of the box, and wanted to take a breath of cool air.As soon as the door was opened, he suddenly heard a familiar voice from the corridor not far away: "No, no, pony, I really can't sing."

Immediately afterwards, there was a young voice: "Sister Shen, it's been a busy day, and it's time for you to relax. It's easy to sing karaoke. I'll teach you."

"Oh, I really can't, I'm not used to this kind of occasion."

Shen Jiale!Jin Jianbo's heart trembled, he hid his body behind the door frame, looked out, and saw Shen Jiale was talking and laughing with several people in the dim light, and walked into a box, amidst the noisy voices , he vaguely heard Shen Jiale say the words "Manager Lin".

Shen Jiale and Lin Zhenhua singing together?Jin Jianbo only felt a nameless fire coming up, which mixed with the heat of the alcohol, making his mind a mess.These days, my wife has been going to Xunyang more frequently, and according to her, it is to help Hanhua Heavy Industry solve the welding process problem of high-pressure vessels.Could it be that Hanhua Heavy Industry's high-pressure vessels are going to be welded in the karaoke hall?
Lin Zhenhua!Jin Jianbo felt unhappy when he thought of this name.This young worker, who was a few years younger than himself, turned out to be the vice president of a large company in a few years, holding hundreds of millions of assets in his hands.What's so great about him, his education is only a junior high school graduate, and his qualifications are only a retired soldier. How can he be so successful, but he has to give his wife away for tens of thousands of compressor indicators .

"What's the matter, Director Jin, are you uncomfortable?" Qian Rongguan approached and asked with concern.

Jin Jianbo turned his head, looked at Qian Rongguan with bloodshot eyes, was silent for a while, and then stretched out four fingers and said:

"4, I want 4, and I will give you all the materials!"

(End of this chapter)

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