industrial overlord

Chapter 278 Fengzi Zhangguo

Chapter 278
"Clouds drifting across the sky

it keeps calling me
当 身边 的 轻轻 吹起
有 个 声音 在 我 呼唤

归来 吧 归来 哟
A wandering wanderer..."

From the cassette tape recorder in the jeep, "Clouds of Hometown" sung by Wenwen came out.Lan Wufeng and Qi Yue in the car watched the scenery of the Jiangnan Water Village passing by outside the window, immersed in the sadness of returning home.

"Sir, madam, are you all overseas Chinese who have returned to China?" The driver asked curiously while driving.

Lan Wufeng smiled lightly and said, "It can be counted."

"Is this your first time back home?"

"...That's right."

"Where did you come from? Singapore, or Indonesia?"


"Oh... Then, when you go to Xunyang, are you looking for relatives?"

"That's right." Lan Wufeng said, "By the way, master, there is a Hanhua Industrial Company in Xunyang. Do you know how to get there? If you don't know, I will show you when you arrive in Xunyang, but you don't know." Has the road changed now?"

The driver said: "I have never heard of Hanhua Industrial Company, but everyone knows about Hanhua Heavy Industry in Xunyang. I guess the Hanhua Industrial Company you are looking for is a branch of it."

"Is that so? Well, let's go to Hanhua Heavy Industry." Lan Wufeng nodded and said.

Lan Wufeng, Qi Yue and others returned to their motherland through the China-Myanmar border checkpoint in Yunnan a few days ago.Returning with them were the other seventy or eighty soldiers from the Educated Youth Company.

Under the mediation, Yan'an finally reached an agreement with the Burmese government.Qi Yue and others obtained Burmese nationality and became legal citizens.The Myanmar government allows people from Yan'an State to travel freely and do business in Myanmar, and at the same time grants Yan'an State a high degree of autonomy.Yananbang promised not to take the initiative to create incidents that are unfavorable to the Myanmar government.

After changing their identities, the educated youths began to return to China to visit relatives in batches.Qi Yue, Lan Wufeng and others were the first group to return to China. Song Qiyuan, Xiao Renwu and others were still staying in Myanmar at this time, guarding the industries in Yan'an State, in case the Burmese government troops took advantage of the situation and entered.

After entering the country, the educated youths separated and returned to their hometowns.The first stop Lan Wufeng chose was Xunyang, and Qi Yue insisted on visiting Xunyang with him. According to her, she wanted to meet An Yan and Lin Zhenhua, and see what Lan Wufeng would never forget. What are these two people like?

The two arrived in Nandu by plane from Kunming. Lan Wufeng was eager to return home. He didn't even bother to go to the train station to buy a ticket and wait for the train. He directly stopped an empty jeep on the road and put ten cards of Great Unity on the bridge. Without further ado, the driver let the two of them get into the car.The driver didn't know what business he was driving out with his unit's car. Naturally, he would not refuse this kind of free money.

"Fengzi, I thought you would go back to Fenghua first, didn't you say that Yanzi was working in Fenghua?" Qi Yue said to Lan Wufeng.

"Maybe she will go to Xunyang." Lan Wufeng said calmly.

Qi Yue chuckled and said, "Fengzi, why do I feel that you dare not see Yanzi?"

"No way? I didn't do anything wrong." Lan Wufeng said.

Qi Yue said: "Don't lie to me. A few days ago, after receiving the notice from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, everyone wrote letters to their families and reported their safety, but you didn't write a letter to them. Why? Also, You can obviously make a phone call to ask where they are, and then go to meet them, but you chose this way, why is that?"

Lan Wufeng was silent for a moment, nodded, and said, "You're right, I'm really a little scared."

"What are you afraid of?"

Lan Wufeng said: "It's been so many years, I don't know if Yanzi is still waiting for me. If she... is married, I don't want to disturb her, and let her think that I have disappeared, which is better. "

"Do you think she will?" Qi Yue asked curiously.As for all women, I'm afraid there is no one who doesn't gossip about relationship issues, and Qi Yue is no exception.The love affair between Lan Wufeng and An Yan was one of the gossips she was most interested in. She always wanted to know what An Yan was like in Lan Wufeng's heart.

Lan Wufeng shook his head and said: "After all, she is a girl, and there is so much pressure in the family, it is difficult to bear it. If she is really married, I don't want to see her. I want Brother Lin to put me Mom took me to Xunyang, I met with my mother, and then I went back to Myanmar. If my mother is willing to go with me, I will take her too. "

Seeing Lan Wufeng's dejected look, Qi Yue quickly comforted her: "No, Fengzi, I think Yanzi will wait for you. Didn't you say that she said that she must give birth to the child? Maybe, you guys The children can already call daddy."

A smile appeared on Lan Wufeng's face: "If Yan Zi gives birth to a child, the child will be almost 3 years old, and he should be able to call him Dad."

"Oh, I really envy you." Qiyue had a look of desolation on her face, but she quickly covered it up with a smile: "However, it doesn't matter. I'll go back to Beijing when I meet Yanzi with you. Didn't you Did you hear from that comrade surnamed Xu, my brother already has a child, and when I go back, people call me aunt."

"Qi Yue..." Lan Wufeng said hesitantly, "I'm really sorry."

"Sorry for what?" Qi Yue pretended to be stupid.But when she saw Lan Wufeng's apologetic gaze, she couldn't pretend anymore, she gave Lan Wufeng a hard look, and said, "What's there to say I'm sorry, I didn't say I wanted to chase you , I’m four years older than you. I’m just teasing you about the past, you know, kid?”

Lan Wufeng said: "When you come back this time, do you want to settle your personal affairs?"

"Are you crazy?" Qi Yue giggled, "Can this kind of thing be solved if you want to? I'm such an old girl, how can anyone want me?"

"Didn't you say that there was a prince who took special care of you in the past?"

"Chen Tian?" Qi Yue pretended to be disdainful and said, "I only have a pure revolutionary relationship with him,... besides, he is now in his 30s, and I think a child can play soy sauce."

"You'd better look for him, maybe..."

"Why are you so Luo Suo, like my grandma." Qi Yue complained, "Okay, I don't need to look for him, his house lives next door to mine, and I'm sure to run into him when I go back "Grandma Fengzi, stop eating radishes and worry about it, and think about what to say when you see your Yanzi."

The two of them bickered with disagreement all the way, and they had arrived in Xunyang before they knew it.The driver really knew Hanhua Heavy Industry quite well, and drove directly to the gate of the company.

"My God, I haven't seen you for a few years. The company has grown to such a large scale!" Lan Wufeng was dumbfounded when he jumped out of the car and looked at the city-like factory in front of him.

Qi Yue also clicked his tongue repeatedly: "That's right, Fengzi, your brother Lin really has two brushes. Such a large factory area, it can catch up with our entire Menggu County."

Lan Wufeng walked to the guard room and asked, "Comrade, I want to ask, is Lin Zhenhua still working here?"

The guard was taken aback: "Comrade, where are you from? Lin Zhenhua is our deputy general manager. Do you think he works here?"

"Then where is his office?"

The doorman pointed back and said, "The company's office building, you'll know as soon as you ask."

Lan Wufeng sent the jeep away, registered with the guard with Qi Yue, and then walked towards the office building with his luggage on his back.When he reached the gate of the building, Lan Wufeng stopped, and his hands began to shake slightly.

"Fengzi, what's the matter?" Qi Yue asked strangely.

"I'm scared." Lan Wufeng murmured.

"What are you afraid of? Stretching out your head is a stab, and retracting your head is also a stab. No matter what the result is, you have to meet your Brother Lin before we talk about it." Qi Yue said carelessly, "Let's go, Fengzi, I will accompany you."

"I'm really nervous." Lan Wufeng said.

Qiyue suddenly smiled secretly, and said, "Fengzi, I have an idea. You said that if the two of us went in arm in arm, like a couple, what expression would that brother Lin of yours have?"

"No, you must not do this." Lan Wufeng immediately forgot what he was afraid of, and became afraid of Qi Yue's madness.He knew that this girl Qi Yue really dared to play tricks.

"It's okay, it's okay, let's try it." Seeing that Lan Wufeng was afraid, Qi Yue suddenly became emotional.Without any explanation, she took Lan Wufeng's arm and dragged him into the building.

"Manager Lin, someone is looking for you." A staff member brought Lan Wufeng and Qi Yue to Lin Zhenhua's office and reported inside.

"Come in." Lin Zhenhua replied without raising his head.

The door opened, and Lan Wufeng walked in lightly.Qiyue also felt nervous for a while, she walked into the office with Lan Wufeng, one arm was still on Lan Wufeng's.

"Brother Lin." Lan Wufeng looked at Lin Zhenhua who was writing at his desk, his heart was surging, and he softly called out in a trembling voice.

"Please wait a moment." Lin Zhenhua replied, he was about to write a few more words, but the pen stopped suddenly.He froze for a few seconds, then slowly raised his head, and said in an unbelievable tone: "...Fengzi."

"Brother Lin!" Lan Wufeng shook off Qi Yue's arm and took two steps forward, "Brother Lin, it's me, I'm back!"

Lin Zhenhua looked at Lan Wufeng, then at Qi Yue behind him, his face gradually darkened.He came out from behind the desk, came to Lan Wufeng, looked at him fixedly, and asked, "Who is this woman you brought?"

"She is..." Lan Wufeng stammered, not knowing how to introduce Qi Yue properly.

"I'm Fengzi's girlfriend." Qi Yue said with a smile, she thought this joke was really funny.How interesting it is to imagine how the omnipotent Lin Zhenhua, who Lan Wufeng said, would be furious.


Before Qi Yue could finish laughing, Lin Zhenhua slapped Lan Wufeng resoundingly after hearing a crisp sound.His shot was so heavy that five clear fingerprints immediately appeared on Lan Wufeng's face.

"Brother Lin!" Lan Wufeng cried out, covering his face.

"Get out!" Lin Zhenhua roared, "Get out, I don't have a brother like you!"

 ...Suddenly discovered that I am also a person with a bit of a bad taste.I heard that many readers felt resentful towards Fengzi, so they arranged for Lin Zhenhua to slap Fengzi. Will everyone be happy?At the earliest time, I thought about writing a triangle between Qiyue, Yanzi and Fengzi. However, under the serious criticism of the majority of female book friends, I decided to change the way and let the lovers get married.

(End of this chapter)

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