Chapter 273
Entering the summer of 1986, the economic hard landing predicted by He Haifeng finally happened.

Back then, China was in a period of transition from the old system to the new.On the one hand, the state has relaxed its jurisdiction over local governments, allowing local governments to have powers such as investment, foreign trade, and employment; but on the other hand, local governments have not yet become a completely independent economic entity. The most prominent feature is that they In the absence of budget constraints, no matter how much money is spent, the central government will ultimately pay for it.

With investment rights and no budget constraints, from economic theory, local investment will tend to be infinite.In China in 1985, this was exactly the case.Local governments are competing to launch various projects. In the minds of local officials, the concept of "lack of money" does not exist at all.Banks are controlled by local governments. They dare not disobey the instructions of local officials, so they do not hesitate to issue loans to local governments in the form of overdrafts, resulting in investment scales far beyond the scope of the economy.

He Haifeng once mentioned to Lin Zhenhua that some scholars put forward the idea of ​​a soft landing, hoping that under the leadership of the central government, local governments can take the initiative to reduce the scale of infrastructure and gradually restore the economy to a normal state.But in fact, this idea is just a fantasy. No local government is willing to take advantage of this. Everyone hopes that others will compress it so that they can benefit from the compression.When everyone thinks in this way, the famous prisoner's paradox in economics appears, and the result is that the heat of the entire economy continues to rise until it collapses.

The reason for the economic collapse is very simple, that is resource constraints.The budget can go to infinity without constraints, but these budgets must eventually become the steel and cement needed for construction.When these materials cannot be guaranteed, the huge infrastructure has to be stopped.At this time, prices in the market were soaring, there was a serious shortage of foreign exchange, and some enterprises were unable to produce due to lack of raw materials, resulting in serious losses, and the entire national economy was in trouble.

When other enterprises are facing serious difficulties, Hanhua Heavy Industry has shown its vitality almost alone.

Hanhua Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. mainly focuses on sports bicycles, and continues to maintain a hot sales trend in the international market.In the case of tight supply of domestic raw materials, Lin Zhenhua adopted the method of supporting businesses through business, and used the foreign exchange obtained from exporting products to purchase raw materials from abroad to ensure the smooth progress of production.

The export equipment production of Hanhua Chemical Equipment Company is also progressing very smoothly. In various parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America, Hanhua Heavy Industry has spread out six or seven construction sites at the same time, and a ship of equipment is sailing across the ocean, earning a lot of profits.Due to the demonstration effect of these projects, some follow-up projects have also come one after another, forming a virtuous circle.

A side effect of the heavy business is that the staff in the sales office are extremely busy.Chu Hongyang and Schuman flew around the world all day long, signing contracts with merchants from all over the world, so that they didn't even have time to have children.Chu Hongyang's parents often blamed Lin Zhenhua for this matter.

The more than [-] kinds of machine tool accessories produced by the machine tool company have already gained a good reputation in the world, and have been included in the recommended accessories list of dozens of well-known machine tool companies.Hu GUI established a quality management system for the machine tool company, which brought the product quality of machine tool accessories to a new level.

The scrap metal recycling company has already been officially listed. Qiao Hai bought a large number of used machine tools and electrical appliances from Germany, and re-entered the market after being refurbished by the scrap metal recycling company.These old equipment bought for a few hundred dollars can be sold for thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars with a little repair, and the profit margin is astonishingly high.Qiao Hai himself has made a lot of money, and he secretly enjoys himself when he has nothing to do.

While the business continues to develop, the team of Hanhua Heavy Industry is also expanding continuously.

The joining of Xiang Zhe, Hu Wei and others opened the door for returnees to enter Hanhua Heavy Industry.Affected by the demonstration effect of Xiang Zhe and others, many returned overseas talents who were frustrated in their units resigned from their original units or stayed without pay. They came to an inconspicuous small city like Xunyang and became part of Hanhua Heavy Industry. member.

These people's academic qualifications are so brilliant, if you don't have a dual master's degree from MIT or Yale, you are embarrassed to show off.In the factory area of ​​Hanhua Heavy Industry, English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, and Italian can be heard. Even when the province is engaged in foreign affairs reception, they have to come to Lin Zhenhua to borrow a few talents in small languages ​​to help .

A large number of graduates from domestic colleges and universities have also poured in. Compared with the previous two years, today's college students are more open-minded and less concerned about issues such as establishment. What they need is a world where they can play a role Of course, the generous treatment promised by Hanhua Heavy Industries is also very attractive.

With the increase of technical talents, Lin Zhenhua merged Wei Dongqi's technical department and Wei Jingwen's electronic research institute to establish the Hanhua Research Institute to manage all technical work of Hanhua Heavy Industry in a unified manner.Wei Dongqi served as the dean, Wei Jingwen and Fan Shibin served as the vice deans, Ma Jie, Fang Yanwu, Xu Wei and others served as the directors of different research laboratories, each with a very spectacular team.

The research and development of several main products such as 40-ton large chemical fertilizer equipment and household refrigerator compressors has been vigorously done, and breakthroughs have been made in several key links.Research on new materials and new techniques has also been done impressively, and various patents have sprung up on the land of Xunyang like mushrooms after rain.After the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Huaqing University’s Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Precision Instruments, Department of Electronic Engineering, etc. all listed Hanhua Heavy Industry as their internship base for their students. The cooperation projects between the two parties have been signed for as far as 10 years later.

In terms of management, Xiang Zhe, Hu Wei and others began to emerge.They brought international management methods and formulated a series of rules and regulations for Hanhua Heavy Industry.The management of personnel, property, production, supply and marketing of the entire company has become orderly, and it is no longer the state of management based on feeling in the past.

It should be said that the airborne arrival of this international management team has not been smooth sailing.When Xiang Zhe and others first entered the management team, their management philosophy had serious conflicts with the old people like Xie Chunyan, Zhu Tiejun, and Lang Dong. In various meetings of the company, everyone often quarreled with each other.

Fortunately, in Hanhua Heavy Industry, there is Lin Zhenhua, a link between the past and the future. He has already gained the full trust of the older generation, and at the same time, he can communicate with the younger generation on an equal footing.Every time the two sides were at a stalemate, it was Lin Zhenhua who came forward to mediate, and finally let the two sides understand each other's opinions and achieve ideological unity.

I don't know how many times of such collisions, the running-in of the two generations of managers has already achieved initial results.The most obvious evidence is that foreign words such as "QC" and "PR" popped out of Zhu Tiejun's mouth from time to time, and Xiang Zhe also began to use Zhu Tiejun's catchphrase, uttering some curses such as nonsense and playing the piano indiscriminately talk.There is another thing that is more romantic, that is, it is said that Zhu Xia, Zhu Tiejun's daughter, and Hu Gui started to see each other, and it is said that Zhu Tiejun is quite satisfied with this matter.

The problem of labor shortage has been greatly alleviated with the joining of a large number of migrant workers. More than 1000 young girls and boys recruited from various poor valleys have become a new force of Hanhua Heavy Industry.The company arranged a four-person dormitory for them, equipped with various facilities such as canteens, bathrooms, and cultural activity rooms.These peasant children feel that they have almost ascended to heaven in one step.

All migrant workers are first assigned to some non-technical positions, such as handling, packaging, waste equipment disposal and so on.After they go to work every day, they have to go to Hanhua Technical School to receive two hours of technical training. Lin Zhenhua promised them that they will be graded after one year, and those who have reached a certain technical level will be transferred to technicians. At that time, their treatment and development prospects are unlimited.

Around Hanhua Heavy Industry, hundreds of supporting enterprises have settled down, and the cooperative relationship between them and Hanhua Heavy Industry has stabilized.In the general environment where the overall domestic economic situation is not booming, as a supporting factory of Hanhua Heavy Industry, it is still very moist.Hanhua Heavy Industry has sufficient orders, timely payment, and the fairness of the service personnel, all of which make the operators of supporting enterprises secretly rejoice that they have made a correct move.

After the supporting enterprises settled down, small shops, small restaurants, and small vegetable markets also appeared.Some of the people engaged in these small businesses are the surrounding farmers, and some are the family members of the enterprises.At night, this industrial area located in the suburbs of Xunyang City unexpectedly had some feasting scenes, which was beyond the expectation of Hong Yu'an and other leaders of Xunyang City.

Under the impetus of Lin Zhenhua, several private dance halls were set up in the industrial zone, introducing karaoke, which had not yet appeared in mainland China at that time.As a result, not only the young people in Xunyang City flocked to it, but even some young people from the southern capital took the train to experience this fashion.During that time, in Xunyang, the most honorable treatment for receiving guests was to invite them to sing karaoke in the industrial area.

Lin Zhenhua himself had no interest in this kind of business, but he advanced money to help the wife of Han Tao, deputy director of the Xunyang Public Security Bureau, open a karaoke hall.The karaoke business was booming, and Mrs. Han returned all the investment of more than 30 yuan within a year.A few years later, Mrs. Han's entertainment city opened to Wuhan, Nanjing, and Shanghai, and became the overlord of entertainment in one party. This is the content of another book.

In this year, there are two other matters related to Lin Zhenhua personally.One is that my younger sister Xiaofang graduated from university, and under the arrangement of Lin Zhenhua, she traveled across the ocean to study in the United States.The other is that his fiancée Yang Xin also graduated from Nandu University and returned to Hanhua Heavy Industries, where she was arranged to work in the production department.She graduated from a bachelor's degree in business management and has experience working in a workshop. Working in the production department can be regarded as a person who can give full play to her talents.

Everything went very smoothly, but Lin Zhenhua's restless heart sprouted again.After receiving a letter from southern Sudan, he took Xiang Zhe and Wei Dongqi and boarded the train going north.

The oil refinery project of the Siya tribe in southern Sudan is about to be put into operation.

(End of this chapter)

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