industrial overlord

Chapter 256 Manpower Gap

Chapter 256 Manpower Gap
"Too much money is earned, it's hot."

In the conference room of Hanhua Heavy Industries, Lin Zhenhua sighed to the company leaders and middle-level cadres with a smile on his face.

The Hanhua Cycling Team ran the Tour de France, and Chu Hongyang alone brought back an order of 5 vehicles.In the following period of time, overseas businessmen continued to inquire about the price, expressing their intention to distribute the bicycles produced by Hanhua Factory.At the Canton Fair in autumn this year, Hanhua's sports bikes will definitely be hot sellers.Lin Zhenhua had already thought about it, so he posted the photo of Shinauer holding the Hanhua bicycle on the booth.

Schumann has already contacted Shinauer, and he has no objection to this, but the condition is that Xunyang City, Jiangnan Province can grant him the title of lifelong honorary citizen, which is actually something that Hong Yuan can't wait for.

The sales of five-leaf fans and waterfall washing machines still maintain a certain scale, and of course the profit margins are no longer compared with those of the past.Hanhua Household Products Co., Ltd. now has three main products, as well as some small household products. The combined annual business volume is close to 10 billion.

In addition to bicycles, another big item this year is the equipment order that Lin Zhenhua brought back from Frankfurt, which was worth more than 6000 million U.S. dollars. According to the exchange rate at that time, the co-authored amount was more than 3 million yuan. 100 times the annual sales.In fact, the order at the equipment exhibition is just the beginning. As long as the relationship is connected, other equipment orders from those small countries and small tribes may also go to Hanhua Heavy Industry.In the next few years, the business of chemical equipment alone will be able to guarantee at least [-] to [-] million yuan a year.

The situation of the machine tool company is also quite good. Since the chain of scientific research, production, and sales has been opened up, the teachers and students of Huaqing University have fully guaranteed their project funds, and the demand from the production line has provided them with rich materials. .In the past two years, various new inventions of teachers and students have emerged one after another, which has shocked foreign counterparts.

Due to the limited strength, Lin Zhenhua, Yao Heliang, Cen Youjun and others agreed that the current business direction is still mainly focused on machine tool accessories and accessories, and at the same time actively carry out technical reserves for complete machine tools.The unit price of machine tool accessories and accessories is not high, but the profit margin is very high.Someone who is willing to pay $5 for a machine tool will not compare the price on a set of hanging wheels that cost hundreds of dollars.

Lin Zhenhua remembers that there was a legend in later generations that the most profitable sellers in the Zhongguancun electronics market were neither hosts nor mainboards and other major accessories, but those who sold power strips.Small accessories, big market, is the same in any field.

According to Cen Youjun's estimation, the sales revenue of the machine tool company this year is expected to reach 8000 million yuan, of which more than 2000% comes from overseas sales revenue, that is to say, it is earned in the form of foreign exchange.This kind of business scale is already close to that of Jiangshi Electric, which has nearly [-] workers, but in Hanhua Heavy Industries, it is only the third-ranked branch.

The three types of products, with an annual turnover of almost 15 billion, are absolutely huge in a province like Jiangnan Province with a not-so-good industrial foundation.According to the calculations, there are only a few mines, a few steel factories, Xunyang Oil Refinery, and Nandu Machinery Factory, which produces fighter jets, in the whole province. However, those enterprises are all national key enterprises, and the predecessor of Hanhua Heavy Industry is actually just A provincial medium-sized enterprise.

More money is a good thing, but it also brings troubles.Lin Zhenhua's above-mentioned exclamation is not entirely a smug thing, but a real feeling of pressure.

With an annual turnover of 15 billion, and the number of employees of Hanhua Heavy Industry is only in the early 1000s. Together, one person needs to be assigned a production task of 150 million. In the whole country, how can there be an enterprise with such a high labor productivity?
Of course, objectively speaking, the calculation of the 15 billion yuan is different from the previous turnover of Hanhua Machinery Factory.For example, for a set of small chemical fertilizer equipment exported to Africa, the domestic supply price of Hanhua Machinery Factory is only 40 RMB, but it is sold to Africa for 80 US dollars, or more than 300 million RMB.There are also sports bikes. Chu Hongyang acted accordingly and quoted a high price of 800 US dollars. Lang Dong came back and calculated for a long time, according to the most stringent quality requirements, that is, 400 yuan, which is almost 10 times the price.

Such three deductions and two deductions, no matter how you say it, when converted into domestic production costs, there are hundreds of millions. With the current more than 1000 employees, how can it be done?Among them, the exported fertilizer equipment also involves traveling across the ocean to install in foreign countries, and the manpower input is very considerable.

lack of people!This is the common feeling of the cadres present at the meeting.

"Currently, we have only 80 electric welders. More than half of them are retired workers rehired from other factories, and a quarter are apprentices trained by Hanhua Technical School. This time, Manager Lin brought back more than 50 sets of chemical fertilizer orders. Towers, condensing towers, heat exchangers, waste heat boilers, and more than 200 tanks are all welded. When we go to the site for installation, there is also a lot of welding work, and our manpower is far from enough." Wei Wei, director of technology Dong Qi said worriedly.

"Aren't there still some welders at Lao Lang's side? Can't they be transferred here for emergency?" General Manager Su Baocheng pointed to Lang Dong and said.He is an appointed cadre, and his understanding of factory business is limited to reports, and he has never actually operated it.

Lang Dong shook his head and said: "Our welders in Xunzi and Hanhua Factory have different orientations. They weld large pieces, while we weld small pieces. It will take a while to transform. Besides, after our bicycle production comes up, for welders The demand is also very large, and I am still thinking about poaching a few people from the chemical equipment side."

"How dare you!" Zhu Tiejun said with his eyes wide open, pretending to be ferocious, and everyone immediately burst into laughter.

"The production of the main engine is also a problem." Fan Shibin, deputy director of the technical department, added, "Ice machines, ammonia compressors, and liquid ammonia pumps also have one or two hundred sets. We have introduced a batch of CNC machine tools, which can effectively increase productivity. , but the manpower gap is still very large.”

"Have all the workers from your old factory come here?" Su Baocheng asked Chen Weiguo. The old factory he mentioned refers to the old factory area of ​​Hanhua Machinery Factory on the Fenghua side.

As a newly combined enterprise, Hanhua Heavy Industry has internal personnel belonging to different sources, and still retains the terms "you" and "we" among each other.Su Baocheng is even more typical. He was airborne directly from the Economic Commission, and told everyone that it was you, completely forgetting that he is the nominal leader of everyone.

Chen Weiguo introduced: "The senior technicians from Fenghua have been transferred here, and now the production of mainframes is concentrated here in Xunyang. Only some old, weak, sick and disabled are left in the old factory, who are responsible for some less important accessories. Production. Some workers’ whole families live in Fenghua, so it’s a bit difficult for them to move to Xunyang.”

"Hanhua Technical School has 100 mechanical technicians, who are now interns in our machine tool company and can be transferred at any time." Cen Youjun said to everyone.

Liang Guangping, the current principal of the technical school, took the opportunity to compliment: "When talking about these apprentices, I have to say that Xiao Lin is indeed very far-sighted. When I recruited students, I was worried that there would be too many people and I would not be able to arrange them in the future. It was Xiao Lin who insisted on recruiting them. There are so many people. Now it seems that the number of recruits is still too small, otherwise it would not be so tense now."

Su Baocheng nodded and said: "Old Liang, then continue to expand the enrollment scale and recruit thousands of young people from him. In my opinion, according to the development momentum of our Hanhua Heavy Industry, it is possible for the output value to exceed [-] billion in a few years .”

"I've thought about it a long time ago." Liang Guangping got excited, took out a report from his pocket, and was about to pass it to Su Baocheng immediately: "Director Su, look, this is the report I wrote on expanding the Hanhua Technical School , planning to show it to you.”

Su Baocheng's position is the deputy director of the Provincial Economic Committee and the general manager of Hanhua Heavy Industry. The former position is undoubtedly more important, so everyone calls him Director Su.

Su Baocheng took the report handed over by Liang Guangping, but didn't read it. He just put it in front of him, and said, "We'll discuss the matter of the technical school later. The question now is, can the students of the technical school play a leading role?"

Zhu Tiejun shook his head affirmatively, and said: "No! They can only do auxiliary work. Some workpieces that do not require high precision can be processed by them, but when it comes to parts such as spindles and turbine blades, they still have to rely on master craftsmen. Dry."

"I can hire 30 people there, including lathe workers and millers, all of whom I dug from the surrounding factories, at least level five workers." Cen Youjun said.

"What about your production, will it be affected?" Zhu Tiejun asked.

Cen Youjun said: "Let me find a way to overcome the difficulties, your side is a tough battle, you have to gather elite soldiers and strong generals to your side."

Su Baocheng nodded and said, "Xiao Cen is worthy of being trained by the army, and his consciousness is high."

Everyone here is talking to each other, but Xie Chunyan, the chairman, has never said anything, just writing something on the notebook in front of her with a pen.After Su Baocheng praised Cen Youjun, he looked back at Xie Chunyan, and said with a smile: "Director Xie, you are an authority in production, please tell me your opinion."

Xie Chunyan looked up at the crowd, and then said to her notebook: "I did a rough calculation just now, we still lack at least 100 electric welders, more than 200 machine tool workers, and at least 50 fitters. They all refer to senior technicians, and apprentices are not counted. As for the assembly workers on the production line of the home furnishing company and the general workers of the chemical equipment, there is a shortage of no less than 1000 people. That is to say, in the next two or three years, we must at least Add 2000 employees."

"You're only counting front-line workers." Su Baocheng said, "If there are 2000 more front-line workers, then there must be at least 500 managers and logistics personnel. You do the math, canteens, hospitals, primary schools, kindergartens, cleaners , water and electricity, housing management... 500 people can’t handle it.”

It turned out that Qiu Qingyang, the factory director of Xunzi, is now the deputy general manager in charge of government relations. Hearing what Su Baocheng said, he interjected: "I can coordinate and solve part of this problem. If we really increase the number of employees by 2000, I will ask Xunzi Yang City Government runs a kindergarten, an elementary school, and a hospital here, in short, our place is at least the size of a town, and Lao Hong won’t ignore it.”

Xie Chunyan let out a long sigh and said, "Oh, I regret it now. If I had known that Xiaolin could open up the way of selling overseas chemical equipment, I wouldn't let Niu Beisheng bring down the petrochemical machine even if I forced him with a knife. If the petrochemical machine is still there, its more than 2000 workers are all experienced, so why should we worry about it here?"

(End of this chapter)

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