industrial overlord

Chapter 247 The Chinese Team

Chapter 247 The Chinese Team
France, Fort Perle.

It's the end of a stage in this year's Tour de France.The race ended two hours ago, but there are still a large number of enthusiastic spectators gathered on both sides of the road outside the town. They are waiting for a non-staffed team in this year's Tour de France, that is the Hanhua team from China .

The Hanhua Cycling Team led by Lang Dong has been closely following the schedule of the competition team since the Tour de France.It took the competitors four or five hours to complete the stage, while Hanhua drivers may have to spend seven or eight hours, but they persisted and chased after each other.

For this large-scale public relations show, Hanhua Heavy Industries spared no expense.Schumann rented two buses in Paris, one in front and one behind, Schumann sat in the front bus to clear the way, and Lang Dong sat in the back bus to take care of them.On the storage vehicle, there are also several spare bicycles, ready to be used to replace those damaged vehicles.However, halfway through the competition schedule, none of the Hanhua bicycles broke down, which made Lang Dong feel very proud.

Every day, 5 minutes after the Tour de France players set off, the Hanhua team also embarked on the journey.All Hanhua employees participating in the Tour de France will wear specially-made uniforms with the words "Hanhua Heavy Industry" printed in Chinese, English and French on the back.They lined up in a long line, followed behind the leading vehicle, and moved forward all the way.

In order to participate in this exhibition race, the players of the Hanhua team received a month of special training in the Jiangnan Provincial Cycling Team. Although this kind of training could not improve the physical fitness of the players quickly, it also taught them many road racing skills.Throughout the race, the Hanhua team was not in a hurry and maintained a uniform speed to ensure that it could complete a journey of about 200 kilometers every day.

As expected by Lin Zhenhua, the existence of the Hanhua team has added a very gimmicky news point to this year's Tour de France.At the beginning, only a few media gave a simple report on this team from China, and put it in the most inconspicuous corner of the newspaper as a track tidbit.As the race progressed day by day, more and more car fans began to pay attention to this Chinese team, and the media with a keen sense of smell naturally followed up in time and began to dig out news related to this team to satisfy the audience. Gossip psychology.

The concept of China is very mysterious in the eyes of Westerners.Although many Chinese officials, business representatives, and overseas students have come to the West since the reform and opening up, the images of these people are all serious and almost rigid.But this time, the Chinese who appeared in front of the French were so young, lively and full of enthusiasm.Many French people couldn't be satisfied with the propaganda in newspapers and TV, and came to the arena one after another to see these extraordinary Chinese with their own eyes.

In this way, the Hanhua team became the most concerned star in the Tour de France, and its limelight even overshadowed the official professional teams.Many French people who are not interested in bicycle races actually came to the side of the track for the first time, the purpose is to see the Chinese riders.

"I'm coming!"

Someone yelled loudly, and on the far horizon, a big car with a five-star red flag driving slowly.Behind the big car, there are [-] bicycles walking in a file. The clothes of the riders are completely soaked with sweat, and the yellow faces are covered with dust, but they are all smiling and enthusiastically looking to both sides. The French audience paid tribute frequently.

"It's the finish line!" Peng Jun, who was riding in the front, shouted, and at the same time let go of the handlebars, stretched his hands straight, and rushed past the red ribbon symbolizing the finish line with a heroic triumphant movement.This kind of red ribbon was temporarily pulled up by the audience for the Chinese team, which has become a common practice in the performance of the Chinese team a few days ago.

"#%¥%...%&" a group of fans chanted excited slogans in French and rushed towards the players of the Hanhua team.They held flowers, chocolates, Coca-Cola and other things that could express their enthusiasm, and stuffed them into the hands of Hanhua drivers.

"No, no, our girls are not used to this French etiquette, please forgive me."

Schumann protected several female drivers in the team and hid them in the bus like a hen guarding its chicks.The girls giggled and shrieked, while reaching out to accept the flowers and gifts from the French boys, while dodging the French boys who tried to kiss them.

The male drivers had nowhere to hide, and the French girl rushed forward to embrace the male drivers with enthusiasm. It was an affectionate wet kiss, leaving a bright red lip mark on their faces.At the beginning, Lang Dong planned to tell the boys how to resist corrosion, but when he found a French girl who was old enough to be his daughter and rushed towards him with open arms, Lang Dong had no choice but to run away, not daring to Move forward.

"Count yourself, how many are today?"

Chu Hongyang walked up to Schuman timidly. With a dark face, Schuman took out a mirror and handed it to Chu Hongyang, and said to him.

"One, two, three... Uh, this doesn't count, it's painted by a French girl dipped in lipstick..." Chu Hongyang counted the bullet marks on his face one by one, and reported the number to his wife.As for whether this number is linked to the washboard or to something else, it is not enough for outsiders to know.

"The count is over. By the way, Xiaoman, have you been taken advantage of today?" Chu Hongyang asked worriedly while wiping his face with Schumann's handkerchief.

"Of course not, can I be like you?" Schumann replied, and at the same time, he took out a piece of chocolate given to her by the French boy from his pocket, handed it to Chu Hongyang and said, "Here, chocolate, let's replenish your strength, see You're sweating."

"Hey, I knew it was my wife who cared about me." Chu Hongyang smiled at his wife like a nympho while nibbling on the chocolate.

The couple were chatting with each other, when Schumann suddenly noticed a large group of people walking straight in their direction.The one at the front, wearing a yellow jersey, was clearly a Tour de France competitor.Beside and behind him was a group of spectators, all of whom seemed to be very familiar with and admired that athlete.

"Dear Madam, Dear Madam, my name is Shinauer, may I have the honor to meet you two?" the contestant said modestly in French.Sports is the best communication language in the world. The performance of the Hanhua team these days not only attracted the attention of the audience, but also won the approval of the official players.Shinauer's move is precisely to express a professional player's respect for his amateur counterparts.

Schumann had learned a few months of French by surprise before, and she was more or less able to handle some daily conversations. Hearing what Shinauer said, she smiled and replied: "Of course, my name is Schumann, and his name is Chu Hongyang. We are very happy to be able to I know you, Mr. Shinauer."

Shinauer said: "I noticed that you follow us to complete the entire schedule every day. For non-professional players, this is not easy. My teammates and I admire your perseverance very much."

"Thank you, thank you." Chu Hongyang could only speak a few words of French. Facing Shinauer's compliment, he could only nod and giggle, and say thank you a few times.

"What I'm curious about is which company produced the bicycles you are riding. I have never seen this brand before." Shinauer pointed to the bicycle that Chu Hongyang had just put aside and asked. As a cyclist, he would Bicycles have an instinctive interest.This batch of bicycles produced by Hanhua Heavy Industries not only achieves the best performance, but also has a very fine modification in appearance, which is very lovable.

Schumann replied: "This is a bicycle produced by our Hanhua Heavy Industry Group. Is Mr. Shinauer interested in giving it a try?"

"Oh, very interesting," Shinauer said.

Chu Hongyang brought the bicycle over, put it in front of Xinauer, and asked Xinauer for an operation.Shinauer thanked, raised his legs and stepped on the car seat, then raised his head and whistled loudly to the audience around him.The audience cheered and gave way knowingly. Shinauer stepped on the foot, and the bicycle flew out like an arrow.

The onlookers retreated one after another, leaving an empty space to watch Shinauer perform his driving skills.Shinauer is worthy of being a professional driver. He rode his bike, sometimes spinning in circles at high speed, and sometimes circling in a figure-eight shape.When the ride was smooth, Shinauer simply spread his hands and blew kisses to the audience.As a result, the surroundings of the empty field boiled up, and countless cameras clicked on Shinauer, and the flashes never stopped from the beginning to the end.

"What's going on?" Lang Dong heard the movement, leaned forward and asked Schuman and Chu Hongyang.

Schumann pointed to Shinauer on the field and said, "That's a professional player. He wants to try our car."

Lang Dong raised his eyes and couldn't help exclaiming: "My God, he can't be Shinauer!"

Schumann was taken aback: "That's right, he said his name is Shinauer, why, Manager Lang, do you know him?"

Lang Dong said excitedly: "I don't know him, but I know the clothes he wears! In the Tour de France, only the runners with the highest total score can wear yellow jerseys, which are called yellow jerseys. The one with the best total score this year is Xi Nao Well, he has already won four Tour de France championships!"

While talking, Shinauer had finished his personal performance. He jumped off the bike, raised the bike made of aviation aluminum with both hands, and announced loudly to the crowd: "This is a Chinese bike. I Felt great!"

"Wow, boom!" The audience applauded enthusiastically.Schumann patted his hands red, oh my god, the winner of the Tour de France came to advertise in person, this is a big pie that fell from the sky.Xinauer's action of holding up the Hanhua bicycle just now will definitely appear on the headlines of various newspapers tomorrow!
"Thank you, your bicycles are indeed very good." Xinauer returned the bicycle to Chu Hongyang, and said to Schumann and others at the same time.

"Mr. Shinauer, thank you very much for your affirmation of our bicycle." Schumann said, she pulled Lang Dong over and said to Shinauer: "Mr. Shinauer, I don't know if I can introduce to you Mr. Lang Dong of our company is an engineer who has been engaged in bicycle production for 30 years, and this excellent bicycle is his work."

Shinauer held Lang Dong's hand and said: "Mr. Lang, as a driver, I would like to say thank you to all the technicians and engineers who are engaged in bicycle production like you. It is for the benefit of your genius creation and hard work , we were able to create results on the field. Your work is very good, it is no less than other top racing bikes in the world. I hope that one day, I can ride the bike made by Mr. Lang and participate in the Tour de France again. "

A translator translated Shinauer's words to Lang Dong, and Lang Dong said sincerely: "Mr. Shinauer, I like cycling very much, and I admire you very much! Thank you for affirming my bicycle, and I also sincerely invite When you have the opportunity, visit China and visit our Xunyang City, Jiangnan Province as a guest."

"Yes, I will definitely go!" Shinauer solemnly promised.

The flash lights flickered again, freezing the scene of Shinauer and Lang Dong shaking hands cordially.

In the bustling scene, no one noticed that a Hanhua driver and a blond French girl sneaked away from the crowd at some point, holding hands and slipping into a nearby bush.

"Peng, are you tired?" the French girl said in a mixture of French and Chinese.

The Chinese guy also responded in blunt French: "I'm tired, but Louise, I won't be tired when I see you."

Thanks to the surprise training before going abroad, all the players of the Hanhua team can have some simple conversations in French.However, they will definitely not be able to master complex grammar such as vows of eternal love.It is said that there are so many words used to express love in French that it takes a dictionary of hundreds of pages to accommodate them.

"Peng, you are awesome, you are my hero."

"Louise, you are so beautiful, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen..."

"Really, then why don't you kiss me?"


"You Chinese are so conservative, but I like..."


This guy surnamed Peng is Peng Jun, the son of Peng Gang, the milling squad leader.At that time, he was broken in love several times because of his status as a temporary worker, and finally chose to commit suicide by taking poison. Fortunately, he was rescued in time to save his life.Afterwards, although he took the place of his father Peng Gang and became a regular worker, he stayed in Hanhua Industrial Company to work.After experiencing that accident, he has a kind of resistance to love, and now he is in his early 30s, and he is still a bachelor, which makes Peng Gang and his wife grey.

This time, Hanhua Heavy Industry selected employees to participate in the Tour de France. Peng Jun was selected because of his good driving skills and strong physical fitness, and became the leader of the team, making a splash in France.During a certain stage of the itinerary, the French girl Louise was attracted by this simple and honest Chinese guy, and she couldn't extricate herself from then on, so much so that she dropped her work and drove her own car to follow the Hanhua team all the way.

After a few days of eye contact, the two quickly sparked a spark of love.Louise's fire-like enthusiasm melted the ice in Peng Jun's heart, making him feel like spring is coming.

"Peng, I love you."

"Louise, I love you!"

(End of this chapter)

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