industrial overlord

Chapter 245 2 Letter

Chapter 245 Two Letters
Nanjing is playing lively, but Lin Zhenhua doesn't know anything about it.He just got off the plane at the Capital Airport, boarded an airport bus, and was about to rush to Huaqing University to visit his younger sister Lin Fanghua.

At this time, Lin Fanghua was sitting in the dormitory of Xinzhai, reading a letter from the other side of the ocean:
"Xiaofang: Hello!

Please forgive my boldness.During the four years in Huaqing, I always wanted to call you that, but every time I said it, I lost my courage.Now that I am in the United States, I finally have the courage to call you Xiaofang.

Five other classmates and I arrived in San Francisco three days ago. We have all completed the admission procedures and have officially become graduate students of the School of Engineering at UC Berkeley.

During the few days in the United States, my feelings were really deep.When I was in elementary and middle school, I always heard the teacher say that the United States is a dying capitalist country, thinking that the United States is like the old society in our movies.After going to college, I came into contact with some information from the outside world, knowing that the United States is a prosperous, powerful and modern country.However, after arriving in the United States, I realized that our understanding of the United States in the past was too superficial, and the gap between the United States and China was too great.

When we got off the plane that day, I was stunned.For the first time, I discovered that the air can be so transparent.I am used to breathing the polluted air in Beijing, but when I first arrived in the United States, I couldn't get used to the fresh air.In the University of California, you can see wide lawns everywhere, which is far from the open space in front of the Huaqing Auditorium.When I was in Huaqing, I was always proud of the beauty of the campus.When I arrived at the University of California, I realized what a real Ivy League university is. Compared with others, Huaqing is 100 years behind.

Americans are very wealthy, many of our classmates have private cars, and even the cleaners in our school drive their own private cars to and from get off work. In contrast, we Chinese simply live in the last century.In the laboratory of our department, the experimental conditions are unbelievably good.The price of an electric furnace for heat treatment experiments is equivalent to the total price of all the experimental equipment in our Huaqing Machinery Department.

Xiaofang, after I said this, you must think that I am a very materialistic person, right?No, in fact, what shocked me the most was not these material differences, but the differences in humanities.The spirit of equality and freedom of the Americans really makes us Chinese feel ashamed.

Let me give you a small example.We went to listen to a professor's class this morning. The classroom is like a conference room. Both the teacher and the students sit around the table.During the professor's lecture, students can ask questions at any time, and the professor encourages everyone to ask questions. If you feel that the professor's lecture is not good, you can leave the classroom at any time without worrying that a counselor will come to talk to you.

By the way, I think the most reflective of the American spirit is that the tables here are all round, and when everyone is discussing issues, there is no distinction between leaders and subordinates.In China, however, the table is long and the leader sits in front and the masses sit beside it.People have even considered such a small detail, no wonder the United States will become the most developed country in the world.

It was only when I went abroad that I realized that we were all frogs in a well in the past. Foreign countries are really shocking.Xiaofang, you will be graduating next year, so you should find a way to go abroad.Brother Lin is a millionaire, so it is perfectly fine for him to sponsor you to study abroad.If a person has never been abroad in his life, if he has not come to the United States to breathe this free air once, he will really regret his whole life.

Xiaofang, come on, I will wait for you here, let us embrace the real modernization together.

Your classmate: Xiangyang"

Lin Fanghua slowly put down Du Xiangyang's letter and walked to the window.Because it was summer, the windows were open, and a breath of earthy and grassy air wafted in from outside.Lin Fanghua took a breath of this air gently, trying to understand what Du Xiangyang said, trying to understand why the air in the United States is transparent, while the air in China is opaque.

She remembered that a week ago, she and several other classmates went to the airport to see off Du Xiangyang and other senior brothers and sisters who were studying abroad.Everyone was playing around in the terminal, talking about the interesting things they had spent together in the past few years, and making promises to meet each other in the United States or in China.When the international students had to go to the security check to board the plane, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing who was taking the lead, and everyone yelled out the words on the loudspeaker when exercising every afternoon: "Work for the health of the motherland for 50 years!"

The sonorous oath is still in my ears, but why did the voice become so strange?

Lin Fanghua shook her head, trying to get rid of those unpleasant feelings in her heart.She went back to the table and opened another letter.This letter was sent from Beijing Railway Station, and the person who wrote it was Ma Jie.As Lin Zhenhua noticed, when Du Xiangyang and Ma Jie appeared at the same time, Ma Jie was always ranked last.

"Student Lin Fanghua: hello

I am sitting in the waiting room of Beijing Railway Station writing to you right now, and the train to Nandu will leave in an hour, leaving me just enough time to write to you.

I'm sorry, I just came back from Germany and passed through Beijing, but I didn't go back to Huaqing to see you.There is still urgent work in the company, so I have to rush back to Xunyang with Teacher Wei and Director Wei.I brought you some small gifts, but I can't give them to you this time.I don't know if you will go back to Xunyang during the summer vacation. If you go back, we can meet there.You don't blame me for being rude, do you?
Lin Fanghua, I am writing this letter to you because I have too many feelings in my heart, which makes me very uncomfortable.I need to find someone to talk to, and you are the friend I think can best confide in my heart.

This time I went to Germany, my heart was deeply hurt.In the past, from the literature, I also know that there is a big gap between the technological level of our country and developed countries, but what I saw and heard at the Frankfurt Equipment Exhibition this time is far more direct than what I read in books. Much more, it can be described as shocking.

At the equipment exhibition, those international industrial giants launched so many cutting-edge equipment, when they are put together, it feels like an insurmountable mountain.We used to say that in the 35 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, we have established a complete industrial system.But compared with other people's industrial level, our industrial system is really too backward. An electric furnace from ALK Company is equivalent to the money we sell a set of large fertilizer equipment.This technical gap makes us have to bear their exploitation.

Also, we saw an old machine tool thrown away in a German factory from an old overseas Chinese, but such a machine tool would be like a treasure if brought back to China.I discussed this machine tool with this old overseas Chinese. It will be transported back to Xunyang, and then it will be repaired and become our important production equipment.What a sad thing it is that people's rags are treasures in our eyes!

To be honest, on the plane back, I had a feeling of depression that I knew wasn't right, but I just couldn't let it go.At the beginning, I voluntarily signed up to Hanhua Heavy Industry, because I wanted to use the knowledge I learned to serve the motherland and realize the ideal of revitalizing China.However, after watching the equipment exhibition, I suddenly felt that maybe no matter how hard I tried, it would be useless.China is advancing, and others are also advancing. It takes us a long time to walk, and others may be able to cross it with just one step.The gap between us and others will only widen, and we may never be able to catch up with them.

I once thought that maybe I should leave China and go abroad, or study abroad like Xiangyang, or work as an engineer in a large foreign company.I have learned so much knowledge, my value should be reflected at the forefront, rather than being satisfied with making small fertilizer equipment in the 60s for small tribes in Africa.

I haven't said these words to anyone.In fact, this idea, I just think about it in my heart, and I will not put it into practice.I will fulfill my promise back then and continue to work hard in Hanhua Heavy Industries.Both Manager Lin and Manager Lang have helped me selflessly, and I will not turn my back on them.

On the plane, Director Wei gave me a task to lead a few technicians to solve the welding stress problem of the pressure vessel of the 40-ton large chemical fertilizer equipment after I went back.I have accepted this task, you know, I am a person who promises a lot, and what I promise, I must do it.

Lin Fanghua, please keep the words I told you a secret and don't tell anyone.Some things, I still can't figure it out, maybe there will be better answers in the future.

Your classmate: Ma Jie. "

"These people have become like this after leaving the country one by one. They are really worthless!" Lin Fanghua put away the letters from Du Xiangyang and Ma Jie, muttering to himself.

"Lin Fanghua from 215, someone is looking for you!" The intercom in the corridor rang.It was midsummer, and the girls in the girls' building wore less clothes. In order to avoid incidents of spring leakage, the girls' building was completely closed to men.If a boy wants to find a girl, he can only stand downstairs, and the building manager will notify him through the intercom broadcast.

"Hey, I'll go down right away!" Lin Fanghua poked her head out of the door, answered the radio, then hurriedly put on her coat and ran downstairs.She knew that Lin Zhenhua had returned to China in the past few days, so she estimated that the person looking for her downstairs should be Lin Zhenhua.

When Lin Fanghua walked down the stairs, she immediately saw Lin Zhenhua standing outside the building door.However, Lin Zhenhua was not standing there alone, there was a pretty girl standing beside him and having a passionate chat with him.

"You are Manager Lin from Jiangnan Province, right? Hee hee, your name is Lin Zhenhua, right?"

"Uh, am I that famous?"

"Of course you are famous. Now at least half of the people in the entire Huaqing University know you. Hee hee, I'm talking about boys, and [-]% of the girls know you."

"Really? It seems that the old saying is good. I am not in the Jianghu, but the Jianghu has left a legend about me."

"Hee hee, Manager Lin, you are so humorous, have you always been this humorous?"

"Uh...Actually, I'm more humorous than this. By the way, you can call me by my name, and call me the manager. I'm a little nervous, and I thought you were going to ask me to pay my salary."

"That's fine, I'll call you Brother Zhenhua, okay?"

"This is inconvenient..." Lin Zhenhua's head was full of black lines.

"Lin Zhenhua, what are you doing!" Lin Fanghua walked out of the building, just in time to hear this ambiguous conversation, and couldn't help being furious.Okay, in the name of looking after your sister, you went to Huaqing University to pick up girls, and see if I don't go back and report you to Yang Xin.

Seeing his sister coming, Lin Zhenhua smiled at the girl and said, "Look, my sister is here, so I can't chat with you. I had a good chat with you just now, and I will continue when I have a chance."

"Okay, okay, that's great, I like chatting with you too. By the way, my name is Yu Shanshan, and I'm in the three-character class of the Chemical Engineering Department. I live in dormitory 148. You must come to me." Girl Said happily.After that, she turned her head and was about to walk into the corridor when she saw Lin Fanghua with a serious face.The girl made a face at Lin Fanghua, giggled and ran away.

"Lin Zhenhua, what are you doing? You are a state official, so please pay attention to your personal image?" Lin Fanghua asked his brother Xingshi.

Lin Zhenhua laughed and said, "I can't help it. Your brother is too popular with women. I've been standing downstairs for a while, and several girls have already greeted me. This one is the most courageous, and I chatted for a long time Xiaofang, you should be proud of having such a big brother."

Lin Fanghua couldn't help laughing, of course she knew that although her brother was flamboyant, he was still very good in essence.She shook her head and said, "It seems that I'm getting old. The girls in the three-character class and the four-character class are much more open than we were at that time. By the way, brother, what gift did you bring me when you came back from Germany?" No? Let me explain in advance that I absolutely don’t want chocolate, and this girl is on a diet.”

Lin Zhenhua took out a beautifully packaged box from his bag and said, "Look, what is this?"

"Oh, it's French perfume!" Lin Fanghua took the box and couldn't put it down. "I know this product. We have a female foreign teacher who used this product. It smells delicious, and the fragrance is not tacky at all."

"I bought this for you in Paris, the authentic Provence lavender fragrance." Lin Zhenhua said, "Don't look at this small bottle, it costs more than 60 dollars."

"It's so expensive!" Lin Fanghua asked with staring eyes, but she didn't mean to feel distressed at all.She knew that her brother was a rich man now, and although he didn't spend much money usually, he was very willing to spend money on her younger sister.This trip to Europe, spending more than 60 dollars to buy her a bottle of perfume, is indeed not a very extravagant behavior.

Lin Zhenhua pretended to be distressed, and said: "Isn't it so expensive? It's all because of Schumann, so I have to buy it. I said that picking some wild flowers in the mountains of Xunyang, brewing it can also have this effect. Right. But Schumann said that French perfumes are different from Chinese ones, and our Chinese perfumes are completely different from theirs.”

Lin Fanghua was happily smelling the perfume in front of her nose, when she heard Lin Zhenhua's words, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and put down her hand holding the perfume.

"What's the matter?" Lin Zhenhua sensed something strange about his sister.

Lin Fanghua smiled wryly and said: "What a coincidence, this is the third person I heard say this to me today, and the tone is exactly the same: China is so different from foreign countries."

Lin Zhenhua asked with a smile: "What a coincidence, who are the other two?"

"Your two good helpers, Du Xiangyang and Ma Jie. They are really brothers and sisters. They wrote me a letter respectively, and they were sent on the same day. Even the content is the same. They all talk about how they are abroad Well, how bad our China is, how shocking they are, it's really annoying." Lin Fanghua muttered.

"Well, these two people have just left the country. Du Xiangyang is abroad, and Ma Jie has just returned. It's normal to have such thoughts." Lin Zhenhua said.The door of the country has just been opened, and I am afraid that no one who has come into contact with foreign countries will not be shocked. Du Xiangyang and Ma Jie are both students who have just walked out of the campus, so the sense of shock is even stronger.

"However, I really don't like their tone." Lin Fanghua pouted and said, "Brother, you have also been abroad. Why do I think you don't admire foreign countries so much?"

"Why, do they all worship foreign countries?" Lin Zhenhua asked curiously.He wanted to ask Lin Fanghua to take a look at those two letters, but then he realized that they were love letters written by two boys to his sister, and it seemed inappropriate to read them by himself.In a blink of an eye, my younger sister was already a 22-year-old girl, not the silly 16-year-old girl back then.

"Isn't it worship? It's a feeling of prostration." Lin Fanghua said indignantly, "When you were at home, you also told me about foreign countries, but what you said was different from what they said. You Talking about foreign countries is very ordinary, that Spischer Company, in your mouth, is like a fool's company, it is nothing special."

"Really?" Lin Zhenhua thought for a while and said with a smile: "Maybe I have seen more things than them. Foreign countries are indeed very powerful, but I know that this kind of strength is not invincible. With such confidence , look at foreign countries again, and you will be able to calm down. Blind self-esteem is wrong, and blind inferiority complex is also unnecessary, what do you think?"

"I don't know, I have never been abroad, so I don't understand what you people are talking about." Lin Fanghua said.

"Then let's talk about it after you leave the country." Lin Zhenhua said with a smile, "Let's not talk about this today, let's go to Lao He's house for dinner, I have already called him, and he said he will wait for us at home .”

"Okay, okay." Lin Fanghua said, "You and Uncle He are both extremely patriotic and confident people. I just read the letter written by these two worthless guys, and I was so aggrieved. , I just want to listen to you and Uncle He talk, to change my mood."

 This chapter is only 5000 words, does it count as making up for the debt from the previous two days?
(End of this chapter)

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