industrial overlord

Chapter 238 Tournament

Chapter 238 Tournament
Participating in the Tour de France was originally Lin Zhenhua's whim, and his original intention was to encourage Lang Dong to develop the best bicycle.But Lang Dong heard this matter in his ears and kept it in his heart.He is engaged in bicycles, and he has heard of the name of the Tour de France, but he doesn't know the specific details.Lin Zhenhua threatened to send someone to participate in the competition, which was exactly what Lang Dong wanted.

During this time, Lin Zhenhua was busy integrating Hanhua Heavy Industries, and Lang Dong didn't have much to do, so he tried to find someone to inquire about the Tour de France.After inquiring around, Lang Dong realized that to participate in this competition, it is not just anyone who is eligible, but how many rankings in international competitions must be won before being invited to participate.Participants can't be individuals, but they have to join a team, and the cost of maintaining a team can easily be calculated in the millions of dollars.

After learning about this, Lang Dong was very disappointed and gave a report to Lin Zhenhua. After hearing this, Lin Zhenhua laughed and said, "We can't participate in the competition, so we can be a cheerleader, right? As the saying goes, the most important thing is to blend in."

"Mixed?" Lang Dong really couldn't adapt to Lin Zhenhua's language style, he never knew whether Lin Zhenhua's words were a joke or serious.

A series of subsequent actions by Lin Zhenhua proved that he was really serious about mixing things up.

First, Lin Zhenhua asked Lang Dong to independently produce 40 enhanced sports bikes according to the competition standards.In order to reduce the weight of the car body, Lin Zhenhua even contacted Nandu Machinery Factory, which produces fighter jets, through his relationship with the military industry. He obtained some aviation aluminum materials from them and gave them to Lang Dong as body materials.

Then, Lin Zhenhua conducted another selection in the company, and selected 15 young workers with the strongest physical strength and athletic ability. As players of the Hanhua Cycling Team, they were sent to the Provincial Cycling Team for a month of professional training.In order to meet the needs of participating in the Tour de France, these workers also received simple French conversation training to ensure that everyone can independently buy a bread to satisfy their hunger in France.

The next step is to apply for the visas for these team members to go to France. Naturally, this matter is handed over to the Provincial Department of Foreign Trade.When Hua Keqin first heard Lin Zhenhua's request, he almost turned his nose in anger.You know, to participate in such a competition, you have to spend at least 10,000+ US dollars, which was simply an act of treason back then.

"Comrade Lin Zhenhua, your behavior is a complete waste of national property! Lenin said that waste is the greatest crime!" Hua Keqin was furious at Lin Zhenhua.

Lin Zhenhua laughed and said, "Director Hua, please calm down and let me explain to you."

"What are you explaining? Didn't you just earn some money and your tail is up in the sky? Participating in the Tour de France? What's the need for such a fun thing?" Hua Keqin scolded.

Lin Zhenhua asked back: "Director Hua, in your opinion, there is no need for our country to participate in the Olympic Games? How many bags of rice can be bought by saving that money?"

Hua Keqin made Lin Zhenhua choke enough: "How can you compare yourself to the Olympics when you are messing around like this? The Olympics are to show the image of the country. What are you doing?"

Lin Zhenhua said: "We also want to promote the country's image. You see, Xu Haifeng's gunfire last year achieved our country's zero breakthrough in the Olympic Games. This has played a big role in spreading our country's image. The same is true for us. , if we can achieve a zero breakthrough in the Tour de France, it will be very beneficial to publicize the image of our country, our Jiangnan Province, and our Hanhua Heavy Industry. Director Hua, you don’t know, the Tour de France The impact of the competition is second only to the Olympic Games in the world."

"It really has such a big influence?" Hua Keqin asked suspiciously.

"Of course." Lin Zhenhua said, "Our Manager Lang has personally inquired about this."

When Lin Zhenhua said this, Lang Dong was not present, and Lin Zhenhua also firmly believed that, as Hua Keqin, he would definitely not confront Lang Dong face to face.

"So, do you think you can win a medal in this competition and win glory for the country?" Hua Keqin softened his tone.

"No!" Lin Zhenhua replied bluntly.

Hua Keqin was a little surprised: "Why?"

Lin Zhenhua said: "Because we have no qualifications at all."

"Then what are you still talking to me here?" Hua Keqin was annoyed again, and said for a long time, you don't even have the qualifications for the competition, isn't this just playing a fool with a department-level cadre?

Lin Zhenhua said: "Director Hua, you don't understand. The spirit of the Olympic Games is that participation is the most important thing, and our attitude is the same. We went to France this time to participate. It doesn't matter if we don't qualify. We can follow along. Athletes go all the way. Think about it, if our cycling team followed the entire Tour de France and walked 3000 kilometers in France, how much sensation would it cause?"

Hua Keqin began to calm down: "Xiao Lin, are you serious?"

"Of course it's serious." Lin Zhenhua wished he could show his heart to Hua Keqin, "If it wasn't serious, I'm full and have nothing to do with you to make fun of me?"

"Well, okay, I'll arrange someone to help you with this." Hua Keqin finally nodded.Although he couldn't fully understand Lin Zhenhua's intentions, he could sense from Lin Zhenhua's words that Lin Zhenhua was not acting impulsively. He should have thought carefully about what he did.

Xie Chunyan, chairman of Hanhua Heavy Industries, and Su Baocheng, general manager, also couldn't understand Lin Zhenhua's fanfare in organizing riders to participate in the Tour de France, but they were finally persuaded by Lin Zhenhua like Hua Keqin.In this way, before the start of the Tour de France, Hanhua Heavy Industry's cycling team, led by Lang Dong and Chu Hongyang, came to France.

"How is it? What have you been doing these days?" Lin Zhenhua asked Schumann from Frankfurt to Paris when he saw Lang Dong and Chu Hongyang.

Chu Hongyang said cheerfully: "We have not been idle these days. We have ridden around the city of Paris several times. Now basically the people in Paris know that there is a team coming from China to participate in the Tour de France. Woolen cloth."

"Hey, Hongyang, it looks like you're tanned." Schuman touched Chu Hongyang's arm and said distressedly.

"It's okay, black spots are healthier." Chu Hongyang said with a happy smile.

Lin Zhenhua didn't bother to look at the tired and crooked looks of the couple, so he turned his head and asked Lang Dong, "Lao Lang, you didn't go crazy with them, did you?"

Lang Dong sighed and said, "Oh, it's all my fault that I didn't pay attention to protecting my body. If I hadn't suffered from this illness, I would have been able to ride with them for two laps. Now I can only stay in the hotel and serve as logistics for them."

Lin Zhenhua quickly comforted him and said, "Lao Lang, in fact, it is also very important to be in the back office. These young people have no experience, so they need an old comrade like you to sit behind."

Lang Dong said: "However, I have not been idle these two days. Hongyang and the others are doing publicity outside, and I am interviewed by reporters in the hotel. I have told the reporters all the stories you made up for me. By the way , Look at today's newspaper, there are photos of our company on it."

All of this was planned by Lin Zhenhua.He arranged for Chu Hongyang to lead the cycling team to swagger through the streets of Paris, and at the same time distribute small leaflets about the Chinese cycling team's participation in the Tour de France to attract people's attention.At the same time, he contacted several local French newspapers through a Paris businessman who had acted as an agent for five-leaf fans and waterfall washing machines, and paid them for interviews to create momentum.After the first reports, other news outlets were quickly attracted.

Making up stories is also one of the propaganda techniques learned by Lin Zhenhua in later generations.He made up a very legendary story for Lang Dong. He described Lang Dong as coming from a family of three generations of bicycle workers. He said that participating in the Tour de France was the ideal of Lang Dong's grandfather's generation. Lead his workers to achieve.

In order to further exaggerate the atmosphere, Lin Zhenhua also asked Lang Dong to bring some photos of Xunzi's early years, as well as the photos of Hanhua Heavy Industry, to the reporters who came to interview.These photos with historical value are far more interesting when they are published in newspapers than dry interviews.

Of course, among all the news content, the biggest selling point is that the cycling team led by Lang Dong is from Red China.At that time, China had just opened its doors, and the people in the West were full of interest in everything about China.Contrary to the "propaganda tone" that the Chinese government is accustomed to using when conducting external publicity, Lin Zhenhua adopted such a very friendly means of communication, which naturally attracted the attention of the French media and audiences.

"Xiaohua, you don't know, these days, when we were riding on the streets of Paris, many French people stood by the side of the road and looked at us, especially the French girls..." Chu Hongyang narrated happily Then, when talking about girls, he subconsciously stopped talking, as if he knew that he had said the wrong thing.

"Hongyang, as far as I know, French girls are very enthusiastic and unrestrained. For a young man as good as you, do any girls take the initiative to throw themselves into your arms?" Lin Zhenhua asked with a smile.As soon as the words came out, he clearly saw that Schumann's lips were bent into an arc. Lin Zhenhua thought evilly that Chu Hongyang would probably kneel on the spokes of the bicycle tonight.

"No, no! Really not." Chu Hongyang's forehead was beaded with sweat, and he quickly explained to Schumann: "Xiaoman, don't listen to Xiaohua's nonsense, he is just jealous that I am married and wants to marry me." Sow discord between us."

Schumann said in a gentle tone: "Hongyang, I didn't say anything. By the way, you just said French girls, why didn't you continue?"

"Well..." Chu Hongyang stammered, "Well, yes, French girls are indeed very enthusiastic. However, they are not enthusiastic towards me, but towards other people. By the way, Peng You know Jun, there is a French girl who went up and kissed him."

(End of this chapter)

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