industrial overlord

Chapter 216 Meeting Documents

Chapter 216 Meeting Documents
After solving the problem of political mistakes, Lin Fanghua relaxed, and started fighting with He Lan again.He Haifeng called Lin Zhenhua into his study and chatted with him about work.

"Old He, what have you been up to lately? I heard from my aunt that you haven't had a rest for several months." Lin Zhenhua looked at He Haifeng's desk full of books and manuscripts, and asked curiously.He knew that He Haifeng's things had a certain level of confidentiality, so he didn't just browse through them casually.

He Haifeng said: "I'm writing a very important document, and a draft has been revised hundreds of times. However, it is almost coming to an end now. By the end of the month, you will be able to see it."

"A document from the meeting?" Lin Zhenhua guessed.

"That's right, a document to be reviewed at the Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee. The tone of the document was determined by the leader himself. It is a very big handwriting. If this document is passed, then the meaning of the Third Plenary Session this time can be completely compared with that of the previous session. It is comparable to the Third Plenary Session once." He Haifeng said.Although he is bound by discipline, he cannot disclose relevant content to Lin Zhenhua, but he still needs to share the excitement in his heart with Lin Zhenhua.

Lin Zhenhua vaguely remembered that in history, this time the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will pass a programmatic document on the reform of the economic system and formally confirm the term "planned commodity economy".This is the first time in China's history that it officially recognizes that the socialist economy is also a commodity economy, thus opening the first crack in the solid ice of the planned economy.

Of course, the "planned commodity economy" was too rudimentary compared with the later formulation of the market economy, but at that time, taking this step required great courage.Because of this step, after this meeting, China's reform will enter the fast track, and many changes will be dazzling.

"Look at the books on my table." He Haifeng said to Lin Zhenhua with a wry smile, "Every reference in the document must be supported by the original works of Manners. If there is no basis, then it will be troublesome."

"It's easy to fire, but hard to sentence." Lin Zhenhua said with a smile.

"Almost." He Haifeng was not as relaxed as Lin Zhenhua.He is different from Lin Zhenhua. Lin Zhenhua has the experience of later generations and knows how all this will develop.But He Haifeng has experienced countless political turmoil, and he only has cruel memories of line struggles in his mind.

"The pace of reform is still too small. If we have to find evidence in the works of 1870 for everything we do, how can we catch up with the train of the times in 1984?" Lin Zhenhua said.

He Haifeng said: "Xiao Lin, don't worry. Food should be eaten bite by bite, and roads should be walked step by step. Everyone has been influenced by classics for so many years. If you want to take away these classics at once, it is inevitable that some people will not agree with you." Adapt. Once they can’t figure it out and become resistance to reform, wouldn’t it be a waste of time?”

"This is Chinese characteristics." Lin Zhenhua said helplessly, "It's like our company and Hanhua Machinery Factory cooperating to build a chemical equipment base. It is obviously a joint-stock operation. If we insist on saying it is a joint venture, we dare not clarify anything. Now do it It doesn't matter, as the time goes by and the more money you earn, there will definitely be conflicts. If the property rights are not clear, there will be a lot of bad debts in the future."

"Speaking of your chemical equipment base, I want to tell you." He Haifeng said, "We have also discussed this matter within the Economic Reform Commission. Everyone thinks that your attempt is very valuable. In particular, using the international market to revitalize domestic equipment manufacturing enterprises is of great practical significance to us at present. The views of the leaders are somewhat similar to yours. They also think that your steps are too cautious, why can't you just take a step forward? How about turning it into a joint-stock enterprise?"

"Old He, what did you say? You said that the leaders support us in establishing a joint-stock enterprise?" Lin Zhenhua's eyes lit up.

He Haifeng nodded and said: "When you started the Hanhua Industrial Company, the time to start a joint-stock system was not yet ripe, so you did it like that at the time, and it was more or less deceitful. But now, the joint-stock system has been recognized. Yes. A few months ago, Beijing established the country’s first joint-stock company, Tianqiao Department Store. We even went to their opening ceremony.”

"How big is the policy scale that the country can allow?" Lin Zhenhua asked.

He Haifeng shook his head: "At present, I can't give you a clear answer. However, after you go back, think about this issue as soon as possible, come up with an idea, and report to me. I will give you an understanding of the policy scale from above. I guess, After the Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee, the pace of reform in China will be greatly accelerated, and many new things will appear. You also know that the central government’s policies will always lag behind the practice, and the grassroots will push us forward. "

"Great!" Lin Zhenhua clapped his fists, "This time we can do it freely. Lao He, I can tell you that the foreign market is huge. As long as you can give me policies, I will definitely be able to make this one The chemical equipment base has developed into a world-class heavy industrial base, leaving everything like Birmingham and Detroit on the sidelines."

He Haifeng nodded: "Little Lin, I really have a big heart. However, I really believe your words now. This time I am busy, and I don't have time to accompany you. After a while, you come to Beijing again, I'll take you to some departments, such as the planning committee and the machinery committee, to get to know more people. If you want to do industry, you can't do it alone, and you have to use the foundation of the whole country."

"It's a deal." Lin Zhenhua said happily.

"It's time to eat!" He Lan stood at the door of the study and shouted loudly, "If you come late, there will be no good food!"

The next day, "People's Daily" published photos of the National Day military parade and parade on the front page, one of which was a photo of Lin Fanghua and others holding a "Hello Xiaoping" banner.This time, Lin Fanghua's heart was completely relieved.The fact that the photo was published in the People's Daily meant that it was definitely not a mistake, and she began to secretly thank her brother for giving her this good idea.

Another thing that made Lin Fanghua feel lucky was that the deed report meeting arranged by Jin Yadong for her, Du Xiangyang, Ma Jie and others did not end up being held.According to Jin Yadong's explanation, the leadership's instructions were not to link this matter with any political issues, and not to deliberately publicize and praise, so the school tried to keep a low profile as much as possible.

Lin Zhenhua was very pleased with this result. He didn't want his sister to gain any political capital because of this incident and become a political figure from now on.His expectation for his younger sister is to be a good technician, make achievements at work, and have a happy family.Lin Fanghua is a girl with a pure nature. If she is put in the political arena, it is tantamount to putting a golden chain on the bird.

The ACFTU kept the model workers in Beijing for another two or three days, studying and discussing the spirit of the leader's speeches during the National Day military parade and mass parade in groups.This kind of learning is basically to put the leader's every frown and smile on the line to the realm of far-sightedness, and then let everyone use their imagination to a height that even the leader has to look up to.

Thinking of He Haifeng's point of view, Lin Zhenhua admitted that such formalism cannot be changed overnight. Since you cannot change it, then enjoy the process.

Finally, it was time to disband, and representatives from various provinces left Beijing one after another.The representatives of Jiangnan Province wanted to take the Beijing-Guangzhou train back to Nandu. Lin Zhenhua asked Feng Shiquan, who led the team, to take a leave of absence, saying that he still had some business in Nanjing, and asked not to go with everyone.

Feng Shiquan frowned and talked to Lin Zhenhua for a long time, but Lin Zhenhua finally understood the meaning, that is, it is fine for Lin Zhenhua to leave the brigade separately, but if he leaves from Nanjing, the ticket cannot be reimbursed.

"Chairman Feng, I am also on a business trip to Nanjing, and my bus ticket can be reimbursed in our company, so there is no need for the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions to be responsible." Lin Zhenhua said.

"Oh, if that's the case, then there is no problem." Feng Shiquan said with relief.

Alas, a ticket is hard for a hero, Lin Zhenhua shook his head, bid farewell to Feng Shiquan, and boarded the train going south.

What Lin Zhenhua bought was a ticket to Nanjing. When the bus passed Jinan, Lin Zhenhua got off the bus ahead of time with his bag.He first went to the ticket window to change the ticket, then turned to the bus station, took a long-distance bus, bumped for several hours, and came to a small town with beautiful scenery.

The appearance of the small town was far from what Lin Zhenhua remembered, but this did not prevent him from finding a small courtyard hidden in a deep alley.

"Excuse me, does Comrade Lin Shaoming live in this courtyard?" Lin Zhenhua asked a resident at the gate of the small courtyard.

"Lin Shaoming? There is no such person."

"There is no such person!" Lin Zhenhua was startled, "What about Xue Guixiu?"

"I haven't heard of it." The other party shook his head in surprise and asked, "Comrade, did you make a mistake?"

This is impossible, Lin Zhenhua said silently in his heart.This is the place where he grew up in his previous life, and the yard was not demolished until he was a teenager.If everything is normal, then his parents in the previous life should be living here at this time, as for the real Lin Zhenhua, he should be in his mother's womb and will be born soon.

The world was a little different from what he had experienced before.The big history has not changed, but those things related to Lin Zhenhua have been changed.The resident in front of him was not a neighbor that Lin Zhenhua knew.Perhaps, his parents and other people Lin Zhenhua knew are living in some other courtyard now, and soon, a child named Lin Zhenhua will be born.But it is impossible for the current Lin Zhenhua to find them, this is the rule of time travel.

That's fine, Lin Zhenhua apologized to the residents of the small courtyard, saying that he might have misremembered, and then left the small town to continue his journey.

From now on, he is just Lin Zhenhua from the Hanhua factory, and has nothing to do with this small town.

 The last paragraph of this chapter is mainly to summarize the social relations in the past and present, so as to save some book lovers from thinking about it.The simpler the social relations, the simpler the structure of the book.Otherwise, I am afraid that everyone will not be interested in watching the seven aunts and eight aunts.As for whether this explanation is reasonable, it is a matter of opinion.Once again, this book is just an entertainment work, don't give it too much moral, legal, political, military, technical, grievances and other meanings.

(End of this chapter)

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