industrial overlord

Chapter 133 Fighting

Chapter 133 Fighting

Lin Zhenhua originally wanted to stay in Fenghua for a few days before going to Xunyang.He was exhausted from this trip to Yuefeng and needed to rest at home for a few days.

Unexpectedly, things went against his wishes, Lin Zhenhua only slept soundly at home for one night, and early the next morning, the accountant Bi Min rushed to him in a hurry.

"Manager Lin, something serious happened!" Bi Min shouted loudly while knocking on the door outside.The doors of the Hanhua Factory’s residential building are made of ordinary pine boards, and the sound insulation effect is extremely poor. Bi Min’s voice can be heard by almost the entire unit, and Lin Zhenhua was directly awakened from her dream by her.

"What's the matter, Bi Min, is it a fire or an earthquake!" Lin Zhenhua asked Bi Min as he opened the door with a cotton coat on his upper body and his trousers on his lower body.

Bi Min looked at Lin Zhenhua's hand which was fastening his trouser belt, and his face was a little blushing.She turned her eyes and said, "No, there was a fight, and the person was taken away by the police station."

"Who started the fight? Did anyone hurt anyone?" Lin Zhenhua was terrified by Bi Min's nonsensical words.

After a lot of difficulty, Bi Min gave the organization a smooth talk. It turned out that the fight did not start here, but at Xunyang Bicycle Factory.The two parties involved, one is Cao Wenqiang from Hanhua Industrial Company, and the other is Shen Guoshen from Xunyang Bicycle Factory, that is, the guy called the Shen family's second-rate son.

This incident was reported by Peng Shaozhe by a long-distance call from Xunyang, perhaps because he was distressed about the long-distance call fee. Peng Shaozhe was vague on the phone, only saying that the local police station had intervened and the situation had been brought under control.

"Why did you fight? Did you hurt anyone? What's the attitude of the factory leaders over there? Have our people comforted you?" Lin Zhenhua asked questions all over his face.

"Peng Section Chief didn't make it clear." Bi Min said aggrievedly, the Peng Section Chief she mentioned was Peng Shaozhe, and his identity in the company was the Chief of General Affairs Section.

Lin Zhenhua said angrily, "Why didn't you ask about the call you answered?"

"It's a long-distance call, and it's quite expensive."

"I'm falling!" Lin Zhenhua wanted to hit the wall, "Bi Min, Bi Min, how many times have I told you that business management is not a short life for parents, you should save money when you should save it, and spend it when you should spend it. We Now we are cooperating with Xunzi, any small problem may lead to troubles in the cooperation, and the loss is calculated in thousands or tens of thousands. Tell me, is it the expensive phone bill, or the tens of thousands of dollars of investment expensive?"

"Manager Lin, I know I was wrong." Bi Min lowered his head, tears rolling in his eyes.She wasn't completely sad because of being reprimanded by Lin Zhenhua, the main reason was that she felt that she might have missed a big deal and caused the company to lose thousands or tens of thousands of yuan.God, thousands or tens of thousands, how many months' salary does this have to be.

"Uh, forget it, it's not your fault, it's Peng Shaozhe who is such a jerk." Lin Zhenhua had also recovered from the meeting, and felt that it seemed inappropriate for him to scold Bi Min like this, so he quickly apologized.

"Then I'll go and call Section Chief Peng." Bi Min decided to take credit for the crime.

Lin Zhenhua said: "Forget it, I'll go by myself."

After brushing his teeth and washing his face at an extremely fast speed, Lin Zhenhua grabbed his satchel and ran out.Bi Min followed behind him, calling him constantly: "Manager Lin, Manager Lin."

"It's okay, you follow behind, I'll just go there first."

"No, your clothes are buttoned wrong..."

"I know, I buckled it wrong on's so cool!"

Lin Zhenhua trotted all the way to the main computer room, and said to the operator: "Hurry up and pick up the factory department of Xunyang Bicycle Factory, and ask them to contact Peng Shaozhe."

After a while, Peng Shaozhe called back from Xunzi. Lin Zhenhua's first words were: "Shaozhe, please explain the matter to me in detail. Don't worry about the phone bill, you know?"


"Tell me, what's going on. Tell me first, did you hurt anyone?"

Peng Shaozhe said: "It didn't hurt anyone. Cao Wenqiang's hand was cut, it's not serious. Shen Guoshen's arm was twisted and dislocated by Master Sun. After arriving at the hospital, he has recovered."

"Which Master Sun?"

"Master Sun Changyuan."

Lin Zhenhua wanted to grab the ground with his head: "Oh my god, you fight as soon as you fight, why do you still take your grandfather with you? Is Master Sun's hand used to twist people's arms? How are things handled now?"

"The police station has arrived and detained Shen Guoshen. Our people are fine."

Lin Zhenhua didn't feel relaxed at all. He thought that if the police station only arrested Shen Guoshen and let the other party in the fight go, then it would obviously mean to sideline the fight.Under normal circumstances, when two parties fight, the police station must arrest both sides, and then go to distinguish right from wrong after the arrest is over.

"Shaozhe, tell me, how did it happen, and who is at fault?"

Peng Shaozhe then told Lin Zhenhua exactly what happened, and Lin Zhenhua relaxed a little. He still had a reason on his side, and it was the second-rate son of the Shen family who was at fault.

The cause of the incident lies in the houses built by Hanhua Factory.

Hanhua Industrial Company wants to rent Xunzi's factory to produce electric fans. Although the employees used are mainly from Xunzi's existing workers, Hanhua Industrial also needs to send some management personnel and foremen in various positions, so it is There is a need for housing for these people.

Xunzi was unable to vacate the house. Qiu Qingyang agreed that Hanhua Industrial Company could build a small piece of land in Xunzi's production area and build a few houses as dormitories. In the future, when the contract for renting the factory building expires, these houses will be given away free of charge. To Xun Zi.Hanhua Industrial sold thousands of electric fans in the early stage, and has already made hundreds of thousands of profits. It is not difficult to build a few houses.The workers are all-rounders. They bought some bricks, tiles and cement, and quickly built more than a dozen houses. The only thing left is to paint the doors and glass the windows.

There was no problem with this matter, but who knows, just after the building of the Hanhua Industrial Company, some workers in Xunzi began to clamor, saying that this is a house built on the ground of Xunzi, and it should be done by Xunzi's workers come to live.No wonder they are unreasonable, because the housing conditions of some employees' homes are too tight.

Shen Guoshen is a worker who is extremely short of housing. He is a bachelor and lives in a collective dormitory in the factory. There are four people in one room.He talked to a partner in the countryside. Although he is not yet ready for marriage, he still feels that he should get the wedding house first, and the factory cannot solve the housing problem for him no matter what.

Under such circumstances, he set his sights on these few houses built by Hanhua Industrial, and decided to act first.On a dark and stormy night, he asked a few young workers to help him move his bed and boxes into an unfinished dormitory.In order to create the effect of a fait accompli, he even asked someone to borrow coal pellet stoves, pots and bowls, washbasin stands, etc., and stuffed them in all of them, and put a lock on the door to show his possession.

On their side, they hammered the locks on the door, alarming the Hanhua workers who were sleeping in other unfinished houses.Everyone thought it was a thief at first, so they ran out to check.Shi Guojun and Cao Wenqiang ran ahead and found that Shen Guoshen and others had already occupied the house. Shi and Cao became angry.

Both of these two came from the educated youth farm, and they are experts in this kind of profit-grabbing business. I didn't expect that after half their lives as bandits, someone would actually grab them.

After a quarrel, Cao Wenqiang made a move.He didn't hit anyone, but took Shen Guoshen's things out of the house and threw them directly into the field.It had just rained lightly and there was still some water on the ground. I don't know if Cao Wenqiang did it on purpose or not. In short, Shen Guoshen's bedding was just thrown into a small puddle and soaked through.

As a result, Shen Guoshen became impatient, picked up an iron rod and hit Cao Wenqiang. When Cao Wenqiang resisted with his hand, his hand was cut.Cao Wenqiang was also annoyed, screaming that he was going to fight Shen Guoshen with his life.

At this time, Sun Changyuan, who was in charge of arranging the production line, also arrived. His temper was even more violent than Shi and Cao. The arm was dislocated.The rest of the young workers from the Xunzi factory stepped forward to help. They saw Lao Sun holding the two ends of the thumb-thick iron rod with both hands, and breaking the iron rod into a U-shape with his arms.

Xunzi's group of young people had never seen such a battle before. Seeing the workers of Hanhua Industrial gathered around one after another, they knew that the good man didn't know the truth about the loss in front of him, so they took a few steps back, just swearing, and didn't dare to try again.

At this time, the factory leaders and the people from the police station rushed to hear the news, and some workers from Xunzi heard the movement and gathered around one after another, talking a lot.Qiu Qingyang ordered the injured to be sent to the hospital for treatment first, and then discussed with Peng Shaozhe, suggesting that both parties calm down the situation first, and then proceed with further processing after the investigation is clear.

The police station was not so easy to talk to, so they asked a few people to question on the spot, and after roughly understanding the cause and effect of the incident, they went directly to the hospital to arrest Shen Guoshen, who had just had his arm healed. Workers who protect state property.

The police station was able to respond so quickly, just as Lin Zhenhua guessed, because of Han Tao's face.It was Fei Xiaorong, the deputy director who handled the matter, and he said to Peng Shaozhe in private: "Director Han told me that whoever has trouble with you is the one who has trouble with him. Don't worry, if people from Xunzi dare to mess around , our police station will support you.”

After Lin Zhenhua asked about the situation, he confessed to Peng Shaozhe: "Shaozhe, take good care of our workers and don't allow any more conflicts with Xunzi. In addition, you tell Factory Director Qiu that I will go over to deal with this matter right away."


"Also... you tell Factory Director Qiu that no matter who is right or wrong in this matter, Hanhua Industrial is responsible, and we will definitely explain to Xunzi."

"Xiaohua, this is unnecessary, right? It's obviously their fault in this matter."

"You can just say it like this." Lin Zhenhua said, "No matter what the situation is, I will deal with it after I pass, understand?"

"Understood, I'll wait for you to come over." Peng Shaozhe agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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