The Road of Taiyi Evidence in the Great Desolation

Chapter 387 Ask the world, can there be longevity?

Chapter 387 Ask the world, can there be longevity? (For the hall master, I want to recognize you as your father plus four more)

The scale is unprecedented, the sacrifices are also unprecedented, and Taiyi needs to create momentum for the Dao of Heaven, so this time it is decided to give the world a big surprise!

After a long time, the altar was built and Emperor Zun officially appeared.

At the same time, the patriarchs and representatives of the ten thousand clans stood on the periphery of the altar and became the melon-eating crowd.

As for the inner layer, at least one must have the cultivation base of the great sage, and a group of people near the emperor are all properly enlightened, as well as the ancient emperor and the supreme after being beheaded.

These ancient emperors, supreme beings and even celestial beings had already exhausted their lifespan and hid in the restricted area, wanting to survive.

It's just that Emperor Zun is more capable, collected some precious medicines, and refined the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir.

A golden pill can extend the lifespan of these supreme beings for 2000 years, and use this as wages to hire them and work for themselves.

At this time, Emperor Zun led the great emperors to the altar and reached the highest level.

Looking at the incense table in front of him, Emperor Zun nodded, and the sacrifice began.

In an instant, a spiritual will came directly.This spiritual will is not much in number, but its quality is extremely high.

That's right, at this moment, Tai Yi came directly to the stage in person.Feeling this spiritual will, the great emperors started to explore out of curiosity.

It's a pity, but in just one breath, all the spiritual thoughts were wiped out, and blood was vomited from the mouth.But even so, a group of people were still ecstatic.

"It's amazing, this is the way of heaven? It's just a wisp of will, so powerful? Compared with it, my will is as fragile as a piece of paper, vulnerable to a single blow!" Xiaoyao Tianzun's eyes lit up, a little fanatical road.

This Tianzun is the founder of Xingzimi among the nine secrets, and his speed can be called the fastest in the world, even involving the field of time.

Originally, he didn't care much about offering sacrifices to heaven, thinking that Emperor Zun was crazy for wanting to live forever, and he just tried randomly.

After all, the way of heaven is nothing more than rules, without emotion, without instinct, even if it is sacrificed, so what?

But at this time, he had to admit that he was worthy of being Emperor Zun, the number one man in the world!
At the same time, looking directly at him, Emperor Zun at this moment was also tempted and injured.

However, his strength is relatively strong, he didn't vomit blood, just closed his eyes for a while.

After a while, the great emperors finished adjusting their breaths. This time, the expressions they looked at this will were absolutely different from before!
Then, Taiyi turned into a face, a pair of closed eyes, a nose, a mouth, no ears, just floating in the air like this.

It's just that around the face, there are nine-colored lights shining, and the force is very high, and it is impossible to use divine sense to detect.

Suddenly, the mouth opened, and with one bite, the Dzogchen Holy Spirit, the ancient emperor who cut himself with a sword, the Dacheng Overlord Body, and the three supreme masters were all swallowed by the mouth.

What's even more frightening is that after entering the mouth, the great emperors could no longer feel the breath of the three of them.

All of a sudden, he became more honest.In any case, killing three supreme masters in an instant is enough to make people surprised, even vigilant!
"I am very satisfied with the sacrifice, and the specifications are also very good. Then, if you have any questions or wants, you can ask them one by one."

Suddenly, Taiyi spoke.However, the voice is very childish, like a newborn baby.

Seeing this, the great emperors nodded. It turns out that the Dao of Heaven has just been born not long ago. No wonder the big guys had never heard of it before, and the Emperor Zun is the most powerful!
"Ask the world, can there be longevity? How to live forever?" Emperor Zun asked directly, without concealing it!

Longevity, longevity, this is the common dream of the strong in all the small thousand worlds.

However, the Little Thousand World is just a Little Thousand World after all, how can we achieve longevity without transcending the world itself?

"First: At the right time, at the right place, and in the right way, you can enter the fairyland without any effort. After entering the fairyland, you can live forever!"

At this moment, Immortal Taoist, who is the future Immortal Emperor, suddenly became excited.

go home!I want to go home!I'm going back to my mother, to my father...

"Second: Inside the world, after nine generations of reincarnation and nine generations of transformation, those who succeed will become immortals of the world and enjoy longevity!"

"In addition, it only takes four Hongchen immortals to join forces to directly break through the barriers of the world and reach the fairyland."

At this moment, the Immortal Emperor silently recorded it.These words, in the distant future, saved Emperor Wushi once.

"Third: Possess a Heavenly Emperor-level combat power. If you find a suitable node, you can enter the interlayer between the fairyland and this world. In the interlayer, there is a large amount of longevity substances. The Heavenly Emperor-level powerhouse can enjoy longevity."

Hearing this sentence, Xiaoyao Tianzun and others nodded silently. This road seems to be relatively reliable.

"Fourth: Do more good deeds and accumulate more merits. When the number of merits accumulates to a certain level, you can sacrifice to me and obtain the gift of longevity."

As he spoke, Tai Yi paused for a moment, opened his eyes on purpose, emitted a golden divine light, and shot at all the great emperors and ancient emperors present.

"Well, among you, only Emperor Zun has such great merit. The others either have insufficient merit or have a lot of sins."

"Emperor, you established the Heavenly Court and maintained the order of the world. During your rule, the heavens and the earth are in harmony. The restricted area is the supreme one. You dare not start dark chaos. You have done great merit to all sentient beings, and you should be rewarded!"

As he said that, Tai Yi took out some longevity substances, kneaded them, and turned them into 36 golden pills.

"This is Wuji elixir, each one can increase the lifespan by 5000 years."

"Whether it's the Great Emperor Wuque, or the supreme being in the restricted area after being cut with a knife, or an alternative enlightenment, once you take it, you can increase your lifespan by 5000 years."

"The effect of this pill is extremely overbearing, even if you have already used the immortal medicine, it will still be effective. But in the same way, even if it is just an ordinary mortal, it can only increase the lifespan of 5000 years."

At this moment, looking at the glittering golden immortal elixir, many supreme beings became serious.

With a lifespan of 5000 years, a elixir has increased so much, and the nine-turn golden elixir has no such great effect. Could it be a lie?
But at the same time, there is another kind of desire in my heart, the longing for the elixir, it is true, it really has this effect.

Looking at the 36 Wuji elixir, Emperor Zun waved his hand, and a piece of divine source appeared in the eyes of the great emperors.

In the source of the gods, there is a heavenly general named Chuanyin, who is the confidant of the emperor.

It's a pity that when he was young, he was injured too much, so before he died, his strength was only that of Zhundi Jiuzhongtian.

Later, Emperor Zun used the divine source and directly banned it.Appearing here at this time, the intention is not difficult to understand.

Emperor Zun, you can't believe in the way of heaven, Chuanyin is the one who tested the medicine.

 Six shifts, six shifts all at once, am I crazy?However, fortunately, the manuscript was saved and today's day's hard work has completed the sixth update.However, the price was heavy, and the manuscript depositor was killed again.For the sake of another death in battle, kind-hearted people should give more rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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