The Road of Taiyi Evidence in the Great Desolation

Chapter 313 Send a proposition, the following is the list of shooting next month...

Chapter 313 Send a proposition, the following is the list of shooting next month...

Immortals, powerful beings, are all busy.Therefore, naturally no one will pay attention to Di Xin, the last emperor of the Shang Dynasty.

And at this time, what is Di Xin doing?He was holding a banquet, and at the banquet, more than [-]% of the nobles came.Those who didn't come didn't want to come, but they weren't in Chaoge City right now.

Di Xin held a song and dance, drank with his courtiers, and said some clichés. After a while, he pretended to be drunk and started to go crazy.

"You, tell me, was the former emperor a fool?" Tai Yi asked directly, grabbing an official.

Sending a proposition, this is a sending proposition!If one is not good, it will really kill people!

At this time, I started to be afraid of death. Some time ago, I kept preaching that Emperor Yi was a faint king. Is this contradictory?This is actually not a contradiction!

Just like among civil servants, there are those who are not afraid of death, and there are really a few who are moral and upright.But the problem is that there are also many civil servants who are really afraid of death!

Some people want to die, to leave a good impression on the immortals, and to have a good future for the descendants of immortals who practice Qi.But there are also some who are really greedy for life and afraid of death, and don't want to die.

Facing this proposition, the official was very anxious, and after a while, he had a solution.

He began to tremble all over, and the trembling frequency became higher and higher, as if he was epileptic, blood suddenly appeared from the corner of his mouth, and then he spat out a large mouthful of blood, screamed, and passed out.

It's really boring!Such a simple question can't even be answered, waste!

"You, tell me, was the former emperor a faint king?"

This time, another fainted.At the same time, the officials above the main hall were also overwhelmed with alcohol and fell unconscious on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Tai Yi laughed loudly: "Haha, some time ago, I dreamed about the late Emperor, and the late Emperor said that he was alone, in the Netherland, very lonely and lonely."

"Then I thought, what should the first emperor do if he is alone and lonely? Could it be that he wants me to go down to accompany him?"

Having said that, many of the comatose courtiers pretended to be corpses one after another, opened their eyes wide, and looked at Tai Yi.

"No, of course not. Although I miss the late emperor, I still have the responsibility of governing the people on my shoulders."

"Later, I thought and thought, and came up with a good idea. The late emperor was very lonely down here, so I'll find some people he knows well and go down to accompany him. Tell me, what's the idea?"

For a moment, the entire hall fell silent...

In Chaoge City, Emperor Xin used filial piety as an excuse to arrest nobles and veterans, and let them go down to accompany Emperor Yi. In fact, it was a sacrifice.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is Di Xin's revenge, but the question is, what can we do?As the son of heaven, except for very rare moments when facing the immortals, the rest of the time, don't you always want to do whatever you want.

One after another, those who held high positions but were not loyal to Di Xin all went down.They were all buried for the late emperor, but they couldn't say anything.

This is the burial for the late emperor. You were all the courtiers favored by the late emperor before. Now, the late emperor is lonely at the bottom. I miss you, so you can’t continue to accompany the late emperor?

Do you still have a conscience?The late emperor misses you, do you know that?You tell me, do you miss him?what don't you want
Then your conscience must be broken!If you want to pull it out, you will be killed with a stick for three hours.In addition, it is fine to punish the nine clans, as we are all relatives and will be blamed on Zhen, so just punish the three clans.I am still very generous and kind.

Huh?You said you miss the late emperor?That's not right, go down and be with the first emperor.So, doctor, have you thought about it?
In this way, Di Xin cleaned up about [-]% of the old nobles and old courtiers.Of course, it is not done in one go, but repeated cleaning.

To be reasonable, cleaning is also a very technical job.Some people have problems with cleaning, and the country is destroyed.For some people, the more they cleanse, the stronger they become.

Before each cleaning, Dixin will tell everyone that there is an indicator this time, and only [-]% is needed.

Then, [-]% of the nobles will be deliberately arrested, and then let them bite dogs. Finally, those who bite the hardest and have the most sincere attitude will be released, and even promoted to their officials, as a model.

Said, I will never wrong people.As long as you are frank and lenient, and tell the truth, the organization will definitely consider you, and will seek leniency for you.

In this way, when they are arrested, they will not resist excessively, or even resist directly.Anyway, there is always a fluke mentality, and you will feel that you have been wronged.

As long as you explain the problem well, you will still be released, and you will even be promoted because of it.You see who is so and so, isn't that the case?

It is said that Beria's Ministry of Internal Affairs and later the KGB of the old Maozi all did this when they launched an anti-revolutionary campaign.

No matter what position the target is in, what position in the official position, how powerful the power is, how outstanding the personal ability is.

However, when they encounter the blue hats of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, when they hear the words, comrade, you are under arrest, they will always be at war with each other, with no fighting spirit...

Later, as long as the leader is willing, he can clean it however he wants.You can deal with whoever you want to deal with.The power of a leader is greater than that of a dictatorial emperor.

However, the history of foreigners is inherently lacking, unlike Huaxia, which has been full of tricks and schemes since ancient times.

Even an old farmer has heard the story of the bombardment of Qinggong Tower and the release of military power by drinking wine.Therefore, only halfway through cleaning, the nobles discovered the mystery.

Ever since, all kinds of bad rumors appeared.Some said that Di Xin was a fool and a tyrant, and this was just the beginning.

Later, some people said that Di Xin was extremely barbaric. He once cut open the belly of a pregnant woman for his own preference, just to see what the pregnant baby looked like.

Some people say that Emperor Xin was cruel. He once built a cannonball on the main hall, that is, erected a copper pillar, and then asked disobedient officials to burn those loyal officials to death.

Some people also say that Di Xin is lustful, uh, it is said that he can't fall down with a spear against a hundred girls at night, and his functions are extremely developed. He once held a big gun under his crotch, jumped and turned the wheel.

Moreover, no matter whether it is an old widow or a beauty who has turned into a fairy, they cannot escape Di Xin's hunting.Even, sometimes, even the handsome young man can't escape the clutches of the devil...

Anyway, before he knew it, Di Xin was hacked into a dog, and he was given many nicknames, known as King Zhou.However, Tai Yi didn't care, he just quietly took out a small book and recorded some lists.

Well, the following is the list of people who will be shot next month.No, it's next month's purge list.

In fact, although Di Xin has been messing around, but considering that there are only a million years before the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods, no matter how you look at it, he is a dead person, so the Twelve Golden Immortals did not bother him.

Besides, wouldn't it be better for Di Xin to mess around?At that time, the hearts of the people will be completely lost, and the Zhou Dynasty will be the answer to the people.

In fact, at this time, the Immortal Chanjiao didn't have time to deal with trivial things like Di Xin's mischief.After losing the Pangu Banner, Yuanshi Tianzun became very manic, very manic.

All the immortals are also trying to find clues.As for the Twelve Golden Immortals, they are even more cautious and low-key.At a time like this, how dare you take any action?

 Thanks to book friend 15769AIC for 500 rewards, book friend Gao Yonglin for 500 rewards, book friend Liu Aogu for 100 rewards, book friend 20180126172841370 for 100 rewards, book friend Black Eagle Love for 100 rewards, thank you for your support, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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