Tortoise of the Great Desolation

Chapter 501 Funny People

Chapter 501 Funny People
Seeing the smile on Meixi's mouth, Xia Gui froze in place.

He seems to have returned to the day when he sacrificed in Xuanyuan Temple.

After Meixi laughed, she looked at Xia Gui who suddenly stayed where she was, and couldn't help being a little strange: "My lord, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing." Xia Gui shook her head melancholy, and changed the subject, "You had a really nice smile just now."

Although he only regarded Meixi as a substitute at first, but with the passing of time, he didn't want the girl to know about it.

Although Meixi is Xia Gui's trophy, but for Xia Gui, a young and promising monarch with both civil and military skills—at least it was like this before—after getting along for a long time, Meixi gradually fell in love with him.

Therefore, hearing Xia Gui's praise at this moment, Meixi lowered her head with a bit of sweetness in her heart.

She carefully untied the corner of the skirt hanging on the branch, and explained in a low voice: "I didn't know what happened just now, but I felt very pleasant when I heard that voice, and I couldn't help laughing."

"That voice?" Xia Gui was stunned for a moment, looking at the corner of Meixi's skirt that was torn by branches in Meixi's hands, she suddenly realized.

"If you like it, I'll let someone tear it up for you every day."

Meixi nodded shyly.

She is the daughter of Lord Shi, and she was raised delicately and preciously since she was a child.

With her ten fingers not touching the spring water, she has no idea how much a piece of silk cloth is worth in this era.

Therefore, she would not refuse Airang's care.

Moreover, that voice is really nice.

Time flies.

When Xia Gui was obsessed with Meixi and ignored government affairs, a man named Zilu became the king of Shang in a big feudal kingdom of the Xia Dynasty. The powerful Shang state became even stronger, and even the powerful feudal states such as Kunwu, Ge, Wei, and Gu, which could have competed with the Shang state, were defeated by the Shang state.

With the continuous expansion of power, coupled with the fact that he has good ministers such as Yi Yin and Zhong Hui, Zilu gradually no longer satisfied himself with being just a monarch of the country.

Even if this feudal country is now extremely powerful.

He set his sights on the throne of the Xia Dynasty.

It can only be said that Shi Qi's usurpation of the throne provided a template for all careerists in later generations.

Zilu thought, since Qi was able to win the throne from Boyi, why couldn't he win the throne from Xia Gui?
So Zilu raised his army.

He ordered someone to list Xia Gui's top ten crimes—although Xia Gui didn't do anything bad other than ignoring the government, but he always had to pay attention to a righteous name when sending troops, otherwise how could it be said that he was right to raise troops to usurp the throne?

So Xia Gui became a tyrant.

Zilu, oh, no, it should be called Chengtang now—he felt that the name Zilu was no longer worthy of his identity as the soon-to-be king.

Cheng Tang said that he would lead the people to overthrow the brutal Xia Gui and lead everyone to live a good life.

The people were dumbfounded.

Why is Xia Gui so cruel?
In fact, the only wrong thing Xia Gui has done since he succeeded to the throne is probably to attack You Shi for Meixi.

However, seeing Chengtang's list of Xia Gui's crimes, the people suddenly realized.

It turned out that Xia Gui was so bad, not only searched for a large number of beautiful women from all over the place to fill the harem, but also filled the pool with wine, and every day people got drunk and drowned in it, it was really bad.

But in fact, Meixi is the only one in Xia Gui's harem.

Of course, no one would believe it.

The people are smart people, they will not be easily deceived by you.

After all, if you haven't done such a bad thing, why do people say you and not other people?

Thus, Xia Gui became a tyrant.

Cheng Tang launched an army to attack Xia, and all the feudal states in the world responded—because the feudal states that did not respond, such as Kunwu State, Kunwu State, Ge State, Wei State, and Gu State, had already been destroyed by Cheng Tang.

Seeing Cheng Tang's response, the people were all happy for their insight—this is really a wise king, otherwise how could so many kingdoms respond to him?
In the first battle of Mingtiao, Xia Jun collectively surrendered.

Xia Gui felt that he was indeed no longer fit to be a king, so he issued this order.

Of course, the people don't know this.

They felt that they really had the eyes of wisdom. If you look at the tyrannical Xia Gui's army, they all felt that Cheng Tang's sages had turned to him, which shows how tyrannical Xia Gui is.

In this way, Cheng Tang's usurpation of the throne succeeded in an unexpectedly smooth manner.

As a loser, Xia Gui was exiled to Nanchao, and brought Meixi with her.

In fact, Cheng Tang didn't understand why Meixi was willing to be exiled with Xia Gui. After all, he had already hinted at Meixi. Cheng Tang is more interested in the enchantress who doesn't care about political affairs.

But Meixi still chooses to be exiled with Xia Gui.

In this regard, Cheng Tang could only sigh regretfully.

After all, he is a virtuous gentleman, so of course he can't do that kind of thing that robs other people's wives.

Therefore, Meixi and Xia Gui were exiled to the South Nest.

Both died there the following year.

Cheng Tang personally chose a posthumous title for Xia Gui, Jie.

In Moon Palace.

Shen Gui shook his head, and closed the Tianjian.

When he is idle and bored, he always likes to pass the time by looking at things in the lower realms with the Skywatcher, and most of his sights naturally fall on the human race.

However, although there are all kinds of things in the world, if you watch too much, you will still feel bored.

Especially when he saw that no matter what era people were, they all had almost the same characteristics.

What a fool.

Of course, at Shen Gui's current level, the ignorance of these people can't affect him, but he still finds it a little funny after seeing the righteous and ugly faces.

However, after watching the story between Tang and Xia Jie, Shen Gui couldn't help but look forward to the Great Tribulation of the Gods.

After all, just Cheng Tang and Xia Jie let him see so many interesting things, so King Zhou of Shang, King Wen of Zhou, King Wu of Zhou will surpass both of them in terms of popularity and influence in later generations. What kind of wonderful story will be deduced?

There was almost no outside interference between Cheng Tang and Xia Jie, and the intrigue within the human race was already so interesting.

The Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods is not limited to the human race, the Three Realms and the Six Paths, even the Sage Sect has to go through the robbery, it must be wonderful, right?
Stretching lazily, Shen Gui couldn't help showing an inexplicable smile on his face.

Although this is not the first time he has experienced the catastrophe of heaven and earth, this should be the first time he has officially participated in it, right?

(End of this chapter)

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