Summon the Big Boss

Chapter 682 Expansion

Chapter 682 Expansion (adding more rewards for Ah Yuandou!)
Being on the chessboard, many people think that they are qualified chess players.

Obviously, the ancestor of Tianfu is such a person.

He thought that Lin Xi's target was him, so when facing Linglong, he made the same move.

He wanted to eat the icing that Lin Xi threw out, and then shoot the cannonball back.

In fact, he was just a part of Lin Xi's incidental harvest when he was hugging grass and beating rabbits.

The way the ancestor of Tianfu responded would only make him lose all his money.

How could Linglong, who was able to make those participants in the Invincible Road lose their minds, be able to subdue her with just a clone of a celestial talisman?

"The ancestor of Tianfu is not worth paying more attention to. He has strength, but he is not too strong. The important thing is that he is self-righteous and self-righteous. After using it, he will clean it up. But on the road of invincibility, there will be no meaningless world or area .Especially in the early stages of the opening of the Invincible Road."

"The most important thing about Fu Yunyu lies in the Fu."

"Tales are the contracts between man and nature, ghosts and gods, and heaven and earth. By controlling the spells, one can control all things in nature. The celestial talisman of the ancestors of the celestial talisman is regarded as the number one talisman of all time in this domain. "

"However, at the beginning of ancient times, who was the preacher? Who was here, who passed down the technique of making talismans, and established the method of cultivating talismans with people? If you find the oldest batch of talismans in this world , study it, maybe it can be a big help." Lin Xi had a thought in his heart, but he also took this matter to heart.

Monk Juexin and Linglong lived in seclusion.

They did not live in seclusion in the marketplace and change their appearance.

This kind of deception is ineffective against Linglong.

Her allure comes from the soul, her 'evil', is the breath that her soul naturally carries.

The current Linglong already knew that it would be a very bad thing for so many ordinary people to kill each other because of her.

They live in seclusion in Xiaojun Mountain not far from Fu Mountain.

This mountain has many strange rocks and lush forests, and there are many different fungi in the forest, both poisonous and non-toxic, so it is called Xiaojun Mountain.

The two lived in seclusion here, and Monk Juexin was in charge of teaching Linglong some common sense on weekdays. At the same time, he also let Linglong constantly familiarize herself with the power in her body, and tried to make Linglong restrain her aura.

Outside, those who have seen Linglong are frantically looking for her.

All kinds of methods were used, but under Lin Xi's intervention, Linglong's whereabouts could not be found.

Gradually, the influence of Linglong on everyone seemed to have subsided.

Many people also began to reflect on their behavior.

Then feel horrified.

Originally, the boss of 'Fang Yu', who prevented them from chasing love and resented him, now turned to be full of gratitude.

Unintentionally, Lin Xi won a wave of hearts.

The breaking of the sword-light barrier between Shenyun and Fuyun seemed to sound the clarion call for the expansion of all forces in the Jiuyun world.

More sword light barriers were split.

The whole world is about to become complete.

In this overall atmosphere, everything seems to be calm.

However, this kind of calm only stops at Jiuyun World.

On the road of invincibility, disputes and killings began to clamor.

Blue Star is Lin Xi's basic disk, no one can move it, and no one dares to move it.

Other planets, worlds are different.

Fighting is almost everywhere.

There are even planets that are often smashed to pieces in fierce battles.

Countless souls sacrificed their lives in this struggle.

And accompanied by such killing and destruction.

The catastrophe lingering on the road of invincibility became more and more vigorous, and the people's hearts became more impetuous and restless.

This anxiety also affected Blue Star.

"For the third time, the Lion Kingdom has waged an undeclared war against Andi and Xibai, which occupy some special resources, but are relatively weak. Chengguo is also constantly continuing its strength, and conducting military exercises against neighboring countries. The intention is quite obvious... Blue Star is like sitting on a powder keg, at this time... Only you can stand up and stop the war and quell the dispute." A world-renowned pacifist, standing in Linxi In front of him, he had been talking endlessly for half an hour.

But until now, he hasn't said what Lin Xi really wants to hear, which is a pity.

"The blood of gods and demons flows through us, and now we have become gods and demons. The warlike factors of gods and demons are also affecting our emotions. This is the approximate statistics last month. On the entire Blue Star, the Seeing that there are a total of 720 nine practitioners at the ancient level... and I have no expectations for the authenticity of this data. Maybe the real data is much more, maybe three times, maybe five times. Beside Lin Xi, Wei Long, who was temporarily assistant to Lin Xi, crossed his arms and said to the pacifist with a cold expression.

"And these people must all occupy quite high positions in their respective countries, groups, and their respective forms of interest institutions. War is inevitable, and this is what they all look forward to. They all want to get more , It's not that the teacher can stop it with a shot." Wei Long said.

The pacifist showed a look of anger on his face, and hurriedly said: "But if Principal Ye takes action, at least it can be...."

"No at least! My teacher's power is always limited. To say something bluntly, he is more about influence. Influence is something that is useful only if others buy it, and it is useless if you don't buy it..." Wei Wei Long opened his eyes and said nonsense.

In the end, the pacifist left with full of disappointment and grief.

"It's just a pawn being used to test your plan, teacher. Why do you need to meet him in person?" After the others left, Wei Long walked behind Lin Xi, rubbed his shoulders for him, and asked with a smile.

As the founding empress who fought decisively in the spiritual world, Wei Long did not resist or worry about war.

Death, the displacement of countless people, and the destruction of their homes are indeed heartbreaking things, but they cannot affect or hinder her reason.

"I understand. Teacher, you want to use him once to release some false information, so that those who test you will make wrong judgments... Am I right?" Wei Long smiled at Lin Xi asked.

Lin Xi touched his chin.

Then he said: "The little suckling pig roasted yesterday was good, can I make another one today?"

Wei Long stopped her hands, puffed her mouth, and showed a cute expression.

"Okay! Stop pretending, Cheng Guo is the most authoritative female director!" Lin Xi patted Wei Long's hand with a smile, and then said.

Then he got up, took the fish food, and walked to the fish tank.

Those golden-red fish with dragon scales and horns began to writhe violently in the sturdy fish tank.

They disturb the water in the tank and make a mess around them.

However, Lin Xi threw the fish food in his hand into the sky, and two of the fish leaped out, as if they had grown wings behind them, and flew into the air, eating the fish food that made them restless.

"Since there are people who want to fight, let's take them to fight. They always grab food in the fish tank. They are not heroes. If you want to fight, go out and fight. But... first give them some bait..." Lin Xi turned to Wei Wei Long said.

Wei Long heard this and smiled sweetly: "Understood! Teacher!"

 Goodnight everybody!
(End of this chapter)

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