Chapter 151
Before going to Kowloon Island, Han Rong still had one important matter to do. He called Han Sheng and his wife to him and asked Deng Chanyu if he would like to worship under the immortal family and learn Taoism.Deng Chanyu was overjoyed and expressed her opinion on the spot.

For a mortal, it is a dream to be able to enter the fairy gate and become a flying fairy.

Han Sheng felt happy for Deng Chanyu, and hurriedly said, "My son thanked father for Chanyu."

Han Sheng didn't expect Han Rong to be so considerate. Compared to Han Rong, his husband seemed a bit incompetent. He only cared about his own practice, so much so that he forgot Deng Chanyu's feelings.

Thinking of this, Han Sheng cast an apologetic look at Deng Chanyu, who turned a blind eye.

"Chanyu is not an outsider. Both you and Han Bian have entered the Taoist sect. Her aptitude is far superior to yours. How can she become an ordinary person like a pearl."

Han Rong's goal is to create a family of cultivators. Deng Chanyu has a powerful magic weapon like the five-light stone in her hands. Once she masters the spell, her achievements may far surpass Han Sheng and Han Bian. I have high hopes for her.

Deng Chanyu was very happy in her heart, she quickly thanked her and said: "Thank you for your compliment, father-in-law."

She knew that Han Rong had great supernatural powers, and if she opened her mouth, her wish would definitely come true, but she was a woman, and the other party was an elder, so how could she open her mouth.Han Sheng, who counted on the elm-headed man to understand his own thoughts, might not be able to do so in this life.

Fortunately, I didn't mention it, Han Rong had already made arrangements in his heart, and now he can finally feel at ease, and he doesn't have to envy Han Sheng anymore.

At Sanshanguan, Deng Chanyu practiced martial arts diligently, and never thought about the issue of cultivating immortals. After coming to Xiqi, she saw many gods and masters fighting skills, and she yearned for it.

Han Rong said: "You go back to the camp, pack up and salute, we will leave right away. I'm afraid you will have to leave the camp for a few months after learning from a teacher."

Deng Chanyu nodded, and went out with Han Sheng.

After about half a stick of incense, Deng Chanyu appeared in front of Han Rong with a bundle on her back. Han Rong called the black tiger and explained to Deng Chanyu to ride the black tiger, while he rode Tudun and went straight to Phoenix Mountain.

Han Rong also knew several immortals, the most famous of which were Lu Yue and Shen Gongbao, but these two were obviously not suitable for teaching Deng Chanyu to practice. After much deliberation, Han Rong felt that Princess Longji was the most suitable candidate.

Princess Longji practiced the heavenly route and was not part of the Three Religions. The exercises she learned were the top ones in the world. If Deng Chanyu could worship her as her teacher, it would be a blessing in disguise.

After driving for several hours, the two arrived at the foot of Phoenix Mountain. Han Rong was a frequent visitor here, so he didn't need to report, he went directly into the mountain, crossed the bridge, and didn't stop until the big characters Qingluan Douque.

At this time, the door squeaked and slowly opened, and Princess Longji came out with a smile on her face.

"Han Rong, you haven't come for quite a while!"

While speaking, Long Ji looked at Deng Chanyu curiously, and felt that the other party looked familiar, and there was a bit of suspicion in his eyes, so he asked, "Who is this?"

Han Rong introduced: "She is the daughter-in-law of my eldest son Han Sheng. I brought her here today because I have something to ask."

Facing Princess Longji, Han Rong was not polite at all, because he really regarded Princess Longji as a friend in his heart, not a Taoist friend like Lu Yue and Shen Gongbao.

Deng Chanyu stepped forward and saluted, and said crisply: "Deng Chanyu, junior, I have seen the princess."

Earlier, Deng Chanyu had met Princess Longji on the Xiqi battlefield. Although it had been half a year, she still had a deep memory.Because Princess Longji was wearing a Taoist robe at the time, with a luxurious temperament, standing in the crowd, she seemed to stand out from the crowd.

Princess Longji said with a smile: "It turns out that she is your daughter-in-law, but she was born with a beautiful face! You said something was wrong, maybe it was because of her."

Han Rong nodded and said: "That's right, it's for her business. This child has good aptitude and is a rare piece of jade, but he lacks a brilliant master to teach him. Han begged the princess to accept her as an apprentice and pass on her spells." .”

Princess Longji did not express her opinion on the spot, but instead looked at Deng Chanyu with a smile.Deng Chanyu is also smart in ice and snow, bent her knees, knelt on the ground, and said: "Listen to my father-in-law, the princess is very powerful in Taoism, and is a well-known immortal figure in the world. Take me as an apprentice."

"He's a smart kid."

Princess Longji nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "You are smart, I promise to take you as an apprentice, get up quickly."

Once the long-awaited wish was fulfilled, Deng Chanyu was overjoyed, and quickly thanked: "The disciple thanked the master."

Han Rong smiled and said: "Chanyu, the princess agreed to accept you as an apprentice. It's your good fortune. Why don't you come forward and kowtow a few times to pay homage to your teacher!"

"Chanyu is a woman. How decent is it to kowtow in front of a man like you. There is no need for these complicated etiquettes. Just ask her to offer me a cup of tea, call Master, and just go through the motions."

In this matter, Princess Longji is more open-minded, as long as the two hit it off, there is no need to pay attention to this form.

Deng Chanyu's heart was moved, and she respected Princess Longji a little more.When the three of them entered the courtyard, Deng Chanyu saw a set of tea sets on the stone table with sharp eyes, and hurriedly stepped forward, poured a cup of tea, held it in front of Princess Longji with both hands, and said respectfully: "Master, please drink tea! "

Princess Longji took the tea, took a sip, and said slowly: "Chanyu, since you worshiped under my door and called me master, it is also because of a predestined relationship between us, so I need to give you a meeting gift."

After all, Princess Longji waved her sleeve, and something flew out from the cuff, it was a sword that radiated white light all over, she said with a smile: "This Yaochi white light sword is a gift from my mother, it is a top-grade fairy sword , I will give it to you now, I hope you can make good use of it!"

Princess Longji has three fairy swords in her hand, the first is the Erlong Sword, and the second is the Yaochi White Light Sword. The magical effect of this sword is that it can turn into a white light to attack the opponent according to the master's will, making the opponent hard to defend against.

Deng Chanyu hurriedly said: "Master, this fairy sword is too expensive, I dare not ask for it."

A look of surprise flashed across Princess Longji's face, she turned her gaze to Han Rong, and said with a smile, "My apprentice is an honest person, and for some reason, I was tricked into going to your house and becoming your daughter-in-law of the Han family!"

Deng Chanyu blushed and lowered her head slightly.

Han Rong said to Deng Chanyu: "Give it to me by the elder, I dare not resign. The princess is your master, no matter what important magic weapon, if you give it to you, you will accept it. Don't disappoint her."


Deng Chanyu responded, took the fairy sword, felt a magical power coming from the hilt of the sword, felt joy in her heart, and said gratefully: "The disciple thanked Master."

Princess Longji nodded, and called the fairy who was waiting on the side, and asked her to take Deng Chanyu down to rest.

"Princess, Mr. Han still has important matters to attend to, so he is inconvenient to stay, so he is leaving."

Seeing that Deng Chanyu had successfully worshiped under Princess Longji, Han Rong offered to leave.

Seeing that Han Rong had something important to do, Princess Longji couldn't persuade him to stay, but she still asked him to drink a few cups of fairy wine, and then sent him out of Phoenix Mountain in person.

(End of this chapter)

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