The King of Fortune

Chapter 117 Who Is More Means

Chapter 117 Who Is More Means

The angel brought the imperial decree of King Zhou, and Han Rong's heart stone landed safely. One month later, when Chaoge's reinforcements of [-] troops arrived, at that time, the largest battle would be staged in Xiqi.

The soldiers and horses of Song Guogong and several princes have already left the city. It is expected that they will arrive at the camp within half a month. Everything is under Han Rong's control.

It's just that Han Rong is planning a big battle, and he intends to completely hurt Ji Fa in the first battle. Xiqi is also dishonest. He received a secret letter, and two Taoists went to Xiangfu, and now they are arranged in Mu Zha's residence .

Although he didn't know the names of these two Taoists, judging from their appearance and posture, they were not from the sect of Chanjiao.

As long as it is not the Twelve Immortals of Kunlun, Han Rong can rest assured that no matter where Jiang Ziya invites the two experts to help him, they are all his enemies, and if the other party dies, he will die.

Han Rong was waiting for Jiang Ziya to send troops, but after waiting for a few days, Xiqi City stood still, and he was a little curious.According to Jiang Ziya's urgency, as long as there is a new force to join, he will be eager to fight, but why there is no movement this time, could it be that some conspiracy is brewing.

"Report to father, Xiqi sent a letter of war."

Han Rong's heart relaxed, and he hurriedly said, "Show me the book of battle."

Han Sheng nodded, and presented the book of war with both hands. Han Rong unfolded it, read it quickly, and said with a smile: "I thought there would be no battles to fight this month, but now it seems that the tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not stopping!"

Han Sheng was a little worried and said, "Father, who will help Jiang Ziya this time?"

Long before he came to Daying to help Deng Jiugong, Han Rong had arranged for chess pieces to infiltrate Xiqi City. Although he failed to break into Jiang Ziya's prime minister's mansion, he managed to break into Huang Feihu's mansion, so he received the secret letter immediately.

Han Sheng and Han Bian were unaware of this matter.

"No matter who it is, we will find out after tomorrow's decisive battle."

In this era, when the two armies are fighting, they are very particular about war etiquette. One side invites the battle, and the other side will definitely fight. This is an eternal rule. The Lord will be renounced.

Of course, those were ordinary generals. Prestige generals like Han Rong and Jiang Ziya avoided battles occasionally, but it didn't matter much.

The gods are the same, when they come to the battlefield, they also abide by the rules on the battlefield. Looking at the original book, no matter it is explaining teachings, intercepting teachings, or even Western teachings, the first thing most gods like to do when they appear on the stage is to act Daoge, increase your momentum.

As long as the other party reveals his name, Han Rong is [-]% sure that he can find a way to restrain the other party, except for those old immortals.

Han Sheng's eyes flickered a few times, but he didn't dwell on this topic, "Father, my son has recently studied and used soldiers, and I have quite a lot of experience. If there are some opponents who don't understand, I will ask you, Father."

"You said."

For a son who is willing to make progress, Han Rong is very satisfied, but Han Sheng and Deng Chanyu have been married for several months, and Deng Chanyu is not pregnant yet, which makes Han Rong a little puzzled.

Han Shengdao: "Father, my son has repeatedly analyzed and believes that the time to destroy Xiqi has not yet come. If we launch a war at this time, it is very likely that both sides will suffer, and the gain will not be worth the loss. Why does father insist on using a large number of troops against Xiqi?"

In the past half a year, his side and Xiqi fought several times. Almost every time, Xiqi took the initiative and his side was passive. When his father made a move, it was a war of destroying the country. Han Sheng was puzzled. After his observations in the past few months Among them, my father always strives for success while maintaining stability, so why is this an exception.

Han Rong pondered and said: "Soldiers are impermanent, and water is impermanent. I did this for my father, and I have my own intentions. I can't tell you the inside story for the time being. But you can rationally analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy and us. This is my father's satisfaction."

The Antarctic fairy has already taken action. At this time, he is still sticking to the rules. It is not his own style of doing things. Since Chanjiao wants to get rid of him so much, he uses his power to muddy the water so that those people can't see through the secrets.

Hearing this, Han Sheng was a little disappointed. He was still waiting for his father to clarify his doubts, but his father dismissed him with a word. He didn't dare to say any more, cupped his hands, and retreated.


The next day, when the two armies confronted each other, Han Rong squinted his eyes and looked around Jiang Ziya. One of them was a man with a bird's face and a human body. He was sure that the other party was Yu Yixian.The other was fierce and evil, he didn't know him.

In the original book, wasn't Yu Yixian instigated by Shen Gongbao to go down the mountain to deal with Jiang Ziya, but now he became Jiang Ziya's man? Could this be the butterfly effect caused by himself?

However, the person who intercepted the teaching helped Jiang Ziya, which was interesting, really interesting.

"Jiang Ziya, we will be gone for several days after Phoenix Mountain is gone. Your mental state is recovering well."

Han Rongzong stepped forward and asked Jiang Ziya to come out and answer.

Jiang Ziya was a little embarrassed to speak on this topic, so he said: "Han Rong, I know you have a strong mouth. This is a battlefield, and it depends on your strength. You put aside your desire to fight with words as soon as possible."

Han Rong smiled and said, "Forget it, you and I have fought against each other on this battlefield for so long, in front of your subordinates, Han will save some face for you!"

Jiang Ziya snorted and retreated to the Chinese camp.

As soon as he came back, Ma Yuan wanted to ask for a battle, but Yu Yixian moved faster, even skipping the part of self-recommendation, and stepped out directly.Yang Jian and the others were stunned. This was the first time they had seen such an undisciplined person.

Jiang Ziya couldn't hold back, and gave Yu Yixian a cold look, but didn't speak.

Ma Yuan was almost so angry that he cursed, he came to Xiqi to make a name for himself, but Immortal Yuyi took the lead, if Han Rong died at the hands of Immortal Yuyi, wouldn't his trip be in vain.

"Pindao is the bird king of Penglai Island, and you are Han Rong."

Yu Yixian looked at Han Rong curiously, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Han Rong was able to defeat Jiang Ziya repeatedly on the battlefield. He thought that the opponent had a strange appearance and was similar to himself. Now it seems that he is just an ordinary person.

Jiang Ziya couldn't even deal with an ordinary person, he was extremely incompetent.

Han Rong said: "That's right, since you are the King of Birds, you must recognize Kong Xuan."

Feather Immortal was stunned, and said in confusion: "Who is Kong Xuan, why does Pindao recognize him?"

Han Rong laughed and said, "You don't even know him. It seems that you are a self-proclaimed bird king. You probably have no status in the circle of gods!" Kong Xuan's original image is a peacock, and a peacock is also a bird. Dare to be called the King of Birds, this Immortal Feather Wing has average abilities, but he is overconfident in calling himself the King of Birds, he really is ignorant and fearless.

"you wanna die!"

Feather Wing Immortal was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and instantly jumped into a rage, spreading its wings, and was about to launch a fatal blow to Han Rong.

"Your opponent is not me."

Han Rong's expression was normal, and he immediately ordered Yuan Hong to fight. With Yuan Hong's ability, even if he couldn't defeat Yu Yixian, it would not be a big problem to draw a tie.Of course, Han Rong didn't want to see such a result, so he lent Shui Huo Feng to Yuan Hong.

(End of this chapter)

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