Prehistoric asks the ancestors to call the shots for the Eagle Clan

Chapter 304 Dayu Flood Control and Establishment of Hereditary System

Chapter 304 Dayu Flood Control and Establishment of Hereditary System
Emperor Shun is the last of the five emperors. After the five emperors, the human race will completely become the protagonist of the world.

Therefore, in the era of the last five emperors, the way of heaven will naturally be tested.

And this test is the flood.

Not many years after Emperor Shun succeeded to the throne, heavy rain fell and floods raged.

And somehow, the heavy rain in the sky seems to never end, this year, next year, and every year.

As a result, the flood flooded the sky, the people were displaced, and the world became a swamp country.

"The flood is raging, and the people are suffering. Do you have people who can control the flood?
"Looking at the torrential flood, Emperor Shun asked the tribal leaders under him.

But in the face of this monstrous flood, what can they do?
In desperation, someone recommended Gun to control the flood.

Originally, Emperor Shun didn't believe it too much, but everyone else said that there was no better candidate, so Emperor Shun sent Gun to control the flood.

Gun built soil as a dam and piled up stones as dikes to contain the flood layer by layer in an attempt to trap the flood and achieve the purpose of controlling the flood.

However, the heavy rain in the sky continued, and the flood on the ground could not be diverted. The flood became bigger and bigger, and no matter how big the dam was, it was impossible to completely stop the flood.

In the end, it took nine years, but Gun failed to control the flood.

Instead of controlling the flood, it made the flood worse.

So Emperor Shun was furious, and relegated Gun to Mount Tai (there is also a legend that he was beheaded on Mount Tai), and finally died on Mount Tai.

After Gun's death, the corpse did not rot for three years. Later, Emperor Shun ordered people to open Gun's corpse, and a horned eagle flew out of Gun's belly, and fell to the ground and turned into Yu.

After Yu was born, he asked Emperor Shun for his order, willing to control the flood instead of his father and save the people.

"Unleash Wanmin and Daoxuan, and Yuding will control the flood."

With Dayu's guarantee, Emperor Shun ordered Dayu to control the flood.

Dayu learned the lesson of his father's death, changed the plug into a comb, and diverted water into the sea.

But it is not so easy, the mountains stand along the way, blocking the flood into the sea.

Moreover, there are many places without river channels, and the flood water cannot be released.

So Dayu decided to open a road when he met a mountain, and dig a river when there is no river.

"Wuzhiqi and Fengying, you two assisted Dayu in controlling the flood, clearing the way when encountering mountains, and channeling the flood into the sea.

"After Dayu decided to change the blockage to a comb and divert the flood into the sea, Ying Aotian immediately sent Wuzhiqi and Fengying to assist.

Fengying can open the land into a river and the mountains into a river.Wuzhiqi has the ability to control water and the talent to drive water.

The cooperation of the two can control the flood more easily.

In fact, Fengying, as an eagle family, also has the supernatural ability to control water.

But when it comes to the ability to control water, no one can compare with Wuzhiqi except the first generation of Eagle Clan, the ancestor of water, Wu Gonggong and Dragon Clan.

Even a few second-generation Eagles are a bit worse than Wuzhiqi in terms of water control.

In the original prehistoric times, Wuzhiqi blocked Dayu from controlling the water in the Huai River, and was finally captured and sealed at the foot of Guishan Mountain in the Huai River.

But this time, Ying Aotian sent him to assist Dayu.

In this way, not only can the flood be controlled faster, and the people can be saved from floods, but also part of the merits can be obtained.

Wuzhiqi and Fengying took orders and rushed to the human race immediately to assist Dayu in controlling the water.

With the assistance of Fengying and Wuzhiqi, Dayu's water control went much smoothly.

When the wind eagle meets the mountain, it creates a mountain, and if there is no river, the land becomes a river.

But Wuzhiqi controlled the flood and poured it into the river continuously, and then Fengying and Wuzhiqi worked together to drive the flood into the ocean.

During this process, there were also some mountain spirits and grass monsters blocking the way, preventing Dayu from controlling the water.

Some mountain gods even obstructed Dayu's water control because they didn't want to lose their territory.

But when Wuzhiqi and Fengying came forward, most of them fled.

Only some diehards were beheaded by the two of them directly.

Dayu's flood control process, which should have lasted 13 years, was shortened to just six years.

Dayu succeeded in controlling the floods, and the heavens sent merit, and all the people cheered.

Because of Dayu's merits in water control, after Emperor Shun abdicated, everyone elected Dayu as the co-lord of the human race.

After Dayu's death, Dayu's son Qi was elected as the co-lord of the human race.

However, after Qi ascended the throne, he changed the abdication system of the human race, changing the abdication system into a hereditary system, and changing the public world into the family world.

From then on, the first slavery dynasty of the human race - Xia!
After Qi's death, Dakang came to the throne, and then Zhongkang, Xiang, Shaokang, Ju, Huai, Mang, Xie, Bujiang, Gao, Hie, Kongjia, Gao, Fa, and Jie counted Dayu's seventeen rulers.

Because of Jie's cruelty, Tang, under the plan of the famous prime minister Yi Yin, set up an army to attack Jie.

Tang first attacked Jie's henchmen, Ju Wei and Gu Guo, defeated Kunwu, and then went straight to Mingtiao, an important town in the Xia Dynasty (now east of Fengqiu, Henan, or west of Yuncheng, Shanxi). He was caught up and captured by Tang, and exiled to Nanchao , The Xia Dynasty fell.

A few years later, Jie died in Nanchao.

Tang founded the capital of the country, and the name of the country was Shang.

The Shang Dynasty lasted for nearly 600 years. When Emperor Yi, the father of Shang Zhou King Di Xin, was on the throne, the Shang Dynasty had already declined.

At the end of Emperor Yi's reign, the capital was moved to Yumo (that is, Chaoge). After Emperor Yi's death, Emperor Xin came to the throne, and Emperor Xin became the king of Zhou!
King Zhou was gifted and intelligent, very keen in hearing and seeing, and had extraordinary abilities.

After succeeding to the throne, he paid attention to expanding the territory and sent troops to attack the Dongyi tribes, obtained a large number of captives, and extended the power of the Shang Dynasty to the Yangtze River Basin.

It can be said that the leader brought the Shang Dynasty back from its decline to its peak.

However, because King Zhou conquered east and west, and hurt the interests of slave owners, it caused conflicts within the ruling group.

In the real history (not the Romance of the Gods), the demise of the Shang Dynasty was due to internal conflicts, coupled with the long-term conquest of Dongyi, resulting in a lack of domestic troops. King Wu of Zhou attacked Chaoge when the domestic troops were empty. Defeated by King Wu of Zhou.

Finally, he set himself on fire in Lutai and died!
It can be said that in the real history, King Wu of Zhou was not as majestic and upright as in "Fengshen Yanyi", and Shang Zhou was not as lewd as in "Fengshen Yanyi".

However, King Zhou of Shang did torture severely!
But what we are writing is a mythical story, so it is written according to "Fengshen Yanyi".

On the day of Nuwa's birthday, King Zhou of Shang Dynasty offered sacrifices to Nuwa under the instigation of all officials.

In fact, King Zhou of Shang did not intend to sacrifice to Nuwa at first, after all, the human race now believes in the true father Ying Aotian more.

But he couldn't bear the persuasion of all the officials, so he drove to the Temple of the Holy Mother to worship the Holy Mother of the Human Race, Nuwa Empress.

In fact, this sacrifice is very strange, because whether it is the Xia Dynasty or the Shang Dynasty, or even earlier, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors rarely sacrificed to the Nuwa Empress. It stands to reason that the civil and military officials should not be so concerned about offering sacrifices to the Nuwa Empress.

But luckily, this happened!
(End of this chapter)

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