Rebirth of the City Immortal

Chapter 729 Pass Me A Few Sentences

Chapter 729 Pass me a few words
Another two days passed, and there was still no news from Wen Lizhi.

"Really, we have activated all our power." Fatty Jin bent down and stood under Mo Changsheng's head, explaining cautiously: "Because the other party has never contacted him, so all technical means are useless. We can only find them by hand."

"We don't know the other party's purpose, and we don't dare to act with great fanfare. If this stimulates the other party and causes some unpredictable consequences, then we will regret it."

Mo Changsheng stood on the balcony on the second floor of Huang's villa with his back to Fatty Jin, quietly looking at the sky.

The weather was gloomy, and large gray clouds piled up in the sky, blocking the sun tightly, making the world oppressive.

However, what was more depressing than the sky was Mo Changsheng's mood at the moment.

Five days, five full days!
There was no news for five whole days, which in itself was very, very bad news.

If it was asking for money, the other party should have contacted Huang Jianjun for such a long time. After all, the longer the time dragged on, the Huang family might call the police. But for such a long time, the other party didn't even make a call. Obviously, he or they, For money.

If it is not for money, it can only be for revenge.

Whether it is Huang Jianjun or Wen Lizhi, they are just ordinary people, and they are businessmen with a little money at the top, and neither of them is the kind of mercenary character. At most, they have offended some competitors, but this is just normal business competition, and it is definitely not a deep hatred.

In this way, if the other party is really looking for revenge, then, nine out of ten it is because of him.

This speculation is not only because of this, but also because when Mo Changsheng left Mianshi last time, he gave Wen Lizhi and Huang Jianjun some talismans for self-defense. It was too late to even activate the talisman.

In other words, the person who silently captured Wen Lizhi had at least innate strength.

Thinking of this, Mo Changsheng's face became even more gloomy.

He has quite a lot of enemies, and the number of people who wish to have his skin cramped is even more numerous. However, those guys can only think about it, because they simply don't have the ability to seek revenge from him.

Not to mention him, even if those people want to take revenge on other members of the Mo family, it is not so easy. Not to mention that the Mo family stays in Xianming Mountain most of the time, even when they leave Xianming Mountain, they also have the foundation building strength Dao soldiers are either overtly or covertly protecting them.

Mo Changsheng turned around slowly, wrinkled and didn't look at Fatty Jin, and didn't speak for a while.

He is clear about the situation that Fatty Jin said, and he can understand it very well, but when he thinks of Wen Liya who is emaciated downstairs, when he thinks that his aunt who treats him like a parent is in danger, when he thinks that all of this may be due to He stood up, and the self-blame in Mo Changsheng's heart was like a tide, constantly surging.

In addition to self-blame, a terrifying tyrannical emotion became more and more intense in his heart. He really didn't know how long he could restrain himself if this continued.

Fatty Jin peeked at Mo Changsheng more and more carefully, his heart felt inexplicably cold, and his skin felt a prickly pain like needles.

Swallowing secretly, Fatty Jin couldn't help scolding his mother in his heart: "Ma De, don't let me know who it is, otherwise, I have to let him know, the [-]-style punishment of the Secret Service Bureau [-] !"

"That's Mr. Mo's aunt! Damn it, if something really happens to that one, Mr. Mo will definitely run away!"

This is not a kind person, if he goes berserk, God knows what he will do? !

"Send me a few words."

Suddenly, Mo Changsheng's voice sounded, it was so cold that it almost condensed the air.

Fatty Jin couldn't help but tremble all over, and his heart skipped a beat.

This tone again, this tone again!
Fatty Jin has been dealing with Mo Changsheng for not a day or two, and he is already familiar with him.

Under normal circumstances, Mo Changsheng speaks very peacefully, not condescending, nor pretending to be kind, but when he is in a very bad mood, his tone of voice will change.

Fatty Jin is no stranger to his current tone, because not long ago, when he was angered by the Yuan family and the Cao family and said that he wanted to wipe them out, he used this tone!

Fatty Jin looked up at Mo Changsheng anxiously, with his heart raised high, he said anxiously, "What are you talking about?"

Mo Changsheng's eyes suddenly widened, and a suppressed and violent cold light flashed past:

"First, tell the entire martial arts world that no matter who it is, as long as they can find my aunt, they can ask me to do one thing for him!"

"Second, spread the word to those families who have enmity with me. Starting from today, if there is no news from my aunt for a day, I will randomly select a family every day and kill the three people with the highest cultivation!"

"Don't talk nonsense to me, either they will find someone for me, or I will treat it as something to do with them! I would rather kill three thousand by mistake than let one go!"

"Third, offer a reward to those who have a unique family."

"Acquired martial artist, 1000 million heads per head!"

"Grandmaster Xiantian, one head and one profound level combat skill!"

"Grandmaster Xiantian, one head and one earth-level combat skill!"

"The ancestor of the real person, one head and one heaven-level combat skill!"

"If anyone can kill the Dazheng Patriarch of the Jue family, then I will give him a top-level kung fu technique and a top-level combat skill!"

crazy!The world of martial arts is going crazy!

There was a "buzz" in Fatty Jin's mind, and he was completely confused.

After hearing Mo Changsheng's first sentence, Fatty Jin knew that things were going to be serious. After hearing his second sentence, Fatty Jin's face turned pale, but after hearing his third sentence, Fatty Jin It was completely stupid.

Heaven-level top-level exercises, heaven-level top-level combat skills, then he is the top-level heavenly level!Even the Secret Service Bureau and the Kyushu Realm League can't find a few heaven-level top-level exercises and combat skills!

Not to mention the complete Heaven-level top-level martial arts and combat skills, even the incomplete Heaven-level middle-level or even Heaven-level low-level martial arts and combat skills can set off a bloodbath in the world of martial arts.

Mo Changsheng doesn't care what Fatty Jin thinks, he only knows now that the person who captured his aunt is most likely his enemy, and the suspicion of the Jue family is the biggest, so the Jue family deserves to die.

Perhaps the so-called top-level martial arts and combat skills are extremely precious to people in the martial arts world, and they are worth fighting for their lives, but to him, this kind of thing is nothing at all, and can be created casually. There are so many doors, it's perfect to offer a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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