Chapter 780 Oolong Test Paper
"Linyan, after the college entrance examination is over, I plan to travel abroad. At that time, there will be a movie with a crew that needs to start shooting there. The director has found me and communicated with me. And there are many in this movie. Well-known stars will participate, or you will go with me when the time comes?"

"Think of it as a relaxation after the college entrance examination. You can also meet your favorite stars and take pictures with them. After the filming, I can also accompany you to play around. Although I used to go abroad often, but I've never really played it, mainly because I don't have anyone to accompany me."

Since the last time in Shangri-Da, when Yu Yingjie lost face and was terrified by Lin Yi, he learned from the pain and decided not to provoke such a villain as Lin Yi, but instead spent more time on Chen Linyan's life. body.

Even though Yu Yingjie could clearly feel that since that time, he had managed to get closer to Chen Linyan, and it seemed as if he had been pulled away again.

Over the past few days, he tried to maintain his relationship with Chen Linyan, but he didn't expect the relationship to advance and retreat instead.

But Yu Yingjie still had confidence in himself.

"Let's talk about it when the time comes." Chen Linyan listened to Yu Yingjie's words and said perfunctorily.

If the teacher hadn't asked them to come get the homework, Chen Linyan wouldn't have wanted to come out of the classroom at all. Now she reads every day, burying her head in her studies, and what she wants is to stop her mind from thinking wildly as soon as possible.

"Well, then you think about it, foreign countries are still fun." Yu Yingjie showed a sunny smile, but unfortunately no one appreciated it.

When they were talking, Lin Yi happened to walk past them.

Pass by.

At first Yu Yingjie thought it was just a passing student, but when he saw Lin Yi's face out of the corner of his eye, Yu Yingjie trembled subconsciously.

The shock that Lin Yi brought to him was too great. Seeing Lin Yi again, Yu Yingjie even felt a little scared.

Chen Linyan, who was still thinking about herself, suddenly stopped at the next step she took.

She raised her head suddenly, turned around quickly, and looked at Lin Yi who was walking towards the other end. Chen Linyan bit her lip, her eyes changed again and again, a little complicated and hesitant.

But while she was hesitating, Lin Yi had already disappeared in the corridor.

"Lin Yan, let's go back to the classroom. This homework will be handed out now, and the teacher will explain it later in class."

After Lin Yi left, Yu Yingjie was relieved.

He didn't want to stay here for a moment, he just wanted to be as far away from Lin Yi as possible.

Lin Yi returned to the classroom and took his seat.

In such a simple two or three days, Lin Yi's stomach was already filled with various test papers.

Life in the third year of high school is often based on the test papers. For example, Minghai No. [-] Middle School, where Lin Yi was located, had put up countless slogans as motivational words for the third-year students.

Lin Yi still remembers the banners hanging on the wall of the teaching building of Minghai No. [-] Middle School, "This life is only for the college entrance examination maniac, rushing to the key filial parents", "Blood and sweat without tears, don't fall behind if you lose your skin and flesh", " If you don't fight in the third year of high school, you will live in vain, and if you are not tired in the third year of high school, life will be tasteless."

This kind of banner once amazed the students in the first and second grades of high school, but the students in the third year of high school seemed to be beaten to death all day long.

"A super freshman is here."

"It's rare to be absent from school for three days in the blink of an eye. You are simply a god."

"What super freshman? Last time I got a total score of [-] in the [-]-point exam, can this also be called a super freshman?"

Seeing Lin Yi come in, some students in the class whispered.

Lin Yi had left a deep impression on them before. He dared to defy the teacher openly, and was awarded a pennant by the chief of the police station. What is commendable is that he got very good results and was the first prize in the Haizhou Mathematical Olympiad.

A series of various honors added to his body instantly pushed Lin Yi to the position of the cusp. In addition, on the court that day, in front of countless people, he directly knocked down the extremely arrogant Yi Sicheng with the ball. Everyone was excited and refreshed, which made Lin Yi a man of the school.

But then, Lin Yi didn't come to class for a month, and he disappeared without even taking the monthly exam. At first, some people guessed that something was wrong with Lin Yi, but when the results of the comprehensive exam came out a few days ago, he couldn't let him go. Few people were disappointed with Lin Yi, and felt that he was not worthy of his name.

Jingzhou No. [-] Middle School is full of talents, and the quality and level of teaching are quite high. No matter how bad the students are, they still have good grades.

As for the student group, the difference between good students and bad students is based on academic performance, but now that Lin Yili's comprehensive grades come out, the impression of him in many people's hearts has changed a lot in an instant.

It's just that because Lin Yi is very good at beating people, they didn't dare to shout loudly, but they just looked at Lin Yi's eyes and became quite playful.

Listening to the voices of people around, Lin Yi also found the exam paper that was taken a few days ago from among the balls of papers in the belly of the table.

"This paper is not mine."

Lin Yi realized the problem the moment he saw the paper.

Both the handwriting and the answers written at that time were quite different from Lin Yi's impression. Lin Yi looked at the column of the name and found it was blank.

"I didn't write my name on the test paper after I finished it that day, probably because I confused it with other people's test papers, so this 150-point test paper came into my hands."

Wanting to understand all the reasons, Lin Yi put away the paper.

For this point, Lin Yi is indeed somewhat responsible, after all, he forgot to write down his name.

Not long after, the class bell rang, and Yang Bai walked into the classroom and began to give lectures.

When he saw Lin Yi appearing on the seat, he was stunned for a moment, a little surprised, and then recovered.

After one class, Yang Bai originally wanted to talk to Lin Yi alone. After all, a student who repeatedly skipped classes for no reason and was still a senior in high school was really shameful.

It's just that he fell in front of Lin Yi, and stopped talking when he reached his mouth. He just looked at Lin Yi and said: "Since you are back, then call your mother. I thought something happened to you before." , I called her and asked her."

After saying this, Yang Bo shook his head when he saw that Lin Yi treated him neither salty nor indifferent, and walked out of the classroom.

"It's a pity. I have such a high talent in mathematics, but I can only get a score of 150 in the comprehensive test of science. No wonder I didn't take the last monthly test. It's probably because I was worried that the score in the test was too low."

Yang Bai talked to himself, feeling a little worried and melancholy.

He didn't look down on Lin Yi because of this, but he felt that it was a pity that such a good seedling didn't take classes seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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